Antonis Alexandridis

Αντώνης Αλεξανδρίδης

  Antonis Alexandridis is a Research Director at the IIT in the NCSR Demokritos in Athens, Greece.

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Book chapters



Dr. Antonis Alexandridis is Research Director and Head of Wireless Communications Laboratory (WiCom) of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of Greek National Research Centre “Demokritos” (NCSRD). He received the diploma in Electrical Engineering from Technical University of Patras, Greece (1985), and the Ph.D. degree from the same University (1992). From 1987 to 1994 he was with Digital Telecommunications Lab of IIT as a research associate in the area of spread spectrum systems and CDMA networks. From 1995 to 1997 he was as senior associate researcher in Mobile Communications Lab of IIT mainly working on propagation modeling and measurements. Since 1997 he is with WiCom lab of IIT working in the broad area of electromagnetic radiation and antenna technologies, first as a Researcher, since 2002 as Senior Researcher and since 2008 as Research Director. Since 1999 he is responsible for the operation of the electromagnetic measurements facilities for antenna characterization (RF anechoic chamber) of the IIT, forwarding research activities on EMC, electromagnetic radiation and antenna measurement methodologies. He has significant theoretical and experimental expertise in technology of antennas and electromagnetic wave propagation.He has participated as senior researcher in more than 20 European ICT and Security projects. He has a significant experience in managing and coordinating R&D projects under National and European Programs. Among these projects there are two European Networks of Excellence: "Antennas Centre of Excellence" (ACE-1 and ACE-2). In these specific projects leading European organizations and internationally recognized scientists cooperated in research and technology development of antennas. He is the Project manager for NCSRD in the DELHILA project, funded by European Space Agency (ESA) aiming in the design and development of a deployable reflector antenna that operates in X-band. His research interests include mobile communications, propagation models, spread spectrum systems and CDMA techniques, EMC measurements, human exposure to EM fields, interaction between human body and mobile terminal antennas, reconfigurable antenna technologies, textile antennas and wearable communication systems, reflector antennas. He has published over 100 refereed journals and conference proceeding papers and has received over 1000 citations for his work. His research work includes also a significant number of technical reports and studies prepared in the frame of European and National research projects. He is also co-owner of a patent on textile antennas. 

*Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications | **National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos"