the old old big old big old old big big old big old big old old big big big dog heard the old big old big old old dog the big old old big old old old big big big old old old old old old big big old old old old dog heard the big cat the big old big old cat saw the old big old big big old big big old big old old old old old big big dog the big old old old old big big big old big old old old big cat heard the big old big old big big old dog the big old cat saw the big big big big big big old old old big old old old old old big old big dog the old big big old big old old old old old old big old big dog saw the old big big old big old dog the old old big old old big old old big old old big big big big big cat saw the big old old cat the old big big old big big big old big big big big big big big big old old big old big dog slept the big big old big big old big old old old big old dog saw the old big big big old old old dog the big big old big old old old big old old big big old old cat heard the big old big big old dog the old big big old big old old old big big dog saw the old big old old old big big old old cat the old old big big old old old big dog heard the big old big old big big big big big big cat the old big old big old big big big old old old big big big big cat heard the big old big cat the old old old old old big big big cat heard the old old old old old big old old old old cat the old old big big big old old old big dog saw the big old old old old old old old old dog the old big old old old big old big dog saw the big old old old old old old old big big dog the big big old old old old big old old old old cat heard the old old old big big big dog the old big dog heard the big big old old old big big old old big old big old old big cat the big cat saw the big old big big old big old big old big big old old old old big dog the old big big big old old old old old old old big big dog saw the old old old big cat the big big old big old big old big big big old big cat heard the old big big old old dog the old big big old cat saw the old big big big old old old old big old big big big cat the old big big big big big cat heard the old big old old big old big big old old old dog the old big cat saw the old old big big big old big old old big big old big big old cat the big old old old big big big old big big big big dog saw the old big big big big cat the old big big big old big big old old old big big big big big cat saw the big old dog the big big old old big old old old old old cat heard the big big old big old big big dog the old big old dog heard the old old big big old big big big old old big big big old dog the big old big old dog saw the big old old old big old big big old big old old big dog the big big big old big old old old old old old big big big big big old dog saw the cat the old big old big big big old old big big old big cat heard the big old old old old cat the big big dog heard the old big big big big big old old big big big big big old old dog the big old old big big big big big big dog heard the old big big old old big old big cat the big old old old old big old old old old big old old old big dog heard the big old dog the big big old big big dog heard the big old old big big old old big big old big cat the old big old big cat heard the old old old old old big big old big big big old cat the old cat heard the old big big old old big old old big big big old big big big cat the old big old dog heard the big big old old old old old old old big big big old cat the old big old old dog saw the old big old big old big big big old old big old cat the old big old big big cat heard the old big old old big big big old big old big cat the big old big old big big old old cat saw the big big big big big big big big dog the old big old old big big big dog heard the old old old big old old old big big dog the big old big big dog saw the big big old old big old big old big old old old dog the old old big big old old old old old big big old dog saw the old big big big dog the big big big big big big old big old old big old old big old dog saw the big dog the big old big old big big old cat heard the big old big big big old big old big dog the big dog saw the old big big big big old old old old old big big old old old dog the big big old big old old big old old big cat heard the big big big big old old cat the big big big big big old big big cat saw the big big big old old old old big dog the old big big old old big old old old dog saw the big old old big big old big dog the big big old old old big big big dog heard the big big old old big old big big dog the big big big cat saw the old old big big old old old big old big big big old dog the big big old old big big old big old cat heard the old old big old big big big cat the big big big old big big old old big old big old old old dog heard the big old dog the big old old old old old big old big old big old big big big dog heard the big dog the old old old dog saw the big old big big big old old big big old big big big cat the big big old old old big old old big old old big big old old big old old dog slept the big old big big big big cat saw the old old big big old old old old old big dog the big old big big big old big big big big old dog heard the old big big old old dog the dog heard the old old old big big big old big big old big old old big old big dog the old old old big big big big big dog heard the old big old old big big old old dog the big big old old big big old old old big big old dog saw the big big big old dog the old old big big old big old old old big big big old cat saw the big old old cat the big old old big old big cat saw the big old big old old big big big old old dog the big old old big old big dog saw the old old old old big big old big big dog the old big big old big big old big big old dog saw the old big big old big dog the old old old old old old big big big old old old big big old cat saw the cat the big big old old big old dog heard the old old old big old big big big big dog the old big old old big old big old old old big old big cat heard the old old cat the old old old old big big big old old old old old big dog heard the old old dog the old cat saw the big old old big big old old old big big big big old old cat the old big old big old big old dog saw the big old old big old old big big cat the old old big big old big big cat saw the big old old big big big old big cat the cat heard the old old old old old old big big big old big old old big big dog the old old old old cat heard the big old old old old big big big old old big cat the old big big big old old big big old big big dog saw the big big old big dog the big big big big old big big old big big dog heard the big big old big big cat the cat saw the old big big old old big big big old big big big big big big cat the big old big old old old big big big big old cat saw the old old old old dog the old old old old old old big big old big big big big big big old big cat ate the big cat heard the big old big big old big big old old old old old old old cat the big big big big old big big old old big big big big big old cat heard the dog the big big big old old old old old old cat heard the old big big big old big dog the old big old big big old big old old big big big cat heard the old big big cat the old old big old dog saw the old old old old big big old old big old old cat the big big old big old old big old old old old big dog saw the old big big dog the old old big old big big old big big cat heard the old big big old big big dog the old big big big old old big dog heard the old old old old big big old big cat the big big big old old big big big big cat heard the big big big big old big cat the big old big old old big old old old big old old old old old dog saw the dog the big big cat saw the old big old big old old big big old old big old old dog the old old old old big big old old big old dog heard the big big big big old dog the old big big old old old big old old dog saw the old old old big old old dog the old old big old old old old old old big big old old cat saw the old old dog the old old old big old big old old old big big old big big old big old dog slept the old big old big old old old old big old big dog heard the old old big big cat the big big old old big old old dog saw the big big big big old old big big dog the old old old big big big old big old big big big big old dog saw the old cat the big big old big old big old dog heard the old old old big old old old old dog the big big old big big cat heard the old big big big big big big old big big dog the big old old old big old big big big old dog saw the old big old big old cat the old big big big big big old big dog heard the old old old old old old big dog the big big old old old big cat saw the old old old old big big big old big dog the big old old big dog saw the big big big old big old old old old big big dog the old big big cat saw the big big old old old old old old old big old big cat the old old old big big big big big big big old cat heard the big big old big dog the big old old big old old old big old big old old big cat heard the old big dog the big big old big old big big big old old big old dog heard the big old big dog the big old old old big old old big dog heard the big big old big big big big cat the old dog saw the old old old big old big old big big big big old old old cat the old big old big big old old big old big old old old old old dog heard the dog the old big cat saw the old old old big old old big big old big old big old cat the old big old old big old big big big old big big big old dog saw the big dog the old old big old cat saw the big old old big old big old old old big old dog the old old old old old old big old big old old dog saw the big old old old cat the big old old old old old old cat heard the old big big big big old big big dog the old old old big old big cat saw the big big big big big old old big big dog the big cat saw the old big big old big old old big big old old big old old dog the old old big cat saw the big old old old big big old old big big big big cat the big big old big big big old old old old old big old dog saw the old old dog the old old old big big big big old old big old old dog saw the big old old cat the big big big big big old big big big old big big big old big big old dog slept the old old old old big big big old dog saw the big old old big big old big cat the old old old old big big big old old big big big old big old cat heard the dog the old big old big big old old big big big dog saw the old old big old dog the dog heard the old old big big old big old old old old big big old old cat the big big big old big big old old big old big old big old dog heard the dog the big old dog heard the old big big old old old big old big big big big cat the old big big old old big big old old old old big old big dog heard the cat the big old big dog heard the old old old big old big old big big big big cat the dog heard the big big old big old big old old old old old old big old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old old big big big old big old old dog the old big big old old old old old old old old big old old cat saw the cat the big old old old old big old big big big dog heard the big old big old dog the old old big old old old big big old old big big old big dog saw the dog the old dog heard the big big big big old old big big big old big old big cat the dog heard the old big old big old big big big old big old old big big dog the old big big big big old cat heard the big big old old big old old big cat the old big big old big dog heard the big old big old old big big big old dog the old big dog heard the old big big old old big old old old big big big cat the old big old big big old old old big old big big cat heard the big big cat the big big big old old old old big old big big big dog heard the old big dog the old big old old big old old old big big old big cat saw the big big cat the big cat heard the old big big big big old big big old big old old big dog the old big old old old big big big big big big big big old cat heard the dog the big big old old big big cat saw the big old big old old big old old dog the big cat saw the big big old big old old big old old old big old old cat the cat saw the big big big big big old old old big old old old big old dog the cat saw the big old big old old big old big old old big big big old dog the old old big big big big big old cat heard the old big big big old big dog the old old big big big old old old dog saw the big big big old big big cat the big old big old big big big old big big big cat heard the big big old dog the old old old old big old cat heard the old old old big big big old old dog the old big old big old big dog saw the big old big big big old old big cat the old old old old big big old old big big old old old big cat heard the cat the big big big old old dog saw the big old old old big big big old old dog the old big old old old big old big big big old old old big dog heard the cat the old big old big big old big old old old old cat saw the old old old cat the old big old cat heard the old big big big big old big old old big old cat the old big big old big big old dog saw the old big old old big big big dog the old big old old big big old old big big old old big cat saw the big dog the old old big big old old big big big big old big old big dog saw the cat the big big dog saw the big big big old old old big big big big old big dog the old old big old old old big big big big big big old big cat heard the dog the dog heard the old big big big old big old old big old old old old big cat the old old big big old big old big old big big dog heard the big old big cat the old old big big big old big old cat heard the big old big big big old cat the big old big cat saw the old old big big big big old old big big big dog the big old big old big big big big dog saw the old old big big old big dog the big big old old old dog heard the old big old big old big big old big cat the old big old big old old cat heard the big big old old big big big old dog the big big dog heard the big old old big big big big big big old big old dog the big big big big big big old old big old big cat saw the big old big cat the big big big old old big old big dog heard the big old big big old big cat the big old big big big big old old cat heard the big old old big big big cat the big big big big dog saw the old old old old big old old big old big dog the old big big old big old big old old old big old big cat saw the big dog the old cat saw the big old big old old big big old big old old big big cat the big big big old big cat heard the big big big old big old big old old cat the big big big big big big big old big big dog heard the big big old big dog the old old big old big big big old old big old big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big big dog saw the big old big big big big big old big cat the big big old big big old old big old big old old old big dog saw the dog the old old big big big big old big big old big old old cat heard the old dog the big big old old big big old big old old big old dog saw the big old cat the old big old big big old big big old dog heard the old old big old big cat the old big old big old big old old big cat saw the big big old old old cat the old cat saw the big old old big old big big big old big big old big cat the big big old big big old big cat heard the big old old big old old big dog the old old big big old old dog heard the big old big old big big old big cat the old big old old big big big old big big cat heard the old old old big dog the old old big big big old big old cat saw the big old old big big big dog the old big big big big cat heard the big big big old big old old old big dog the big old old big big dog heard the big big old big big old old big big dog the big old big old old big dog heard the big old old old big old old old cat the big old old big cat heard the old old old big big big old big big big dog the big old old old old old big big big big old cat heard the big old old cat the big old old big old dog heard the big big big old big big old old big cat the big big big big big big old big big old cat heard the old big old big dog the big big big big big big old cat heard the big old big big big big old cat the big big big old big cat heard the big old old old big big old old big cat the big old old big big big old big old old old old old big big old cat slept the old old big dog heard the old big old big big big big old big big big cat the big big dog heard the old old big big big old big big big old old old dog the big old old old old old big big old big dog heard the big big old old dog the big dog saw the old old old old big big big big old old big old big cat the big old old big dog saw the old big big big big big big old old old cat the big dog heard the big old old big old old old big big old old old old dog the big big old big big old big big cat saw the old old big old big old cat the old big big big big old big old old big big dog heard the big old old dog the old big big big dog heard the big big old old big big big big big big cat the big old big old old old big big dog heard the old old big old old big cat the big big big old big dog saw the big old old old big big big big big dog the big old old big big big old old big big big big big big old big cat slept the old big big big old old big big old old old big cat heard the old big dog the old old big old old old cat heard the old old big big big big big big cat the old big old big old old old big old old big big big old cat heard the dog the old big big big big old old big big old big old old old old big dog slept the old big big old old big big old big big old big cat heard the old big cat the old old dog saw the old big big big old big old big big big old old cat the cat heard the old old old old big old old big big big big old big big cat the old old big old big big old big old old old big big cat saw the old cat the old old old big big big old big dog saw the big big big big old old cat the big big big dog heard the old big big old big big big big old old big cat the old big old old old old big dog saw the old big old big big old old dog the big big big old old old old old old old cat heard the old old big big cat the old dog saw the big big old old big old old old big big old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old big old big big big big old old old old cat the big old old big big big big dog heard the big old old old old old big cat the big big old old old big old big old old old old old cat heard the big cat the big big big old big old big big big old old big big old old big cat ate the big old dog heard the big big old old big old big old big big old old cat the old big cat heard the old big big old old big old old old big big big cat the big old big big big big big old big big old dog saw the big big old dog the big big old big old old big big big cat saw the old old old big big dog the big big cat saw the old old big old old old big old old big big big dog the old old big big old big old big old dog heard the big big old old big cat the big big old old big big old big cat saw the big old old big big big cat the big old big old old big big big dog heard the big big big old old big dog the big big big big old big old big old big old old cat heard the big big dog the old big big big big old cat heard the big old old old old old big old cat the old big dog heard the old big big big big big old old big big old old dog the old cat saw the old big old old big old big big old big big old old dog the old big old old old cat heard the old big big big old old big old big cat the old old old big old cat heard the old old old old big old big old old dog the old big big old big old old big big old big old big old old old cat ate the big big old old big big old cat heard the big old old old old big big cat the big old big old old dog saw the old old big old old old big old old dog the old big big big big big big big big big big old big dog saw the big cat the old old old old big big cat saw the old big old old big old old old cat the old old big old big old big big big big cat heard the big big old cat the big big big big big big big big old old cat saw the old big big dog the big cat heard the old big big old old big big big old big big old dog the old dog saw the big old big old big old old old old old big old cat the old old dog heard the big big old big big big old old old big big cat the big old big big dog heard the old big old old old big old old big cat the big big big old old old big big old old old old old dog heard the dog the old big big big big big big big big cat heard the old big big old dog the old big big old cat saw the big old old big big old old big big cat the big big big old old big big big old big big old old old big cat ate the old big old old cat saw the old old big big old big big big old dog the big old old big old old big big big old old old dog heard the old dog the old big big old big old big old big old old big dog heard the old cat the old old big old old big old cat heard the big big old big big big cat the old big big big old old big big big cat heard the old big old big cat the big old old big big big big old cat saw the old old old old big cat the old old old big old old old dog saw the big old big old old big dog the big old old old big big cat saw the big old old old old big old dog the big old old cat heard the old old old old old old old old big old cat the old big old big big old big dog saw the big big old big big big dog the old old big big old big cat heard the old old big big old big big dog the cat heard the old old big old old old old big big old old old big cat the old old big big old old big old dog saw the big old big big big dog the old big big old old big big cat saw the big big old big big big dog the big big big old big big dog heard the old big big big old old big cat the old dog heard the big big big big big old old old big old big old cat the old big old old old big old old old old old big big cat heard the dog the old old old old old big old big old old big big dog heard the big dog the big big cat saw the old big old old old old old old big big old cat the old big old big old cat saw the big big big big big old old big cat the big old old big old big old big big big dog saw the old big big dog the old old old big old big big old big big old old big dog heard the cat the big old big big cat saw the old big old big big old old old big dog the big big old big old big big big old old dog saw the big old big cat the big old old old big old cat heard the big old big big big big old dog the big old old big big old big big old big old big old dog saw the dog the big old big big old big big big big big cat heard the big big old dog the big old big old big big old big dog heard the big big old big old cat the dog heard the big big big old old big old old big big old old big dog the old old big old old dog saw the old big big old big old old big dog the old old big big big big big big cat heard the old old old old big cat the big dog saw the big big big big big big old old big old old old cat the big old old old dog saw the big old big big big old old old old cat the old old old old old big cat heard the old big old old old big old dog the old dog heard the old old old old big big old old big old old old dog the old big big old big old big old big old big dog saw the big old cat the old big big big big old old old old old big dog heard the big old cat the old old old big old dog saw the old big old big old big big old cat the big big big old old big cat saw the big big big big old old old dog the big big old big old old old big old old old old old dog saw the dog the old big old cat saw the old old old big old big old old old old dog the old old old old old big old cat heard the old old big big old old cat the big cat saw the old big big old big old old old old old old big cat the big old big dog saw the big big old old old old big big old big dog the big old old old old old big old big big cat heard the old old old cat the cat heard the big big old big big old old old big old big old big cat the old big big old big big cat saw the old old old old big old big cat the big old old big big old old old old old big big cat heard the old dog the big big big big old big old old old big big old cat saw the old dog the big big old old big old big old old big old big big cat saw the dog the big big old big old big old big big cat saw the big old old old dog the big big big big big big big big old big big dog heard the old old cat the old big big old old old old big cat saw the big old old big old dog the big cat heard the big big big big old big big old big big big old dog the big old old old dog saw the old old big big big old big old old dog the old old big big big old old old big old old old big big big dog ate the old old big old old old old big old cat saw the big big big big cat the big old old big big old cat heard the old old big old big big big cat the big old old old old big old big old old big big cat saw the old cat the big old old big old old big old old old old big old old old dog ate the old old old old big old big old big old big old old cat saw the dog the old old old big big old big big old cat heard the old big old big cat the old old old dog heard the old old big old old old old old old big cat the cat saw the old big old old big big big big big old big old big cat the old dog heard the big big big old big old big old old big old big cat the cat heard the old big big big big old big big old old big big big cat the old old big old big old old big big old old big old dog saw the cat the big big big big old big big old big big old big cat saw the big cat the big big big big old old old old cat saw the old old big big old dog the big old big big cat heard the old old big old big old big old old dog the old big big old old big old old old big dog heard the big big old cat the big big big old cat saw the big old old old big big old big old dog the old old cat heard the old big big old old big old old old big big cat the big big big big old big big cat heard the old old old old old big cat the old old big old big big big old cat heard the big old big big big cat the old big big old big big old old big old big old big big big cat ate the old big big old old old old old big cat saw the old old big big dog the old old big old old old old old old big cat saw the old old big dog the old big dog heard the old old old old big old big big old big big dog the old big dog saw the old big old big big big big old big old big dog the big big old big big cat saw the old old old big old old old old cat the old dog heard the big old old old big big big old big old old old cat the big old old old old big big big cat heard the big old old old old dog the big big big old old old old big big old old dog heard the old big dog the big old big big big old big old big cat saw the big old big old dog the old big big old big old dog saw the big big big big big big big dog the big big old old old old cat saw the old big big big old big big dog the old old old big old big big old big old big dog saw the big old cat the cat saw the old old big old old old old old big big old big old cat the old big old old cat heard the old big old big old big big big old dog the cat heard the old old big old old big old big old big old big big dog the big old old old big big old cat heard the big big big old old old dog the big big old big big big dog heard the old big big old old big old dog the old old old old big old big old big old dog saw the big old old dog the dog saw the big big big big old old old old big old big big big cat the big big big big old big big big big old big old old old big cat ate the old big old big old big cat saw the big big big big old old old dog the big old old big big big big old big old dog saw the big old old cat the old old old old dog heard the big big big big big old old big big cat the old big big old dog heard the old old big old old big big big big dog the old old big big old dog saw the big big big big big old old big dog the old old old big big dog heard the big big big old big big big old cat the old big old old old old old old big old old old big cat heard the cat the big old big old old big cat saw the big old big big old old old dog the big dog saw the old old old big old big big old old old big big cat the old dog heard the big big big old big big big big big old big old cat the old big old big dog saw the big big big big big old big old big cat the big cat saw the big old old big old big big big big big big old cat the old old old cat saw the big big old old old big big big old big dog the old old big big old big old old old big old big dog saw the old cat the old old old big old big big big big big big big cat saw the big cat the dog saw the old big old big big big old big old old big old old dog the cat saw the big old old big big big big big big big old old big dog the big old old big old old old old big dog heard the big old old big cat the old old big old old old big old cat heard the old old old big big dog the dog saw the big old big old old big old big old big old old big cat the old big dog saw the big big big big old old big big big old old cat the cat saw the big big big old big old big old big big big old old dog the big big old old big old big big old big big big cat heard the old cat the big old old big big big old old cat heard the old big old big big dog the old big big big old old big big big big old big dog saw the old cat the old old big big big old big old dog saw the big old big old old dog the cat saw the big old old old big old big old old old old old old cat the big old big big old big big big big big old old old dog saw the cat the old old old big big old old old old big big cat heard the old old dog the old old old old old big old old old old big old dog heard the big dog the old big cat saw the old old old old old big old old big big old dog the dog heard the old big big big old old big old old big big big big cat the old old old cat heard the big old old old big big old old big old cat the old big old old big cat heard the old big old old big big big big dog the old big old old big old big dog heard the big big big old old big cat the big big big big big big old old big big old big dog saw the big cat the big big old old big big old big old big dog saw the big big old dog the big old old big old old big big big dog heard the old big old big cat the old dog heard the old old old big old old old old big big old old cat the old old big old old cat heard the old old old old old big old old dog the old old big old big old old big big big cat heard the big old old cat the old old big old big big cat heard the old old old big big big big dog the big old big big big old big old old old big big dog heard the old dog the big big old old big old big old big dog saw the old old big old dog the big big old old big big big big big cat heard the big big big big cat the old old old old cat heard the big old old old big old old old big dog the old old big big big cat saw the old big old old old old big old dog the cat saw the big old big old old old big big old old old old big dog the big old big big big cat saw the big big old big old old old old dog the big old dog saw the old big big old old old old old big big big dog the big big big old old dog saw the big old big big big big big big dog the big old big big old old old big big big big old dog saw the old dog the old big big dog heard the big big old big old old big old big old dog the old big old old big old big old old big old big dog saw the big cat the big big old big dog heard the old old old old old old old big old dog the big big big big big old old dog heard the old big old big big old cat the old big cat heard the big big big old old old big old big old old dog the big big big old big old old big old old big dog heard the old big dog the big big big big old big cat saw the big old old old big big big cat the old big old old cat saw the big old big big old big old big old dog the big big big old big big big big old old big big old cat heard the cat the old old big big cat heard the old big old old big big big big old dog the old cat saw the old old old big big big big old old old old old cat the big big big big old big big old old big big big old old old dog slept the old old big cat saw the old old old old big old old old big big cat the old old old big big old big big old big dog saw the big old old dog the big old big old old big big old old old big old dog saw the old dog the old big big big cat heard the big big old old big big old big big cat the big old big old big big big old old dog heard the old old big old cat the big old old big big old dog saw the old old big big old big old dog the big old big old big old old old old cat heard the old big old big dog the big big big old old big old old dog saw the big big big big old dog the old big big big big big big cat saw the old big big big old big cat the big big big old cat heard the old big old old old big old big big cat the big big old big big old old cat heard the big big old big old old cat the old old big big big dog saw the big old big old old old big big dog the old old old big big big big old big big cat heard the big big big cat the big big old cat saw the big old old old old big old big big big cat the big big old dog heard the big big old old big old old big old big dog the big dog saw the old old old big old old old old old old big old cat the old old old old big old cat saw the big big old old old old old dog the old big big old old old old old big cat saw the big big big old dog the big old old big old old old big cat saw the big big big big old dog the big big old old big big big old old cat saw the big old old big dog the dog saw the big old old old big big old old big big old old big dog the old big old old old dog saw the old old old big old big big big cat the big old old dog heard the old big big old big old big old big old cat the old big big big old big big old cat heard the old big big big old dog the big old dog heard the old big old old big big big old old old old cat the old old big old old old old old big old old cat saw the big old dog the big big old big old old old old big big old big cat heard the old dog the big big cat heard the big big old big old big big big old old big dog the big dog saw the old old old big old old old old big old old old dog the old big old old dog saw the old big old old old old big big old cat the dog saw the big old big big big old big big old big old old big dog the big old old cat heard the old old big old big old old old big big cat the big old big old cat heard the big big old old big big old old old cat the old old big cat saw the old old big old big old old old old old dog the big old old big old big cat heard the big old old old old big old dog the dog heard the big old big big old old big old old big big old big dog the big old big old big old big big big big big dog heard the old big dog the old old big big dog saw the big big old big old big big old old cat the big big old big big old big big big big cat saw the old big big cat the old big old big big cat heard the old old old old old big old big cat the big old dog heard the old big old big big big old big big big old cat the big old old old dog saw the big big big old old big old big old cat the big old big old dog saw the old old old big old old big old old cat the old big old big big dog heard the big big big big old old big big cat the old big big old old old old big big old old dog saw the big big dog the big big big old old old cat heard the old big old old old old old dog the big big big dog heard the big big old old big big big old old old dog the big old old old old old big old old old old old old dog saw the dog the big big old old big big big big old big old dog saw the old big dog the cat heard the big big big old old big old big old big old big old cat the big big dog saw the old old big big old old old old big old big dog the old big old old big big big dog saw the old big old old big old dog the big big big big big big big big big big dog heard the big big big cat the old big big old old big big big big old cat saw the old old old cat the big big big old big big big dog heard the old big old big big big cat the big big big dog saw the big big big old big old big big old old cat the cat saw the big old old old old big big big old old big big old dog the old dog saw the big big old big old old old big old big big old cat the old big big old old old old big old big cat heard the old big old dog the old old old old old big big old old cat saw the old big big old cat the old big big big old old big old old old old cat heard the big big cat the big big big big big old old big dog heard the big big old big cat the old big big old big big big big big old old big dog saw the cat the big big big old old old old big dog heard the old big big old dog the old big dog heard the old big big big old big big big big big dog the old old big old old dog heard the old big old old old old big cat the old big old old big big big big big cat saw the big big big cat the big old big big dog saw the old old big big old old big old cat the old big big old big big big big big big big cat saw the old dog the old big big big big dog saw the old old old old old old old dog the big big old big big big dog heard the big big big big old old cat the old old old cat saw the old old big old big old old old old dog the old big old old big old big old big dog heard the old big old cat the big dog heard the big big big big big big big big big old old cat the big big big cat saw the old big old big old old old old old dog the old big old old old big old big old old old dog heard the old dog the big old dog saw the old old old old old old big big big old dog the big old big old old old big big old big big big old old dog slept the dog heard the big old old big old old old big big old big big cat the big cat heard the old big big big big big big big old big big cat the old big old big old big old cat heard the old old old big old dog the old big big big old big big big old old big old dog saw the cat the big old old big dog saw the big old big old old big big big dog the old big cat heard the big big big old big old big big big big dog the big old big old old big old old old big old big dog saw the dog the old old big old big big dog saw the old old old big old old dog the big old big big old big big big old cat saw the big old big cat the old big old dog saw the big big old big old big old big big cat the dog saw the old big old big big old old big old big big big dog the old big big old big big big big big cat saw the big big old cat the big big cat heard the old old big big big old big big big big dog the big old old dog saw the big old big old old big old big big cat the big old big big old old big old big dog saw the old old old dog the big big big big big dog saw the big old old big big old old dog the old big big big old big old big old cat heard the big old big cat the old old big big old old old big old old old cat saw the old cat the big big big big cat saw the old old old old big big big old cat the old old dog heard the big big old big big old big big old old cat the big old old big old old big old cat saw the big big big old dog the cat saw the old big old big big old big old big old old big cat the old big big cat saw the old old old old old old old big big cat the big dog heard the old old old old big big old old big big old dog the big big dog saw the big old big big big big old old old old dog the old old cat saw the big big old big old big big big big old cat the big big big big big old old big cat saw the big big old big dog the big big big old big old old big old big old cat heard the old dog the old big old big old old dog saw the old big old old big big dog the old big old old old big cat heard the big old old big big big dog the big old old big old big old cat heard the old old big old big dog the big big big big old cat saw the big big big old old big big cat the old big big old old big big big old old old old cat heard the cat the big old big old big big old big old cat saw the old big old cat the old dog saw the old big old old old big big big big old big dog the big big old old big old old cat saw the big old old old old cat the big old old old old big dog saw the big big big old big big cat the big big old big old dog saw the old old big big big big big cat the old big old old cat heard the big old old old old big big old cat the big old old old old dog saw the big old old big old big big dog the cat saw the big big big old big big big big old big old big cat the big big big big old big cat saw the old old big big old big dog the old big big big cat heard the big big old old old big old old dog the old old big cat heard the big big big big big big big old old dog the big big old big big big dog saw the old old big big old old cat the old old big big big cat saw the old old big old old big old cat the dog heard the old old big old old big old old big old big big dog the cat saw the old big old big big big big old big old big big dog the old dog saw the big big big old old big big old big big old dog the old old big old old big dog saw the big old big big big old dog the old old cat heard the big old big old big big big old big old cat the big big old old big cat saw the old big old old old big big cat the old old big big old cat heard the old big old old old big old cat the cat heard the old old big old big old old old big old old old dog the big old big old old old big big big dog saw the big old old dog the big old big big old big big big dog heard the old big old old cat the old old old big old old big big big old old old big big dog slept the big old old big big dog heard the big big old big big old big dog the old old old old old old cat heard the big big old old old big dog the big big dog heard the old old big old old old big big big big cat the old big old big big old old big big big old old dog heard the dog the big old old old old old big big big old cat saw the old big dog the old old cat heard the big big big big old big old big big old dog the old old big big old big big big big big old cat saw the old cat the dog saw the old big old big big big old big big big big old dog the big old big old old old big old old old dog heard the old big dog the old big old dog saw the old big big old big big big big old dog the old big old old old dog heard the old old old big big old big dog the old big old cat saw the big big big old old big big old old cat the big big big big old big old old big big big big dog saw the dog the big big old big old old big big cat heard the big old big big cat the old big big old old old old dog saw the old big old big old dog the dog saw the big big big big old old big old big big big old cat the old dog heard the big old big big big big old big old big old cat the old big big big big old dog saw the old old old big old big dog the old old old old old big big old big big big big dog saw the cat the old big big old cat heard the old old old big big big old old dog the old big old dog saw the old big big big big big old big big dog the big old dog saw the big old old big old old big old old old dog the dog heard the old old big big big old old big old old old big cat the big old old big big big big old old big dog saw the old big cat the big big old big dog saw the old big old big big big big old dog the old big big big old cat heard the big big big big old big big cat the big old big big old big old old old dog saw the big old big dog the big big big old big big old old big big big big dog heard the dog the big big old big old old old old old old big old dog saw the dog the old old dog saw the old big old big old big big big old big dog the old old big old big cat saw the big big old big old big old cat the old dog saw the old big old old big old old big big big big dog the big big big old big big cat saw the big old old big big big cat the big big old old old old dog heard the old old old old big big dog the old big dog saw the big big big big big big old big big old cat the old big big big old old dog heard the big big old big old old cat the big big big old big big big big big old old big cat saw the dog the big big old old big old old old old old big old cat saw the dog the old old old old big old cat saw the big old big big big old cat the big old big big big big old cat saw the big old big big old cat the old big big old old old big old old big cat heard the old old cat the old old cat heard the old old big old old big old big big old dog the old old big big big old old big old big big dog heard the old cat the old big big old old big dog saw the old old old old old old cat the big old big big old old big dog saw the big old big big old cat the old old big big old old old big old old old cat heard the old cat the old old big big big old old old old big cat saw the old old cat the old big old old big old big old big big big cat saw the old cat the big big big old old old old old cat heard the old big old big dog the old old old dog heard the old big big big big big big big old dog the big big big old old old old big old old big old cat saw the dog the old big big old big big big big old old big dog heard the old cat the dog heard the big big old old big big old big big old old old dog the old big cat heard the old old old old old old old old old big cat the old big big old old old dog saw the big big big old big big cat the old big big big old old big big old old old big big big dog slept the old old cat heard the big old old old old big big old big big dog the big big old old old big old old old old old old cat heard the dog the big big old big cat saw the old old big old old big old old dog the old big big old big big big big big big big old dog saw the dog the cat saw the old old big big old big big big big old big old dog the dog heard the big old big old old old big old old big old old cat the dog heard the big big big old old old big old big old old old cat the big old old old dog saw the big big big big big big big old dog the big old cat heard the old old old old old old old big old old cat the big old old cat heard the big old old old big big old big old cat the big old cat saw the big old big big old old big big old old dog the old old old old big big old dog saw the big big old big old cat the old old old old old old big old old big old big dog saw the dog the old big big big old big big old big big cat saw the old old dog the old old big big big big big big old dog saw the big old big cat the big big old old old big cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old old old old old big old dog heard the old old big old old cat the dog heard the old big big big old big old old old old big old cat the old old old old big dog saw the old big old big big big old dog the old big old cat heard the big big big old big big old big old dog the old dog saw the old big old big old old big old old big old cat the big old big big old dog saw the big old big big old big big dog the big big big old old old big dog heard the big big big old old dog the old big big big old big cat saw the big old old old big big dog the old cat saw the big old old old big old big big big big old dog the big cat heard the old big old old big old big big big big old dog the big big big old cat heard the big big old big big old old big dog the big big old old big old cat heard the big old big old old old cat the old big dog heard the old old big old old old old old big big dog the old big big big big big old old cat heard the big old big old dog the big old old old dog heard the big old old big big big big big cat the big old big big big big old big old old big big dog saw the dog the old old old old old old big big old big big old cat saw the dog the old old big big cat saw the old big old big old big big old cat the old big old big big big big dog saw the old big old big old cat the old old old old old old big big old dog saw the old old old cat the big dog saw the old big big big big big big old old big old cat the big old big big old dog saw the big big old old big old old cat the big cat heard the old big old big old old old big big big old cat the old old big big cat heard the old big old big big old big old cat the big dog heard the old old big big big big big old big big big dog the old big old old old big old big old big old cat saw the big cat the cat saw the big big old old old old big old old big old big dog the cat heard the big big big big big big old big old old big old dog the old old big big big old cat heard the big old old big old old dog the old big old old big big big big big big dog heard the old big dog the big big big old old dog heard the big old big old old big big dog the big big big big old big cat heard the old big big big old old cat the old old old cat heard the old old old big big old old big big dog the big big big old old old dog heard the old big big old big big cat the old big big old cat saw the old big old old old big big old dog the big old big big old big old old big old big big big big cat ate the big big big cat saw the old big big big old big big big old dog the big old dog saw the big old big old old big big big old old cat the old big big old big old old big old big old old dog saw the dog the old old old big big old old old old big old big dog heard the dog the big old big cat heard the big old old old old big big big old cat the big old old big big old big big old big dog saw the big big dog the old old big big old old old big old old dog saw the old big cat the old old big old old old cat saw the old big big big old old dog the big old old old big big old old old big dog saw the old big dog the big big big old cat heard the old big old big old big old old dog the old old dog heard the old old big big old old old old old old dog the big big big big big big cat saw the old big old big old big dog the big cat heard the big old big big old big big old old old big cat the old old old old old cat heard the old big old old old old old dog the old old big big old big big big big old dog heard the old old cat the big old big old old dog saw the big old big old old old big dog the big old old old big cat heard the old old big old big big old dog the old big old big old big old big old big old old cat heard the dog the old big old dog saw the old old old big big old old old old dog the old big big old old old old old big big big cat saw the big dog the big big old old old big big dog heard the old old old big old dog the old old big old old big old big big dog saw the big old big cat the old old old old big big big dog heard the big big old big big dog the old big old old big old big old cat heard the big big big old cat the big old big cat heard the old old old old old big old big big cat the big old old old old big cat saw the old old big old big old dog the big big old cat heard the old old old big old big big old old cat the old big old old big old old big cat heard the big old old big dog the big big big big old big cat heard the big old big old old old cat the old big old old old big big old big big old big cat heard the cat the big big big old big old old cat saw the big big big old old dog the big old big big big big old big big old big big dog saw the dog the old old big big big old big old big old dog saw the old big cat the old old old old cat heard the old old old old old big big old cat the big cat saw the old old old big old old old big old big old dog the old old dog heard the old old old big big old big old old big cat the old old big big old old big dog heard the old big big big big cat the old big old big big dog saw the old old old old old big old dog the old old old big old old old cat heard the big big big old big cat the cat saw the old old old big old old big old old big old big dog the big cat heard the big big old big old big old old big old old cat the old old big big big cat saw the old old big big old old old cat the old big old big dog saw the big old old big old big big big dog the big old big big big old dog saw the old big old old big big cat the old big big big big old old big big cat heard the big old big cat the big big big big old big dog heard the big old big old big big cat the big dog saw the big old old old old old big 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old old old big big cat the old cat heard the big old old big big old old big old big old dog the big big old old big big old dog saw the big old big big big cat the old old cat heard the big old old old big big big old big old dog the old old old big old old old old big old big big cat heard the dog the old old big big old old old old big old big old dog saw the cat the old dog heard the old big big big old old big big big big old cat the old big big big old big old old big dog saw the old old old cat the old dog heard the old old big big big big big big big old old dog the cat saw the big old big big old big old old old big big big dog the dog saw the big old big big old old old big old big old big cat the big old big old cat saw the old big big old old old old old dog the big big cat saw the old big big old big old old old old old cat the old big big big big cat saw the old big big old old big old dog the old old old old old cat saw the old old big old old old old cat the old big big dog saw the big old big old old old big old old dog the old big big old old old old old big big dog heard the old big dog the big old old big cat saw the big old big big old big old big dog the big old big big big old big cat saw the big big old old old dog the old dog saw the big big old big old old old big big big old dog the cat heard the old big big big old big old big big old big old dog the big big old big big cat heard the old old big big big big old dog the old big old big big big old old cat saw the big big old old dog the old big big old big big cat saw the old old big old big old dog the old big dog heard the old old old old old big big old big old cat the old big big old old big big big dog saw the old old big old cat the big old dog saw the big big big old old old big old old old cat the big big old old big old old dog heard the old big big big big cat the old big big big old old big dog saw the big big old big big dog the cat heard the old big big big old big big old 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the big big big cat the big old big old big old old old old big cat heard the big big cat the cat heard the big big old big old big old old old big old old cat the old old big big old old big old big old dog heard the big big cat the big big big big big big old cat saw the big old big big big cat the dog heard the big old old big old big old old old old big old cat the big big cat heard the old big big big old old old old old old cat the old cat heard the old big old big old old old old big old big cat the old old big old dog heard the big big old old big big big old dog the big big old big big old old old old old old old cat heard the dog the old big old big big old big old big cat heard the big big old cat the old old old big old old big big big old cat heard the big old cat the old old old big big old big big old big big dog heard the big cat the old big old big dog saw the old big big old old old old old dog the old cat heard the big big old big big big big old old old old dog the old old old old old old big old dog heard the big big old big dog the big big big old old big old big big old old big cat saw the cat the big old old old big big big big big old big dog heard the old cat the old big old big old dog heard the big big old old old big big dog the big old old old big big big old dog heard the big old old big cat the big cat heard the old big big big old big old old old old big cat the big big old old old big big big old dog saw the old big old cat the cat saw the old big big big old big old old old old big old cat the big old big big old big old old big old old big big old dog ate the big big big cat saw the big big old old big old big big big dog the old big cat heard the old big old old big big old big old big dog the old big old old cat heard the big old old old big big old big dog the big old dog heard the old big big big old old big big big big dog the big big dog heard the old big old big big big big old old big cat the old old big big old old big big big big old big old old dog ate the old big big dog heard the old big big old old old old old big dog the old old old old old old big big old old old old dog heard the cat the old big old big old big big big old old cat saw the old big dog the cat heard the old big big big big big old big old old old big dog the dog saw the big old old old big old big old old old big old cat the big old big cat saw the big big old big old old old old big dog the big big old old old big big big old old big old old big cat ate the big big big old big big old big big old cat saw the old old dog the big old old old big big cat heard the big big old old big big cat the big old old big big big big old old dog saw the big big big cat the old old old big big old big big old big big big cat saw the cat the big old old big old big big big old big dog saw the big old dog the big old old big old old old big big dog saw the old old big cat the big big big old old big old big big big big big dog saw the dog the old old old cat saw the big old old old old big big old old cat the old old old old big cat saw the big old old old old big old dog the old old cat heard the big old big big big big big big big old cat the old old big big big cat saw the big old old old old old old cat the big big big old old old old big old big big old old old dog slept the big old big old old big big old big dog saw the old big old cat the old big big old old old big big old dog saw the big big big dog the big big big big old big dog saw the big old old big big old cat the old old old old big old old big old big old dog heard the big cat the big big big old big old old old old big old old cat heard the cat the old old dog heard the old old old old old old big big old big cat the big big old big cat saw the old big big old big old old old cat the big big big old old old big old old old big old old big dog ate the old old big big big old old old dog saw the old big big big cat the old old old big dog heard the big big big big big old big old dog the old old big old big big old old big big old dog saw the old cat the dog heard the big big big old big old big old big old old big dog the big old old old old big big old big big cat saw the big old cat the old cat heard the old big old old old old old old big old old cat the old old big big cat heard the big big old big old big big big dog the big old old big big old old big old big big old cat saw the cat the big old big big big big big cat saw the old old old old big dog the big old big big big old big cat heard the old old old old big cat the big big old dog heard the old big big big old old big big big dog the dog saw the old big big big big big old big old big big big dog the old old old big cat saw the old old old old big old big old dog the dog heard the old old old old old old big old big big old old dog the old old old old big old big big big old big cat heard the big cat the old old big old old big old old big big old big cat heard the dog the old big old big old old big old old old big big cat saw the dog the big old big big old big dog saw the big big old big big big cat the old big old big old big big big big big old dog heard the old cat the big old old big dog heard the big big old old old big old old dog the cat heard the old big big big old old old old big old old old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old big big big old big big cat the big old old old big big old old old big big cat saw the big cat the big big big cat saw the big old old old old big big old old dog the big old old dog saw the big big old old big big big big big cat the old old old big cat heard the old old big big big old old old cat the big big old big old old big cat heard the big big big old big dog the old old big dog saw the big old old old big big old old old dog the old big old old big big big big big big old dog saw the old dog the old old old big big old big big cat saw the old big big big cat the big big big dog heard the big big big big big old old old big cat the old big old big old old big old big big dog saw the big old cat the old big big old big old dog heard the old old big old big big cat the cat saw the old big old big old old old big big old old big dog the big old big big old dog heard the big big old big old old old cat the big old old big big old big old big dog saw the old big big cat the big old big big big big old big big old big big big big dog slept the old old old big big big big old big old big cat heard the big dog the big old old old old cat heard the big big big old big old old dog the big big old cat heard the old big big big big big old big old cat the old big old old old big big big old old big dog saw the dog the old big old cat saw the big old big big big big old big dog the big big big old big old big big dog saw the big big old dog the big big old old big old big big old cat heard the old big cat the old old old old big old big old big dog heard the big big dog the old big big big old old old big big old big dog saw the cat the big big cat saw the big old big big old old old old big dog the old big old old old old dog saw the old old old big old dog the big big big old dog heard the old old old old big old old cat the big old old big old old big cat heard the old old old old cat the big old big cat saw the old big big old big old big big cat the big old big cat saw the big big big big old old old old dog the big big big old old old big big cat heard the old old big cat the big big old old old old big dog saw the big old old big cat the big big old old old cat heard the big old big big big big cat the old old old big big big big big big cat saw the old big cat the cat heard the big big big big big old big big old big old dog the big dog saw the old old old big big big big big big old cat the old old old big dog heard the old big big old big old old cat the old big old old cat saw the old old old old old big old dog the old old old old big old old big dog heard the big old old dog the old old big cat saw the old old old old big big old big dog the cat saw the old big big big old big big big big old big cat the big big big big cat heard the old old old old old big big cat the old big big big big big big big cat saw the big old big cat the big big cat saw the old old old old big old big old old dog the big old old old dog heard the old big big big old old old cat the dog heard the old old big big old old big old old big old dog the cat heard the big old big old old old big big old old old cat the old old big big big big dog heard the old old big big big cat the old old big cat heard the big old big big old old old old cat the big old old old big old cat heard the big old old big big dog the cat saw the old old big old old old old old big old big dog the old old old big big old big old dog saw the big old big dog the big old old old big big big big big big cat saw the old dog the old old old old old big dog heard the old big old old old dog the big old old big big old big old old old old dog heard the dog the big big old big old old old old big old dog heard the big dog the old big old big cat saw the big big old old old old big dog the big big big big big old old big old old cat saw the big cat the old old old big cat saw the old old old old big old big cat the big old old big dog saw the big big old big old big big cat the old old old big old old big big big cat heard the old old dog the big big old cat saw the big old old big big old big old dog the big old big cat saw the big old big old old old old big dog the old big old old old big big big old big cat saw the big cat the old big big old big old old old old old old cat heard the dog the old old big big dog heard the big big big big big old old cat the big big big old old old old big dog saw the old big big cat the old big old big big old big big big cat saw the old big dog the big old big big old dog heard the big big old big old old cat the big old big big big big big old big old old cat heard the dog the old old big big big old old big old big big cat saw the dog the big old old old cat heard the old old big old old big old cat the big old cat heard the big old big big old big big big big dog the big big old old old big old big cat heard the big big old dog the cat saw the big big big old old big old old big big old dog the big big old old old old old dog heard the old big old big dog the old big big old dog heard the big big big old old big big dog the big old old big big old old big big dog saw the old big cat the old big old big old old big old big big big cat heard the dog the dog saw the old old old old old old big big big old big cat the old old big cat saw the big old big big big big big old dog the big cat saw the big old old big old big old old big old cat the big big old old cat heard the big old big big big old old cat the old old big old old cat heard the old old old big old big dog the old old big old big big old dog heard the old old old old dog the old old big old old cat saw the big old old big old big cat the old old old big big dog saw the big old old big old big dog the old old big old old old big dog heard the old old old big cat the big old big old old big big big cat saw the big big big dog the big old old old old old old cat heard the big old big old cat the old big old cat saw the big old old big big big old big dog the old big cat saw the big big old old big big big big big cat the old old old old old big big dog saw the old big old old cat the big big big old old old big old cat heard the old old old cat the old big old big old big big dog heard the big big old old dog the big old cat heard the old big big old big big big big old dog the cat heard the big big old big big big old big old big big dog the big big old big old old old big dog heard the big old big dog the old old big old cat heard the big big big big old old big cat the dog heard the old old old big big old old big old old big cat the big big big old old big old big big cat heard the big old dog the cat heard the big big old old big old old big big big old cat the big old old big old big dog heard the big big big big old cat the big big old old big big old old old cat saw the big big cat the big big old old big big old old old old big big big cat ate the old old big old dog heard the old big old big big old old cat the big big old old big old big cat saw the big old old big cat the old dog heard the old old old old big big old big big big cat the big old big old old cat saw the old big old big old big dog the old old dog heard the big big old old old big big old old dog the dog saw the old old old old big big big big old old old cat the old big old old big old old big dog heard the old old big dog the old big old old big big big old big dog heard the big big cat the old big big dog heard the old old big big big big big big cat the old cat heard the big big big big big old old big big old dog the big old old big old old old old old old big old old dog slept the old big big old old old big big dog saw the old big old dog the big big old old big old old big big big dog saw the old dog the big big old big big big big old big big old cat saw the dog the big dog saw the big big old big old big old old big big dog the old big big old dog saw the big big big big old old old cat the old old old big big cat saw the old big big big big old dog the old big old dog saw the big old old big old old big big cat the dog saw the big old big old old big old old big old big cat the big old old old old old old old big dog heard the old old dog the old old big big big big old big big old cat heard the old dog the big old big old big old old dog heard the big old old old dog the old big old big big old big old old cat heard the old old cat the old old big old old old big dog saw the big big old big cat the big old big big old old big dog saw the old big big big cat the old big dog saw the big old old old big big old old old dog the big big old big big old dog saw the big old old big big cat the big old big dog heard the old old old big big old big big cat the old old dog heard the old old big old old big big big old dog the big big old big big big old old dog saw the old big old dog the big cat heard the big big big old big big big big big old dog the big big old old big big big old big dog saw the big big dog the old cat heard the old old big big big old old big old big cat the old big old big old old cat heard the old old big old old dog the old old big old old old big big big big old dog saw the cat the old big big old old dog heard the old old old old old big cat the old old old old big old big old cat saw the old old old cat the old big big big old cat heard the old old old big old old cat the old big big big big big big big old old dog heard the old cat the big big big old dog heard the big old big old big old big cat the big old big big old dog saw the big big old big big big dog the big big dog saw the old big big old old big big old big dog the old big big big big old big cat heard the old old old old cat the big old old big big old old old big old dog saw the old cat the cat heard the old old big big old old big old big big old dog the old old old cat saw the big old old old big old big old dog the old old big dog heard the old old old big old old old old dog the old old old big old big cat saw the old big big old big cat the big big big old big old old dog heard the big old big big cat the big old old old old big big old big big cat heard the old dog the cat heard the big big big old big old old old old big old cat the old old old big dog saw the old big big old big old old dog the big dog heard the big old big big big big big old old big dog the big big old big old old dog heard the old old big old old cat the old big big big big big cat saw the old big old old old dog the big big big old big old big cat saw the big big old old cat the big big big big big cat saw the old big old big old old dog the old old old big big big big big big cat saw the big big cat the old old old big big old dog saw the old big old big old cat the old old old big cat saw the old big old old old old big dog the big big big big old dog saw the big old old big big old cat the big old dog saw the old old old big big big old old old dog the dog heard the big big old old old old big old old big big cat the big old big old dog heard the big big big old old big old cat the old big old big dog saw the big big big big old big big cat the old big big old old old big old big big old dog heard the dog the big old old old old big big old big big old old big dog ate the big old big old old dog saw the old old big old big old cat the big big big big big dog heard the old old big big old big cat the big dog saw the big big big old old big big big big big dog the old old old big big big old dog saw the big old big old dog the old cat saw the big old old old old old old old old old dog the old dog saw the big old old big old old big old old big dog the old dog saw the old old big big big old old old old big dog the old old big old big old old old big old old cat saw the dog the old big old old old old big big cat heard the old big big dog the old dog heard the big big old old old old old old big old dog the old big big big big old big old big old big dog heard the dog the big big big dog heard the old old big old big old old big dog the dog saw the big big old old old big big old big big big cat the old old old old old old cat heard the big old big big big cat the big big big cat heard the big old big old big big big old cat the old big dog heard the old big big old old big old big old cat the big big big big old big cat heard the old old old old old dog the old big old big big big old old big big old cat heard the cat the old big big old old old old big big old big dog saw the dog the big big old old big old big big old old cat saw the big cat the big old big old old old old big dog heard the big big big dog the old old old big dog heard the big old old big big old old dog the old dog saw the old old old old old old big big old old dog the big old old big old old old dog heard the old old big big dog the big big big old old old cat saw the old big big old old dog the old old big big old big big big old big old cat saw the dog the old big old old big cat heard the old old big old big big dog the big dog saw the old big old big big big big old big big cat the big old big big big dog heard the old old big big old big cat the old big big old big old old cat saw the old big old big dog the old old big old old big old big dog heard the big old old cat the old big old big big big old big big cat heard the old old cat the old dog saw the old old big big big big big old big big dog the big old big old old old old big dog saw the old old big cat the old big old cat saw the old big big big big big old big cat the old old big big old big old cat heard the old big big old cat the old big big big old old old old old old big big old cat slept the cat heard the big old big old old old old old big old big cat the old old big big big big big big old big dog saw the old dog the big dog saw the old old big big big big big old old big cat the old old big cat heard the big big big big old old old old cat the big old old big old old big dog heard the old old old big dog the old old old big big old old big old old dog saw the old cat the old big old old big old old old old big big old big dog slept the cat saw the old old old old big big big big big old big cat the old old big big big old old dog heard the big old big big cat the old cat saw the old old old old old old big old big old dog the old big old dog saw the old big big old big old big old dog the big cat saw the old old big big big old big old old big cat the big big old big old big old big old old big cat saw the dog the old big old big old old cat saw the big old old old old cat the old big old big big cat saw the big old old big old big dog the big big dog saw the old old big big old old big old big dog the old big old old old old big big big dog saw the big old cat the dog heard the old old old big old old big old old big old cat the old big old cat heard the big big old old old old old big cat the big big cat saw the big big big big old old old old big dog the old big old old big cat saw the old old old big old old dog the old old old cat heard the old old old big big big old old dog the big old old old old cat saw the old big big old old big cat the cat saw the old old old old big old big big old old old cat the old old old big old old old cat heard the big old old big dog the old big big old old dog saw the old old big old big big dog the old big old old old old cat heard the old big big old old dog the old old old big old old big big old big big cat heard the dog the big old old big old old big big old cat heard the old old dog the big old big cat saw the big big old big big big big old dog the cat heard the old big old big old old old big old old old dog the old big old old big old old old old old big cat saw the cat the big big big old big big dog saw the old big old old old dog the old big big big big big big old old old old big old dog ate the old old big old cat saw the big big big big old old big cat the big big old big old old old big old big cat saw the big cat the old big old big big big dog heard the old big old old big dog the old big big big old big big dog saw the old old old big dog the old old old big big big big big big old old big big cat ate the old big big big old big old dog heard the old big old big dog the big old big big big big big big cat heard the big big old dog the big big cat heard the big old old old old big old old big dog the big old cat saw the big big old big big old old big old dog the old old old old big old old old big old old cat saw the cat the old old big big dog saw the big old big big big big big cat the old old old old dog saw the old big big old big old big dog the old big old big big old big big old cat heard the big old dog the old big old cat saw the big big old big big old big big cat the big big old big big old cat heard the old big old big old cat the old big old old old old cat saw the old big big big old dog the big old big big big old big big dog heard the big old old dog the old old big old old big big old big old big cat saw the dog the big dog heard the big big big big big old big old old old dog the dog saw the big old old old old old old big old old old dog the old old old big old cat heard the big old old old old old cat the big big old dog saw the old old old big old big big old dog the old big dog saw the old old old old big old big old old cat the big old big big old big old old old big big big old dog ate the big old old big old cat heard the big old old big big old cat the big old cat saw the big old old old old big old big old dog the big big old old old big old old old dog saw the big old cat the big old old big big big big old big big cat saw the big cat the big big big old big big cat saw the big old big big old cat the big big old old old old big big big big old old big dog slept the cat heard the old old big old old big big old old big old dog the old old big big big old dog saw the big old old old big dog the big big big big old old old old old big big big old cat ate the old old big big old big old big big old big dog saw the dog the big old big big old old cat saw the old big old big big dog the dog heard the big big old big old old old big old big big dog the old big old old old old old big old cat heard the big big cat the old old old big old big old old old cat heard the big big cat the big old big old old old old big old big big cat heard the dog the big old big big big big old big old big old dog saw the cat the old old big big big big big old big cat heard the big old dog the big big old old cat heard the big big old big big old old dog the old big big big big old big big dog saw the big old big cat the big big big big big cat heard the old big big big old old dog the old old dog heard the big old old old big old old big old dog the old old old big old big cat heard the old big big big big dog the big old old big dog saw the old old old big big old old dog the big dog saw the old old big big old big big old old big cat the old big big big old old old cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old old big big old dog saw the old old big old cat the big old old old big dog saw the big big big old big big cat the big old big big old big big big old old big cat heard the cat the big big big big big dog saw the big old big old big big cat the old big dog saw the big big big big big old big old big cat the old old old old big big big old big cat heard the old big cat the big big dog heard the old big old big big old old big big dog the big big old old big old big big big old cat saw the big cat the dog heard the old big old big old big old old big old big cat the big old big big big old old big cat heard the big old old cat the old old cat saw the big old old old old old big big old dog the dog heard the old old old big big big big big big big old cat the big big big big big old big dog saw the big old big big cat the big old old big old big old big dog heard the old big old cat the old cat heard the old old big old old big old big old big cat the old old old big old big cat heard the big big big big old cat the big big big cat saw the old old big old big old old old dog the old dog saw the old big big old old old big old old old cat the big old big big old old cat heard the old old old old old dog the old big old old old big cat saw the big big big old big dog the big old big big big big old cat heard the old big old old dog the big old big old big big old big old old big dog saw the cat the old big big old big old big old big big big dog saw the dog the old big big old old old big big old big old cat saw the cat the old big big cat saw the old old big big old big old big dog the big big big old old old big big big big old dog saw the dog the big big dog heard the old big old old big big old big old dog the old big old old old old old old old cat saw the big big cat the cat heard the big big big old old big old big old big old cat the old old old old dog heard the old big old old old old big cat the big big big big old big old big cat heard the big big big dog the old cat saw the big big old old old old big old old big dog the old old big big cat saw the big big big old big old big dog the old big old cat heard the big old old big big big old big cat the old old old old big old cat saw the big big big big big cat the old old old big big dog heard the big big big old old old dog the big old big old cat saw the old old old big old old big dog the old old old big big old old dog heard the old old big big cat the big big big big old big big big big big old dog heard the cat the big big old old big old dog saw the old big big big old dog the big big big old old old big old old cat saw the big old dog the big big old big old old old old big dog heard the old big cat the big big old old big old big old dog heard the big big old dog the dog heard the old old big old big old old old big big old cat the old old old cat saw the old old big old big big old old cat the old old big old old old big old big big cat saw the old dog the old big big big old old big old old old old cat heard the dog the big cat heard the big big big old big big big old old big cat the big old big big big cat heard the big big big old old big dog the big old big big cat heard the old big old big old old old dog the old big big dog saw the old old old old old old big big dog the old old big old old dog saw the old big old big old old cat the old big cat heard the old old big old big old old big old dog the big big old big old big big big old old dog saw the old cat the old big big big old old dog heard the old big big big big cat the big old big old big big old old big old big dog saw the cat the big big big dog saw the big big old big old big old big dog the old old old old old big old old old cat saw the big old cat the old old big big old dog saw the old big old old old old cat the old old big old big old old big dog saw the old big old cat the big old big big old big big big big old old big old dog slept the old big big old big big old old old big old big old cat ate the old old old cat heard the old big big big old old big big cat the big old big big old big big old big old cat saw the old cat the old old big big old old old old big big old cat heard the cat the big dog saw the big old old big big old big big old big dog the old old big big dog heard the old old old big old old big dog the old big big big old big big big old big cat saw the big dog the big big big big cat saw the big old big big big big old cat the big big big big old cat saw the old old big old big big cat the big old big big old big big big old dog saw the old big dog the old cat saw the big big old big big old old old big big cat the old big big big old cat heard the big old big big big old dog the big big old big big old old big big old old cat saw the cat the cat heard the old big big old old big old old old old old dog the big big old big big old big cat saw the old old old old cat the big big big big dog saw the old big big big big old old dog the big big old big old big big cat heard the old big big old cat the old dog saw the old old big big big big big old old old dog the old old old big old big dog heard the old big old old old dog the big dog heard the old big big old big old big old old old dog the big old big old cat saw the big big old big big big big cat the big big big old old big old big big big cat saw the big cat the big old big big old big old old big cat saw the big big dog the old big old big big old big big cat heard the big old big cat the dog heard the old big old old old old big big old big big dog the dog heard the big old old big old big old big big big old dog the dog saw the old big big old big old big old big old big cat the big big dog heard the big big old big old big old old big dog the old old big old big dog saw the old big big big old old cat the old old big cat heard the big big old old old old big big dog the old old big old big old old cat saw the old old old old dog the big big big dog saw the big old big big big old old big cat the old old big old old old old old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big big big old old big big big old old old dog slept the old old cat heard the big old big big old old big big big cat the old old old old old big big old big old cat saw the big cat the old big old old big old big big dog heard the big old old cat the old big cat saw the old old big old big big old big big cat the big cat saw the big big big old big old big big big old dog the old big old old big old big old big dog heard the old old cat the big old cat heard the big old old old old old old old old cat the big big big old big big big old old dog saw the big big cat the big old big big big dog heard the big big old big big old cat the old big big big old cat saw the old old big old old old dog the old dog saw the old big old old big old big big old old cat the big big old old old big old old old old big old old dog slept the big dog heard the big big big big big big old big old big cat the old big old old big big old old big big old cat heard the dog the dog heard the old big old big old big big old old big old dog the big old old dog saw the old old old old big old old old cat the cat heard the old big big old old old old old big big old cat the dog heard the big old big big big old big big big big old cat the old old dog saw the big old old big old old old old old dog the old big big old old old big big old big old old old dog ate the big big big old big old big big old old cat saw the old dog the big big big big old big old big big big dog saw the big cat the old big cat heard the old big big big big old old big big cat the old big old old cat saw the old old big big big old old cat the old cat heard the old big big old old old old old big big dog the big big old big big big dog heard the old old old old old dog the old cat saw the big big old old big big big old big old cat the big dog heard the big big old old old big old old big big dog the old old big dog heard the old big old old old big old old dog the old big old big old big big old old dog heard the big old cat the big big big old old old old old big dog saw the old big dog the big old big big big old big dog heard the big old big big dog the dog saw the big big old old big big old big old big old cat the old big big big big old big big old big dog saw the big cat the big old big big big big old old old big cat saw the big cat the old big big big big old old dog saw the old old big old cat the big big old big old old old old old big old old big dog slept the big old big big old big big big old dog heard the big old cat the old old old old big big big big big cat saw the old big cat the old old dog saw the big old big big big old big old old dog the big big cat heard the old big big big old old old big big cat the old dog saw the big big big old old big old old old old dog the old old old old old old old cat saw the old old big big dog the big old old old old old big big big big old dog saw the dog the cat saw the big old big old old big big old big old big cat the big old cat heard the old old big big old big big old old cat the old big old old old dog heard the big old big old big old dog the big big big old big big old old cat saw the old big old cat the old big big old old old old cat heard the big old old old dog the old old old old cat heard the big old big old big old big dog the big big big big dog heard the old big old big old big old cat the old big dog heard the big old old big old big old old old cat the dog heard the big old old big old old old big old old big dog the dog heard the old big big old old old old old big big old dog the big big big old dog saw the big old old big old big big cat the old big big big big big big old old big old dog saw the dog the big old old big old big old old old cat heard the old big cat the big old old old old old big old old cat saw the big old dog the dog saw the old old old big big big big big old big old cat the big big big big cat saw the big old old big big old big cat the old big old big old big old big cat saw the big old old dog the dog heard the big old old big big old old old big big old cat the old big big old big big old big cat heard the old old big cat the big old old big big old big old big cat saw the old old dog the big big cat saw the old old old big old big old old big cat the big big big old old big old big dog heard the old big big dog the big old old big old cat heard the old old old big old big dog the big big old old big dog heard the old old old old old old dog the old old cat saw the big old big old old big old big big cat the dog saw the big big old old big big big big old big old dog the big big big dog saw the old big old big big big big old cat the dog heard the old big old big big old big big big old big cat the big big big big old old big dog saw the big old big big dog the old old cat heard the old big old big big old old old old cat the old dog saw the big big old big big old big old old old dog the old old cat saw the old big big old big big big big big cat the big old big big old big big cat heard the big old big old dog the big big old big old old old cat saw the old old big big dog the old big big dog heard the big old big old big old big big cat the old big cat heard the big big old old big big big big old dog the old old big cat heard the big old big old big big big old dog the old big big big big big big big dog saw the old old old cat the big big big big big big cat heard the big old old big big dog the old old big old big big big big old big big big old cat slept the old big big cat heard the old big old big big old old old cat the big big big big old big old old big old old cat heard the dog the old old dog saw the old big old big big old big big big cat the old big big old big old big big big big big old big cat slept the big cat saw the big old big big big old big old old big dog the big old big big old big old big big old dog saw the big dog the old old big old old big dog saw the old old old old big cat the big dog saw the old big big big old big big old big big cat the old old big big big cat saw the old old old big old old cat the old old old big big old old big dog heard the big big old dog the big old old big cat saw the old old big big old big old dog the big big big big big dog saw the big old big old old old cat the big old old big big old big cat heard the old big big old dog the big cat saw the old big big old big old big big old big cat the big cat saw the big big old big big big old old old old dog the old old old old old big old big old dog saw the big old dog the old big big big big big big big old big dog heard the old dog the old old dog heard the old old big big big old big old big cat the big big old big old big old big big old dog heard the old dog the big big old big old old old old old old old dog saw the dog the big big old old cat heard the old big old old big old old dog the cat saw the big big old big old old big big old old old dog the big old big old old old old big cat saw the old old big cat the old old old old big old old big cat saw the big old old dog the old big old big big big dog heard the old old old big old cat the old cat heard the old old big old old big big big old big dog the dog heard the big big old old old big big big big old big dog the old big old big old old big big big big cat heard the old dog the old old big old old cat saw the old big big big big old cat the big old old old cat heard the big big big old old old big cat the big big old big big cat saw the old old old old big old cat the big old old big big big big cat saw the big old old old cat the big big old big cat heard the big old big big old old big cat the old big old old big cat heard the big big big big big old cat the big big old big big dog saw the big old old old big big cat the old big big old big big dog heard the big old big big big dog the cat heard the old big old big big big old big big big big dog the old big old old big big cat heard the big big big old big cat the old cat heard the old old old big big old big old old big dog the big cat heard the big old big big big big big old old old dog the big old old old old big big big old old big big big cat ate the old old old big big big old big dog saw the big old big dog the old big old big cat saw the old old old old old old old cat the old big big old big big big big big old dog saw the old dog the old big big old big old old dog heard the big old old big cat the big big old old big old big old old cat saw the big big cat the old old old big dog saw the old big big old big big old cat the old big old cat saw the old old big big big old old old dog the big old big big old old cat heard the big big big old big cat the big big old old old old big old cat saw the old big big dog the big big big big big old big big big big dog saw the old dog the big big old big big big old cat heard the big big big big cat the old big big old big big old old big old old dog heard the cat the big old big old big big cat saw the big old big big old cat the old big big big old dog heard the old old big big old old dog the big big old old big old old big big dog saw the old old cat the big big old old cat saw the big big big old big old old dog the big big old big old big old old big dog heard the old old cat the old big cat saw the big big big old old big big big big dog the big old big big old dog heard the old old big old big big cat the big old old big old big dog saw the big big big big old cat the old big big big old dog saw the big old big old big big dog the old big big big old big old old old old old big big dog ate the big big old big big big big old old dog heard the old old dog the big dog saw the old old big old old old big big old old cat the big big big big big old old cat heard the old big big old dog the old big big old old dog heard the big old big old old old dog the old old big old old old dog saw the old big old big big dog the old cat heard the old old big old big big big big big big dog the cat saw the big big old big old old big old old old big dog the old big old old big old old big dog saw the big big big dog the dog heard the old old old old big big old old big old big cat the big old big old big old cat saw the old big big old big dog the old old big old big old old old big old old big old cat slept the old big big big cat heard the big old big old big big big cat the big cat saw the old big old old old old big big big old dog the old big big old old old old old old big cat saw the big dog the old old big old old dog saw the big big big old old big dog the big old old big old old big old big big old dog heard the dog the old big old big big big big big old big big cat saw the dog the big old big old big old old old big big dog heard the old cat the big old big old big old old old big cat heard the old big dog the old dog saw the big old old big old old old big big old dog the big old old big dog heard the big old big big big big big dog the big big old old big big big big big big dog heard the old cat the big old old big big old dog heard the old old old old old dog the old old old old big old old old old old cat saw the big cat the old old old old big dog heard the old old old old big old cat the old old big big cat heard the old old old old old big big cat the dog saw the big old old old big big big old big old old dog the dog saw the big old old old big big big big big big old cat the big big old cat saw the big old big old big big big big dog the big big dog saw the big old big old big big old big old cat the old old big big old dog saw the old old old old old big cat the old big big big old big old big old big old dog heard the cat the old old old big dog saw the old big big big old big old cat the cat saw the big old big big big big big old big old big dog the big big big old big old old dog heard the big old old big dog the big old big old big big old big dog saw the big big big cat the big old old old big big big cat heard the big old big big dog the old old old old big big big old cat saw the big big big cat the old big big old old old big big old old old dog saw the cat the old big big big old big cat saw the big old big big big dog the old old cat saw the old big old old big big old old big cat the big cat heard the big big big old big old old big old big dog the big big old big old cat heard the old big old big big old cat the old big big big dog saw the big big big old big big old cat the dog heard the old big old big big old big old big old big dog the old big old big big big big big big old old cat saw the cat the old big old big big cat saw the old old big old old big cat the big big big big big cat heard the old big old big old big cat the old old old big big old big dog saw the big old big old dog the big old big big old big old big dog saw the old old big dog the old old old old old old old old big old old dog saw the dog the old big old big dog heard the old old old old old big big dog the old big big big big big big dog saw the big old old old dog the old big old old big old big old big cat heard the big old dog the old big old old old old dog heard the big old old big big dog the dog saw the old old old big old old big big old big big dog the old big big big old big big old big old cat heard the old dog the big dog heard the old big old big old old old big old old cat the big old big old dog heard the old old big big old old big dog the dog heard the big big big big big big old big old old old dog the old big big old old big big old cat heard the old big old cat the big big old big cat heard the old old big old big old old cat the big dog saw the big big old old old big big big old big dog the old big big old big big old old big dog heard the old big dog the big big big big cat heard the old big old old old old big cat the big old old cat heard the old old old old old big old old dog the big big big old old dog saw the big old big big old old dog the big old old big old big old dog saw the old old old big cat the old big big old big big big big cat saw the old old big dog the old big big big old old old big big old dog saw the old cat the old big old big old big dog heard the big big old old old dog the big old cat heard the old big old old old old big old big cat the big old old old old old big big dog heard the old old big cat the big old big big old old old cat saw the big old old big cat the old old old dog heard the big old big old old big old big dog the big old cat saw the old old big big big old big old old cat the old big old dog saw the old old big big old big old big dog the old big big old big old big old cat heard the big old big dog the old big old cat saw the big big old big big big big big cat the cat saw the big old old old old old old old big big old cat the cat saw the old old old old big big old old big old old cat the big big big dog saw the old old big big big old big old cat the big old big old dog saw the big big old big old big big cat the big big old big old cat heard the old big old old old old dog the big big old old big dog saw the old old old old old big dog the old old old old old cat heard the old old old big old big dog the big old big dog saw the big old old big big big old old cat the big big cat saw the old big old old old big old big big dog the big old old old big old big big big big cat heard the big cat the old cat heard the big old big big big old old big old big cat the big big old big old big cat heard the big old big big big cat the big big big old big big big old big dog heard the big big cat the big big cat saw the big old old big old old old old big dog the old dog saw the big big big old old old old old old big dog the big old big big old big big old old big big dog heard the dog the big old big big big big old old cat saw the old old big cat the big big old old big old dog heard the old old big big big cat the old old big old old big big big big old old old old cat ate the big old old cat heard the big big old big big old big old dog the big old big old old big big old old old old dog saw the dog the dog heard the old big big big old old old old big big old dog the big big old big dog heard the old old big big old old big dog the dog heard the old big old big old big big big big big old cat the big old big old old cat saw the old big old big old old cat the old old big old old big old old old big big dog saw the cat the old big big old big cat saw the big old big big old big cat the old big old old big old big dog saw the old old old big dog the big big dog heard the old big big old old old big big big dog the big old old big dog saw the old old old old big old old dog the old old cat heard the big old big old big big old old big cat the old old big big big cat heard the big old old big big big dog the big old big old old old big cat saw the big old old big dog the big big old dog saw the old big old big old big big old cat the old old old old big old old old old big old dog heard the dog the old big old big cat heard the big big old big old old big cat the big big big big old dog heard the old big old old big old cat the big big big old big big old big big cat saw the old old cat the big old cat saw the old old old big old old big old big cat the old old old old big dog saw the big old old old old old cat the big big old big old old big dog saw the old big old old cat the dog saw the old old big big big big old old big big big cat the big old old dog saw the big old big old big old big old cat the big big old cat heard the big old big big old old big big cat the old big old dog heard the old big old old big old old big dog the old big old big old big old old big big cat saw the old dog the big big old big big old old old big dog heard the big big cat the big big old big big old old dog heard the big big big old dog the old big old big big big big old dog heard the old big old dog the old big big big big big old old cat saw the old big old dog the cat saw the old old old big old big big big old old big cat the old big old big big dog heard the big big old old old old dog the big big old old old dog heard the big old old big big old dog the big old big big old big big old big cat saw the old old cat the old big old cat heard the big big old big big old old big dog the dog heard the old big old old big big old old old old big cat the big old cat heard the old big big old big old old old big cat the big big old dog saw the big old old old old big big big dog the big old old old old old old old old old dog heard the big cat the old big old big old cat heard the big big big old old old dog the big dog heard the old old big big big big big old old big cat the old old big old old big dog saw the old old old big old dog the old old big old big big cat heard the big big big big big dog the big big old old dog saw the big old big old big old old cat the big big old big old cat heard the big big big big big old dog the cat heard the big big old big big old big big old big big cat the big old big old old dog heard the big old old old old old cat the big big old old old big cat saw the old big old old old dog the big big old big old big big big dog heard the big old old cat the old big big big big old cat heard the old big big old big dog the big cat saw the big big old old big big old old big old cat the big big old big old cat heard the old big big big big big cat the big big old old old old dog saw the old big old old big dog the big big big big big old old big cat heard the old old old cat the old dog saw the big big old big big old big old old old cat the big old big big old dog heard the old big old old big old cat the old old big old old old cat heard the old old big big big dog the old big old big old old big old old old old dog saw the cat the old big big dog heard the old old big big big old old old cat the big big old big old big old cat saw the old old big big dog the old big cat heard the big big old big old big big old big cat the big old big big big old big big big cat saw the old old dog the cat heard the big big big old big old old big big big old dog the cat heard the big big old big big old big old big big old dog the old big old big old old big old big old dog saw the big cat the big big big big old old big big big big big big old cat slept the old old old big big old big old big old cat saw the big dog the big big big big big old dog saw the big big big old big dog the cat heard the old old old old old big old big old old big dog the big old cat saw the old old old old big big old big old cat the old old old big big dog saw the big big big old old old dog the old old old big big dog saw the old old old big old old cat the old big big old old cat saw the old big old old big big cat the old big big old old old old big big old dog heard the big dog the dog saw the old old big big big big old big big old big dog the cat saw the big old old old old big old old old big old dog the old old big big big big old old big dog heard the old old cat the old old old big old big old big big old dog saw the old dog the old old dog saw the old old old big old big big big old cat the big big old cat heard the big big big big old big big old cat the old old old big old old dog heard the old big old old old cat the big cat heard the big big big old old big big old old old cat the big old big old old dog saw the old big old big old big cat the big big big old old old old old big old old big big dog ate the old old big big old old old old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old cat heard the old big old big big big big big cat the old big old big old old cat saw the old old old old old cat the big big old big big old big cat heard the big old big old cat the big old big big old dog saw the big big big big old old dog the big old big old old big big big cat saw the old big big cat the old big cat saw the big old big old old big big old old cat the old old big old big big big big big big dog saw the old dog the old big dog heard the big big old big big big big old big dog the big old big dog saw the old old big old old old big old dog the old big old old old old old old old old cat saw the old dog the old dog heard the big old old old big old old old big big cat the old big big big old dog saw the old old old big old old dog the old dog saw the old big big big old old big big 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big old old big big dog the big big dog heard the big old big old old big big old big dog the big old big old big old big big big big old cat saw the dog the old old old old big big old big big old old dog saw the cat the old old old big old old big big big big old old big cat ate the big old big old cat saw the big old big big big big old dog the big old old cat saw the big old old old old big big old dog the old old big old big big big big cat saw the big big cat the big big cat saw the big old big big old old big big cat the big cat saw the old old big old big big big big big dog the big big cat heard the big big old big big old big big cat the old old big old old old big old big cat heard the old cat the old big big old big big old old cat saw the big old dog the old old old big old dog heard the old big old big old dog the big old big cat heard the big old old big old old big dog the big big old dog saw the big old old big big old big dog the old big old big big cat saw the old 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big old big big big old dog ate the old old big old cat heard the big old big old big old dog the big big old big old big old big old big dog saw the cat the big old big big old cat saw the old big big old big dog the old old big big dog saw the old old old big big old dog the big big cat saw the big big big old old old old old cat the big cat saw the old old old old big big big big big cat the big big old big old old cat saw the old old old big dog the big old old old big old big cat heard the big big old dog the big old big big cat saw the old old big big big old cat the big big big big big big old old cat saw the big big cat the dog saw the big old big old old big big old big big dog the big big cat saw the big big big old big big old old cat the old big cat heard the big big big big old old big big dog the old big big old cat saw the old old old old big old cat the big big old old old dog heard the big big old old big cat the big big big old big cat saw the old old big big old dog 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cat heard the big big big old cat the big big big big big old big big dog saw the old old cat the old big old old big old old cat heard the old old big dog the big old big cat saw the old big old big old old old dog the old cat heard the old big big big old big old big big cat the old old old big old dog saw the old big big big big cat the big old big old big old big big big old old old cat slept the old big big old big old big cat saw the old big old dog the old big old big big old old old old old old old cat slept the old old cat heard the old old old big old big old old dog the big big big old cat saw the big old big big old big cat the cat saw the old old big old old big big big old big dog the old old cat heard the big big old big old old old old dog the dog saw the old big big big big big old big old old cat the cat saw the old big old big big big big old big old dog the old old old old big dog saw the old old old old old cat the big big cat heard the old old big big big old big big dog the big old big big old big old old cat saw the old big dog the big big old big big old dog saw the old old old big cat the big old old old big big big cat heard the old big old cat the old cat heard the big old big big big old old big old cat the big big big dog heard the old old old old big old old dog the old big cat heard the old old big old big big old big dog the cat saw the old old old big big big big big big big dog the big big old big big dog heard the old big old big old dog the dog saw the big old old old old old old big big old cat the big big big big big old big old big big dog heard the dog the old big old big big old cat saw the old old old old dog the big big big old old big old old old cat heard the old dog the old old big big big old old old dog heard the old big dog the big old old old old big old big old dog saw the old cat the big old big cat heard the old old old big big big old cat the old cat heard the old old big big big old big big big cat the big old old old big old old old big cat saw the big dog the big big big big big big old big dog saw the old big dog the old big old old dog saw the big big old big big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big big old big big old dog the old big big big old old old big old dog saw the big dog the old big old big big big big old old old cat heard the cat the big old big old dog heard the big big big big big old dog the big old big big big old old big cat saw the old old dog the big old old big old old old dog heard the big big big cat the dog saw the old big big old big big big big old old dog the big big old big old old big dog heard the big big old cat the old old old old old old old big big dog heard the old cat the old old old cat saw the old old old big big old big dog the cat heard the big old big old old old old old big old cat the big big cat heard the big old old old old old old old cat the dog heard the big old old old old big old old big old cat the big dog saw the big old old big old old big big old dog the old old big old cat saw the big big old big old old dog the big old old cat saw the old old big big big old big dog the big old old old old dog heard the old big old old big dog the big big old old old old big old old dog saw the old dog the big big big old dog heard the old big old big old old cat the old big dog heard the old old big big big old big old dog the old old old big cat saw the big big big old old big cat the old old big old big big old old cat heard the old old cat the big old old dog saw the old old old big big big old dog the old big cat heard the big big big old old old big old dog the big big old old old old big big cat saw the old old dog the big big big cat heard the big old big old big big old dog the old big big big old big old cat heard the big big old dog the big old old old big big cat saw the old big big big dog the big big big big old dog heard the big big old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old big old big old big big cat the dog heard the big big big old old big big old old big dog the big big big old old old old old dog saw the big old cat the big old big cat heard the old big old old old old big dog the big old big cat saw the old old big big old old big dog the old old big old old old old big old cat saw the big cat the big big old old big big old big cat heard the old old cat the old big old dog heard the big big old old old big big dog the big dog saw the big big big old old old big old big dog the old old big big old big big big old dog heard the big cat the big big old big old big big big big dog heard the old cat the big big old old old old old old cat saw the old old cat the old old big big dog saw the big big old big old old dog the big old big big big cat heard the old big old big old cat the old big old old big old old big old dog heard the big cat the old big big big old cat heard the big old old big old dog the big old big big old old big dog saw the old old big cat the big big old old old old big big big dog saw the big cat the old big cat saw the old old old big old big old big dog the dog saw the big big big old old big old old old old cat the big old old big dog saw the big old old big big old dog the old old old big big old cat saw the old big big big dog the big cat heard the old old old old old old big old big dog the old big old dog heard the big big big big old old big cat the old old big big big dog saw the big big big old old dog the old cat saw the old old old old old big big big old dog the old big big big dog heard the big big big old big big cat the big cat heard the old big big old old old old old big dog the big big old old big big old big cat saw the old old dog the big old old big old old big old big old cat heard the dog the cat saw the old old old big big old big big big old dog the old big big big old cat saw the old old old big old dog the old old old old old old old big big big old old cat slept the big old big old old big big old old big cat heard the cat the big old old big old big big old cat heard the big big cat the big old old old old cat heard the old big old old old dog the old old old big cat heard the big big big old big big cat the old big big old old cat heard the old big big big big dog the big old big big big big old cat heard the old big old dog the old old old old old cat saw the old old big old big cat the old old old big big big dog saw the big old big old cat the old big old big big old old old big cat saw the big dog the big big old old old big cat heard the old old old big dog the big big old big big cat heard the big big big big big dog the big old big old old big big big old cat saw the old cat the old old old old old big big old cat heard the old old cat the old big big old old old big cat saw the big big big cat the old big old old big big dog heard the old big old old cat the big big old old cat heard the big old old big big old cat the big big big big big big old big big big big big dog slept the old old old big old old big cat heard the old old old cat the old big old dog saw the big old old big big big old cat the big big cat saw the big big old old big big old old cat the big old big old old big big old big big cat saw the dog the big big old big big big old big dog heard the big old cat the big old cat saw the old big old old big big big big dog the cat saw the big old big old big big old old big old dog the big old old big big old dog heard the old big old big dog the old old big old big big old big old big dog heard the cat the old old old big dog saw the big big old old old old dog the big big cat heard the big big big big big big old big cat the big old big dog saw the big old old big old old old dog the big big big old big big old dog saw the big big big dog the old old big big big old big big cat saw the old big dog the old old cat heard the big big big old big old old old dog the big big big big old big old big big big big old dog slept the old big old old old big old big cat heard the big old dog the big big big big old cat saw the old big old old old dog the big big old old big old big old old old dog saw the dog the old big big big big big old big big big dog heard the dog the old old big old big big dog heard the big old big old dog the cat saw the big big big old old big old old old old dog the old old big old old cat heard the big old big old old cat the big old old big big old big big old big cat saw the cat the old old old big old old old old old big dog saw the cat the old cat saw the big old old old old big old old big dog the old big big big big big cat heard the big big big big cat the big old big old old old old dog saw the old old big dog the old old old big big old old big big old cat heard the cat the old old big old old big old big cat heard the big big cat the old big old old old old big big cat heard the big big cat the old old old big big old cat heard the big old big old cat the old cat saw the old big old old big big old big big cat the big old big old old big big big old old dog heard the dog the old cat heard the old old big big big old big big old dog the old old old old old old old old old old cat heard the cat the cat saw the big big big old old big big big old old dog the big old old old big big old old old old dog heard the dog the cat saw the old old old big old big old big old old cat the old big cat saw the old old old old big big big old cat the big big big old old big old old big big dog heard the cat the dog saw the old big old old big old big old big old dog the old old old big dog saw the old big big big old big cat the old big old old big old dog heard the big big old old dog the big big old old old old big big old old big old dog ate the big big old big old old big old big dog saw the big dog the old old old big big big old old old old cat heard the dog the big old big old cat heard the old old old big old old cat the big old big big big old cat heard the old big big old dog the big old old big big cat heard the old old old big old cat the old big dog heard the big big big old old big big old dog the big old big big big big old old old cat heard the old cat the old old big old old big dog saw the old big old big cat the old big big old dog heard the big big big big old big cat the cat heard the old old big big old big old big big old dog the big big big big big old big dog heard the old big big dog the old big big big dog heard the big old big big old old dog the old big old big big big big dog saw the big old old cat the big big big old big big big old cat saw the old big dog the big old big old big big old cat heard the old big old cat the big big old big cat saw the big old old old old old dog the big old big old big old old dog heard the big big old dog the big big old big old big old cat heard the old big old dog the old big old big old old big dog heard the old old old dog the big cat saw the big old big old big old big big old cat the old big old big big big old big dog heard the big old cat the big old big big old big big big old big cat saw the cat the big big old big big old old big big big cat saw the cat the old big big cat saw the big old big big big big old cat the big old old old big big big old cat saw the old old cat the old old big old big old old cat heard the big big old dog the big cat heard the big old old old old old old big big cat the big big big big big big big big old old big old dog slept the old big big old old dog heard the big big old old big dog the big old big old old big old dog heard the old old old cat the old dog heard the big old big old big big big big old cat the dog saw the old big big big big old old big big big dog the dog heard the big old big old old big big old big big dog the old big big old big big old old dog saw the big big cat the old dog saw the old old old old old old big old big cat the big old big big big dog heard the big old big old big cat the old cat heard the big big old old old old big old old cat the old old old cat saw the old old big old big old big cat the big old big big old big cat saw the old big big old dog the old big old big old cat heard the old old old old old dog the big big big old old old dog saw the old big old big cat the cat saw the old big old old old big old big big old cat the big old old dog heard the big old big old old big big dog the big old big old big big dog heard the big big big big dog the big old big old old big cat saw the old old big old dog the old big old big old old dog heard the old big big old dog the big big big big old big old big big big cat saw the cat the old old old old dog saw the old big big big big old cat the old big big old big old old big old old old old cat slept the big big big old big big dog heard the old big old old dog the old big old old big big big old old big dog heard the cat the old big big big dog saw the old old big old big big cat the old old cat saw the old big old big old old big old dog the big big old big big big old old old old big old dog slept the old big old dog heard the old old big old big big old dog the dog heard the big big big big big old big big big old cat the big old old big old old big big big dog heard the big cat the big old old big big big big big old cat heard the old cat the big old old old old cat heard the old big big old big dog the old big big old big old old big old big old old dog slept the old big old old old old old old old dog saw the big cat the dog saw the old big big big old old old old big old dog the old big big big dog heard the old old old big big old cat the big old old big big old big old old old cat saw the dog the big old old big big big old big old cat heard the big dog the big old big old big big big old old cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big old big old old old old big old old dog the dog saw the old old big big old old old big big big dog the big old old old old big cat heard the old old old old dog the big old old old big big old old old dog saw the old cat the old big old old old big big old big dog saw the old dog the old big old big big cat saw the old big old old big cat the old big big old old old big old big old old big cat ate the big big old old big old old dog heard the big old old cat the old big old big big old old old dog saw the old big cat the big old big old old dog saw the old big big old big dog the old old big big old old old big big big old old cat ate the old old big big big big dog saw the old old old big dog the old big old old old old dog heard the big big old big cat the cat saw the old old old big old big big old old old cat the cat heard the big big big old old old big old old old dog the old big big big old big cat heard the old old old old dog the old big big big old big cat heard the big old big old cat the big big old big cat saw the old big old old old big dog the big old big big big old old big big old cat heard the dog the dog heard the big old old old old big big old big big cat the old old old old old old big big cat saw the old old dog the old old big old big old cat heard the big big old big cat the old big dog heard the old old old old old old big big cat the old big big dog saw the big big big big old old old cat the big old big big old old dog heard the big old big big cat the big big big old old old big old dog saw the big old cat the big old big big old old big big old old cat heard the cat the cat saw the big big big old old big old old big big cat the cat heard the old old old big old old big big old old cat the old old big big old old big old old old old big cat slept the old old big big big big big old old big big old dog ate the old big big old big old big cat heard the big old big dog the big big big big big cat heard the big big big big old cat the old big dog heard the big big old old old old old big dog the big big big old big big old old old big big old cat ate the big big old old old old big cat heard the big old big cat the big old old old old big dog heard the old big old big dog the old old big cat heard the old old old old old old big dog the big old big big old dog saw the big old old big big dog the big cat saw the old old big old big old big old big dog the big big big old cat heard the big old old big big old dog the old old old old big big old old old cat heard the old dog the old big old old old cat heard the old old old old old cat the old big old big big old old big dog saw the big big dog the big old big big old dog saw the big old big old old cat the big big big old cat heard the big big old old old old cat the old old big cat saw the big old old big big big big cat the big old old old old old old cat heard the old old old dog the old old old old big big old big cat saw the old old dog the big old old old old big big dog heard the big old old dog the big dog saw the old old old old old old big old old cat the old old old big big big old old dog saw the old old cat the dog heard the big big big big old big big big big big cat the old old old old old big cat heard the big old big old cat the old big big big old old old old big dog saw the old dog the big old dog saw the old big big big old old big big cat the old old big old big old big old old big dog saw the dog the big cat heard the old big old old big big big old big dog the old old big old big old old old big big cat heard the cat the big old old big old big big old old big dog heard the cat the old old old big old old dog heard the big big old old dog the big cat saw the old big big old old big big big old dog the old cat saw the old old old big big old old big big cat the old big big old dog heard the big big big big old old dog the old old big old old big dog saw the big big big old cat the big old dog saw the old big big big big big big big cat the old big big dog heard the big old big big big big big cat the big old big old dog heard the big old big old big old dog the big big big old old old cat heard the big old old old dog the big big big big big old big old big dog saw the big cat the old cat heard the big old big old old old old old big cat the old old old big big old big big big old old big dog slept the old big big cat heard the big old big old old big big dog the big big big big old old big big cat saw the big old dog the old big cat heard the old old big big big big big old cat the big big big big old big dog heard the big old old big dog the old old big old old dog heard the big big old old old dog the old old dog saw the old big old old old old old old dog the big big big old dog saw the old old big old old old dog the cat heard the big old old big big big big big big old cat the big big big old old old old big old old dog heard the cat the big big old old dog heard the big big old old big old cat the old old big big big big cat saw the old big old big dog the dog saw the big big big old big old old old old big cat the cat heard the big big old old big big big big old big dog the old big big old big big old big big big dog saw the dog the old old old big big big big big big big cat saw the cat the old big dog saw the old big old big old old big old cat the big big old big old big big dog heard the big big old cat the cat heard the big big big big old old old big old big cat the old old old big old dog heard the big big old big old dog the old cat saw the old old old old big old old old old dog the big big old big old big old big old old cat saw the cat the old old old big dog heard the big old big old old old cat the big big big big big big dog heard the old old old old cat the old cat saw the big big old old old old old old old dog the old old old old old big big dog heard the big old old dog the big big old big old big old big dog heard the big old cat the old big old big big cat saw the big big big big old dog the big big old big old dog heard the old old old big big dog the old big old big old dog saw the big old old big big dog the old big big dog saw the big old old big old old big dog the old old old big old old old big old dog heard the old dog the old old big big cat heard the old old big old big big cat the big big big old big dog heard the old old old big big dog the big old old big big old old old big old dog saw the dog the dog heard the big big old old old old old big big old cat the old old big big old old old old cat heard the old old cat the big big old big big old big old big old big old dog slept the old old big dog saw the big old big big big old old dog the old big old old old big old dog heard the big old old dog the old old old old dog saw the old old big big old big cat the dog heard the big big big big old old old big old old dog the old big old big big big big big big dog heard the big dog the old old old old old big big old old big dog saw the dog the old old big big old big big big big big cat heard the cat the dog saw the big big big old old old big old old old cat the big big old old big cat heard the old old big big big cat the old old old big big big old old big big cat heard the cat the big dog saw the big old big big big big old big big dog the old old cat saw the big big big old big old old big cat the old old old big big old big big dog saw the old big cat the old old big old big old big big big old cat heard the dog the big old old old old big old big old big dog saw the cat the dog saw the old old big big old big old old old old dog the big big big big big big big old dog heard the big big cat the old old big big dog saw the old old big big old big cat the old old old old big big old dog heard the big big old cat the old cat saw the big big big old big old big old old dog the old big old old big big big old old old old big cat slept the big old big old big old old old old old dog saw the dog the old old big old old old big big big old cat saw the dog the big big big old old dog saw the big old old big old dog the old big old old big old old big old old big old cat ate the big old old big old cat saw the old old big old big cat the big big old big cat saw the old big big old big old dog the old big old old old old big big big big big big cat ate the big big old old big old big old big big cat saw the dog the old old old old cat saw the big old big old old old dog the big big old big old cat heard the old old old big old dog the big big big big old big big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old old old big old old big big dog saw the dog the old big cat heard the old old big big big old old old dog the old big old old old old big old dog heard the big big dog the big big big big big big big big cat saw the big big cat the old old big big big old big old dog saw the old big dog the big big old old dog saw the big big big old old old cat the old big cat saw the old big big old big old old old dog the old old big big dog heard the big old big big big old cat the big old big old big old old big cat saw the big big dog the big big big big old old old big old big cat heard the cat the big big big old old big big big cat saw the old big cat the big dog heard the big old big old old big old big old cat the old old old old dog heard the old big big old big old dog the big cat heard the big old big big big old big old old cat the cat saw the old big big old big big big big old big cat the big old dog saw the big old big old big old old big cat the old big big old big dog heard the old big big big big dog the big old old big old big old dog saw the old old big cat the old big big old old old cat saw the big big old big dog the old dog saw the big big big big old old big old big dog the big old big old dog heard the big old old big old old cat the dog heard the big old big big old big old big big big dog the big big old old old old old dog saw the old big big cat the old big dog heard the old big big old old big old big dog the big old big old dog heard the big old big big big big dog the big old old cat heard the big old big old old old big dog the big old old old big big big big cat saw the old old cat the big old dog heard the old old big old old big big old dog the big old big dog heard the old big old old old big old dog the big old old big old big old cat saw the big big big cat the big big big old old big dog heard the old big old old dog the old old big cat heard the big big old big old big big cat the big big old big old old old big big old dog saw the dog the dog heard the big old big big big old big old big old dog the old old big big old big big old old big cat saw the cat the old old old big big cat saw the old big big big big dog the old big old big old old dog saw the big big big old dog the old big old old cat heard the big big big big big big dog the old big big old big big old big dog saw the big big cat the old big big dog saw the big big old old old old old cat the old old big big old big old old old cat heard the old cat the big big old old old big cat saw the old old old big dog the cat heard the big old big big old old big old old old dog the old old big old cat saw the big old big big big big cat the old old big old big old old big big cat saw the big cat the big big old big big big old big cat heard the old old cat the big old big old big big big big old big big old cat slept the big big old big old big old old big dog heard the old dog the big big cat heard the old old big big old old old big dog the big old old big big old old big old old old old dog slept the big big dog heard the big old big old big big big big cat the big old big old old old dog heard the big old big old cat the old old old big big big big big cat saw the big old cat the old big old old old old old cat heard the old big big dog the big big old big big old old big big cat heard the big cat the old cat saw the big big old old old old big old big dog the old big cat heard the old big old old old old old big dog the big old big big old big old old big dog heard the big cat the old cat saw the big big big old big big old old old dog the old old big cat saw the old big big big big big old dog the big old old old cat saw the old big big big big old cat the big big big big old old big big big big old big cat slept the big dog saw the big old big old old big big old big dog the big big old old old big big old big old cat saw the dog the old old big big big big big cat heard the old big big cat the old old big old old big cat saw the big big old old dog the old old big old old old big cat heard the big old big cat the old big big big big big big big big old cat heard the cat the old cat saw the old big big old big big big old big dog the old old dog heard the old big big big old big old big dog the big big big old big big cat saw the big old old old cat the big big old big old old big big cat heard the big big cat the old old big big old big big dog saw the old old old dog the big old big big big big old big dog heard the old big dog the old old big dog heard the big big big old old old big dog the big big big big cat heard the old big old big old big dog the big old dog saw the big big old big big old old old cat the old big big old big big old old cat saw the old big dog the big big old old old old old big big old big big dog slept the old cat saw the old big old old old big big big old dog the big old big old old cat heard the old old big old big cat the old old old big old dog heard the old big old old big dog the big cat saw the old big old old big old old big old dog the dog saw the big big big old old old big big old big cat the old old old big cat saw the big old old old big big cat the big old big old big old big big dog heard the big big dog the old big big old big old big big cat saw the big old dog the cat saw the old old big old big old old big old big cat the big big big old big big old old dog saw the old big dog the old old big big old big cat heard the big big big old cat the old big big old old old old dog saw the old old old cat the old old big old old big 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cat the big old big big old old old big cat heard the old old cat the old dog heard the old old old big big old old big big cat the big big old old old old big cat saw the big big old dog the old big old old old big old big old big big big cat ate the old old big cat saw the big big big big old big old cat the big old old old old big old big old cat heard the big cat the old old old old big big cat heard the old old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old old big old old old big cat the old big big big big big old old dog saw the big big dog the old big old old big old old old old old old big cat ate the cat heard the old old old big big big old big big big dog the old big big dog saw the old old old old old big old cat the old big old big big big dog saw the big big big big cat the big big old big big big big big big big dog saw the cat the old big big big big old old cat heard the old old old cat the old old old old old dog heard the big big big big big cat the old old old old big old old big dog heard the big old cat the cat saw the big old old old old old old big big old cat the old old big big old old old old cat saw the big old cat the old old old big big old cat saw the old big big big cat the big big big big big old old big old big cat saw the dog the dog saw the big big big old old big old old old big dog the big old big big big old big dog saw the old old big cat the big old old big old old dog saw the old old big big dog the big old big big old old big big old cat saw the big cat the old old cat heard the big old old old old old old big cat the big big big old big big old big old big dog heard the cat the old big old big old big old big old big old old dog ate the old big big big big big big cat saw the old big old dog the big old big big old old big old old dog heard the big dog the old big big dog heard the old big big old big big big cat the old big old old big big old old old big cat saw the dog the old big big big big dog heard the old big old big big cat the old old old big old old dog heard the big big big old dog the old big old old big big old cat heard the big old old cat the old old old old dog saw the big old big old old big dog the old old old old old big old dog heard the old old big cat the old big big big old big dog saw the big big old big cat the dog heard the old old old old old big big old old big cat the old big old old old dog saw the old old old big big dog the big cat heard the old old big big big old big big old cat the big big old old cat saw the big old old old big big dog the big old old old old old big big dog heard the big big cat the old big big old big dog saw the big old big big old dog the big old old old big old dog saw the old old old old dog the big old dog heard the old old big big old big old big cat the old big big dog saw the old big big old big big big dog the old old big dog saw the big old big big old old big dog the old cat heard the big big old big big old big old old cat the old big old big cat heard the big big old old old big dog the big old old dog saw the old old big big big big old dog the old big dog heard the old big old old old old big big cat the big big big big big old old old old big old old dog slept the big big old big big old cat heard the big big old old dog the big old old old old old big dog saw the big big big dog the big dog saw the big old old old big old big big big cat the big big old big old big cat saw the big big big old dog the cat heard the old big big big old big big old old old cat the big old old old big old big dog saw the big big old cat the old old old big big old big big old dog heard the old dog the old big big old old big cat heard the old big old old dog the big big old old big dog saw the big big big big old cat the old old big big old old big old big old big old cat slept the old dog heard the big old big big old big big big old dog the big old big old old cat saw the old old big big big cat the cat saw the big big big big old big big big big big cat the dog saw the old big old old big big old big big old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old big big big big cat the old big old old old old big old big cat heard the big cat the old dog heard the big big old big big big big big big dog the old old dog saw the big old old big big big big big dog the old old old big old old dog saw the old big old old dog the big old cat heard the big big old old old old big big dog the big old old dog saw the big big big big big big big cat the big old big old big old big dog saw the old big old cat the old cat heard the big big old big old big old old big dog the big big big old big old old old big cat saw the old cat the big old cat heard the old old old big old old old big cat the old big big old old big big old big old dog saw the dog the old big big old old big big big old big dog saw the cat the old old old big old old old cat saw the old big old dog the old old old old big old old old old cat saw the big dog the old old big old old old old big big old cat heard the cat the big big big old big big big old old old old old cat slept the big big big old old big old big big old dog saw the cat the big big old old big big old big big big dog saw the dog the dog heard the old old big big big old big old old big cat the old dog heard the old old old big old big big big old cat the old big big old old big dog saw the big big big old cat the old dog heard the old big big big old big old big old cat the old old big big big big big cat heard the old big old dog the big old old big big big old old old dog heard the old cat the big old old old old dog saw the big big big old old dog the old big old big dog heard the old old big old big big cat the old dog saw the big old big big old big big big old cat the dog heard the big big old big big old big big old old dog the old big dog heard the old old big big old old big big cat the big old big big old big cat saw the big big old big cat the big old big old big big big old big dog saw the old dog the big old big big big dog saw the big big old big old dog the old big big cat saw the old big big old old big big cat the big cat heard the old big old old old big big big old dog the old big old big big old old cat heard the old big big dog the old old big big cat heard the big big old big big big cat the big old old big old big cat heard the big big old old dog the big old big big old big big big big old big old cat slept the old old old old big old old dog saw the old big big dog the big big big big big big big old old dog heard the old cat the old old big old old cat heard the old big old old big cat the old old old old old big big old big big dog heard the dog the big big old cat heard the big big big big old old old dog the