Writer identification is a behavioural handwriting-based recognition modality which proceeds by matching unknown handwritings against a database of samples with known authorship and it is considered today as a hot and promising topic of research. Therefore, writer identification recently has been studied and it has a wide variety of applications, such as security, financial activity, forensic and used as access control. Especially, analysis of handwritten documents has great bearing on the criminal justice systems.
Following the successful organization of ICDAR2011 Writer Identification Contest, we propose the organization of a contest for writer identification tecniques on the framework of ICFHR2012, in order to record recent advances in the field of writer identification. We plan to create a benchmarking dataset of binary handwritten document images and use a common evaluation methodology in order to test and compare the submitted algorithms for writer identification. These documents will be written in two languages (English and Greek). Part of this dataset (experimental dataset) will be provided to the contest participants just after registering.
We invite all researchers in the field of writer identification to register and participate in ICFHR 2012 Writer Identification Contest. An agreement will be signed by the participants and the organizers in order to protect the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the submitted software. The description of the methods and the evaluation scores will be presented during a dedicated ICFHR2012 contest session. A report on the competition will be published in the ICFHR2012 conference proceedings.
Note: You may participate in this contest even if you do not plan to attend the ICFHR 2012 conference.
G. Louloudis, B.Gatos and N. Stamatopoulos,
National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Greece