old old old old big old big old cat heard the old old dog the old old old big old big cat saw the old big old big dog the big big big old cat saw the big big old old old old dog the big cat heard the big old old big old big big big old cat the big big big old cat heard the old big big old old big cat the old old big big old old cat heard the old old big big dog the old old big big old old big big dog saw the old big cat the old big dog saw the old big big big old old big big dog the cat saw the old old old old old big big big old old cat the big old dog saw the big big big old old big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big big big old big big big cat the old old old big old old big old big dog heard the old cat the big big old old big old old cat heard the big old big dog the big cat heard the big old big old old big big big old dog the old dog saw the big big old old big big old big old cat the old big old big big big dog saw the old old big old dog the old big old old big big big old big big cat saw the dog the big dog saw the old big big big big big old big big dog the old old old old dog heard the big old old old old old cat the big old cat heard the big big big old big big old big cat the old big big old big old big cat saw the old old big dog the big big cat heard the big old big big big big big old cat the big big old big old old big big big big old old cat ate the old old old big big big cat heard the big old old big dog the big old old old big big big old old big old big dog slept the old big big big old old dog heard the big old old old dog the big cat saw the big big big old big old old old old dog the old old big old big old dog heard the old big big big dog the big big big cat heard the old big old big old big old dog the old old big big big big cat saw the big big old old cat the old old old old old big big old big old cat saw the dog the old big big big old old big big old dog saw the big cat the old old old dog saw the old old big old old old big cat the old big old big old old big big old dog heard the big dog the big old big old old big cat saw the old big old old dog the big old old old old old dog heard the old big big big cat the big old old old big old big big dog heard the old old cat the old big big old big big big old cat saw the old big dog the big big big old old big old big old cat saw the big dog the big big old old big old big dog heard the old big big dog the cat saw the big old old old big old big old old big dog the big big old old old old big big dog saw the big big cat the cat heard the old old big big big big old big old big dog the big old old big dog saw the big big big old big old dog the big big old old big big big cat heard the old old big dog the big big big big old big old big big cat heard the old cat the big big big big big big old old old big big big dog ate the old big old old big old cat heard the old old old old cat the big old big big old big big big cat saw the big big dog the old big old old big old big cat heard the old big big dog the big big old old big old cat saw the big old big big dog the old big cat heard the big old old old big old big old dog the big old old big old old dog heard the big old big big dog the big old old old big old big old cat heard the big big cat the old old big old old old old old dog heard the big old dog the big big big big old old cat saw the old old old big dog the big old dog heard the old big old big old old big old dog the old old big dog saw the old old old big big big big dog the old big old big old old old old big old dog saw the dog the cat heard the big old big old big old big big old old dog the old big old big big big old old big dog saw the big dog the old cat heard the old big big big old old old big big cat the dog heard the old old old old big big old big big old dog the old old dog heard the big big big old big old big big dog the old big old big old old cat heard the old old old big cat the old old old old big cat saw the old big big big old cat the big cat heard the old old big old big old big big old cat the big big old dog heard the old big old big old old big cat the big big big big old old cat saw the big big old big dog the big big big old big old dog heard the big old big old cat the big big old big cat heard the old big old big big old dog the old big dog heard the big big big old big old big old cat the big big big big old big old big big dog saw the big dog the old big old old old old big big big old big big dog slept the old big big big old big old dog saw the big old big dog the big big big cat saw the old big big old old big old cat the old old old old big old big old big cat saw the big dog the old cat saw the old big big old big old old big big dog the big cat heard the big big old big big big big old big cat the big big big big old cat saw the old big big old big cat the big old old cat heard the old old big big big old old dog the cat heard the old old big big old big big big old old dog the big big big cat saw the big big old big old big big cat the big big old big big dog heard the old big big big old dog the old old old old dog heard the old old old big big big dog the old old big dog heard the big big big old old big big dog the big old old big cat saw the old old old old big old cat the old old old dog heard the big old big old big old big dog the old big big big big old old old dog heard the big big dog the old cat saw the big big old old big big big old big cat the big old old old old big cat saw the old old old old dog the big old big old old old big big cat saw the big old dog the big big old old old cat heard the big old old old old cat the old big old dog heard the old big big big big big big cat the big big old old dog heard the big old old big old big dog the old big old old old old old old old big dog heard the dog the old old big big big old old cat saw the old big old cat the big old big old cat saw the big old big big old big dog the big big big big big old dog heard the old old big big dog the big big old old old old big big old dog saw the old cat the dog saw the old big big big big old big big old big dog the old old big big big big old old big cat heard the big cat the cat heard the big old big big big old big old old old cat the big old old old old big old big big big big big cat ate the old big big old old old big old dog saw the big old cat the old old big old big old big big old old cat heard the dog the cat heard the old big big old old big old old big old dog the big old big old old big cat heard the old big big old cat the old big big old big old cat heard the old big big old cat the big dog heard the old big old big big big big old old dog the old big big big big big big old big dog heard the big dog the big old old big big big big old big big cat heard the cat the big big old big dog saw the big big old big big big cat the big cat heard the old old big big big old big old big dog the big big old old big cat saw the big big old big big dog the big big big old cat saw the big big big big big big cat the big old big dog saw the big old big big old big big cat the big big dog heard the old big big big big old big old cat the big big dog heard the big old big big old big big old cat the old old old big old old cat saw the big big old old dog the old big big old big old big dog heard the big old big cat the big big old big old old big big old old cat saw the cat the big old old old old old big big old old old big cat ate the big big dog saw the big big old old old old big old dog the big big old dog saw the big big big old old old old dog the old old old big old big cat saw the big big big old dog the dog saw the old big big big old old big old old old dog the old big dog saw the big big old old big old old old cat the old big old old big dog heard the big big big big big cat the big old old big old big old cat saw the big old old cat the big big old old old old big old dog saw the old old cat the big old old big big big old big old old cat heard the cat the old big old big old big old big old old dog saw the dog the big old big big big big big old big old cat heard the dog the old big big big old old big cat saw the big old old dog the big old dog heard the old old old old old big old old cat the old old big big old big old old dog heard the big big dog the big old big old big big big old old old dog saw the cat the big big old old big old old cat saw the big big old dog the old old big big old big cat saw the big old big old dog the big big big old big old big big old big dog saw the cat the big old big big big big big old old big dog saw the cat the old big big old big old big old dog heard the big big dog the old old old old old big old big big dog heard the big dog the big big old old big dog heard the old old big old old dog the big big old big cat heard the old big big old big old dog the big big big big big big old dog saw the old big old dog the big old old old old old big old cat heard the old old dog the big big big big old old big cat heard the old big big cat the old big cat heard the old old big old big old old big dog the old old old old old big old big old old cat saw the dog the old big old old big big big big big dog saw the big cat the big old old dog saw the old big old old old big big dog the big old big old old old big big old cat saw the big dog the old big old old cat saw the big old old old old big dog the big old big old big old big old big old old old cat slept the old old big big big old big old old old dog saw the cat the old old big dog saw the old big big big big old big dog the old old old old big big big old big big cat saw the cat the old big old dog heard the old big old big big big old cat the big big old dog heard the old big big big big big old dog the big big old big big big big cat saw the old big old dog the old big big big big old big big big cat saw the old cat the big old old old old big dog heard the big old old big cat the old old old big big big old big old old dog heard the dog the big old big old big old big cat saw the big big big dog the old old old big big dog heard the big old old big old dog the old old old old big big old big cat heard the big big cat the dog heard the big big big big old old old big old old cat the big old big old big old old big old big dog heard the dog the big old big old old old old old old old big old dog ate the big old old old big old old old old cat heard the big dog the big big big big old big old big cat heard the old old dog the old big old cat heard the old old old old old big big cat the big old cat heard the old old big big old old big old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old old big big big dog the big big big big old big big big big big old big dog slept the old old big old big big big old old old dog saw the dog the cat heard the big old big old old old old old old old dog the big big old dog saw the big old big old big big old cat the big old old big big old cat saw the big big big big cat the old old big old big old big cat heard the old big big dog the old big big big big old old old big cat saw the big dog the big old old cat saw the old old big big old old big dog the big old old old old big old old old big old old dog ate the old dog heard the big old big old old old big big big dog the old big big old old big big big big old dog saw the dog the old cat heard the old old old big big big old big big dog the old big big big big old big old cat heard the big old dog the big old old big cat saw the big big old old old old cat the old old old cat saw the old big big old old old big cat the big big big cat saw the big old big old big big big dog the dog heard the big old big old big big big old old old cat the big old dog saw the old big big big big old old big cat the big old cat saw the old old old old old old big old cat the big dog saw the old big big big old old old big big dog the old old old old old old dog saw the old old big old dog the old big big big big big old big cat saw the big old dog the dog heard the old old big big old big old old big old dog the big old big old big big big old big old cat heard the cat the old big old old big old dog heard the old old big old cat the cat saw the big big old old old old old big old big dog the big big old old big old old old old cat saw the big cat the dog saw the old big big big old big old big big big dog the big old big old old old big big dog saw the old big cat the big big old big big big cat heard the old old old old dog the big big big big big big old big old dog heard the big dog the big old old big old old old big big big dog saw the dog the dog saw the old old big old old big big old old old dog the big big old old old old old cat heard the old big big cat the old old old old big big old big big big cat saw the cat the big old big big big big old dog heard the big big old dog the cat heard the big big old old big old big big old old cat the old old old old dog saw the big big big big old old dog the big big old old old big dog heard the old old big old dog the big big old old old old dog saw the big big old old cat the old old big big dog saw the big big old old old old dog the big big old big big big old old old dog saw the old dog the old old old old old old dog heard the old big big old dog the big big old dog heard the big big big big old big old cat the old old old dog saw the big old old big big big old dog the big big old big big big cat heard the big big old old dog the big old old old big old cat heard the old old big big dog the old old big big old old old big big big big old cat ate the big big dog saw the old old big big old old big old cat the big big big old big big big big cat saw the old big cat the big big big old old dog saw the old big old old old cat the old old big old old old dog saw the big old big old dog the old big old big old dog saw the old old old big old cat the old old big big big big big old cat heard the old old cat the big old old dog heard the old old old old old big big dog the big old cat saw the big big big big old big old old cat the big big big old old big dog heard the old old big big dog the big big big dog saw the old old big big old big old dog the dog saw the big big old old big old old big big big cat the old old big old big big cat heard the big old old big dog the big old old big old old dog saw the big big old old dog the big big old old old old old big big cat heard the old cat the old old big big big cat heard the big old old big old dog the big old big old old big old big cat heard the old big dog the big old old old old big big old old dog heard the old cat the old old big old old big big big big old cat heard the dog the old old big big old old old dog saw the big big big dog the old big old big big big old big old dog heard the old dog the big big dog saw the big big big big big big old old dog the cat saw the big big old big big old big old big old cat the old big big big old old big big big dog heard the big dog the old old big dog saw the old old old big big old big cat the big old old old old big old old cat heard the big old dog the dog heard the big old big big big old big big old old dog the big cat heard the big big big old old old old big big cat the big big old old old big old old old cat heard the old dog the big old old big cat heard the old big old big old big dog the dog heard the big old big old old big old big old old cat the old big big old old old big old cat saw the old big cat the big old old cat heard the old old old big big big old cat the old cat heard the big big old big big big big old old dog the old old big big old big old big big dog saw the big dog the old big cat saw the old old big old old old big big cat the big big cat saw the old old old old big big old old cat the old big old old old old big cat heard the old big big dog the old big old old big dog heard the big big big big old dog the dog saw the big old big big big old old old big old dog the big big old old big old big big old cat heard the big cat the old big big big cat heard the big old old old big big dog the old big big old old big big big cat saw the old big cat the big big big dog saw the big big big big old big big cat the old old big big old big cat saw the big big big big dog the old old big old old big cat saw the old old old old cat the old old big big old old big old old old old old dog slept the old big old old old old big cat heard the big old old cat the dog heard the old big big old big big big old old big cat the big dog saw the big big big old big old old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old old big big big big old dog the old old old old big old big cat saw the old big old cat the cat heard the big old big big big big old old old big dog the old big old old old big big dog heard the big big big cat the big big old old dog saw the old big old big old big dog the big big old big dog saw the big old big old big old cat the big big big big big big old old big dog saw the big dog the big big old big big big big old cat heard the big old cat the old big old big big big old cat heard the big old old cat the old cat heard the old old old old old big old big big cat the dog saw the old big old old old big old old big big dog the big big old old big big big cat heard the old big big dog the big old old old big old old big cat saw the old big dog the big big big old big big cat saw the big old old big dog the big big big dog heard the big big big old big big old dog the old old big big big old old big dog heard the big big cat the big old big big dog saw the big big old big old big cat the old old big old old cat heard the big big old big big dog the big old old cat saw the big old big old old old old dog the big old cat heard the old old old big big old old big dog the old old big dog heard the big big big big big old big cat the big big big big big old big old big old cat heard the dog the old big cat saw the old big big big old big big big cat the big big big old dog heard the big big old big old old dog the old big big big big old old dog heard the big big big cat the old big old dog heard the old old old old old big old cat the old big big big dog heard the old big big big big big cat the cat heard the big big big big big big old big big big cat the big big big big old big old old big big big old dog slept the big old big old big dog saw the old big big big big dog the old big big old dog heard the big old big big big big dog the old big big big big big big big big dog saw the old dog the big cat heard the big old big big old big big big old cat the old old dog saw the old big old big old big old big dog the old big dog heard the big big big old old old big old dog the big big big big old dog heard the old old old big big dog the old big old big old big big old cat heard the old old cat the cat heard the old big big big big old big old old old dog the big big cat heard the old big big old old old big big cat the old big big big big big old dog saw the big big old cat the old big old old big old old old big big old big dog ate the old big big old old big big old big dog saw the old dog the dog heard the old big big big old big old old big old dog the old cat saw the old old big old old old big big big cat the old old big big old big big old old big dog heard the cat the big old big old dog saw the old old old old big old dog the old old big big big old old old old cat heard the old dog the big old cat saw the old big old big big old big old cat the big old big big old old big dog heard the old big old cat the old old big old old big old old old cat heard the big cat the old dog heard the big old old big big old old old old cat the big big old dog saw the big big old big big big old cat the big old big old old old old big old dog heard the old cat the big big big big big old old dog heard the old old big dog the big old big old old big big old old old cat saw the dog the big big old cat saw the old big old old big old old dog the big big big old big cat saw the old big old big big dog the old big old old old old big old cat heard the big big dog the old old big old big big big dog saw the big big big cat the big old cat saw the big big old old big big big big cat the big big old big old big old dog saw the big old big dog the old cat heard the old big old big old old big old old dog the big old big old cat heard the big big old big old big dog the big old old old old old old big dog saw the old big dog the old big old big dog heard the big big big big old big dog the big old old big old cat saw the big big old old big cat the old big old big big big old old old cat heard the big cat the big big old big dog saw the old old old big big old cat the big old big big big dog saw the big old big big old cat the old cat saw the old big old big old old old old big dog the big cat heard the old big old old big old old big big cat the dog heard the big old old old old old big old old big cat the old old old old big big cat saw the big old old old dog the old big old old old cat heard the old big big big big dog the big big big old old old dog saw the old old old big cat the big old old cat heard the old old old big old old old dog the big old big big big big dog saw the big old old big cat the big old big big old old old big dog saw the old big dog the big old big dog heard the old old old big old old big cat the old big old big big old big big cat saw the big old cat the old big old big old old dog heard the old old big old dog the old old big old old old big old dog heard the big big cat the big big old old big dog heard the old big big old big dog the big old old old big old old old big big big old cat ate the cat saw the old big old old old big old big old old dog the cat saw the old big old old old big big big big old cat the old big old big old old dog saw the old big big big cat the big old old old old old big old cat saw the old old dog the old old big cat heard the big old big old big big big cat the big old cat saw the old big big old old big old old dog the old big old old cat heard the big big old old big old dog the dog saw the old big old old old old big big big old dog the old big old old old old dog saw the old big old big dog the old old cat saw the big big old old old big old old cat the big big big big big big old cat heard the old big old cat the big dog heard the big big old old big big big old old dog the old big old old old big big old big cat heard the old dog the big old old big old big old cat saw the big big old cat the big big big big big cat saw the big big big big old cat the cat saw the old old old big old old big old big old dog the old big big dog heard the old old big old old big big dog the big old dog saw the big big big old old big big old dog the old old big big old old old big big dog heard the old cat the old old old big cat heard the old old old old big old cat the old dog heard the big big old big big old old big big cat the big old big big old old old old old old old big dog slept the old big old dog heard the big big big old old big big cat the big old big big big big dog heard the old old big big cat the big big big old cat saw the big old old old old big dog the big big big old big old cat heard the old old big old dog the old big big big big old old big old big cat saw the dog the big old big old old old big big big dog heard the old cat the old dog heard the big old big big big big old old big dog the cat heard the old old big old old old old old big big dog the big big big old old old old dog saw the old old old dog the big old dog saw the old big big old big big old big cat the old big old old old big old big old cat heard the big cat the old old old big old big dog heard the big old big big dog the big big big old big old old old old dog saw the old dog the old old old big big big old cat heard the old big old dog the big old big old big big dog saw the old old old old dog the old old big old big big dog heard the old old old old cat the dog heard the old old big old big big big old big big cat the big old big old big big dog saw the big old big old cat the old big big old old big big old big dog heard the big cat the big old big big old big old cat saw the big old old dog the old old old big big old big big old old big old cat slept the old big old old big old big old old big big old cat slept the big old big cat saw the old old old big old old big dog the old big old big big big old old old old cat saw the cat the old old big old old cat saw the old big old old old dog the old big big old big old old old old dog heard the old cat the dog heard the big big old big big old old old old old cat the big dog heard the old old old big big old big old old dog the big old big big old old big old big cat heard the big cat the big old big old old old old big big big big big dog ate the big old old old old cat heard the old big big big old dog the big dog saw the big big old old big old old old big dog the old old old old big big old big old cat saw the big cat the big big old big old dog heard the big old old old big cat the old old old big big big dog saw the old big big old dog the big old big big cat saw the big old big old big big dog the old old big big old cat heard the old big big big old cat the dog heard the big big big big big big big old big old dog the old big old big old big cat saw the old old big old dog the old big big old old old big old big dog saw the big cat the old big old big cat saw the big big big big old big cat the old old old old cat saw the big big old big big old dog the big old old old big old old dog heard the big big old dog the old big old old old old big old old old cat heard the cat the old old big cat saw the old old big old big old old dog the old big big old big big old cat saw the old big old dog the cat saw the old big old big old big big big old old cat the old big big big old old old old old dog heard the big cat the big old old big big old big old cat heard the big big cat the dog saw the old big old big old old big old big old cat the old old old big cat saw the big old old old big old cat the old dog heard the big big big old old big old old big dog the big old old cat saw the old old big old old old old cat the old old cat saw the big big old big old big old old dog the old old big old old cat saw the old old big big big cat the big old big dog saw the big old old old old big old dog the old old cat heard the old old big old old big big old dog the big old big dog saw the old big old big big big old cat the old big big big cat heard the big big old big big big cat the big old old big cat heard the big big big old big big dog the dog heard the big old big old big big big old big old cat the cat heard the old old old old old old old old big big cat the old big old big old big old old old big big old dog slept the big old big big old old old big big dog saw the big cat the old old big old big big old old cat heard the old old dog the big old big big old old old big dog heard the big big cat the old old old dog saw the old big old old big big old dog the big old old old cat saw the big big big old big old cat the old old old old old big old big old old dog heard the cat the big big old old big big big big big cat saw the old dog the big old big old big old cat saw the old old old old cat the big big cat heard the big big big old old old old big cat the big old old old dog heard the big big old old old old cat the big old old old cat saw the old old old big big big dog the old old old old cat heard the old old big big big big dog the old old big big old old big old big cat heard the big cat the big old big old big big old big big cat heard the old cat the big old old big old cat heard the big big big old big dog the big old big big cat saw the big big old old old old dog the big old old old old old big big cat saw the old big cat the big old big old old old old old big dog saw the big dog the old dog heard the big old big big old big old old old dog the big cat saw the big big big old big old old old old cat the old old big big cat saw the old old old old old big cat the cat saw the old big old big big big big old old big cat the old big old old old dog heard the big old old big old dog the big old old big big big big dog saw the big big old cat the old dog saw the big old big big big old big old old dog the big cat heard the old big old old big old old big old dog the old big big old big big big old old cat saw the old cat the old big old big big old big big big cat saw the old dog the dog saw the old old old big old big old old big big dog the cat saw the old old big old big big old old big old cat the old big big old big old big big old dog heard the big cat the old old old big old big big cat heard the big old old cat the big old big old dog heard the big big old old old big cat the old big big old old cat heard the old old old big old cat the old old big old big old big big dog heard the big old dog the old big old big big old old big old big cat heard the cat the old old big big old dog heard the old old old big old dog the old old cat saw the old big old big big big big big dog the big cat heard the old old old old big big old old big cat the big old big old big dog heard the old old old old big dog the old big big old old big big old big old cat heard the dog the big old big big old big big dog saw the big old old cat the big big old dog saw the big big big old big big big dog the dog heard the big big old old old old old old big old cat the old cat heard the big big old big big old old big old dog the big old big big big big old big big old cat saw the cat the old old big cat heard the big big old big big big big cat the dog heard the big big big old big old big old big big dog the big big big big big big big old old big dog heard the cat the old old old big old cat heard the old old big big old cat the old big old old dog saw the big big big old big old cat the old old old big big old old old old big big old cat ate the old big big big old old big old old old big big dog ate the big old old big dog saw the old big big big old big cat the cat heard the old old old old old big old big old old cat the old big big big old old dog saw the old old big old dog the dog heard the old old old big big old old big old big dog the dog saw the old old old old big old big old old big cat the old old dog heard the big big old big big big big old dog the big big old old old old old dog heard the big big big dog the old old old old old old old cat heard the big big big cat the old old old old dog heard the big old old big big old dog the big old old big big dog saw the big old big big big cat the old big big old old big big big big big cat saw the dog the old big big big big old old big old big old old cat ate the cat saw the old big big big big old old big big big cat the old old old big old big old dog saw the old big big cat the big old big dog saw the old big old big old old old dog the old old old big old big old big cat heard the old big cat the old big old old big old big big big dog saw the old dog the old dog heard the big old old big old big big big big dog the big old big big old cat saw the big big big big big cat the old old big old old big old big dog saw the big big cat the old old big big big old old old cat heard the old old dog the big old old big old big cat saw the big big big big dog the big big old old old big big big big cat heard the old dog the big old big cat saw the big big big old big old old cat the big old cat heard the old old old big old old old old cat the old big old old old old old old old big dog heard the cat the old old big big cat saw the old big big big old big dog the big old old big big cat saw the old big big old big dog the big old big old big old big big old cat heard the old dog the big dog saw the old old big old old big big big old dog the old big old old old old old big big cat saw the old dog the old old old old old big cat heard the old old old big dog the big big old old old old old cat heard the old old old cat the dog heard the old old big old old big big old big big cat the big old big big old cat saw the old big old old big cat the big big old big old big cat heard the big big big big cat the cat heard the old old big big big old old old big big dog the old big old big big big big old dog heard the old old dog the old old big big big big old big cat saw the old big dog the big dog heard the old old big old old big old big big cat the old old old big old big old big old big old old cat slept the old big big old big old old big cat saw the big big dog the big old old cat heard the old big old big big big big dog the big old old big big dog heard the big old old big old cat the dog heard the old big old old big big old old old big cat the old big old old old old big big big old big big cat slept the old old old big old big cat saw the old old big old cat the old old big big big big big old dog heard the old big cat the big big old big big old big old big old dog heard the cat the big old old old big big old old dog heard the old big cat the big big old old dog heard the old old big old big big dog the big old old old old big big old cat saw the old old cat the big old cat saw the old big big old big big old big dog the old big big big old old dog heard the old old old big cat the big big big old old cat saw the old big big big big dog the old big dog heard the old old old big old big old big cat the big old big old big big big big big old old big dog ate the old old old big big old dog heard the big big big big dog the dog heard the old big old old old old old old big old dog the big big big big old big cat heard the big old big old dog the big dog heard the big big big old big old big big old cat the old dog heard the big old big big old big big old big dog the old old dog saw the old big old old big big old big dog the old old old old big old old big big old old old dog ate the big big old old big big big big dog saw the old old cat the big big big old big old big old cat saw the big old dog the big old big old big cat heard the big big old big old dog the old old old old big big old big big big cat heard the dog the big big old cat saw the big old big big big old old dog the cat heard the big big big old big old old old old old cat the old big old old old old big dog saw the old big old dog the old old big big big big big old big big big old dog ate the big old old old old dog saw the old old big old old cat the old old old old big old old old old old cat saw the dog the old old old big old old dog saw the big big old big cat the big old big big cat heard the old big old old old big cat the big big big big big cat heard the big big old old big dog the cat heard the big old big old old big old big big old cat the dog saw the old big big old big old old old big old dog the cat heard the old big big old big old old big big old cat the cat heard the big old old big big old big old old big cat the big old old big big old big cat heard the big big big dog the big big old big big big big old dog heard the big big cat the big old old big big old big old dog saw the old old dog the big big big dog heard the old old old big big old old cat the old big big old dog heard the old big old big big big cat the old old cat saw the big big big big big old big old dog the big old old old big old dog saw the old big old old dog the old old old old old old dog heard the old old old big cat the old old big dog saw the big old big big big old big dog the old big big big big old big big big old dog saw the cat the old big old big old big old big big big cat heard the cat the big old big old old dog heard the old old big big big cat the big cat heard the old old old old big big old old old dog the big big old old big old big big dog saw the big old dog the old big old old big dog saw the big old old old big dog the big big old old old old old big old cat heard the old cat the big big big old big big old old cat saw the big old cat the big old old big cat saw the old old big old old old cat the old big big big old old old dog saw the old old old cat the old old big big big old old dog heard the big old big dog the big big old cat heard the big big old big old big big dog the big big dog heard the old big old big old big big big dog the big big big old big old old big big cat heard the old cat the old old big big dog heard the old big big big old big dog the big big old old old big old big big dog saw the old dog the big big old old big big dog saw the big old old big cat the old big old big big big cat heard the old big big big dog the old old big old big big big old old old dog saw the cat the old big old big big big cat saw the big big old old dog the big dog saw the old big old old big big old old old cat the big old big old big big old big old cat saw the big cat the big big old big old big cat heard the big old old big dog the big cat heard the big old old big old old old old big cat the big big old old big cat saw the old big old big old cat the old big big dog heard the big old old old big old big dog the old old old big old big big big old big big old cat slept the old big old old old big big big old old cat saw the dog the old old big old big old big big big old cat saw the cat the big big big old big big big cat heard the old old big dog the old big old big old old old cat heard the old big big cat the big old old big cat saw the big big big old big big cat the old old old big old big dog heard the old big old old dog the big big big dog saw the old big big old old big big cat the big big big old old old big old dog saw the big old dog the big big old big big old big old cat saw the big old dog the old old old big old old big old dog saw the old old dog the old big big dog saw the big old old old big old old cat the big big old cat saw the big old old old big old big cat the big old big old old big big cat heard the big old old cat the old big big big big old big big old old old big dog slept the old old old big big dog saw the big big big old old cat the old old old old old old old old big cat heard the old dog the cat saw the big big big big old old old old old big cat the big big big dog saw the old big big big big big big cat the big old old old big big cat saw the big big big big cat the old old big cat saw the old old big old big big old dog the old big old big old old old big dog saw the big big dog the old big old big big big old dog saw the old big cat the old old old big big big big big cat heard the big dog the old dog heard the big big big big big big big old cat the old big old dog saw the old old old big old big dog the old old dog saw the old old old big old big old dog the big old old old big big dog saw the big old big cat the big dog saw the old big old big big old old big dog the cat heard the big old old old big old big big big cat the old old old old old cat saw the big big old big cat the big old cat saw the big big big big old old old cat the big old big big big big big big cat saw the old cat the old old old cat heard the big big old big old old cat the big old big old old old big old big cat saw the dog the old big old big big old old big big cat saw the cat the big cat heard the old old big big old big big big dog the old cat heard the big big big big old big old big dog the old old cat heard the old old big old big old old dog the dog saw the big big big big old big old big old dog the big cat heard the big big big big old old big big dog the big old old old big big old big cat heard the old cat the old old old big old cat heard the big old old big dog the old old old cat saw the big old big big big old dog the dog saw the big old old big big big old old old cat the dog saw the big big old old big old old big old cat the old dog heard the big big old big old big old big cat the old old old old old big old old old big big cat slept the old dog saw the big big old big old big old big dog the old big big big old old dog saw the big big big dog the big big old old big old big big big dog heard the dog the old old old big old old old big old dog heard the cat the big old dog saw the old big old old old old big dog the big big big big old big cat heard the big big old dog the old big big old old big dog heard the old big big dog the big old old big old dog saw the old old old old dog the old old old old dog saw the big big big big old dog the dog saw the big big big old old big old big big cat the big old old big old big old old big old big cat slept the big old old big big old big big dog heard the big cat the big dog heard the big big old big big big big big cat the cat heard the old old old big old old big old big dog the cat heard the old old old old big old big big old dog the big old big big old dog heard the old big big old dog the big old old old big big big old big dog saw the cat the old big old big old old dog saw the big old old cat the old old big old dog heard the big old old big old cat the old big old old big big old old old dog heard the dog the big big big dog saw the big old big big big old cat the big old old cat saw the big big old big big old dog the cat saw the big big old big big big old old big cat the big old big big cat heard the old big big old old dog the big old big big old big big big old dog heard the cat the big big old big big old old big big dog heard the cat the big big big old dog saw the old big big old old cat the old big dog saw the big big big big big big big dog the big old old old old big old big old old big dog ate the big big old big old big old old cat heard the old dog the old old big big big big old old old dog heard the cat the big old old big big dog saw the old old big old dog the old big big old old big big old big cat heard the dog the cat heard the big old old old old old old old big cat the dog saw the old old old old old old old big old dog the old old old dog saw the old big old big big big dog the big old big big big old old big old dog saw the cat the big dog saw the old old big big old old big old cat the big old big old big old cat saw the big big old dog the old big big big old old old big dog heard the big cat the old old cat saw the old big old big old big big cat the big old old big old big dog saw the big big old cat the big old big big old cat saw the old old old big cat the old big dog heard the big old old big old old old dog the big big big old big big old big old dog saw the dog the big big old big old big old big old dog heard the cat the old old dog saw the big big old big big old big dog the big old big dog heard the big old old old old old cat the big old big old big cat heard the old big big big dog the old old old big big big old old dog saw the big dog the old old big old old dog saw the big old big old cat the big big big old big old old big old dog heard the dog the old old old old dog heard the old old old big big cat the cat heard the big old old old old big big old big cat the cat heard the old big old old big old big old big cat the old big old big dog heard the big old big old old dog the old cat heard the old big old old big big old big dog the old big big old cat heard the old old old big big dog the old big old old old cat heard the old old old big dog the old old big big big big big old old old old dog slept the cat heard the big big old old big big big old old cat the old dog heard the old big big big old old big big dog the big cat heard the old old big old big big old big dog the old big old old old old big old big dog saw the dog the old old cat saw the old big old big big old big dog the big big big big old big big cat heard the big old cat the big old old big old dog heard the old old old big cat the big big big old big dog saw the big big big old cat the big old old old old old cat heard the big old old dog the big old big old big big big old old cat heard the dog the old old big old big old big old old big old dog slept the big big big old big old cat saw the old big old dog the old big big big big big cat heard the old big big dog the big big old big big dog heard the big old big big dog the big dog heard the big big old old big old old big cat the old big old old big dog heard the old old big old cat the old old big dog saw the old old old big old big dog the big big big big big big big big old cat heard the dog the big big dog heard the old old old big old old big cat the cat heard the old old old old old big old big old cat the old big old big big big dog heard the old old old dog the old dog heard the old big big big big big big big dog the old big old dog saw the old big old big old old cat the old old cat heard the old big big old old old big dog the old big big big big big big old cat saw the old dog the big big old old old big cat heard the big old old cat the big cat heard the old big big big old old big big cat the big cat heard the big old old big big big old big cat the old cat heard the old old old old big old old old cat the old old big big dog heard the big old big big old dog the big old old old old dog heard the old old big big dog the big big big big big big big big dog saw the old cat the big old old old dog saw the big old old old old dog the dog heard the old big old old big old big old big cat the old old big old old big old big dog saw the old cat the big old cat heard the old big big old old old old cat the old cat saw the big old big big old old old old dog the big old old cat saw the big old big big old old dog the old dog saw the old big old big old big old big cat the big old big big old big cat heard the big old big dog the dog saw the old old big old big old big big old dog the big old old big big old old dog heard the big big dog the old big old old old cat saw the old big old old dog the old old cat saw the big big big old big old big dog the big old old old big old big big cat saw the old cat the dog saw the old big big big big big big big old cat the old big cat heard the big big big big old big old cat the big big old big old old old old dog saw the big cat the big big big old big dog heard the big big old big cat the big old old old old dog heard the big big big big dog the big big big dog saw the big big old old big old dog the big big dog heard the big old old old big big big dog the cat saw the big old old big old big big big big cat the old old big big big big dog heard the old big old dog the dog heard the big old big big big old big old old dog the old big old big big big old cat saw the old old cat the cat saw the big big old big big big big big old cat the big old old old big old big big old dog saw the dog the big old old big big old big big cat saw the old dog the big big big big big old dog saw the big big big dog the big old big big big dog heard the big big big old cat the big dog saw the old big old old big old old old dog the old old big dog heard the big old old big big old dog the old old old big cat heard the old old old old big dog the dog saw the big big big old big big old big big dog the old cat heard the old big old old old big big old dog the old big old big old old big dog saw the big big dog the big big old big old old old cat saw the big big cat the old big big old old big dog saw the big old old dog the big old cat heard the big old big big big old old dog the big big old old old old old big big cat saw the cat the old old big big old old big big big cat saw the dog the dog heard the old old old old old big big old old dog the big old big old big old old dog saw the big old dog the old old old old old big old old cat heard the big dog the old big big old dog saw the old old big big big cat the big big old old big cat saw the big old old big cat the old big old old cat saw the old big big big big dog the old old old cat heard the big old big big big old dog the big big old big old cat heard the old big old old dog the old old big big old old big big cat heard the big cat the old old big dog heard the big big big old big big dog the big old old big big big big old big cat saw the cat the big old big big big old dog heard the old big old dog the old big old big old big old old big dog heard the cat the old cat heard the big big big big big old old big dog the big big old big big old old cat heard the old old dog the old old big dog heard the big big big big old old cat the dog saw the old old old big old big big old old cat the old big big big big old big cat heard the old big cat the big old old old big big old old cat saw the old cat the old old old big old big old big big dog saw the cat the old big big big dog saw the big old old old big cat the big old old dog saw the big old big old old old dog the big cat heard the old big big old big old old big cat the old old old old big cat saw the big old old big dog the old old old big big big big dog saw the old old cat the old old big dog saw the old big old old big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big old old old old cat the old old old big old big old old old cat saw the dog the big old old big dog heard the big big big old big dog the big dog saw the big big big old old big old big cat the old big old old big big big cat saw the big old cat the cat saw the old old old old old old big old big dog the big big old big old old old big cat heard the big dog the big old big big big old old old cat heard the old cat the old old old big big old old old big old old dog slept the old old old dog heard the old big old big old old dog the big old big old old big dog saw the big old old cat the dog heard the big old old old big old old old big dog the big big big dog saw the big old big old old old dog the big big big big big big cat saw the old big big dog the old big cat saw the old big old big big big old dog the dog heard the old big big old old old big big big cat the big old old big big cat heard the big old big old dog the big big old big old big big old big old old cat ate the dog heard the big big big old old big big big old cat the big big big big big big old old cat saw the old dog the old big big big old big old old old cat saw the dog the big cat saw the old old old big big old big old cat the old old old dog saw the old big big old big big dog the old big big big old cat heard the old big big big cat the big old old old old big old old dog saw the big dog the dog saw the big old big old old old big big old cat the big big old old cat heard the old old old big big dog the cat saw the big old big big old old old old big cat the big old old old big big dog saw the old big old cat the old old big big big big old cat saw the old old cat the big big old old big old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old old big big dog heard the old old old dog the cat saw the big big big big big old old old old cat the old big old big big old old old big big big dog ate the cat saw the big old old big big big big big big dog the big dog saw the old old old old old big old old cat the old old old old big old cat heard the big big old dog the old big old big old old big dog heard the big big dog the big old cat heard the big big big big old old big dog the big old big old old old cat saw the big big big cat the big old old old old dog saw the old big old big cat the old big big cat saw the big old old big big big dog the old big big big cat heard the big old big big old dog the big old old old big big dog saw the big old old dog the big big old big old old big big old old big cat ate the old big old old big big old old old cat saw the dog the big dog heard the old old big old old old big big cat the old big big old old big big dog saw the big old cat the old dog saw the old big big big big old old old dog the big old dog heard the big old old big old big old dog the big big old dog heard the old big old big old old cat the cat heard the big old big big big big old old old dog the big big old big old old big dog heard the big old cat the big old big old big old cat heard the big old big dog the old cat heard the old big big old big big big big dog the old old old old big big old cat heard the old old cat the big big old old cat heard the big big old old big cat the big old big big dog heard the big old big old big cat the big big old big cat saw the old big big old old cat the dog saw the big old old old old old old big old dog the big big big old dog heard the old big big big old dog the old old old big cat heard the big big big old old cat the dog saw the old big old big old old old big big cat the old old old cat heard the old big old old big big dog the old old cat saw the big big old big big big old cat the old big dog heard the big old old big old big big cat the old old big big dog saw the old old old big big dog the big old old old big old big cat saw the old big cat the cat heard the big big big big old big big old big dog the old old big old old big big old old old old dog ate the old old big old big big big big cat saw the big cat the big old big old cat saw the big old big big big dog the big cat saw the old big big big big big old big cat the big big old old big big cat heard the big big old dog the old old old old big big big cat heard the big old dog the big big old cat saw the old big big old old big dog the big old big dog saw the old big big old big big cat the old old old dog saw the big old old old big big dog the big big old old big cat heard the big big big old dog the cat saw the big old old big old big old old big dog the old old big old big big dog heard the old big big cat the old big old big big big old old big old big cat ate the big big old old big big big cat saw the old old cat the big cat heard the old big old old old big old big cat the big big big big old big old dog heard the big big cat the big dog heard the big old old big old big old big cat the old big old big big big big big dog heard the big dog the old dog heard the old old old old old old old old cat the old old big big old old big old big cat saw the dog the old old big old big old big big old cat saw the dog the big cat heard the big big old big old big old old cat the old big old old big big big dog saw the big old dog the old big cat heard the old old big big big big old dog the big dog saw the big old old old big old old old dog the old big dog saw the old big big old big old big dog the big big old big big big big cat saw the old old dog the old old old old old big old cat saw the old old dog the big cat heard the big big old big big big big big dog the big old big old big old big old big dog heard the dog the cat saw the old big big old big big old big big dog the big big old big old old cat saw the old old old cat the old old big old big old old old dog saw the big dog the dog saw the big old big big old old old big big cat the big old old big big old dog heard the big old old dog the old big big cat heard the old old old old big old cat the big old big big old cat saw the big old big old cat the big old big big big big old old big cat saw the dog the big old old old dog saw the big old old big big cat the old old old old old big old dog heard the old big cat the big old old big old big old big big cat heard the dog the cat heard the big old old old old big big old old dog the old big old big big big dog heard the big old big dog the big old big old big big dog heard the big old old cat the big cat saw the big big big old big big old old dog the big old big old old big big old old dog heard the dog the old big old big old old old dog saw the old old dog the big old big big old old big big old big big cat slept the big big big big big big old old old cat saw the dog the big cat saw the big big old old old old old big cat the old old big cat heard the big big old big big old dog the big old old old old cat saw the big old old old cat the big old old old old old dog saw the big old old dog the big old big old cat saw the old big old big big cat the old big big old old big old old big big big cat ate the big old big big big old old big dog heard the big cat the big big big old dog saw the big old old big big cat the big big dog heard the old old old big old old old dog the big big old old old big big big old dog saw the cat the big big big big big big big big big cat heard the dog the old old big big big big old big big dog saw the dog the old old big dog saw the old old big big big old dog the big old dog saw the big big big big big big old dog the old big big old old dog saw the big big old big dog the old big old big big old old dog saw the big old dog the old big cat saw the big old old big big old big cat the big old big big big big old dog heard the old old cat the big big old big cat saw the big big old big old cat the big big old big dog heard the old old old old big dog the big old big old big big old cat heard the big big dog the big big old big big old dog heard the big old big dog the big big big old old big big big big dog saw the cat the big big old old old old cat heard the old big old dog the old big old cat saw the big big old old big old cat the old old big cat heard the old big old big big big cat the old big big big old old cat saw the old old old dog the dog heard the old old old old old big big big big cat the big big old big big old big old big cat heard the cat the old big dog heard the old big big big old big big cat the old old old old cat saw the big big old big old cat the old big old big cat saw the old old big big big cat the old old dog heard the old old big big big old big cat the big big old big cat saw the big big big old old dog the old old big big old old big old dog saw the old dog the big old old old old old old dog saw the old big dog the cat heard the big old big old big old big old old dog the old big big big old big cat heard the old big big cat the big old big old old dog saw the old old old big cat the big old old old old old dog heard the big big big cat the big old big dog saw the big old big big big big cat the big big old old big old dog heard the big big old cat the old big old big old big dog heard the old old old cat the big old big cat saw the old big big old old big dog the big big old big big old old cat heard the big big cat the big old big big old old cat heard the big old old dog the big big big big big big big dog saw the big old dog the old big old dog heard the old old big big big old cat the old cat saw the old old old old old old old big dog the big big big cat heard the big big old big big old cat the dog heard the big big big big old old big big old dog the big old big old big big old old big old old dog ate the big cat saw the old old big big old old big old dog the old cat saw the big old old big old old old old dog the old old old old dog saw the big old old old old cat the big old big big dog saw the old big big old big dog the old old old cat heard the big big big big old big cat the old big old big big big old old big dog saw the dog the old old cat heard the old old big big big old big dog the big old old old old big cat saw the old old old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old old old old cat the cat saw the old big big big old big big big big dog the big big big old big old big dog saw the old big dog the big big old big big old big big old dog saw the cat the old big old old old big big big old big old cat slept the old old old big big big cat heard the big big big cat the cat heard the old old old old big old old big big dog the big big big big big dog heard the old old big old dog the big cat heard the big big big big big big old big cat the dog heard the big old big old big old big old old dog the cat saw the big big big old old big old big big cat the big old big old big dog saw the old big old big dog the big old old big old dog saw the big old old big dog the old old old big dog heard the big big big old old dog the big big old big old old old old big old big dog ate the old big old old old old dog heard the old big old cat the old old big big old old big cat heard the old big dog the big cat saw the big old big big old old old big cat the old cat heard the old old old big old old old big dog the big old dog saw the big old old big old old big cat the cat heard the big big old old old old big old old cat the big old old old big big big old big dog heard the dog the old big big big dog saw the big big old big old cat the big old cat heard the big big old old big big big cat the old big big old old old old cat saw the big old dog the big big old big big big big big big dog heard the dog the dog heard the old big old big old old big big old cat the big old big big big old old cat saw the old old cat the big dog heard the old big old old big old old old cat the old big cat saw the big old big big old big big cat the big big old big old cat saw the old big old big dog the old cat saw the big big big big old old old big cat the old old old big big big old big old cat saw the cat the big dog saw the big big big old big big big old cat the old old big big old old dog heard the big old old cat the old dog heard the big big big big old big big old dog the old old old old big old big dog heard the old big cat the big big big cat saw the big big big big big big dog the big old old big big old big big big cat heard the dog the old old dog heard the big old old old big old big dog the big big old big dog heard the big old old old old cat the big old old dog heard the big old big old big old dog the old old old old old cat saw the old big old big dog the big big dog saw the old old big big old old old cat the old old big big old old big old big cat heard the dog the big dog heard the old big big old old big big old cat the big big big big big dog saw the big old big big dog the old old old old big old old dog saw the old old dog the old big big dog heard the big big big big old old dog the dog heard the big old big old old big old old old cat the big big big old big old cat saw the old old old cat the old old cat heard the old big old big big big big cat the big old old big old old big old cat saw the big cat the big big big big big dog saw the big big old old cat the old big big old old big big cat heard the big big dog the big dog heard the old big big big old old old big dog the big big big old cat heard the old big old big big cat the old old old dog heard the old old big big old big cat the old old big big big dog saw the old old old old dog the big old old old old big old big old dog saw the dog the big big big old dog heard the big old old old big cat the big old old big big big big cat heard the big big cat the big old big big old old old big cat saw the big dog the big big old old old old big dog saw the old old dog the big dog saw the big old big old big old big old dog the dog saw the big old old old old old big big big dog the big old old big big big old dog heard the old big dog the big old old big old dog saw the old old big old dog the big old dog heard the big old big big old old big cat the big old old old big big big big old dog saw the dog the old big big old old old old dog heard the old big dog the old big old old old cat saw the big old big big cat the big dog heard the big big old big old big big big dog the old old big big dog heard the big big big big big dog the old old big big big dog saw the big big old old dog the old old old cat saw the old old old big big big dog the big big big old dog heard the big big big old big cat the big big big big old big big old big cat heard the dog the old big big old big cat heard the big old big big dog the old old old big old big dog saw the old old old cat the cat saw the big old big old old old old old big cat the big old old dog saw the big big big big old old cat the old big big big big cat saw the old big big old cat the old old old big old big old old dog saw the big dog the old big big old big big old big old big big cat slept the old big old big big cat saw the old old big old cat the dog saw the big old old old big big big old big cat the dog heard the old old old old old big old old big dog the big big big old dog saw the big big old old big dog the big old old big cat saw the big old big big big cat the old big big cat saw the big big big big old old dog the old old old big old big big big cat heard the old dog the cat heard the old old big old big old old old big dog the old big cat saw the big old big old big big old dog the old old big old big big big cat heard the old old dog the big big old old old dog saw the big old big old cat the cat saw the big big big old big big big old old cat the old big old old cat saw the old big big old big cat the big big dog saw the old big old big old big big dog the old big old big old big big old old big old cat ate the old big big big old big big old cat saw the old dog the big big big old old big big big dog saw the big dog the big old big dog heard the big old big big big old cat the dog heard the old old big big big big old big old dog the big big dog saw the big old old old old old old dog the old old big old old dog saw the big big big old dog the big dog heard the old old old old big big big big cat the big big old old old dog saw the big big old old dog the big big old old old cat heard the old old big old cat the big big old big big big old dog saw the old big cat the big big old old big big big big old big old dog slept the cat heard the big big big old old big big old big dog the old big old big old big big old big cat saw the dog the big big dog heard the old old old big old big big cat the big big old big old old cat heard the big old big cat the big old old cat saw the big old old old big old dog the big big old dog saw the old old big big big big cat the old old old big big old dog saw the old old big dog the old big old big big old big cat heard the old old cat the old old old old dog heard the big old old old big cat the big old old old big cat saw the old old big big cat the big old big big dog heard the old big old old old cat the old big big big big cat heard the big big big old cat the old big big old big big big big big cat saw the dog the cat saw the old old big old old big big old old dog the old old big big old dog heard the big old old big dog the big big old big old old old big old old old cat slept the big old old old dog saw the big old old big old dog the old old old old big old cat saw the big big big cat the big big big big big big dog heard the old old big dog the old big old dog heard the big big old old old old cat the old old big big old old old old big dog saw the dog the big big big dog heard the big old old big old big dog the big old old cat saw the old old old old big big cat the big cat saw the big big old old old old old old dog the old old old big big big old big old big old cat ate the big big old old old old cat heard the big big big dog the old old old big old old dog heard the big old big dog the old big big dog saw the old old old old big big dog the big old big old old old big big cat heard the big dog the big big big big big old dog heard the old old big cat the big big old old old big big dog saw the old big cat the old old old old old big dog saw the big big old dog the old dog heard the old old big big old old big old dog the old dog heard the big old old old big old old big dog the dog saw the big old old big old old big old big cat the big big big old big old big big dog saw the big cat the old big old old big big cat saw the big big old cat the old old old old old old big old dog saw the big cat the big big dog heard the big big big big big big old dog the old big old big big big old cat saw the big old cat the dog saw the big big big old big old old big old cat the dog saw the big big big big old old old old big cat the old old big old big big cat saw the old old big cat the big old big big big big big old dog heard the old cat the big old old dog heard the old big big big old old cat the big cat saw the big big old old big big old old dog the cat heard the old big old old old big big old big cat the old old big big old cat saw the big old big big dog the big old old big old big old old cat heard the big dog the old cat heard the old old big big old old big big dog the big old big old big big old big old dog heard the cat the old old big old old old big dog heard the old big cat the big old big big old big cat saw the big big big dog the old dog heard the old big big old big old big big dog the old dog heard the old old big big big big big old dog the big big old cat saw the big old big old big old dog the old big big old dog heard the old old old old big dog the big big cat saw the big big old old old old big cat the old big cat heard the big old big old old big big cat the old big old old old big old dog heard the old big dog the dog saw the big big big old big big big big old cat the dog heard the old big old big old big big old old dog the big big dog heard the big old big old big old big dog the big big big big old old big big big old old cat ate the big dog heard the old big big old old old old old dog the big big old big big big cat heard the old old big cat the old big big old old big old big dog saw the old dog the old old big big big old big big dog saw the old cat the old big big big cat heard the big old big old old cat the old cat heard the old old big big big big big big dog the old big dog heard the big big old big old old old cat the big big big big cat heard the big old old big old cat the old old big dog heard the big big old big old old dog the old old big cat saw the old old old old big big dog the old old big dog heard the big big big big big old cat the dog saw the old big big big old old old old old dog the old old cat saw the big big old old old old big dog the big cat heard the big old big old old big big big cat the old old old old big cat saw the big old big big dog the old big dog heard the old old big big old big big cat the old old old big big cat heard the old old big old dog the old big old old dog heard the big big old old old dog the big old big old old dog saw the big big old old dog the big old old big old old cat saw the old old big cat the old old old old big dog heard the old old big big cat the dog heard the big old big big old big old big old cat the big old cat saw the big old old big big old old cat the old old big cat saw the old old big big big big dog the big old big dog heard the big big big big big old dog the big old big big old old old dog heard the old big cat the cat heard the big big big old big big big old old cat the old big dog saw the big big big old old old old dog the cat saw the old old big big old big old old big dog the cat saw the old big old old big old big big old dog the old old big old big big dog saw the old old old cat the dog saw the old big big old old old old old big cat the old old big old old old old dog heard the big big cat the old big old cat heard the big 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cat heard the big old old old old big old old cat the big cat saw the big old old old old big big big dog the old cat saw the old big big old old old old big dog the cat saw the big old old big big old big big old cat the old big cat saw the old big big big big old old dog the old big cat saw the big big old big old old big dog the old old old big old cat heard the old big old big cat the old big big big dog heard the big big old old big cat the old old old big big big old cat heard the old big dog the old big big old big old old dog saw the big big cat the big big big big old dog heard the old old big old cat the old big old old big big big old old cat saw the dog the old old big big big old old big old cat saw the dog the old old old old big big cat saw the old big old cat the old big big big old dog heard the big big big big dog the big big big old big dog saw the big old big old dog the big old old big cat saw the big big big old big dog the big big old big old old big big big old big cat ate the big big old old big big big big cat heard the old dog the old old old dog heard the old old old old old old dog the old old dog saw the old old big big big old big dog the old old big old big big old old big dog heard the cat the old big big cat saw the big big old old big big cat the big big big cat heard the old old old old old old cat the old big old dog saw the old big old old old old dog the big big old old cat heard the big big old big big cat the big old big old big big old big cat heard the old cat the big old cat saw the old big big old old old old cat the old cat saw the big big old big old old old big cat the big old old old big big old big dog saw the old dog the old old big cat heard the big big big big big big dog the big old old old old big old dog saw the old big dog the big big big old old old dog saw the old old big dog the big dog heard the old old big old old big big big dog the big big big old big old big big big dog heard the dog the old big old cat saw the big old old big big old cat the big big big big old old big cat heard the old old dog the old big dog heard the old big old old big old big dog the old old big big old old old big old dog heard the cat the big big big cat saw the old big big big big big dog the old old big old old big big old big old old dog ate the big old big cat saw the old old big old big big cat the old old cat heard the old big big big old old old cat the big big old big big big old big cat heard the old cat the old big big big big big cat saw the old big old dog the big big old cat saw the old big old old old old cat the big old old old old cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old old big old dog saw the big old old cat the old big big cat saw the big big big big big big cat the big big old old big big big big cat saw the big cat the big old old old old dog heard the big old big old cat the big big big old big big old big dog saw the old dog the old old big old old cat heard the big old big 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old big big big old big old old cat the big cat saw the big big big old old old big old dog the cat heard the old big old big old old old big big cat the big old old old old old old big big big old dog ate the big old big old old cat heard the big old big old dog the old old old old old old dog heard the old old old dog the big old old old old old big old old cat heard the dog the big big cat saw the old old old old old big big cat the big big big big big big big big big dog saw the cat the big old big old old old big big dog saw the old cat the big big big big old big cat heard the old old big cat the old cat heard the old old old old old old big big cat the big big cat heard the old big old big big big old cat the cat saw the old big big old big old big old old dog the big old big old old cat saw the old big old old dog the big big old old big old big big old big big dog slept the old big big big dog heard the big old big old old dog the cat saw the old big big old big big big big old cat the old old old cat saw the old big big big old old dog the cat heard the old big big old old old old big big dog the big big big cat saw the old old big old old big dog the old old dog saw the old big old big big big big cat the old big big old old cat heard the big old big big cat the old big big old old dog saw the old old big big dog the big big big dog saw the old big old old old old cat the big big old old big old old cat heard the big big cat the old old big dog heard the big big big old old old dog the big old old cat saw the big big old old old big cat the big big big big cat saw the big old big big old dog the big old old big old big big dog saw the big old dog the big old big big big big cat saw the big old old dog the big big dog heard the big big big old big big big dog the old big dog heard the old old old big big old old dog the big big big old old big old big big old old dog slept the big big old big big big old old old old big dog slept the old big old old dog saw the old big old big big dog the big dog saw the old old big old old big old big dog the old big old old old old dog heard the old old big dog the big old big big big old old old big cat saw the cat the old old old old dog heard the big old old old old dog the big old cat saw the big big old old old big old cat the old big big cat heard the old big big old big big dog the old big cat heard the old old old big old big old dog the old old big old old dog heard the old big old big dog the old big big old cat heard the big big old big old dog the big big big old old old dog saw the big big old dog the big big big big big old old old big old old cat slept the old big big old big old dog saw the old old old dog the big old big old old big dog saw the old old old dog the old old big old old old old old big big big dog ate the old old old dog heard the old big big old big old dog the old big old cat heard the big old big big old old dog the old big dog saw the big old old old old old old cat the old old cat saw the old old big big old old big cat the old old dog heard the old old big big big big big cat the big old big big old big old old dog saw the old dog the old big old big old dog heard the big big big big cat the old big old old old big old cat heard the old old cat the big big big old old cat saw the big big old old dog the big old big old old dog saw the old old big big cat the old big old cat saw the big big old big big old dog the old big big big old big big big dog saw the big dog the big old big old old big old cat saw the big old cat the big big big old big dog heard the big big big old dog the big old big big old big old big old dog saw the cat the big old big dog saw the big big old old old big cat the big big big old cat saw the old big old big big dog the big old big old old big dog heard the old big old dog the old old old big old big old old dog heard the old cat the old old old big old old old big dog saw the big cat the big dog heard the big big big big old big old old dog the old big old big big big cat heard the old old old cat the old big dog heard the big old big big big big old cat the big old old big big big big big cat heard the big dog the big big old cat heard the old old old old old big dog the big big old big dog saw the big old big old old dog the big big big old old old big old old cat saw the cat the big big old cat heard the old old big old big big cat the big old old old big big old big cat heard the big dog the big old dog saw the big big old big old big old dog the big big big big old big dog heard the old old big cat the big old big old big big old big big dog heard the cat the big big old old big old big big big dog heard the cat the big old big big old old old big cat heard the old dog the old old big old big big big old old dog heard the cat the dog saw the big big big big old big big old old dog the cat saw the big old big big old big old old big dog the old old big big old old big old cat heard the big cat the old big big big big big big old big old big cat slept the old cat saw the big old big old big big old big dog the big big big big big big dog saw the big old big cat the old big old old big big big big dog saw the big dog the old old big old old old old dog saw the big old cat the big big old cat heard the old old big big old big dog the big big big old old big big cat heard the old big dog the dog heard the big old big big old big big big big cat the old big old big old big old old cat heard the big dog the cat saw the old old big old big old big old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big old old old big dog the big old old old big big big cat saw the old old dog the old big old big big big big big dog saw the old cat the old old old cat saw the old old old big old big cat the cat heard the old old old big old old big old big cat the old old old big dog heard the big big big big old dog the old old big big old big big old old dog saw the cat the old dog saw the old big old old big old big old cat the big big big big old old cat heard the big big big dog the old old old big old big old big old cat saw the cat the old cat heard the old old old big old old big big dog the big big old big big big dog saw the old old big cat the old dog heard the big old old old old big big big dog the big big old old big big big big big cat heard the cat the old big old big old old dog saw the big old big dog the old big old cat saw the big old old old old old dog the old big cat heard the old old big old big old big cat the cat heard the big big big big old big old old old cat the big big big old dog saw the old big big old big dog the old big old old big cat saw the old old old big cat the big old big old cat heard the old old old big old dog the big old old old big old big old big cat saw the dog the old big big cat heard the big old old big old old cat the cat saw the big old old old big big big old big cat the big big cat heard the big big old big big old old cat 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the big dog saw the big big old old old big big big cat the big old old old old big big big old dog saw the dog the old old old big big big big old old dog saw the dog the cat heard the old old old old old old old old old cat the old old old big dog heard the old big old old old dog the dog saw the big old old big big old old big old dog the old big old dog heard the big old old old big big dog the old big cat heard the big old old big old old old dog the old dog heard the old big big big old big old big dog the big dog saw the big big big big big big old old cat the big big old cat saw the big big old big old old dog the old big dog saw the big old big old old old old dog the old old old dog heard the old old old big old big dog the big big old old big dog saw the big old big big dog the cat saw the old big big old big big old old old dog the big old big old old big big big big dog saw the dog the big big big big old big old big dog saw the big dog the old old big big big dog heard the old old big big cat the old old big big dog heard the big old big big old cat the old old old big cat saw the old old big big big dog the old big big big big big big old old dog saw the dog the big old old old old old old old dog saw the old dog the old big cat heard the big big old old big big old dog the big big old old old cat heard the big big old big dog the old old dog saw the big old old big old old old cat the old old big old old old big big big dog heard the dog the big big old old big old cat saw the old old old dog the big big old big big big dog heard the old old old dog the old big big big big old cat heard the big old big cat the old cat heard the big old old big big old old old dog the old old big big big dog saw the big big big old dog the old old cat heard the big old big big old big big cat the big big cat heard the old old old big old old big cat the old big old old cat heard the big big big old old dog the old big old old old big old big old big old dog slept 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the big old cat the big big old old big old big old old old big dog ate the big big old old old old old dog heard the big big dog the big old cat heard the old big old big old big old cat the old big old dog heard the big old big old old old cat the big big old big big old big dog saw the big big cat the cat saw the old old big big old old old old old cat the dog saw the old old old big big big old big big dog the big big big big old big cat saw the big big old cat the old old old cat saw the old old old old big old cat the big old old big old old old cat saw the old big cat the big big big big big old old dog heard the big old cat the cat heard the big big big old big big big big old cat the big old old big big dog saw the old big big big cat the big old old old old dog saw the big old big old dog the old old cat saw the big big old big big big big dog the big old old old big old old big cat heard the old dog the big big old big old big cat saw the old big old cat the big big dog saw 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big old big big old cat the old cat heard the old big big old old big big big dog the dog saw the big old big old big old big old big dog the cat heard the big old big big big big old big old cat the old old cat heard the big old old old old big old dog the old big old old old old old old dog heard the old cat the big big big big old old big big old cat saw the cat the dog saw the old big old old old big old old big cat the big old old old old big old dog saw the old big cat the old old old old big old big old old big big dog slept the old big big old old big big cat heard the big old dog the dog heard the old big big big old big old old big dog the old big big big old old dog heard the old big big dog the old old old old dog heard the old big big old big dog the old big old dog heard the big old big old big old cat the old big dog heard the old big old old big old big cat the big big big old old big big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big old old big old old dog saw the dog the old old big big old old old old dog heard the big dog the old dog saw the old big old big old old old big cat the dog saw the old old big old big old old big old dog the big big big old old old big old cat saw the big dog the big old old big big big old dog heard the old old dog the big big old old old old old old dog heard the old dog the big old big cat heard the big big big big big big dog the old old big big big big big dog heard the old big cat the big big old old old old cat heard the old old big dog the old big big big big big old cat saw the old old cat the big old old old big big old dog saw the big big cat the dog saw the big old old old big old old old old cat the old big old dog heard the old old old old old big cat the old old cat heard the big old big big old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the big big old old old dog the old big big big big old big big old old old cat ate the old old big big big big old old big old big dog ate the big big old big big big dog saw the old big old dog the big old old old big old old cat heard the big big dog the old old old big dog heard the old old old big big dog the old big old old old old old big dog saw the old dog the big big dog saw the old old big old big big big dog the old old old big dog saw the old old old big big dog the old big cat heard the old big old big big big big cat the old dog saw the big old big old old old old old cat the cat heard the big big old big old old old old old cat the big old old old cat saw the big old big big big dog the old big old old big old big big old big old cat slept the big old old big dog heard the old old old big old cat the old big old big old big cat heard the big old old cat the big old big big old cat saw the old old big old cat the old big big old old big old big cat saw the big cat the big big old old big big old cat heard the big big cat the big big cat saw the old big big big old old big dog the old old dog saw the old big old old big old big cat the big old big big big old big old old cat heard the dog the big big big big big old big big big cat saw the dog the big old big old big big big dog heard the big old cat the big cat saw the big big big old big big big old cat the big big old big old old old cat saw the old big dog the old big big old old dog saw the old old big big cat the old big big old big big big big cat saw the big cat the old big big old dog saw the old old big old big dog the dog saw the old old old big old big old old old cat the dog heard the old big big big old old old big old dog the big big old big old big old old big old big cat ate the big big old old big old big big old big old cat ate the big old old big cat heard the old big old old old cat the old big old big big old big dog heard the big big cat the cat heard the old big big old old old big old big dog the big cat heard the big old old big old old big old cat the big old dog heard the old big big old old big old dog the old big dog heard the old old old big big old old cat the big old big old big old dog heard the big big big cat the big old old old old big old dog heard the big big cat the old old big big old big dog heard the old old big cat the old big big old old cat heard the big big old big cat the big dog saw the old old big old old big old big cat the big old old old old old old big dog saw the old cat the big old old big old dog heard the old big old old dog the big cat saw the big big old old old big old big cat the big cat saw the old big old big big big old old cat the old old old old big big old dog saw the old old cat the old big big old cat heard the big big old big old cat the old old old big big big cat heard the old old old dog the big dog heard the big big old old big big old old dog the old big big dog heard the big old big big big big dog the old old cat heard the big big old old old old old cat the big old old old cat saw the old big old big big cat the big old big old cat heard the old big old old big cat the big big big cat heard the old big old old old old cat the big old big old big dog saw the big old old old dog the old old old big big big old dog saw the old old dog the old old big big big big old big old big old cat ate the big old old old dog heard the big old old old old dog the big big cat heard the big big big old big big big dog the big old old big big old big big dog saw the old dog the old old big big old big old big cat heard the old cat the big big old big dog heard the old big big big big cat the old big big old big big dog heard the old big old dog the big big cat heard the old old old big old big old dog the big old big big old big old big cat saw the big cat the big old old old cat saw the old big big old big dog the old big old big old dog saw the big big old old cat the big big dog heard the old big big old old big big dog the big old cat heard the big big old old old old old dog the big big big old old old big dog saw the old big cat the old old big old old cat saw the big old big old cat the old big old old big old big big old dog heard the dog the big big old big dog saw the big old old big big dog the big old cat saw the old old big old big big big cat the old big big old big old cat saw the big big old cat the dog saw the big old old big old big big big big dog the big old big big big big dog saw the old big old dog the old big big big old cat heard the big big big big cat the old old big old big old old old dog heard the old cat the big big big big dog heard the old big old old old cat the big big big cat saw the old old old old big old cat the old big old big big big old big old dog heard the dog the big big old old old big big old old cat saw the dog the dog saw the big old big old old old big old old dog the old big big old old big big big dog heard the big cat the old big old old old old big old cat heard the big cat the big old big old old old cat saw the old big big cat the old big cat heard the old big big old big old old cat the old big old old old big big old dog heard the big cat the old old old big old old big big cat saw the big dog the old cat saw the old old old old old big old big dog the big old old old big big old old dog saw the old cat the old cat saw the old old old old big big big big cat the big old old old big big dog saw the old old old dog the big old old big old big old old dog heard the old cat the big big old big big big big dog saw the big old dog the old big big big big big big cat heard the big old dog the old old old old old big old dog saw the big old dog the old big big old old cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old old big big old big cat saw the big cat the old dog saw the big old big big big old big old cat the old old big big old old big dog saw the old old cat the big big old old cat heard the old big big old old cat the big old old old old old old old big old big dog ate the old old old old dog saw the big big big big big dog the old big big old old dog heard the old old old old dog the old old big old cat heard the old old old big big dog the big old big old big old big old cat saw the old cat the old old big big old old big big big dog saw the cat the old old old big big big big old old cat heard the cat the big old big old big old big cat saw the old big cat the old old old big big big big old big big old cat ate the old dog heard the old old old big big big big old cat the big big big old old big dog heard the old big big cat the old old cat saw the big big old old old old old dog the old big big big big old old dog heard the old old dog the big big big big old big cat saw the old big old dog the big old old big big big old big old dog saw the cat the old big big big old old old old old dog heard the dog the big cat saw the old old old big old big big big cat the big old old big old old cat saw the old old old cat the big big big old old big cat saw the big old old dog the big big old big big big big old old dog heard the cat the big big old big big big old old old old big cat slept the big old old old big dog saw the old big old big dog the dog saw the old big old big old old old old big dog the old big old old old old old old dog saw the old dog the big big big big old big old big dog heard the big cat the old old old old old old cat heard the big old big cat the old big dog heard the big old old big old old big dog the big old old dog saw the old old old old old old dog the big old big big big cat heard the big old big old cat the big cat heard the old old old big old big old old cat the old big old big dog saw the big old old old old dog the big big big old big old old big old cat saw the dog the big big big big old dog saw the big big old big dog the big old old big big old cat saw the old big old cat the big old big old dog heard the big old big old old cat the old old old old old old old old old cat saw the dog the big old dog heard the big big big big old big old cat the big old old cat heard the big old big old old big cat the big old big dog heard the old big old big old old dog the old big big big cat saw the old big old old old dog the old big old big old old old big old dog saw the dog the old old old old big old big cat heard the old old dog the old old old big big old big big big dog saw the dog the big old big old old old old dog heard the big old dog the old old old big big old old dog saw the big old dog the cat saw the old old old old big big big old old cat the big big cat heard the old big old big old old old cat the big big old old big big old cat saw the old old dog the old big old dog saw the old big old big old big cat the dog heard the big big old old big old old old big cat the big big big old old old big old big old big cat slept the old big big big dog heard the big big old old old cat the big big old cat saw the big big big big big big dog the old old dog saw the old big old big old old big cat the old old cat heard the big old old old big big big dog the big old big old dog saw the big old big old big dog the dog saw the old old old big big old big big big cat the big big old old big big old old big old old dog slept the dog saw the big old big big old old old old big dog the big old old big cat heard the big old big big big cat the old old big big big big big big cat heard the old dog the big old big big dog saw the big old big old old cat the old big big cat heard the old old old old old old dog the old big old old big big big cat heard the old old cat the old big old big big big old big old cat saw the cat the big big big old old big old dog heard the big old cat the big dog heard the old old old old big old old old dog the old cat heard the big old old big big old old old cat the old old dog heard the old big big big old old old dog the old old old old dog heard the old big old big old dog the old old big big big dog heard the old big old big cat the big big big cat saw the big old old old old big dog the big big big big old big big big old dog saw the dog the big old old old big old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big big big big big big dog heard the old cat the old big old old big big dog heard the old big old cat the big dog saw the old old old big old old old old dog the big big big big big big cat heard the big old big dog the old old old big big dog saw the old old old old dog the old big old old old cat saw the old big old big dog the old old old big old big old big cat heard the big dog the old old big old big old old big cat heard the old cat the big dog saw the old old big old big old old big cat the old old big old big big old big dog heard the old cat the old big old old big old big big dog heard the old cat the old old old old old old big dog saw the big old dog the big big old old big big big cat heard the old old dog the old old old big old big old old big dog heard the cat the big old cat heard the big old big old old old big dog the big old big big cat saw the old big old old old cat the big old big old dog heard the old big old old big dog the big old old big old old old big old dog saw the cat the old big big old big cat heard the big big big big dog the old cat heard the big big big old old old big big cat the old old big big big big big big dog saw the big dog the old big big cat saw the big big old big old old dog the old big old big big old big big old old big cat slept the old big big big old old old big big old big cat slept the old dog saw the old big old big old old old old dog the old big big old big dog saw the big old big big dog the big big big old big old big old dog saw the old cat the old dog saw the big old big old old big old big cat the big big old old old big old big old dog saw the dog the old big old big old dog heard the big old old big cat the old big old old dog heard the old old old old old cat the big big big old big old big big cat saw the big cat the cat saw the big big big old big big big big big dog the big old old big old big old cat heard the old big cat the cat saw the big old old big old big old big old dog the old big old old big big old old cat heard the big dog the old old old old dog saw the old old old big old dog the old old big big big cat saw the old old old big cat the big old big big old old old big big big big dog slept the big big old big old big big old big dog saw the dog the old old big old old dog saw the old big big old dog the old big old dog heard the old old big old big old cat the big big dog saw the big old old old old big old cat the big big old big dog saw the old big big big old dog the big old cat saw the old old big big old big big cat the big old old old big old old old dog heard the old cat the cat heard the big big big old old old big old big dog the big cat heard the big big big old old big old old cat the big dog saw the big big big big old big big old dog the old big cat heard the old big old big big big old dog the old big dog saw the old big big old big big old dog the big big old old old old cat saw the old big old dog the old old big big dog saw the big big old big old cat the dog saw the old old old old big old big old old dog the dog saw the old old old old big big big big old cat the old old old old big old dog saw the big old big cat the old big big big big big dog saw the big big old cat the dog heard the big big big big old big big big old dog the old big old big old big big old cat saw the old dog the old big big big big old old big big big big cat ate the big big old big big old big old cat heard the big dog the old old dog saw the old big old old big old old dog the big big big big old cat saw the old old big big cat the old big big old old cat heard the big old big old cat the big dog saw the old big big big big big old big cat the old old old big big old big big big cat saw the cat the old big old big big old dog heard the big big old cat the old big old big old dog saw the old big old big cat the old big big dog saw the big big old old old old dog the big big big big big big big dog heard the old old cat the dog heard the big old big old big big big old old dog the big cat saw the big old big old big big big big dog the old big old old big old old dog heard the big old dog the old big old old big big big big big cat saw the dog the big big old old old old dog saw the big big big cat the old old old big big old cat heard the big old big cat the old big old big old dog heard the old old big old cat the cat heard the old big big old big big old old old cat the big old old dog heard the old big big big big big dog the big old cat heard the big big old old big old big dog the big old big big old old big old big old big dog slept the big old big old old dog heard the old old big old dog the big big old old big cat saw the old old big big cat the old old big big old cat saw the old big old old cat the cat saw the big old big old big old old big big cat the old old old old big dog heard the big old old old dog the old dog heard the old big big old old big old old cat the old old dog heard the old old big big big big old cat the old old old big big old old old old old old dog ate the old big old big old dog heard the big big big old cat the old big dog heard the big big old old old old old cat the big big old old cat heard the old old big old big cat the old big old old big old cat saw the big big big cat the old old old big old big big dog saw the big big dog the big big big old big dog saw the big old old big dog the old big dog saw the old big old big big old old dog the big big old big cat heard the old big old old old dog the big old big old old big old big old dog saw the dog the big big old old old old big big old dog saw the dog the old big old old big old old big big cat saw the cat the big old big big big old big old old old old dog slept the big big old big big old big big dog saw the big dog the old old big big big big big big big dog heard the dog the big big old cat saw the old old old old big big cat the old old big big big cat saw the old big big old cat the big big old big dog heard the big big old old old cat the old big old old big old big big big dog heard the dog the old old big big old big old cat heard the old old dog the old big dog heard the old old big old old big big cat the old old old old cat saw the old old old old big cat the cat heard the big old big big big big old old big dog the big old big big dog saw the old big big big old dog the old big old old old old big old dog saw the big cat the old big old dog saw the old big big old old big cat the big old cat saw the big old old old big old old cat the big big old big cat saw the old big big old big cat the old old big old big old old big big dog heard the cat the big old old old old dog saw the old old old old dog the big cat heard the old big big old old big old big dog the big big dog saw the old big big old big old old dog the old old big old old big big cat saw the old big cat the big big big dog saw the big old old old big old dog the old cat saw the old old old old big big big old dog the cat saw the big big old big old old big old old dog the old old big big old old big old cat heard the old cat the old old big big cat heard the old big big old old dog the dog saw the big big big old old old old old old cat the old big old big big big big big cat heard the big cat the big big old old big big old old dog saw the big cat the dog saw the old big old old big old big big big dog the old big big old big old big big dog saw the big dog the big big dog heard the old old big old big old old cat the old old big big dog saw the old old big old big cat the cat heard the old old old big old old big old old cat the old old old big cat saw the old big big old big dog the old big cat heard the big big old big big old old dog the old old dog saw the big big old old old old old cat the big old big big old old old old big dog saw the cat the big big old old big big big old cat saw the old cat the old big big big old big old cat heard the old big dog the old cat heard the big old big big old old old old dog the old old big old big old big old big big old cat slept the old big old old old old big big big cat saw the dog the big big old old big old cat heard the big big big cat the old old old old big old big cat heard the big big cat the old big old big old big old dog saw the big old cat the cat heard the old old big old old old big old old dog the big cat heard the old old big old old old old old cat the big old dog heard the old old old big old old old dog the old big old big big big big dog saw the big old cat the old cat heard the old old old big big big big old dog the big old old old cat heard the big big big big old cat the big old big old big big old big big cat heard the dog the big old big old old old old old dog heard the old cat the old cat heard the big big big old big old old big dog the big old big big old cat saw the old old old big dog the big big old big big big old cat saw the big big dog the old big old old big old old big dog saw the old cat the big old old big big old dog heard the big old big dog the old old old big big big dog saw the old old old dog the big big old old big old old big cat heard the big cat the big cat heard the big old big big big old big old dog the big big cat heard the old old big big big big old cat the old dog heard the old old old old big big old big cat the big old old big cat saw the big big big big big cat the old old big big old old old cat saw the old big cat the dog heard the big old old big old big old big old dog the big big old big big old big old big old old dog slept the old cat saw the old big old big old big big old dog the big old old cat saw the old big old big big big dog the old big big old old big cat saw the old big big dog the big big big big big old old old big big old cat ate the old dog heard the big old old big big big old old cat the big big big big old dog heard the old big big old cat the cat saw the big big big big big old big big old cat the old big big old big big dog saw the old old old cat the old big old big old old old dog saw the old big dog the big big old old cat heard the big old old big big cat the old big dog saw the old big big big old big old dog the old big big old old old old cat heard the big big dog the old old old big cat heard the big old big big old cat the big big big big cat saw the big old big old big dog the old big big big big big old old dog saw the old cat the old big old cat saw the old old big big old old cat the big cat heard the big old old big old old old big dog the big big big old old big old old dog heard the big dog the old old old dog heard the old old big big big old cat the big big old big old big big big cat saw the big cat the old old big old big old dog heard the old old old dog the dog heard the old big old old big old old big big cat the cat heard the big old big big big big big big old dog the old big big cat saw the big big old big big big cat the big old old big old big old dog saw the big big dog the old big dog heard the big big big big old big old cat the big big big big old big old big dog saw the old dog the old cat saw the big big old big old big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big big old big big old dog the old old big big big old old big big cat saw the dog the big old old old big old dog saw the big big big dog the old cat saw the old old big old old old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old big old old big old dog the big big old old cat saw the big big big old big cat the dog saw the big old big big old big old big old dog the old big old big old old old big big old old cat slept the old old cat heard the old old old old big big big cat the cat saw the old big old old big big old old big dog the cat saw the big old old big old old old big big dog the big old big big big old big big old big old cat ate the big big big big big old cat heard the old big old cat the old old big big old old big old dog saw the big dog the big big old old old old cat heard the big old old cat the old old old old old big dog heard the old big old dog the big big dog saw the big big big old old old old cat the big old old cat saw the old old old old old big dog the old old big old old big cat heard the big big old cat the big old big big big old old old old cat heard the cat the big big big old big cat saw the old old old big dog the big big old big old old dog saw the old old old cat the old big big old old big big old dog saw the old cat the big old big big big old big big old old big cat ate the big big big big old old big big big cat saw the dog the cat heard the old big old old old big old old big cat the old big old cat saw the big big big big big big cat the old old big big big old big cat heard the old old dog the big big cat saw the old big big old old old old cat the big old big big big big dog saw the old old old cat the big old big big old big old old cat saw the old dog the old old big old big old old cat heard the old old dog the cat saw the big old big old old old big old old dog the old big big old big old big old old big old cat slept the cat saw the big old old big big big old old big cat the old old big old big old big old cat heard the old dog the big old big big big big big old cat saw the old dog the dog saw the old big big old big old big old big dog the old big big old old old big big old cat saw the dog the old dog heard the big old big old big big big big dog the big old old big old big cat saw the old old old cat the old old old big dog heard the big big old big big cat the old old old old big big big old old dog heard the dog the big old big cat heard the big old big old big big dog the old dog heard the big big old old old big old old dog the old cat heard the old old big big big big old old cat the old old old big old old big cat saw the old old cat the old old old big big old big old dog saw the old cat the big big old old old old big big cat heard the old dog the old old big old big cat saw the big big old old cat the cat heard the big big old big big big old old big dog the old big old old big old old old cat heard the old dog the dog heard the big big old big old old old big old cat the big old big big old old big big cat heard the old cat the big old old big old old big big dog saw the old dog the old old big big old old old dog saw the old big dog the dog saw the old big old old old old big big old dog the old old big big big old old old old old old cat slept the old big old old big cat heard the big old old big dog the old big big old old old big old cat saw the old dog the old big old big old old old big cat heard the big dog the big big big big big big big cat heard the old old dog the old old old old big old dog saw the big old old dog the big big big dog saw the old big big big big big dog the old big big old cat heard the big old old big old dog the old big big old old big big big big cat heard the dog the big big old old old old big cat heard the old big dog the dog saw the old big big big old big old old old dog the old old old old big big old dog saw the big old cat the big cat heard the big old old big old big big old dog the big big big old old big cat heard the big big big dog the big big big big big big big old big cat saw the dog the old old big big big old big dog saw the old big dog the old big old big old big old big old dog saw the dog the big old big old cat heard the old big old big big cat the big dog saw the old big old old old big big big dog the old old cat saw the old old big old old old big cat the big old big old big dog saw the big old big old dog the old big big big big old big big cat saw the big cat the big big dog heard the old old big big old old old cat the old big big big dog saw the big big big old big dog the old old big big dog saw the old big old old big cat the big big big big big old dog heard the old big old cat the big big big old big big big old dog heard the old cat the big big old cat saw the big big old old old big cat the big big big cat heard the big old big big old big cat the old big cat saw the old old old old old big big dog the dog heard the old old old old big old big old big cat the big old big big old old big big old cat saw the dog the cat saw the big big old old old big old old big cat the dog heard the old big big old big old old old big cat the big old big big cat saw the big big big old big dog the big big big big dog heard the old old old old old dog the big old big big old old dog heard the big old big dog the big big big old old old old big cat heard the big cat the big old big old old old old dog heard the old old cat the old old dog saw the old old old big big big old cat the old old big old big dog saw the old old old big cat the big old dog heard the big old old old big old big cat the big big old old cat heard the old old old big old cat the old old big big big big cat saw the old big old dog the big old old cat saw the old big old old old old cat the big old old big dog saw the old old old big big dog the big big old old big cat saw the old old big old dog the big big cat heard the old old big big old old old dog the big old big big old old old old dog saw the big dog the old big cat heard the old big big old big big old cat the big old old old big old big old old cat heard the cat the old old old old old big big dog saw the big old dog the old big big big big old old cat heard the big big dog the old cat heard the old big big old old old big old cat the old cat heard the big old old old big big old old cat the big big old big big old big big old old old dog ate the big big big old big big old old old big old dog ate the big big old old big old big big dog saw the old dog the old big old old dog heard the big big big big big cat the big old old big old big cat heard the old big big cat the cat saw the big big big big big old old old old dog the dog heard the big old big big old old big big big cat the big old dog heard the old big old big old big old dog the old old big old big old old old big cat saw the cat the big old old old old old big old big cat saw the cat the cat saw the big big big big big big old big old cat the big old old big big old old old old old big cat ate the big old old big old old big old big old old cat ate the dog heard the big big big big big old big big old cat the big old big big dog heard the big old old big big cat the dog saw the big old big old big big old big big dog the old big old dog heard the old big big big big big dog the big old old old old dog saw the old big old big dog the big big big big old big old old dog saw the old dog the cat heard the big old big old old old old big old cat the big big big big dog saw the old old old big big dog the old big dog saw the old old old old old old old dog the dog saw the old old big old big old big old big cat the old big old big big old cat heard the big old big dog the big big old big big big cat heard the big old old dog the old big dog heard the old old big old old big old dog the big big big cat heard the old old big old old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big big big big big cat the old dog saw the old big old old big big big old cat the big big cat saw the big big big big old old big dog the old old big old big big big big old old old dog slept the big big big cat saw the old big big big old old cat the old big big big dog saw the big old big big old dog the big big dog saw the big big old big old big old dog the old old old old old old cat heard the big big big cat the old big dog heard the old big old big big old big dog the old old big big big cat heard the big big big old cat the big old big old cat heard the old old big big old dog the big big old old old dog saw the old old old big dog the big big dog saw the old big old old old old big cat the old old cat saw the big old old old old big big cat the old cat heard the big big old big old big old old cat the old old dog heard the big big big old big old old dog the big old big cat heard the old big old old old big cat the old cat saw the big big big big old big big big cat the old big old big old old big big old dog saw the dog the big old old old big big old big big dog saw the cat the old old old cat heard the old big big big big old cat the dog saw the old big old big old big big big big dog the big big old old big old dog heard the old old big dog the old cat heard the big big old big big big big big dog the old big old cat saw the old old old big old big cat the old old old big dog heard the old big old big old cat the big dog heard the old big old big big old old big dog the big old big old big big big big dog heard the old dog the big big old old old old cat saw the old old old cat the dog heard the big big old big big big big big old dog the big old cat saw the big big big old big big old dog the old dog saw the old old old old big old big old dog the old big old big old old old old old big big cat ate the old old old old old big old old big big big dog ate the cat saw the big big old old old big big big old cat the big big old big big dog saw the old old big old cat the big old old old cat saw the big big big big old cat the old big old big big old big cat heard the old big cat the big big old big big big big old big dog saw the cat the big big big big old old old dog heard the big big cat the big big old big big dog heard the old big old big dog the dog saw the old old old old big big big old big dog the big old dog heard the big old big old old big big cat the big old big big old big big dog saw the big old dog the big big old big big big big big dog heard the old dog the old old old big old dog saw the big old big old cat the old big cat heard the big old old big big old old dog the old old old big big old old old big big old cat ate the old big big big old old big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big old old big old big dog heard the cat the big old old big cat saw the big big big big old dog the old big dog saw the big old big big big big old cat the old big old old big old big old cat heard the big cat the old big big dog saw the big old big big big old cat the big big old old old dog heard the big old old big dog the old old dog heard the old big big big old big old dog the big old big big big big old cat heard the old big dog the big big big cat saw the big old old old big big dog the old old big old big old big old big cat heard the cat the big big old old cat heard the big old old big old dog the big old old big big big old old dog heard the old cat the old big big old big old big old big big old dog ate the old old old big old old big dog heard the old big cat the big dog saw the old old old big old old big old dog the big big old old big old old cat heard the old big dog the old old old big big dog saw the old old big old dog the old big old old big big big old old dog saw the cat the old big cat saw the old old big big big big old cat the old cat saw the big big big old old old old big cat the old big old old big old old dog heard the old old cat the big big old cat heard the old big old big old old cat the big big big cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old big old old dog saw the old big old old old cat the old old old big old old big old old cat heard the dog the big big big old old old dog saw the old big old dog the dog saw the big old old old big old big big big cat the old old old old old big big dog heard the big old cat the old old big dog heard the old old big big old old cat the big old big big big old old big dog heard the big dog the old big old big big old big old big cat heard the cat the old old big big old cat saw the old old old big cat the old big big old big big old big old dog saw the dog the old big big big big big old big cat saw the old dog the dog saw the big big old big big old big old big cat the dog saw the big old big big big big old old big cat the dog saw the big big big old big old old big big cat the dog heard the old big old big old old old old big dog the big big old dog heard the big big big old big big cat the big dog saw the old old old big big big big old dog the old big old big big big cat saw the big big big dog the big old dog saw the big old big old old big big dog the big old big old big old big dog saw the big big dog the old big cat heard the big big big big big big big dog the old big big big big dog saw the old old big old dog the old big big old big old big dog heard the old big cat the old big big old big dog saw the old big old old dog the old big dog saw the old old big big old big old dog the old old big dog heard the big big old old big big cat the old big dog heard the old big big big old big big dog the old old big big big cat saw the old old big big cat the old big dog heard the big old big old old old old dog the big old old old big cat heard the big big old old cat the old big old big cat heard the big old big big old dog the old dog saw the old old old big old big old big cat the big big big old cat saw the old big old old old cat the big cat heard the old old big big old big old big dog the big old big dog saw the big big big old old big cat the old big big big big dog heard the old old big old dog the old old old big big cat heard the old old big big dog the big old big old old old old old big cat saw the dog the old big old big old old big big old cat saw the cat the big big old old old dog heard the old old big old dog the big big old old dog heard the old big big big old dog the big old old big big old old dog saw the big old dog the big big big big old big old old cat saw the big dog the big old big old big big old cat saw the big old dog the old old big big dog heard the big big old old big cat the old big big cat saw the big old big old big old cat the old old old big big cat heard the old big old old cat the old big cat saw the old big old old big big old cat the big old old old old dog saw the big old old big dog the old big big old old big dog heard the old old big dog the big big old old big big cat heard the big old big cat the old cat heard the big big old old old old big old dog the old old big big old big cat saw the old big big cat the old old big old old big old old cat saw the big dog the big big big old old dog heard the big big old big cat the big big old big old old dog heard the old old old dog the old old big old old old old dog saw the old old dog the old old old big big cat saw the big big old big dog the old old big cat heard the old old big old big big cat the old old old old big old big big cat heard the big dog the big old old old big big big big cat heard the old dog the old old big old old big cat saw the big old big cat the big big big big old old cat heard the big old old cat the old old old big big old big big cat saw the old dog the old big old old old old dog heard the old big old dog the cat heard the old big old old old old big big big cat the cat heard the big old big old old big old old old dog the big cat saw the big old big big big old big big cat the big big big big big old big dog heard the big big dog the big old old big old big big big big dog heard the cat the old old big big big big old big big dog heard the cat the old old big cat heard the old old big big old big dog the old big big old big old big big cat saw the old cat the old old big big big big big cat saw the old big cat the old big big big big old old big dog saw the big dog the old old big old old old big old cat heard the old cat the big big old old old cat saw the big big big big cat the old old old old big big big dog heard the old old cat the big old big old cat saw the big big old big old cat the big old old big big old cat heard the big big big dog the old old big big big old cat heard the old old old cat the old old old big big big old big dog heard the big cat the big cat saw the big big old big big old big big dog the old old old big big old old old big old old dog ate the big big big old old old cat heard the big big old dog the big big big cat saw the big big old big old old dog the big big old old big big big big big old big dog slept the old big old big old old big old cat heard the old cat the big old big old big cat heard the old big old big dog the big dog saw the old big old big old old old old dog the old big big old old big old cat heard the old big dog the big old old big big dog saw the big big old old dog the big old big old dog saw the old old big big old dog the big dog saw the big big old old old old big big cat the big big old big big big old old old dog saw the dog the old big big old big big old big old cat saw the cat the old old old old old big old big old cat heard the dog the old old big big old dog saw the big old old old dog the big cat heard the big big old big big old old old dog the big big big big old big big big dog heard the old dog the big old old big big old big big old old old cat slept the old big old dog saw the old big old old old big dog the dog heard the old big big old big old old old old dog the big big old big cat saw the old old big old big dog the old big big big big old old old cat heard the old dog the big dog saw the old big old big big big old old dog the old big big big old cat saw the old old big old cat the old big big big big big cat heard the old old big dog the old old old old old old old big old cat heard the cat the old old big old big old old old old dog heard the cat the old old cat heard the old big old big big big big dog the big old old big big big old big dog saw the old cat the big old old big old old big old old dog saw the cat the old dog heard the old old big old old old big old dog the big old old old big old big old big cat heard the cat the old big big big big old old big old dog heard the cat the old big big old big big big big old cat heard the dog the cat saw the big old big big old big old big old dog the big old old old big old dog saw the big old big cat the old old big big big old old big old cat heard the dog the old old old dog saw the old old big old old big cat the big big big big big big dog saw the big big old cat the big big dog heard the big big old big big big old dog the old big old dog heard the big old big big old old cat the old old old big big old cat saw the old old big cat the big old old old old dog heard the old old old big dog the old old cat saw the big big big old old old big cat the old big dog heard the big old old old big old big cat the big old old old old old old big old cat heard the dog the big big old dog heard the big old big old big old cat the big dog heard the old big big big big big old old cat the dog saw the old old old big big big big big big dog the old old old big big big dog heard the big big big dog the old old big big dog heard the big big big big old cat the big old old old old dog heard the big old big big cat the old big big old big old big big old cat heard the cat the big big old big dog saw the old old big old big cat the old old big big old old big old old old old cat ate the big old dog saw the old big old big big big old cat the old old cat heard the big old big big old old big dog the big big big big big old old old dog heard the old dog the big big big old dog heard the big big big old big dog the old old old big old big dog saw the old old old dog the dog saw the big big big old old old big old old dog the big big old big old big cat saw the big big old cat the old big old big dog saw the big old big big big dog the big old old big dog saw the big big old old old dog the cat saw the big old old old big old big old old dog the old big old big old cat heard the big old big big cat the old old cat saw the big big big big big old big cat the big big old old big old big dog heard the old big cat the old cat saw the big old old old old big old big dog the big big big old big big old old old dog heard the cat the big cat saw the old big big big big old big old dog the big cat saw the big old big big old big big old dog the old old big big big old big old old old old dog slept the big old big big old old old old old old big dog slept the cat heard the big old old big big big old old old dog the big old old old big old old big cat saw the old cat the big big big old dog saw the big big old old old cat the big old old old old big dog heard the old old old dog the big old big big big dog heard the big big old old cat the old dog saw the old old old old old big old old cat the old big cat heard the big old old old big old big dog the big big big big old big old old dog heard the big cat the old dog heard the old old old old old big old big dog the dog saw the big big big old big big old old big dog the old dog saw the big big old old old old old old cat the big old big dog heard the big old old old big old dog the old big old old old old old dog saw the big big cat the old big dog saw the big old big old big big big cat the big old old big old big big big dog saw the old dog the old big big cat heard the big big old old old old dog the big big big big dog saw the big big old old old dog the old old old big old old big old big cat saw the cat the old cat saw the old big big old old big big big dog the big big old big big old dog saw the old old big dog the big old old dog heard the big big old big old big dog the big old big big old old big big dog saw the big dog the old big big cat saw the old big old old old big dog the old big dog heard the old old old big old big big cat the old old big old big old dog saw the big old big dog the old big old old cat saw the old big big old big dog the cat heard the big big old old big big big big old dog the big big old big old big cat heard the big old old cat the big cat saw the old big old big old old old big dog the big big big old big old old big cat saw the old cat the big big old big old cat heard the big big old old cat the big big big big big old old big old cat heard the cat the big old old big old cat saw the old old old old cat the old old old big old old cat saw the old big big dog the old big big cat heard the big big big big old old dog the old big big big big big dog saw the old big old dog the big old old big old old dog saw the big big old cat the big big old big big old old cat saw the big big cat the old old big old big old dog heard the old big old dog the old big old big dog saw the old old old old big dog the big big old big big old cat saw the big big big dog the old big old cat heard the big old big old big big cat the big cat saw the old old old old old old big old dog the old old cat saw the big old big big old old old cat the big old old old dog heard the old old big big old dog the big old big big old big big big old cat saw the dog the big big big old old old dog saw the big big big dog the old big big big old old old big old big old dog ate the old old big old old big big big dog heard the big dog the big dog saw the old big old old old big old big cat the old big big old big old big big cat heard the old dog the big old old old big old big big big dog heard the cat the big old old big old big dog heard the old big old dog the big old big old big dog saw the big old old old cat the big big big big old big big dog saw the big big dog the old old old old big old cat saw the big big big dog the old old old big old old big old old big old cat ate the old big old big old big old cat saw the old old dog the big old cat saw the big old big old big big old dog the big old cat saw the big big old old big old big dog the old old old big big big old big big dog saw the cat the big old big big old cat heard the big big big old cat the old old old old big old old big big cat saw the dog the old big old big old old big big cat heard the big dog the big old old cat saw the old old old old big big dog the dog heard the big old old old big big old old big cat the cat heard the old big old old old big old big big cat the old old big old old old dog saw the big big old cat the big big old big old big big old old old old cat ate the old big old big old big dog heard the old big big cat the big old old old old big old big old cat saw the dog the old old cat heard the big old big big big big old dog the old old big big old big old big dog heard the big cat the big old cat heard the big big old big old big big dog the big dog heard the old big old big old big big big dog the old big old old old big old big old big big cat slept the old big old old old old old big dog heard the big cat the big old big old old old big old big big old dog ate the old big old big big old old old cat heard the old cat the big old big big old big old cat saw the big big dog the big old big big big big big old dog heard the old dog the big old big old old big old big big cat saw the dog the big old big big old big cat saw the big big old cat the big old old old old big old old big old big dog slept the old old big old old big big old old old big dog slept the old old old big big big old big old cat heard the dog the big big old old cat heard the old old old old big dog the old big big old big old dog heard the big old old cat the big old big old old big dog heard the big old old cat the old old dog saw the big big big old old big old dog the big old big big old dog saw the old big old big cat the cat heard the big old big big old big old big old dog the old cat saw the old old old old old big old big cat the big big old big old old big cat heard the old big cat the cat saw the big old big old big old old old old cat the old old big dog heard the big big old old big old dog the old big big old old big old big big cat heard the cat the old old old old old old dog saw the big old old dog the big old old big old old old old cat heard the big dog the old big old old big old cat saw the big old old cat the big old big old old big big old big cat heard the dog the old big big big big big big old dog heard the big cat the old big big old old dog heard the old old old old cat the big big big cat saw the old old big big big big dog the big big old old old old big old cat heard the big cat the big old big big old old old big dog heard the big cat the big old big big old old old cat saw the old big cat the big big big dog saw the big old old big old big cat the old big big big cat heard the big big big big old cat the old big old big big big big big dog saw the big cat the big cat saw the old big old big old big big old dog the cat saw the big big big old old old big old big cat the big old old big big big old big cat saw the big cat the old dog heard the big big old big old old old old cat the old dog saw the big big old big old old old old dog the big old dog saw the old old big big big big big cat the old big big big old old old old old dog heard the cat the big old old big big old old big old cat heard the dog the old old big big old old big old old cat saw the cat the big old big big big old big cat saw the old big cat the old big big old big old old cat heard the big big dog the big old big big big big big big old cat heard the cat the big big old old big big cat heard the old big old cat the old dog heard the old big old old big big old big cat the big old cat saw the big old old big big old old dog the big big old big old old old old old cat saw the cat the big big old old old big dog heard the big big old dog the old big big old old big big old old cat saw the dog the big old old big big old old big old cat saw the dog the big big dog saw the big big old big old old old cat the old big big old big old big old big old old cat ate the big old big dog saw the old old big big big big dog the big old old old cat saw the old old big big old cat the old old big dog saw the big old big big big big cat the old big old big old big old dog heard the big old cat the big big old dog saw the old big big big big old cat the old big old dog saw the big big old big old old cat the old old big old old big old cat saw the old old cat the dog saw the old big big old old old old old big dog the big big old big old big cat saw the old old old dog the big big old old old big old big old big old cat ate the big big old big old old old cat heard the big big cat the old old big old big big old big cat saw the big cat the big old old big old big big old dog saw the old dog the old cat saw the old old big big old old big old dog the big old old dog heard the big old old big old old dog the old old old old cat heard the big big big old old dog the cat heard the old old old big old big big old old dog the old big big big dog heard the old big big big old cat the old old old old big old big old old cat saw the cat the big old old dog saw the old old big big old old cat the old big old big big cat heard the old old big old cat the big old old big big old dog heard the old old old cat the dog heard the big big big old big big old big old cat the big old old cat heard the old big big big old old cat the old big old big big old big big old dog saw the cat the old big big old old old old old old cat saw the cat the big big old big cat heard the big big old old big cat the big big old big old old old dog heard the big old cat the old cat saw the big old big old old big big big dog the big old old big old big big cat saw the big old dog the big big old old old old big old big old big cat slept the big old big old old old big old big big old cat slept the big old cat heard the big big big old old old old dog the big big big big big cat heard the old old old big cat the dog heard the old big big old big big big big big cat the old old big old big dog saw the big big big big cat the big old big big old old big cat saw the big big dog the old big old old cat heard the big big old big big cat the big big big big old big dog heard the big big big cat the old big old big old big big big big dog heard the cat the old old old old dog 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dog the big old big old old old old dog saw the old big cat the big big big old old big old big big big old dog ate the big big cat saw the big big big big old big big dog the big old big cat saw the old old old old old old cat the cat heard the big old old big big big old big big cat the big old big big cat heard the big big old big big cat the old old old old old big big dog heard the old big dog the big old big big big big big big dog heard the old cat the cat heard the big big big big old big big big old cat the big big old dog saw the big old old big big old cat the big big old old old big big cat saw the old old dog the old old big cat saw the old big old old big old dog the old old old big old old old old old dog heard the dog the old old big big old big big big old dog saw the dog the big old big big big cat saw the big big old old dog the old big big big big big big big cat heard the big cat the big big cat heard the big big big big old big big cat the old dog saw the old old 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old big old old big dog heard the big old dog the big big big dog heard the old old old old big dog the old big big old dog saw the big old old old dog the big dog saw the old big big big old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the big big old old dog the old big big old old big old big big big dog slept the dog heard the big old old old big old big old cat the big big old big old big cat heard the big big dog the old old big old cat saw the old big old old dog the big old big old big old dog heard the old big dog the old old old cat saw the old old old big big cat the big big old old old cat heard the old big old dog the old big old big dog saw the old old old old dog the big old old big old old big cat saw the old dog the dog saw the old big old old old big big big cat the old big old old big dog saw the old big big dog the big big big old cat saw the old old big old cat the old big big old big big old dog saw the big dog the old old big big big cat saw the big old old cat the 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old dog saw the old old big old old big cat the old big old big cat heard the big big old big dog the big old old old big big dog saw the big big dog the big big old big old big dog heard the big old dog the old cat saw the big big big old old old big cat the old old old old big dog saw the old old old cat the big old old big big old old big cat saw the cat the cat saw the old old big old big old old big cat the big big old old big old old old cat heard the cat the big big big big big cat saw the big old old cat the old old big big dog heard the old old big big cat the big old big old cat saw the old old old old dog the big old dog heard the old big old big old big dog the big big old dog heard the old old big old old dog the big old big old old dog saw the big big old dog the big old dog heard the old big big big big big cat the big old big big cat heard the big big old big dog the big old big dog saw the big old big big big dog the big old old old old old dog heard the big big dog 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dog the old old cat saw the old big big old big big cat the old big old big old dog saw the old big big cat the old big big big old big old dog saw the big cat the old old old big old old big cat heard the old dog the big old old big big cat heard the big big old cat the old cat heard the old big old big big old old dog the big old old big cat heard the old big old old dog the big big old old dog heard the big big big old cat the old big old old old cat saw the big big big cat the big cat saw the big big old old big old old cat the big big dog heard the old big big old old old cat the old old old old dog saw the old big old big cat the big dog saw the big old big old big big big cat the old old big cat heard the big big big old old cat the big big big old big dog saw the old old old dog the dog heard the old big old old big big big big cat the old big big old old old cat saw the big big cat the old old old big big big old cat heard the old cat the old old old old dog heard the big old 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cat heard the big dog the big old big big old big big cat heard the big dog the big old big dog saw the old old old old big dog the old old big big dog saw the old big big big dog the big old old big big old cat heard the old big cat the dog saw the old old big big old big big big cat the old big old old old cat heard the old old big dog the big old old big old old big cat heard the big dog the old old old big old old dog heard the old old dog the old old big dog heard the old big old big big dog the cat saw the old big big big big big old big cat the big big big old big big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big big old old dog saw the old cat the old big big big old big big big cat heard the dog the big big big big old big big old cat saw the dog the old old old big big old dog saw the old big dog the cat saw the old old big old old old big old cat the big old big cat heard the big big big old big cat the big big old big old dog saw the old old big dog the old big old big dog 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big big old big cat heard the old big old cat the big big big big big old dog saw the old old cat the big big old old old big old old big old dog slept the old big big old old big big old cat heard the cat the old big big old cat saw the old old old old dog the old big old big big old cat heard the big big cat the big big dog saw the old old old big old old dog the big old old old old cat heard the old big old cat the old old old old old dog saw the old big old cat the old big old old old old big old cat heard the cat the big big big big old old cat saw the big big dog the big big old big big old old old cat saw the cat the old old old dog heard the old big big big old dog the cat saw the big old old big old old big big dog the big big big cat saw the big old old big old cat the old old cat saw the big old old big old big dog the big dog heard the old big old old big big old cat the old big old big cat saw the old old big old cat the big old old big big dog heard the big big old cat 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big big dog the dog heard the big big big big big old big big cat the big old big big old old cat saw the old old cat the old big old cat heard the big old big big old cat the big old old big old dog heard the big big big dog the big old dog heard the old old old old big old cat the dog heard the old big old big old big old old cat the big big old big old big old big old old dog slept the big old old cat saw the big big old big big dog the dog saw the old big old old old old old big dog the big old dog saw the old old big big old old dog the big old big old old old big old big big dog ate the dog saw the big old old old old big big big cat the big big old old big big dog saw the old old cat the big old big cat saw the big big old big old cat the old old big old big old dog heard the big big cat the old old big dog saw the big big big big big dog the dog heard the old big old big big big big big dog the big old old cat saw the big big big old old cat the old big old big old old dog 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big big big old cat saw the old big big big cat the big cat saw the old old big old old old big dog the big big old big old big old old cat saw the cat the old old old big old old big big cat heard the cat the big old big old old old big dog heard the old cat the big big old big big big big old dog heard the dog the big old big old dog heard the old big big old cat the big big dog heard the big big old old old old dog the old old cat heard the old big big old old old cat the old big big big old old old dog heard the old dog the old old big big big old big old big big cat slept the old big big big old old big old dog heard the dog the big big dog heard the big big big old big old cat the big old cat saw the old old big old old old dog the big big big dog saw the old big old old big dog the big old big cat heard the old big big old old cat the big big dog saw the big old big big old big dog the big big dog saw the old big big big big old dog the old old big big dog saw the old old old old cat the big dog heard the old big big old big big old dog the old big old old old old dog heard the old old dog the big big old cat heard the old old old old big cat the big big old big old big big old dog heard the cat the big big big dog heard the old big old big old dog the old old old old old big dog saw the big old cat the cat saw the old old old big old big old big dog the big old old big big old old cat saw the big cat the big old old cat heard the old old old big old dog the old old old old big old big big big big cat slept the dog saw the old old big big old old old big dog the cat saw the old old old big big big big big cat the big old dog saw the big old big old old big dog the big big old old big big old cat heard the big cat the old old big big big old big big big big dog slept the old big old big cat heard the big old big old dog the old big big old big big big cat saw the old cat the old big old cat saw the big big old big big dog the old old old big old big old old cat heard the dog the big old old dog heard the big old old big old cat the old old cat heard the big big old big big old cat the old old old big dog saw the big big old big dog the old dog saw the big big old old big big big cat the old old big old cat heard the old old old old cat the old big big old big old old dog heard the big cat the big old cat saw the big old old big big old dog the big big big big big old old dog heard the old cat the big old old old old old old dog heard the big cat the big dog heard the big big old big big big big dog the big old big big big old old old dog heard the cat the big old old big cat saw the old big big big cat the old big cat saw the old big old old big old dog the old big old old old dog heard the big big old dog the big old big big cat heard the big old big old dog the big big cat saw the big big big big big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big big old big cat the dog heard the big big old big old big big big cat the old old big old 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big big big dog heard the old cat the old old big old big big dog saw the big big cat the big dog saw the big old old big old big old cat the big big big old old old old big dog saw the cat the old big big big old old big big dog saw the dog the old big old dog heard the old big old big old cat the big big old old big cat heard the old old old dog the old big old big big old old big old old dog ate the big big old old big old big big dog heard the cat the big old big old big big old big dog heard the cat the old big big old big big big big cat heard the dog the old big big big old old cat heard the old big dog the old old big old cat saw the big old big big cat the old big cat saw the big big old old old old cat the old big big big dog heard the old big big old cat the big old old old big old old big dog heard the cat the old old old dog heard the big big big old big cat the old cat heard the old big big big big big big dog the big old big old big big big dog heard the big cat the big 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old big big big big big big dog the old big big old old old old old cat heard the cat the old old big big big dog saw the old old old cat the old big old old dog saw the old old old old dog the old old big old big old old cat saw the old dog the old old old big big big old cat saw the old cat the big big big big big old old old old old dog slept the old big big dog saw the old big old big old dog the old old big old big old cat saw the old big dog the old old old big big old old big big old dog ate the old big old old big old dog heard the big big dog the old old big big big dog heard the old old big dog the old dog saw the old old big old big old big cat the big big old big big old dog heard the big old dog the dog saw the big old old big big big old old cat the old big dog saw the old old old old big big cat the old big old old old old big old old old cat slept the big old big big old old big dog saw the old cat the big cat heard the big big old big old old old dog the old old old big big big old old dog saw the dog the old old dog heard the old big old big big old dog the old cat saw the old big old big big old big dog the big old old big old big big cat saw the old dog the big old big old old big old big old old cat ate the big old old big big big big old big big cat slept the old cat heard the big big old old big big old cat the old old old big old big big cat heard the old dog the old big old old dog saw the big big old old dog the old old old old old old old old old big cat slept the big big big old big old old cat saw the old dog the big big dog heard the big big old big old big dog the dog saw the old big big big old big old old dog the old cat saw the big old old big big old old cat the old old cat heard the old big big big old big cat the big big big old big old cat saw the old big dog the old old old big big old big big cat saw the dog the big big big dog heard the old old big old old cat the dog saw the old big big big big big big old cat the big dog saw the old old old old big big big dog the big big old old cat saw the old big big old cat the old big old big big old big big big big cat ate the old big big big old cat saw the big big big cat the big old dog saw the old big old big old old cat the big old big big old old dog saw the big big cat the big big cat heard the big old big old big old dog the old old big big big old big cat heard the old dog the old big old big cat heard the old big old old cat the big big big dog heard the old big big big big dog the old big old cat saw the big old big old big cat the big old big old old old big old big old cat ate the old old old old old cat heard the old old old dog the big old cat heard the big big big big old big dog the big old big old big cat saw the old old old cat the big old dog saw the old big big big big big dog the old big old big dog saw the big big big old dog the old big old big cat heard the big big big big dog the old dog heard the old big old old big old old dog the cat saw the old old old big old old big old dog the old old old big big dog heard the big old old dog the old old old old old big big big big old dog ate the old old old cat saw the big old old old big cat the big big big big big old cat saw the big big dog the old old big old big big old dog saw the old cat the old old big big big old cat heard the old big dog the big old old cat heard the big old old old big cat the big big big big big cat saw the big big old cat the big big big old big big cat heard the old old dog the old big cat saw the old big old big big big dog the big big old dog heard the old old big big old dog the big old old old cat saw the old big old old dog the big old old big big big cat heard the old big cat the old cat heard the old big old old old big old dog the big cat saw the big old old big old old old cat the old old big big big big old cat heard the big dog the old big old big big old big cat heard the big dog the big old old old cat saw the big big big old cat 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big cat the old big old old big old dog saw the big big cat the old big big old old old old cat heard the old dog the big old big old cat saw the big big big old dog the old old old big big old cat heard the big old cat the old old big big old big old cat heard the big cat the old big big old old big cat saw the big big cat the old big big big old old old big dog saw the dog the big big old big cat heard the old big old big cat the old old old old dog heard the old old old old cat the old big old old old big big big cat saw the cat the big big big old old dog heard the old big old cat the big big old dog heard the big big old big big dog the cat saw the old big old old big big old old cat the big old big cat saw the old old old big old cat the big old old big cat heard the old big big old dog the old old old big big old old dog heard the big cat the old old old old old old old dog saw the big cat the big big dog heard the big old big old old big cat the big big old cat heard the old big big old old dog the big big old old big big old dog heard the old cat the big old big big big old old big dog heard the cat the old dog saw the big big big old old old old cat the cat heard the big old big big old big big big cat the old cat heard the old old old old old big big cat the old big old big cat saw the old old old big dog the old old big old big old old big old old cat slept the old old big big old old old old big old cat slept the old old old big big old big old old old cat slept the old big big big cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old big dog heard the big old big old dog the old old big big old big cat heard the big big dog the old big big old old cat heard the old old big cat the big big old old old big big old cat saw the cat the big old old big big dog heard the big old big dog the old cat heard the old big big big old old old cat the old old old old big big old old cat heard the dog the old big big big dog heard the old old old old dog the old old 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old old big big old big old dog saw the big dog the cat heard the old old big old old old big old dog the big old old old big old big cat saw the big cat the old cat saw the old big big big old big big dog the big old cat heard the big big old big big old dog the old big big big dog heard the big big old old dog the big old cat saw the old big old old old old cat the big big big cat heard the old old old big old dog the old old old big old dog saw the big old old cat the old old old old big old old old cat saw the cat the big big dog saw the big big old big old big cat the dog heard the old old old old old old big old cat the big old big cat saw the big big old old big dog the big old old old dog saw the old old big big cat the big dog heard the big old big big old old big cat the big big big big big old old big old old cat ate the big old old dog saw the old old big old big dog the old old big big big big dog saw the old old cat the big big old big old old old old dog heard the cat the big cat saw the old big old old old big old dog the old big old big big big dog heard the big old cat the old old old old old dog heard the old old old dog the big big old old old big old old dog saw the dog the big old old old old old big old cat saw the dog the old old old big big big old old cat saw the cat the big cat heard the big old old old big old old dog the old big cat heard the big old big old old big dog the big cat heard the big old old big big big old cat the big old old old dog saw the old big old big dog the cat heard the old old old old old old big big cat the old big big big old old dog saw the big big cat the big big big cat heard the old big big big old dog the big dog saw the big old old old old big big cat the big old big dog saw the old big big big big dog the big big big dog saw the big big big old big cat the old old big cat heard the old big old old old cat the big big big old old old cat saw the big big dog the cat heard the big old big old old old old big cat the old big big old big old old big cat saw the dog the dog heard the big big old old big old big old cat the big big old old cat heard the old old old big dog the big cat saw the old big old big big big old dog the dog saw the big old old old big old big old dog the big old big big big big cat saw the big old dog the old old dog saw the old big old old old old cat the old old old big old big old big old big dog slept the big big big big cat saw the big old old old cat the cat heard the old old old old old big old big dog the old big big big big big old big cat saw the dog the big big old big old big big big cat saw the dog the big old old big big old big big old big dog ate the old old dog saw the old big big old big big dog the big old big big old big dog heard the big big dog the old big big big big old dog heard the big big dog the big big dog saw the old old old big big old dog the old big dog heard the old old old big old old cat the big big old old big cat heard the big old big dog the old big old dog heard the old big big big big cat the old big big cat heard the big old big big big dog the cat heard the big big old old big old big big cat the old dog heard the big big old big old big big dog the big old dog heard the big big old big old big cat the old big cat saw the big big old big old big cat the old big big old old big big dog saw the old dog the big big big big big big old old cat saw the dog the old big old old cat saw the big big big old cat the big old old big old big old cat saw the old dog the old big old big big old old cat saw the old dog the old big old big old big big big big old dog ate the old big big big old old old big big big dog ate the old old old cat heard the old big old big old dog the big old cat heard the big old old old old old dog the big cat saw the old old old old big old big dog the old big dog heard the old old big big big big dog the big old big old old cat saw the big old old dog the cat saw the old big old big old 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big old big old dog the big old old old big old big big old big dog slept the big old big big big old dog saw the old old dog the old big old cat saw the old old big old old cat the big big cat saw the big old old big big big dog the big big big big old old big big old old cat slept the old dog heard the old old big big big big big cat the big old big old big big cat heard the old old cat the cat saw the old big old big big big old old dog the old big old old old big big dog heard the old cat the old old old big big big big big cat heard the dog the big big dog heard the big big big old old big dog the cat saw the big big old old big big big big cat the big big old big old big cat heard the old old dog the old dog saw the old big big old big big big cat the old old old old old big old dog heard the old cat the big big big dog heard the old big old old old cat the old old big old big old old cat heard the old dog the old big big big old cat saw the old old big dog the big dog saw the old old old big old big big dog the old big big old old old big big big big dog ate the big big old old old dog saw the big big old dog the old big old big big cat heard the old old old cat the old big dog heard the big big old big big big cat the big old old old old big old dog saw the old cat the big big big big old old old old cat saw the cat the old old old big old big big dog saw the old dog the big old big old big dog heard the old big old cat the big big old dog saw the big old big big big dog the cat heard the old big old big old big big big cat the old big big old old old big cat heard the old cat the old old old cat saw the old big old big big dog the old big cat heard the big old old old big old dog the big old big old old big big dog heard the old cat the big cat heard the old big big old old big old cat the big old big old old big cat heard the old big dog the old big big old big old cat heard the old big dog the old old big old old big dog saw the old old cat the big old cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old cat heard the big old old old old old big cat the big big big old cat saw the big old big old dog the big old big cat saw the big big big big old dog the old old big old big old big old dog heard the cat the big big big old big cat heard the big big big dog the old big old old big big cat saw the old old cat the big old old old old old cat heard the old big dog the old old big cat saw the old big old big old cat the big big old old big big old big dog heard the dog the big old big big big cat heard the old old old cat the old cat saw the big big old big big big old cat the old big big big old big old old big big dog slept the old big big dog saw the old old old big big dog the old big dog saw the big old old big big big dog the old big old big old old old dog heard the old dog the old old old old old big old old cat saw the cat the big old old old old old old big big old dog slept the old big old old dog saw the old old big big cat the big big cat saw the big big big big old big cat the big old big old big dog heard the big old old dog the old big old big big big big cat saw the big cat the big big big big old old cat heard the old old cat the old big old big big dog saw the old big old dog the old big old old big old old cat heard the big dog the old big big old old old big dog heard the big dog the old old old old big big big old cat heard the cat the big big big big dog saw the big old old big cat the old cat saw the old old big old big big big dog the big old old old cat saw the big old old old dog the dog heard the old old old big old old big old dog the old big dog saw the big big old old old big cat the old old big big cat heard the old big big big dog the old big old old old big old big cat heard the dog the old cat heard the big old old big big old big cat the old old big big old big dog saw the big old cat the big old big big old old big old dog heard the dog the big big big old big big old cat saw the big cat the big big big cat saw the old old old old old dog the old big big big big big big cat saw the big dog the big old big big old cat heard the old old big dog the old old big big big dog saw the big old big cat the old big cat heard the old old old old big big cat the big old big old old big cat saw the big old dog the old big old big big big cat saw the big old cat the big big big big old big old cat heard the old cat the big big big cat saw the old big old big old cat the big old dog heard the old big big big old old cat the big big big big big big big old dog heard the cat the old old old old cat heard the old old old old cat the old old old big old big big old old old dog ate the old big old old big old old dog heard the big cat the big old old old old old dog heard the old old dog the big old big big big big old old dog heard the cat the big big big old big old old big dog heard the cat the old big big old old big old big cat saw the dog the big big old big big cat heard the 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big dog heard the old big old old old big old dog the big old dog heard the big big big old old big cat the old big big big old big big cat heard the old dog the big cat heard the big big big old old old old cat the old old cat saw the big old big old big big dog the big old old big big dog heard the old big old dog the big old old big old big cat heard the old old cat the old big old big big old cat heard the old old cat the big big old big old cat saw the big old old dog the big old old old big dog saw the big old big dog the old big big old old big cat saw the big old dog the old old big big big big big old dog heard the dog the old big old dog saw the big big big big big dog the big big old big cat heard the old big old old dog the cat saw the big old old big old old old old dog the old big old old old big old old big old cat ate the old big big big big dog heard the old big old cat the big old big big big old old big dog saw the dog the old cat heard the big old big big big old big dog the old old big old big old cat heard the old big cat the old old big old old big big big big big cat ate the big big cat saw the big old old old old old cat the old big big big old big cat heard the old big dog the big old big big big old cat heard the old old cat the old old big old old old big cat heard the big dog the old big big old old cat heard the old old old dog the big big old old big big big big big big dog ate the big old big big dog saw the big big old old dog the old old big cat heard the old old old old big cat the old cat saw the big old big old big old big dog the big big old dog saw the old old big big old dog the old old big dog saw the big old old old old dog the dog heard the old big old big old old old old dog the old old old old old big cat saw the old old dog the old big old big dog heard the old big big old cat the cat heard the old big old old old big big old cat the old dog heard the old old big big old old big dog the old old old big old old big old 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cat saw the old cat the big cat saw the big old old old big big old cat the old big dog heard the big big big old big big cat the dog saw the big old old old old big old old cat the old big old big old big cat heard the big old cat the old old big cat heard the old big big old big cat the old old big old big old dog heard the old old cat the big big cat heard the big big old big old old dog the old big big old big old old cat saw the big dog the big big big big old big big cat heard the big dog the dog heard the big big old old old big old big dog the big big big big big big big dog heard the big dog the cat heard the big old old big old big big big cat the big big old big big old cat heard the old big cat the old big big old old big old old dog heard the dog the big old old big big old cat heard the big old dog the big old big big old old big old old big dog ate the big big big old big big old old big old cat slept the big old cat saw the big old big old old old cat the big dog heard the old old old big big big big cat the dog saw the big old old old big big big big dog the big old old old dog heard the old old old old dog the big old old big big big big cat saw the old dog the old old dog saw the old big old big old big cat the cat saw the old big big big big big big old dog the old dog saw the big old big big old big big dog the big old old old big dog heard the big old big cat the big big big big cat saw the big big old big cat the big old big big old big cat heard the big old cat the big big old big big big old cat heard the big cat the big big old old old old cat saw the big old dog the big cat saw the big old big old old old big dog the old dog heard the big big old old big old big cat the big big big big old big old big big big cat slept the old old old old old old cat heard the big big cat the old big old big old old old big cat heard the dog the big old old big old old cat heard the big old cat the big big old old big old old old big big cat slept the big big big big cat heard the old big big old dog the big big big old old old big old dog saw the dog the big big old big old old big dog heard the big cat the big big big big old big big cat saw the old cat the old old old cat heard the old old big old old cat the big cat heard the old big big big old old old dog the old big big old big big dog heard the old big cat the big big big big big old old old big big dog slept the big big old big dog heard the old big big big cat the old old big old big dog heard the big big old cat the old big big dog saw the old big old old old cat the old big dog saw the big old big big old old cat the big old old old dog saw the big big big old dog the big big big big old old big big cat heard the dog the big big big big dog heard the big old big old dog the big big old big big big cat heard the big big dog the cat heard the big old big old old old old old dog the big big big big big dog heard the big old big dog the big old old old dog heard the big big old 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big old old big cat the big big old old cat saw the old old big big cat the big old big old big old dog heard the old big cat the old old big old old dog heard the big big big dog the big big big big old big dog heard the old big dog the big big old old old cat heard the old big old cat the big old big big old dog heard the big big old dog the big old old old big big big dog saw the old cat the big dog saw the big old old big big big old dog the big old old big old old big cat saw the old cat the big big big old big old big old cat heard the dog the old big old old big dog saw the old big big cat the old old old big cat heard the old old big old dog the big cat heard the old old big big old old big cat the old old big old cat saw the big big big big dog the big big old big big big dog heard the big old dog the cat heard the big old old old old old old big cat the old old big big big cat saw the big old big dog the old dog heard the old big old old old old big dog the dog heard the big old old old big big old old cat the dog heard the old big big old old old big old cat the big old big big old old big cat saw the old dog the old big big old big dog saw the old big big dog the big big big old old old big old cat heard the cat the big big old old old cat heard the big old old dog the big big dog saw the big old big old old old cat the cat saw the big old big old old big old old dog the old big old old old big dog saw the big old dog the old big old big old old big big old big cat slept the big old big old old old old old cat heard the cat the cat saw the big old big old big big big old cat the big big old big old big dog heard the big old cat the old big dog heard the old big big old old old dog the old old old big cat heard the big big big old dog the big big old big old dog heard the big big big dog the old old old old big dog saw the old old big dog the big old big big big cat heard the big old big cat the old old cat saw the old old old big big big dog the big old 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big old big old big old big big old big cat slept the big old old old old big big cat saw the old dog the old old big big big big cat heard the old big dog the big old big big cat saw the old old big old cat the big big big cat saw the old big big big big cat the big old old big old big big dog saw the big dog the old big old big big old big dog saw the big dog the old old big dog saw the old old big old big cat the big old old big cat saw the old big old old cat the old old cat heard the big big big big big old dog the big big old old big big cat heard the old old dog the old old big old cat heard the big old old old dog the big big big old big dog saw the old old old cat the big old old old old big old big big big dog ate the old big old old big old old big big big dog ate the old big old old dog saw the old old big old dog the old big big old big old dog saw the old big cat the big old big old old big dog saw the old big cat the old old big big old big old big dog heard the dog the 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cat the old old big big big big cat saw the big big dog the big big old old old big big dog heard the old dog the old old big big old big big old cat saw the cat the old old big big big dog heard the big old old cat the old old old big big big big big cat saw the dog the old big old dog saw the big big old old old cat the cat heard the big big old big old big old big cat the big big big dog saw the old old big old big cat the old big old old big old old dog heard the old dog the old dog heard the big big big old big old big dog the big big big big big dog saw the old big old cat the cat heard the old old big old old old old old cat the big dog heard the big old old big big old big cat the big old big big big big old big dog heard the cat the old old old old big old old old dog heard the dog the old old cat heard the old big big big big big cat the old old old cat heard the big old big old old dog the big big old old big old big big cat saw the dog the old old old old old old old old 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old big big big dog saw the old old old dog the big big old old old old old old dog saw the cat the big big big old old old cat saw the old big cat the old big big big old old old old dog heard the dog the old old old big old old big big cat saw the cat the big cat heard the big old old big big old big dog the big cat saw the big old old old old old old dog the big big big old old big old cat heard the big dog the dog saw the big big big big old big old big cat the big old big big old old big big cat heard the cat the big old old old cat saw the old big big old dog the big old old big big big cat heard the big big cat the big old big big big dog heard the big old big cat the big big old old old big big big old old cat slept the big old big big old big old old old big cat slept the old dog saw the old old old old old old big cat the big big old big big big big old old big dog ate the big big old old old old old cat heard the big dog the big old old old old cat saw the old old big cat the big old big big big big cat saw the old old cat the big big big old old cat saw the big old big dog the old old big old big big old old cat heard the cat the old big old old cat saw the old old old big dog the cat heard the big old old big big old big big cat the big old old old cat heard the big old big old cat the old old old cat saw the big old big old big dog the big old big old big big old old old old dog slept the old old dog heard the old old old old big old dog the big old old big old old big old cat saw the cat the big big big big old big cat saw the old big cat the old big old big old big old old cat heard the dog the big big old dog heard the big old old big old cat the old old old old old big old dog saw the big cat the old big big old cat saw the old old old old cat the big big old big old cat saw the big big big cat the old old old old old big old old big old dog ate the old big big old big big dog saw the big big dog the cat saw the old big old old old big old old dog the big old big big dog heard the big big old old dog the old big big old old dog saw the big big old cat the big big dog heard the old big old old big old dog the big old old old big cat heard the big old old dog the big big big big old big big old cat heard the dog the big big cat heard the old old big big big big dog the big old big big old old big old cat saw the dog the old old cat saw the big old old big old big cat the old big big old cat heard the big old big big dog the old dog saw the old old old big big old big cat the dog saw the old big big old big old big old cat the big big old big dog heard the old old old big dog the cat heard the old big big big old old big big dog the big big old big old old big old cat heard the dog the big big big old old old old big cat heard the dog the old old old old big big dog heard the big big cat the big big big cat saw the big old old big big dog the old dog saw the big big big old old big old cat the old old big big old old old old 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big big old old old dog heard the big dog the old old old old old big cat heard the big big cat the big big old big big old big big dog saw the dog the old big old big old big old big cat heard the dog the big cat heard the big big big old old big old cat the old big big big old old old old cat saw the dog the big big big old old big big old dog heard the dog the old big old big big old cat heard the big old cat the old big big big old big old cat heard the big cat the big big old big old cat saw the big big old dog the old dog heard the old old old old big big old dog the big old old big dog saw the old big old old dog the old big big big big big old dog heard the big cat the old cat saw the old big big old big big big cat the big old old old big dog saw the big big big dog the old big old old cat heard the old big big big dog the old old old big big big old old old big cat ate the old big big old big old old old dog heard the dog the big big big big old old cat saw the big old dog the old big old big old old old cat heard the big cat the old old old big cat heard the old old old old cat the old big old big big old old dog heard the big cat the old old big old cat saw the big big old big cat the old old cat heard the old old big old old old dog the old old cat saw the big old old big old old dog the old dog saw the old old old big big old old dog the old old big old big big old old big big cat slept the old old old old big dog heard the big big old cat the big big old big big big dog heard the old old cat the old cat heard the big old big big big big big dog the big old big big old big big old big big dog slept the old dog heard the old old big old old old old cat the old old big old old big big cat saw the old cat the old big big big big old old big cat heard the dog the big big big big old old big cat heard the big cat the old old big big old big big dog saw the big cat the big cat heard the big big big old big old old dog the old big old cat saw the old old old old old dog the big old big dog heard the old big big old old cat the big big cat heard the old big big old old old dog the big big big old big old big old old old cat slept the dog heard the old old big big old big old old dog the dog heard the old big old big old old big old dog the old old old old old big cat saw the big old dog the old old dog saw the big big old big big old dog the big old big big big old old dog heard the big cat the old old old big big cat heard the big old old cat the big dog saw the big big big old old big big cat the big big old old old big old dog saw the old dog the big old big old big big dog heard the old big cat the big old big old dog heard the big old big big dog the old old old old big big big old big old cat ate the big big big old old old big dog saw the big cat the cat saw the big big old old big old big big dog the cat saw the big old old big big big big old dog the big old old big old dog heard the big big old dog the old big big old big big big old big old dog ate the big old big old big big old old cat heard the dog the cat saw the old old old big big old old big cat the big big old big cat saw the old big old big cat the big big big old old big big cat saw the old cat the big big big big big big cat heard the big big cat the dog saw the big old old old old big big old cat the cat heard the old big old big old old big big dog the big old big old dog heard the big big old old cat the old big old old old big old old cat saw the dog the old old big cat heard the old big big big big cat the old old big old big old big old cat saw the cat the old old big old big old dog heard the big old cat the old old cat heard the big big old old old old cat the big big big old big cat heard the old big old cat the big big big old cat heard the old old old old dog the old big old big old big dog saw the big old cat the old big big big old old old big big big cat slept the big old old big old big big big old big cat slept the old old big dog heard the big old big old big cat the big dog saw the old old old big old old old dog the cat heard the big big big big old old old big dog the big dog saw the big big big big big big big cat the old old old old big big old old big old cat slept the big cat heard the big old big old big old big cat the old big old big old old dog heard the big old dog the dog heard the big big big big big big old old dog the old old dog saw the old big old big big big cat the old old cat heard the big big big old big big dog the old dog saw the old big big big big big big dog the cat heard the old big old big old big old old cat the big old old old old old old old cat heard the cat the old old old cat saw the old big old old old dog the big old big old old big big big cat saw the cat the old big big old big old big big cat saw the cat the old big old old old dog heard the old old old dog the big big big old big big old big old old cat ate the big old old old big big dog heard the big big dog the big cat saw the big old big old old big big dog the old dog heard the big big old old big big big cat the old big dog heard the big big big big big big dog the old old old big big dog saw the old old big cat the dog saw the big old old big old old old big dog the cat saw the old old big big old big big big cat the big old big big big big dog saw the big big cat the old big old dog saw the old big old big big dog the old old big big cat heard the old old big old cat the big old old dog saw the big old old old old dog the old dog saw the big old big big big big old cat the old dog saw the big big old big big old big cat the big big big old cat heard the big big old old dog the old big big dog saw the old old old old old dog the old big big old big big dog heard the big big cat the big big big old big old big old cat saw the cat the old big old old dog saw the old old old old cat the old old old old big old old old dog saw the cat the big dog saw the old big old old big big old dog the big old old big big cat heard the big old big cat the old old old old old old big big dog saw the dog the old old big old big old cat saw the old big cat the big big big big old old old old cat heard the dog the big old old big cat heard the big big old big cat the big cat heard the old old old old big big old cat the dog heard the big big old big big big old big cat the old old big old big cat saw the big old big dog the big cat saw the big old big big big big big dog the old old big big big cat heard the big big old cat the big dog heard the old old big big big old big cat the big dog saw the old big big old old old old cat the dog saw the big old old big big big old big dog the big old big old old old big cat saw the old dog the dog saw the old big big big old old big big dog the old cat saw the old big old big big old big cat the big old dog saw the big big big big big old dog the dog heard the old old big old big old old old cat the old old old cat heard the big old old old big dog the big big big old big cat saw the old big big cat the cat saw the big big big big big big big big cat the old big big dog saw the old big big old old dog the old big dog saw the big big big old old big dog the old old big old big big big big dog heard the cat the old big old big cat heard the old old big big cat the big old big big big old big big old old cat ate the big old old big old big big old big big dog ate the dog saw the old big big big old big old old cat the big cat heard the old old big big old big big cat the old big old big old big big big dog heard the dog the big old dog heard the big big old big big old dog the big big old big big big old cat saw the big dog the big big old big old big dog saw the old old dog the old old old big old big old big dog heard the dog the big big cat heard the big old big old big old cat the big dog saw the old big big big big old old cat the big big big old big cat saw the big old big dog the old cat heard the big big big old old old big cat the old old old cat heard the big big big old big dog the old big old dog heard the big big old big old cat the big big big big big big old cat saw the old cat the big old dog saw the old big old big old big dog the big old big big cat heard the old old big big cat the big old old cat heard the old old big big big cat the old old old big old big big dog heard the big dog the old big old big big cat heard the big big big cat the old dog saw the old old big big old big old dog the big big old big old old dog saw the big old dog the big big big old cat saw the old big big old cat the big old big cat heard the old big old big old dog the big cat heard the old old big big big old big dog the old old old big old old old cat saw the big cat the cat saw the old old old big old old big old cat the old big old old big big big old dog heard the dog the big cat saw the old old big big old big old cat the big big big big big old cat saw the big big cat the old big big cat saw the big old big old big cat the big big old big big big big big dog heard the cat the big big cat heard the big old big big old old dog the big dog saw the big old big big big old old dog the dog heard the old big big old old big big old dog the big big big old dog heard the old big old big dog the old old old old big dog saw the old big big dog the old dog heard the old big old big big big big dog the big big big dog saw the old big old old old dog the big old dog heard the old big old big big big cat the big big big old old big big cat heard the old dog the big old old big big big old big dog heard the cat the old cat heard the big big big big big old big cat the old old old big dog saw the big old big old cat the old big big big dog saw the big big big old dog the old big old big big big big old big big cat slept the big big old old dog saw the big old old old cat the big big old dog heard the old old big big old cat the big big cat heard the old old old old old big cat the big old big big cat heard the big big big big cat the big old old old cat saw the old big old old cat the big dog heard the big big old old old big old dog the big old cat heard the old old old old big old dog the big old big old big big old dog heard the old dog the old old big big old cat saw the big old big cat the old big big old big old big dog saw the old cat the big old big old old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old big old big big cat heard the big cat the old dog heard the big old old old big old old dog the old old old dog heard the old old old old big dog the old old big big old old old old dog saw the cat the dog heard the old big big big old old old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big old old big dog the big old old old old old old cat heard the old dog the old dog heard the old big big big old old big cat the dog saw the old old big big old old old old dog the cat saw the old old old big big big big old cat the cat saw the old big old old big old big big cat the big old dog saw the big old big old old old dog the old big old big big big big dog saw the big dog the big old big dog heard the big big big old old dog the cat heard the old big big old old big big big dog the big old big old cat saw the old big old old dog the cat saw the big old big big big big old old cat the big big big cat saw the old old big big big dog the old old old big dog saw the big big old old dog the dog heard the big old big big old big big big dog the big old big old cat saw the big big big old cat the old old big big big old dog heard the old old cat the old old old old big big big big cat saw the dog the big big cat heard the old old big big old big cat the old cat heard the old big old big big big old cat the big old big big big cat saw the big old old cat the big old old big big big big old old big cat ate the big big old big old old big old big big cat ate the old big big old cat saw the big old old big cat the big big old old big big cat heard the big old dog the big big big old big dog heard the big old old dog the old old old old dog heard the old old old big dog the old big big big big old big big cat heard the cat the old big big old big old dog saw the big big cat the dog heard the old big big big big big old old cat the dog heard the big big old big old big big old cat the big old old big dog heard the old old old old dog the old big cat saw the big old big old big old cat the big big dog heard the old big big old big big dog the big dog heard the big old old old old big big cat the big dog heard the old big old old big old big cat the dog saw the old big old big big old big old dog the dog saw the old big big old big old old big dog the big big old old big big old dog heard the big dog the old old big big big old old big cat heard the cat the big old old big old old big big cat heard the cat the old big old old big big big old cat heard the cat the old old big big old big cat heard the big big cat the big old old cat saw the old old big old big dog the old big big old old big big big cat saw the cat the old dog saw the big big big old old old big dog the big dog heard the big big big big old old old cat the old big big old old old big big old big cat slept the big old old cat saw the old big big big big cat the big old big big cat saw the old big big old dog the big old cat heard the old big big old old old cat the old old big old old dog saw the old old big dog the old big big big dog heard the old old old old cat the big big big old old dog heard the big old old cat the big old cat saw the big big big old big old dog the old cat heard the big old old big big big old dog the old big big big big big dog saw the big big cat the old old big big big dog saw the big big old dog the big big big old big big cat saw the big big dog the big old old old big dog saw the old old old cat the old big cat saw the big old big big old old dog the old big big big cat saw the big old big big cat the big big big big big old old old old old cat slept the big old big cat saw the old big big big big dog the old old big big old big old dog saw the big cat the big old old old big old big old cat heard the cat the dog saw the big big old old big big big big dog the old cat saw the old big big big old big big cat the big big old big old big big old cat heard the dog the big big big old old big old big cat heard the dog the old big old old old old big old old big dog ate the big big old big big dog saw the big big old cat the old dog saw the big big big big big old big dog the big old old big old big old old cat heard the dog the big big old old old old old big cat heard the dog the old old big old big old dog saw the old big dog the old old old big big big dog saw the old big cat the big old big old cat heard the old old old old cat the big big big old big old old dog heard the big cat the old big big big old old big old old old cat slept the big old old old big big cat saw the old big dog the old old big dog heard the old old old big big dog the big old big cat saw the big big old old big cat the big big big old dog saw the old big big big cat the big cat heard the old old big old big big old dog the big cat saw the big big big big big old big cat the big old old big big dog saw the old big old cat the old big dog saw the old big old old big big cat the big cat saw the old big old old old big old cat the big old big old big big cat saw the old old cat the big old big big big big old dog saw the old cat the big old big old cat heard the big old big big dog the big big old old big old dog saw the old big cat the old cat saw the old big big big big old big dog the old old dog heard the big big old big old big dog the old old big big big big dog saw the old big dog the big old old old big old cat saw the big big dog the dog heard the old old big big big old old old dog the big big old big old dog saw the old big big cat the big old old old old old big old cat saw the cat the big old big big big old old old cat 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big big dog saw the old dog the old big dog heard the big big big old old old cat the cat heard the old old old old old big old big cat the big big big old old old big big cat saw the dog the old big big big big big old big cat saw the cat the big old old old old old old cat saw the old cat the big big cat heard the old old old big big old cat the big dog saw the big old old old big old big cat the old big big old cat heard the old old big old cat the big old old old big dog heard the old old big dog the big big old dog saw the big big old old old dog the big big big big cat saw the big old old big dog the cat heard the big big old old old old old big cat the old dog heard the old big big old big old old dog the big old big old old cat saw the old big big dog the old big old old cat saw the old big old old cat the big cat saw the big old old big big big old dog the big dog heard the old old old big big old old cat the big old big big old dog saw the old old old cat the cat saw the big big big old old big old old dog the old old old big old old old old old old cat slept the old old old big old big big big dog heard the cat the old big old old old big big old old old cat ate the big big big big big dog heard the old old old cat the big big old big dog heard the old old big big dog the old old big old big dog heard the old big old dog the big old big old old old cat saw the old big dog the old old old old big big old cat heard the old dog the cat saw the old big old big old old old old cat the big old old big big old old big big big cat slept the old big big old cat heard the old big old old dog the old old dog saw the old big big big old big dog the big big old cat heard the big old old old old dog the old old old old big big dog saw the big big dog the old big old big big cat saw the big old big dog the big cat heard the old old old big old big old cat the big old old old old cat heard the big big old cat the old big big old cat saw the big big big old cat the old 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cat the old old old big cat saw the old old big old cat the dog saw the big big big old old old old big cat the big big dog saw the old big big big old big dog the big old old cat saw the big old big old old cat the old old big old old dog heard the big old old dog the big old old old old old big cat heard the old cat the dog heard the big big big big old big old big dog the old big cat saw the big big big old big old dog the old big big big old cat saw the old old big cat the big old old old big old big dog heard the old cat the old big big big big big big old dog heard the dog the dog heard the big big big big big big big big cat the old big old old big dog saw the old old old cat the old old old big old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old big old big old dog heard the old dog the big old old big old big big old dog heard the dog the big big old old cat saw the big old big big dog the big old old cat heard the old old old old big dog the old big old old big dog heard the big 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cat saw the old old big old dog the old old old old big big old big cat saw the dog the cat heard the old big big old old old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the old big big big cat the big old old old big old dog saw the big old cat the big old big big old old big old dog heard the cat the big old big old big big old big cat heard the dog the old big big old big old cat saw the big old cat the old big old old dog saw the old big old big cat the cat saw the big old old old big old big big cat the old old big big dog heard the old old old big dog the old old big big old big dog saw the big big dog the big old old old big old old big cat heard the dog the big big big big old big big dog saw the old dog the big old big old old dog heard the big old big dog the old big big big old old old big old big cat slept the big old big dog saw the big old big old old cat the big big big big old big old cat heard the big dog the old big old big big dog saw the big old old dog the old big big old old big old big cat saw the cat the dog heard the big old big big big old big big dog the old old big dog heard the big big big big old cat the old big cat heard the big big big old old big dog the old old big dog saw the old old old old big dog the big old big old old big old big cat heard the cat the big old old big old big big old cat heard the cat the old old dog saw the big old old big old big dog the big big old cat saw the old big big old big dog the big big big cat heard the big big big big old dog the old big big old dog saw the old big old big dog the big big cat heard the big old old old big big cat the big dog saw the old big big old big old big cat the big old old big big old old big big old dog ate the big big big old old old dog saw the big big dog the big big old old big big dog heard the old big dog the dog heard the old big old old big old big big cat the dog heard the big big old big old old old old dog the old old old big big old old old cat heard the cat the old old old old big old cat saw the old old cat the cat heard the old big big old big big old old cat the old old old big big old old dog saw the old cat the old dog heard the big big old old big big old dog the big big dog saw the big old old old big big cat the old big big old old old dog heard the old big dog the cat saw the old big big old old old big big dog the dog heard the big old big big big big old old cat the old old old dog saw the old big big old big cat the old old big old big cat saw the old big old dog the dog saw the big old big old big old old big dog the old cat saw the old big old big old big old cat the old big old big old old old dog saw the big cat the old old old big big old old old old big dog slept the old big big old big dog heard the big big old cat the old big big old old big big old old big dog ate the old old big old dog saw the old old old big dog the old old old big big old big cat saw the big cat the big big cat saw the old old big big big old cat 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old dog slept the old old old big dog saw the big big big big cat the big big old old dog saw the big big old big cat the big big old old old old old big cat saw the cat the old big old big big old old old cat saw the cat the old big big cat saw the big old old big old cat the old old big big old big old big cat saw the dog the big dog saw the big big old big old old old dog the old old old big old big cat heard the old old dog the old old old cat saw the old old big big old dog the old big old cat saw the big old big old old cat the old big cat saw the big old old old big big cat the big old old big old old big big big big dog slept the old big old old big big big old big big dog slept the big big big cat heard the old big old old old dog the big dog saw the old old big old old old old cat the big old dog saw the big old big big old big dog the old big old old big old big big old big dog ate the dog saw the old old big big big big big big cat the old old old big old old old cat saw the old dog the big big big old old cat saw the old old old cat the big dog heard the big big big old old old big cat the old big dog saw the old big big old old big dog the old old old big old dog heard the old big old dog the big cat saw the old big old big old old old dog the old old old cat saw the big old old old old cat the old old old old big big big cat saw the big dog the big big big old big big big old old old dog slept the old old big old big cat heard the big big big dog the old big old big old cat heard the big big old cat the big big old big dog saw the big big big big cat the big old big big big cat heard the big big old dog the big old big old dog saw the big old old big dog the big big big big old big old big cat saw the dog the old big cat saw the old big old big big old dog the old big old dog saw the big old old big big cat the old big cat saw the big old old big old big dog the big big old old old big big big old big cat slept the old old old old big big cat heard the old big cat the big big big old big dog saw the big big big cat the big old dog heard the big old big big big big cat the big old old big big big cat heard the old old cat the old old big old old old big big old old cat slept the big old old cat heard the big big old big big dog the big old big big old dog heard the old old big cat the old big big old big big big big big big cat ate the old dog heard the old old old old old big big dog the big old old big dog saw the old old old big dog the big big cat heard the old old big old big old cat the big dog saw the big old old big old old big cat the old big old old old big big big dog heard the cat the big old old big old big big cat heard the old dog the old old big big big big old cat heard the old dog the dog heard the old old big old old big big old cat the old old big big old old cat heard the old old cat the old old old old big big cat saw the big old dog the old old big cat saw the big big old big old cat the old big big cat 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big old big cat heard the big dog the old old big big old big old cat heard the old cat the old big big old old big cat saw the big old cat the old big big old big cat heard the old old old dog the big old old big old big big dog heard the old cat the big cat saw the old old old big old old big cat the old big big old big old big big dog heard the cat the old big old dog saw the big big big big big cat the big big old big cat heard the old big old old cat the big big cat heard the old old big big old old dog the dog heard the old old big big old old old big dog the big cat heard the big big big big old big big cat the big old old old old cat heard the old old old dog the dog heard the old big old old old big big old dog the old old old big big old big old dog heard the cat the big big big big big old big old big old dog ate the old old old old dog saw the old big big old cat the old dog heard the old old old big big big big dog the old old old big big cat heard the old old big cat the old big old old big big old old cat saw the dog the old big big big old big old big dog heard the dog the big big dog saw the old old big big old old dog the old big old big big big dog saw the big old cat the dog heard the big big big old old big old old dog the big big old big cat heard the big big big big dog the old old old old dog heard the big old big old dog the big old big old big dog saw the big old big dog the old cat heard the old old old old old big old cat the old old big old big old big dog heard the big cat the old big old cat heard the big old old big old cat the old big old old big big big big cat heard the cat the big old old big old dog heard the old big big dog the big old big big big old big dog heard the old cat the dog saw the big old big old big big big old dog the old big old big cat saw the big old big old cat the big big cat saw the big old old old old big dog the old old big dog saw the big old old old old cat the old old old old old big cat saw the old old cat the big big big big old big big old big old dog ate the old old old big old old cat heard the big old dog the old old big big old big old dog heard the big dog the old big old big old old big dog heard the big dog the old old old old big big old big cat heard the cat the big big old big old cat heard the big big big cat the big old big big old cat saw the old old old dog the big big big big old old big big dog heard the dog the big cat heard the big big big big big old big dog the old big old big big big cat heard the big old cat the old old old big old old old dog heard the big dog the big big big big big big big cat heard the big dog the old big old cat saw the old big old old big dog the old big big big big big dog heard the old old dog the big old big old old big old big old big cat ate the old old big old old old big cat saw the big dog the old old old big old big big cat saw the big cat the big big old old old big old dog heard the old dog the old old dog saw the big big big 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old old old old big old big cat the dog saw the big old old old old big old big dog the old cat saw the old old old old big big old cat the big old old big old big old big cat heard the dog the old big old big big old old big cat heard the dog the big big big old old old old dog saw the old dog the big old big cat saw the big big old old old dog the old big big big big old old cat heard the big cat the big big old big old old big cat heard the big cat the big big big old dog saw the old big big old dog the old big old old old cat heard the old big old dog the old old old big cat saw the big old old old dog the cat saw the big big big old old big big big cat the old big old old old old old old cat saw the cat the big old big old big old old old dog heard the dog the old dog saw the old big big big big old big cat the big old big big big old big dog saw the big dog the old old old big big old dog saw the big old dog the big old cat saw the big old big old old big dog the old big big big 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big cat the old old old big big big old big old big cat ate the old old big big cat heard the big big old big dog the old big big big big old dog heard the big old dog the old cat heard the big big old old big old big cat the big big big old big old big old cat heard the cat the old old big old cat saw the old big old big dog the old big old dog heard the old big big big old cat the old big big cat heard the big old big big old dog the old old big old cat saw the big big big big cat the big old dog heard the big big old big old old cat the old old cat saw the big old old big big old dog the old dog saw the old old old big big big old dog the big old big cat saw the big old big big big cat the old big old big big old cat saw the old old dog the big old old big old big cat saw the old old dog the old old big big big old old old dog saw the cat the big old big big old old big cat saw the old cat the old big big big old old dog heard the big old cat the old old big big old old big big dog 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dog saw the big cat the big old old dog heard the big old old old old dog the old old cat heard the big big old big old old dog the big big big old big cat heard the big big old dog the old big big cat heard the old old old old old dog the big big cat saw the old old old big big big cat the big dog heard the big big old big big old old cat the old old cat heard the big big big big big old cat the big big old old big big cat heard the old old cat the old big big dog saw the old old old big old dog the old old old big old old big cat heard the big dog the big big cat saw the big big big big old old cat the old cat heard the old old big big big big old dog the old big old big old old big big dog heard the cat the big big old old dog heard the big big big big cat the old old big old big big old old dog saw the dog the big old old big cat saw the old big old big dog the big old big old old big big cat saw the old dog the big cat saw the big big old old big old big cat the old old old big 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cat the big old big old big cat saw the old big big dog the old big old big big big dog heard the old big cat the old big big big old old big big big big dog slept the big old big old old old cat heard the big old dog the old big old big dog heard the big old big big dog the big old old old big big big old cat heard the cat the old old big big old old big big old old dog ate the cat heard the big old old old old big big big dog the big big cat heard the big old big big big old dog the big dog saw the big old big big big big old dog the big old old old big cat saw the big old big dog the old old cat heard the big old big old old old cat the old dog saw the old big old big big old old cat the old big big old old old old big dog saw the cat the big old old big big big old cat saw the old cat the cat heard the big big big old big old old big dog the big old big old big old cat saw the old big dog the old old old old old cat heard the big old old dog the big big old old old big old big cat 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old dog saw the dog the big old old old old big big big old old cat slept the old big old old big old big big old old cat slept the big old old big big big big big big old cat ate the old old dog heard the old old old old big old cat the big old dog saw the big old big old big old dog the big big dog saw the big big big old old old cat the big old big big big big cat saw the old big dog the big big big old dog saw the big old big old dog the old big old old old dog saw the big big big cat the big big big big big big big big big old dog ate the cat saw the big big big old big old big big cat the cat saw the big old big big big big big old cat the big big big old old old dog heard the old old cat the big old old big big cat saw the big big big dog the old dog heard the big old big old old old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big big old old cat the old cat heard the old big old old big big old dog the old old big big big old dog heard the big old cat the big big big big big cat 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big big old old dog saw the big old old cat the cat heard the big big big old old old big old dog the old big big big old big cat heard the old old dog the big old dog heard the old old big big big big cat the big cat heard the old big big old old old big cat the old big big old big old big old cat saw the dog the old old big old big old big dog heard the old dog the old old big big cat saw the big old big big dog the big big big cat heard the old old big big old dog the big old big old cat heard the old big old old dog the big old old old old old old dog saw the big cat the big big big old cat saw the big old old big dog the old old old big old old big dog saw the big dog the dog saw the big big old big big big old big dog the cat saw the old old old old big big old old dog the big big old big old cat heard the big big old dog the dog heard the big big old old old old big old cat the old old cat saw the old old old old old big dog the old big old old big old big cat heard the old cat 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big old cat the old old big big big old old old old big cat ate the old old old big big big old old dog heard the dog the old big dog heard the big big big old big old cat the big big big big dog heard the old big old big dog the old old big cat heard the old big big old old cat the old big big old big big big dog heard the big dog the big big old dog saw the big big old big old dog the big old old big old dog saw the old big big dog the cat heard the old old big big big big old old cat the old dog heard the old big big old big big old dog the big old big big old big old dog saw the big dog the big dog heard the old old old old big old old dog the big dog saw the big big big big big old old cat the big big old old big cat heard the big big big cat the old dog saw the old old old old big big big dog the old big old big old big big old dog heard the cat the old big big big big old old cat heard the old dog the big old big old big old dog saw the old old cat the big old big big big big 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big cat the old old old old old old big big old big dog slept the big big big big old big old big cat heard the dog the big big big big big old cat heard the big old cat the cat heard the big old old old old old old old cat the big dog heard the big old big old big big old cat the dog saw the big big old big old big big old dog the big big old big old old old big cat heard the dog the dog saw the big big big old big big big big cat the big big big big old old old cat heard the big cat the big old big big cat heard the old old old old cat the big dog saw the old old old big big big big dog the big big big big big old big big big big cat ate the old big big cat saw the big big old big big cat the old big old big old cat heard the old big big cat the cat heard the big old old old big old big big dog the old old big big dog saw the big big old big cat the old big old old old big dog heard the big old cat the big old big big big cat heard the old big big dog the old cat heard the big big 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big old big big old dog saw the big big dog the big big big big old big old old big old cat slept the big old cat heard the big big old old big old dog the big cat saw the old old big old big big big dog the old big old big big big cat heard the old big dog the old big big old big old old old cat saw the dog the big old big old old big old old cat saw the dog the big big old old old old big old cat saw the dog the old big old old big cat heard the old old old dog the old old cat heard the old big old big old old dog the old old old old old old old cat saw the old dog the old dog saw the big old old old big old big dog the big old old old old big big big dog heard the cat the big old old big big old big cat heard the old dog the old cat saw the old big big big old old old cat the big big big big big big big cat saw the big dog the old dog saw the big old old big big big big cat the old old old old big old old big dog heard the cat the old old old old old big big big cat heard the dog 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old cat heard the old big big big cat the old big old old big big old old cat heard the cat the old big old cat saw the old old old old old cat the big big cat heard the old big big old old old cat the old big old big old old cat heard the big big cat the old big big big old old dog heard the old big dog the big big old old old big old dog saw the old cat the cat saw the old old old old big big big big cat the big old big old old old big old cat heard the dog the big old big dog heard the old big big old big dog the dog heard the big big big big old old old old cat the old old old dog saw the big old big old old cat the old old big big cat saw the old big old big cat the big old old old big big big cat saw the old cat the dog saw the big old big big old old old old dog the big old big old big old big dog saw the big dog the big old old big old dog heard the big big old cat the old big big cat saw the old old old old old dog the old old old old big old big big old old dog ate the big big old big dog heard the big big old old dog the big big cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old old old dog saw the big big big big big dog the old old big cat heard the old old big old big cat the big dog heard the old big big big old big big dog the old big big old big big big old old big cat slept the old old big big big big big big old old cat slept the old big old big cat saw the big big big old dog the cat heard the old old big big old big old big cat the cat heard the old big old big old old big big cat the big dog saw the big big big old big old big cat the old old old big old cat heard the big old big cat the big big big old cat heard the old old old old cat the dog heard the old big big old big big old big cat the old old old big big big dog saw the big old dog the old big big dog heard the old old old big big dog the big big big old old big big cat saw the big dog the big old cat saw the big old old old old old cat the big dog heard the old old old old big big big 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old old big old dog saw the dog the old old big big big big old old dog saw the cat the old big old cat heard the old old old old old dog the big old old big old big big old old big dog slept the old big old old old old old big cat saw the dog the old big big old big dog heard the old big old dog the big big old big old big dog saw the old old cat the big big cat saw the old old big old big old dog the old old big dog saw the old big old old old cat the dog heard the old big old old big old old old cat the old big old big big old cat saw the big old dog the big old old old old dog heard the old big old dog the big cat saw the old old old old big big old dog the big old big dog heard the old old big big old dog the old old big big old old old old old big cat ate the old old big old old big old dog heard the old dog the big big old big old big big big dog saw the cat the big cat saw the big big old big old old old dog the old old old old dog saw the big old old big dog the cat saw the big old big old old big big old cat the cat saw the old big big old big old big old cat the old big big big big cat heard the old old old dog the old big old old big dog saw the big big big cat the old big big old old dog heard the old big old cat the big big big big big big old cat saw the big dog the cat heard the big big old old big big big old dog the big big dog saw the big old big old big big dog the big cat heard the old old big big big old big cat the big cat saw the old old big old old old old cat the old big dog heard the old big big old big old cat the big old big old big cat saw the old old big cat the big old old big big big big cat heard the big cat the old old big cat saw the old old big big big cat the big old big big old big old old old old dog slept the old big old big dog saw the big big big big dog the big big old big old big old old cat saw the dog the big old old old big old old cat heard the old dog the old old old old big big old old dog heard the cat the big big big old old old big big big big cat slept the old old old old big dog saw the old big big cat the old old big big old old big cat heard the big cat the old big big big old cat heard the old old old cat the old old big big big old big dog heard the big cat the cat heard the big big old big big old old old cat the big old old old old big big dog saw the big cat the big big big old old big big cat heard the old cat the big big dog saw the big old big big old old cat the cat saw the old big big old big big old old dog the big big dog heard the big big big old big old dog the old big big old big old old cat heard the old cat the old big old big old old cat saw the old old cat the big old cat heard the old old old old big old cat the old big dog saw the old old big old big old dog the big big old old big old cat heard the old big dog the big big old dog heard the old old big big big dog the old old big big dog saw the old old old old dog the big cat saw the old old big big big old old cat the big cat saw the big old old big old old big cat the dog saw the old old big big old old old old cat the old old big cat heard the big old old big big cat the old big big big big old big big big big dog slept the old old old old old big dog saw the big old dog the dog heard the old big big big old old old big dog the big old old big old old dog saw the old old dog the big big big old old big cat heard the old big cat the old old old old big old big old cat heard the dog the big old old old cat heard the big old old big cat the old big old cat saw the big big old big old cat the old old dog heard the old old old old old big dog the old big big big old old cat saw the old old dog the dog heard the big old big big old big big big cat the big big old old old big big old big old dog ate the old big big old big big old old big old dog ate the big big big old old big big dog heard the big dog the big old old big big old old old dog saw the cat the old old big big big big cat heard the 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big old old cat the old old old dog heard the old old big big old cat the cat saw the old big old old old big big old cat the cat saw the old old big big old old old big cat the big old big big dog heard the big big big old cat the old dog saw the old old old old big old big cat the big old old old old big big old big big dog ate the old big dog heard the old old old big old big cat the big old old old old old old old dog saw the cat the big big big big old big big big cat saw the cat the big old big old old old old cat saw the old cat the big big old big dog heard the old old big big cat the old old big old big dog heard the old big old cat the big old big old old old cat saw the old big cat the big dog heard the old old old big big old big dog the old cat saw the old old old big big big old dog the big old big big old old old dog saw the big cat the old big dog saw the big old big old old old cat the old big big old old big big dog saw the big dog the old big old old cat saw the big 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old old dog the big old cat saw the old big old big big old cat the old cat heard the old old big old big old big cat the big old old old old old big dog heard the big cat the big old old old old dog saw the old big big dog the old cat saw the big old big old big big old dog the dog heard the old big big old old old old old dog the old old old big cat saw the big big big big dog the dog saw the big big old big big big big big dog the old cat saw the big big old big big big big cat the dog heard the big old big old old big big old cat the big big old old cat saw the big big old big dog the big big big big big cat saw the old old big dog the old old big big cat saw the old big old old dog the big old big old dog heard the big old big old dog the big old old old big big cat heard the big big dog the old big old old old big dog heard the old big dog the big big big old old old big dog saw the old cat the old old old old old dog heard the big big old dog the big old old big big big big dog 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cat heard the old old old big big old cat the old old big cat heard the big big old old big dog the old dog saw the old old big old old big big cat the dog heard the old old old big big big big big dog the old old old old big old old cat saw the old dog the old old old old big old cat saw the old big dog the cat heard the big big old old old big big big dog the old big big old old cat saw the old big big cat the big big big cat saw the old big big old big dog the old dog saw the big big old big big old old cat the old old old old big cat saw the big old old cat the dog heard the big big old big big old big big dog the old big old cat heard the old old big old big dog the old cat saw the old big old big old big big dog the old cat heard the big old old big old old old dog the old big big old old old old old cat heard the dog the big old big big old dog saw the big big old dog the old old big old big old cat saw the old old cat the old big big old big dog heard the big big big dog the cat heard the old old old big old big old big cat the old old big big big old old dog saw the old cat the big dog saw the big old big old big old big cat the old old big big big dog heard the old old old cat the old old big dog saw the old big big old big cat the old big big old old old old cat saw the old cat the dog heard the old big old old big big old big cat the old big old dog heard the big old big old big cat the old big big old old old cat saw the old big cat the old old old big big big cat saw the old big dog the big big old big big old big old big big dog ate the old big big big old dog saw the old old big dog the big big dog saw the old big old big big old cat the old cat saw the big old old old old old old dog the old big old old dog saw the big old big old dog the old old cat heard the old big old old old big dog the old dog saw the old old big old big old big dog the old old big big big old big cat saw the big cat the big big dog heard the big big old old big big dog the 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big big dog heard the dog the cat saw the old big old old big big old old dog the dog heard the big big big old old big old old cat the old old old big big old old dog heard the big dog the big old big big old old old old old big cat slept the big dog heard the old big old old big old old cat the big big old old old big old cat heard the old dog the big dog heard the big old old old old big old cat the old old old old big dog heard the big old big cat the cat saw the big old old big big old big big cat the old old cat saw the old big big big big old cat the old old cat saw the big old big big old big cat the big big old old big big big old dog heard the dog the old old big big old big cat heard the big old cat the old dog saw the old big old old big big big cat the big old old cat saw the old old big old old dog the big old big big big old cat heard the old big cat the old cat heard the old old old old old big big dog the big big big old big big big old dog saw the cat the big old old 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dog saw the old old old big big old big big dog the big old big big big big old cat heard the big cat the old dog heard the big big big old big big old dog the big big old old old dog saw the old old old cat the cat saw the old big big big old old big big dog the old big old big old old big dog saw the old cat the old old big big old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big old old old big old old old dog slept the old big old old big old old old dog heard the cat the big cat saw the big big big big old big big dog the old old old old big old big big dog saw the cat the old old old old old big old old cat heard the dog the old old big old big old dog saw the old old dog the old old old big big big dog saw the old old cat the old old old big old big old big big old dog slept the old big old cat heard the big big big big big dog the big old old big old big old big cat heard the cat the old old big big old dog saw the old big old dog the old big big big old dog heard the big old big cat the old old big dog saw the big big big old big dog the old big big big old big dog heard the old big dog the old old big old big old big big dog saw the dog the old old old big old dog saw the big old old dog the big old big big old big big big old big cat ate the big old big old old big big old cat heard the dog the dog heard the old old old old old old big old dog the big old old big big old cat heard the big big dog the old big dog saw the old big old old big old cat the big old big big big old big dog saw the big cat the big old cat saw the big old big old old big cat the big old cat saw the old big big old big old cat the big big big old old old big cat saw the big cat the big old old old dog heard the old old old big dog the old old dog heard the big big old big old old dog the old cat saw the big big old big old old big dog the big old old dog heard the old big big old big dog the dog heard the big old big old old old old old dog the big big big old old big old old old old 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old big dog the big old big old old cat heard the big big big cat the big dog heard the old big big big old old old dog the old old dog saw the old big old old big big cat the big old old old old big old big dog heard the cat the big old old big big old big dog saw the old cat the old big old old big old old old dog saw the cat the big big cat saw the big old big big old old dog the old old old big old big big old dog saw the dog the old big old old old old big big dog saw the dog the old big big dog heard the old old old old old dog the big cat saw the old big big old old old big dog the old dog heard the big big old old old big big cat the old old big old old big old cat heard the big cat the old big big big big dog saw the old old big dog the old big old old big old big dog heard the big cat the old old cat saw the old old big big old big cat the old dog saw the old old old old big big big cat the old big old old big old big big big big dog ate the dog saw the big old old old big 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big old old big old big dog the big big big big old big big dog heard the big dog the old cat saw the old old big old old old old dog the cat saw the old big old big old old big big dog the old old old old old old cat heard the big big dog the old old big old big cat saw the old old big dog the big big dog heard the big old old big big big dog the dog saw the big old old big big old old big dog the old old dog heard the old big old old big old cat the cat saw the old old big big big big big big cat the big big old big old old big dog heard the big dog the big old old old big big old big cat heard the cat the old old cat heard the old old big big big big cat the old dog saw the big old big big big old old dog the big big big big big dog heard the big old old cat the old old big old old old old big cat heard the cat the big big big big big big dog heard the old old dog the old old old old old big big dog saw the big dog the big big big old big big old old dog heard the dog the old big old old dog saw the big old old old cat the big big cat heard the old big old big old big dog the big dog saw the old big old big big big old dog the old old big old old old big big old old dog ate the old old old old cat saw the old big old old cat the big big dog heard the big big old old old big cat the cat heard the big old big old big old big old dog the big big old big big old big old cat saw the cat the big big big old big old old big cat saw the cat the big old big big big big old old cat saw the cat the old old big big old old old cat heard the cat the big cat heard the old old old big old big cat the dog heard the big big old old big big old dog the old cat saw the big old old big big big dog the big big old old big big dog saw the old dog the dog saw the old old old big big big big dog the old cat heard the old old old big big old dog the big old old cat saw the big big big old cat the big big old big big old big big big cat ate the old big big old old dog saw the old big dog the big old cat heard the old old big old old cat the old dog heard the big old old old big old cat the old big big dog heard the big big old big dog the big big old big dog heard the big big old cat the big big big big cat heard the old big big dog the big dog heard the old big old old big big dog the big old big big cat saw the big old old cat the big big old big big dog heard the big old dog the old old old big cat heard the big old big dog the big big big dog saw the old old old big cat the dog heard the big big big old old old old cat the big big big big old cat saw the old old cat the big old old big old dog heard the big old dog the big old old old big dog saw the big big cat the old cat heard the old big old old old old cat the old old old cat saw the big old big old cat the big big old cat saw the big big big old dog the old old big big big dog heard the big big cat the big old dog heard the big old big old big dog the old big big old old old old cat saw the cat the big old big big big old old big big cat slept the old old big big old old big cat saw the dog the big big big big cat heard the big old old cat the old old dog saw the big old big big big dog the big big cat saw the old old old big old cat the old old big big cat saw the old old old cat the big big big old cat heard the old big big cat the old big old big big dog saw the big old dog the big big big big cat saw the big old old dog the big old big cat saw the old big big old dog the big big old old big dog heard the big old cat the old dog heard the big old old big old old dog the old cat heard the old big big old big big dog the big big big cat heard the big big old old cat the big big old big old big old old big dog slept the old big big big old big big old old dog slept the big big old old big dog saw the big big dog the old big dog saw the big old big big old cat the old dog heard the big old big big big old cat the big old old old old dog heard the big old cat the old big old cat saw the big old big old dog the old big big old dog heard the old old old cat the old old old old old big dog saw the old dog the big dog heard the old big big big big big dog the dog heard the big old old old big big big cat the big big big dog saw the big big old big cat the old old big dog heard the big big big old cat the old big big big cat saw the old old old dog the big old cat saw the old big big big big dog the cat saw the big big old old old big old cat the dog heard the big big big big big old old cat the old cat heard the old big big big old old cat the old old cat saw the old old old old old cat the big old old old old big old big big dog slept the big big big old cat saw the old old big dog the big big big old cat heard the big old big dog the big big cat saw the old big big big old cat the big old old big dog saw the old old old dog the big old big big dog heard the old old big dog the old old old old big dog saw the old big dog the big old old big big old big old old cat 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old old old old big old dog the big cat saw the old big old old old old cat the old big old old big big big dog saw the cat the big big dog saw the old old old big big dog the old old old old big old old cat saw the cat the old old cat saw the old big big old old cat the old big old cat heard the old big old old cat the big big cat saw the big big old old big dog the big old old dog saw the old old big big cat the old old big old dog heard the old big old dog the big old old big big big big dog heard the dog the old big big big old cat heard the old old dog the old old old old big old old old old dog ate the big big old big old big cat saw the big dog the big old dog saw the old old big old big dog the big old old big old cat saw the big old cat the old old old big big old big dog heard the dog the big old big big dog saw the old big old dog the big big old big big cat saw the old old dog the old old big old big dog saw the big big dog the big cat saw the old big big old big big dog the big old dog saw the old big big big big cat the cat heard the big big big big big old old dog the old old old big big cat heard the old big cat the old big old cat heard the big big big big dog the big big old big old big old dog saw the cat the cat saw the old old big old big big big dog the big cat heard the big big old old big old dog the big dog saw the big big old old old big cat the old big old old big old old cat saw the dog the old big cat saw the old big big old old dog the old old old old big big cat heard the big dog the big old old big cat saw the big big old dog the big big old dog saw the old old big big dog the dog heard the old old old old old big big dog the old big big big big old cat heard the old dog the big old old old big big big dog heard the cat the big old big big old big cat heard the old dog the cat saw the big big big big old old big dog the cat heard the big old big old old old big cat the old old dog saw the old old old old big dog the old big big old old cat heard the old old cat the big big big big big big cat saw the big dog the big big old big old cat saw the big old dog the big old big big big cat saw the big old cat the big old old dog saw the old big old big dog the old big old old cat heard the big big big cat the old old big big old old cat heard the old dog the big cat saw the old big big big old old cat the old old big big old big big old old cat ate the big old old old big big old big old cat ate the old big old big big old old old big cat ate the big big dog saw the old big big big big dog the old big big old old big dog heard the old dog the big big big dog heard the old big old big cat the cat saw the big old old old big old big cat the big old old dog saw the big big big big cat the old old old big dog heard the old big big cat the big big big big big big old dog saw the cat the old big dog saw the old old old old old cat the old dog saw the big old old big old old cat the old big big dog heard the old big big old dog the big big big big big big dog heard the old cat the big big old old big old big cat saw the dog the big old big old big big old cat saw the dog the dog saw the big big old big old big old dog the old old old big cat saw the old big old dog the big big big big big cat heard the old big dog the dog heard the old old old old big old old cat the old big old big old big cat heard the big dog the big old big old old big cat heard the old cat the old big big old big old cat heard the old cat the big old old cat heard the old big old big cat the big big old big cat heard the old old old dog the big old big big old big dog heard the old cat the old big big big big old dog heard the old cat the big big old big old big big dog heard the cat the big old old old cat saw the old big big dog the big big big big big cat saw the big old dog the big old big big old cat heard the old big dog the big cat heard the big big big big big old dog the dog saw the old old big old old big old cat the dog saw the old big old old old old big cat the old big dog saw the old big old big big dog the big big dog saw the big big old old big cat the big old old old old old big old old cat slept the big big old cat heard the big old old old dog the old old big big old old dog heard the old cat the old old old big old cat saw the old old dog the old big old old big big big cat heard the dog the old old big big cat heard the old old big cat the big big big old big old big dog heard the dog the big big big old big big big old old dog ate the old old old big big dog heard the old old cat the big big big old old old big old old dog slept the big old old dog heard the big old old big cat the big old old old old old cat saw the old dog the old big old dog saw the old old old old cat the old old dog saw the old big big old big dog the big cat heard the old big old old big big cat the big big cat heard the big big big old big dog the big old old old old cat saw the old big dog the old old big cat heard the big old old big cat the old big big big big big big old big cat slept the old old old dog heard the big old big old dog the cat saw the old big old big old big old dog the big big big old old big big big big cat slept the cat heard the old old old old old big old cat the big old big old old old dog saw the big dog the old old old big dog heard the big old big dog the big old big old old old big dog heard the dog the old big old old old big cat heard the big cat the big old big dog saw the old big big big dog the old cat heard the big old old old big big dog the big old old old cat saw the big old old cat the big big old old cat heard the old old old cat the old big old big old big dog heard the big cat the old big old big old old old big big cat slept the big old cat heard the big old old big old cat the big old big big big old cat heard the big dog the old old big big old big cat saw the big dog the big big big old big big dog heard the big dog the big old old big big big big cat heard the cat the big old big old old cat heard the old big cat the old big dog saw the old big big old old cat the old dog saw the big big big old old big cat the old big old dog saw the big old big big dog the old old big big big cat saw the old old dog the big big big old old old dog saw the old cat the dog heard the old old big big old old big cat the big dog heard the big old old big big big dog the big old big old old big dog heard the big dog the big big big dog saw the old big big old cat the old big big old big old dog heard the big dog the old old old big big old big cat heard the cat the dog saw the big old old old old old big dog the dog saw the old old big old big old old dog the old old big big old big old dog saw the cat the old old old old old old big cat saw the dog the big old big old big cat saw the old big dog the big big big old dog heard the old big big cat the old old big old old old dog heard the big dog the big big old big big big dog saw the big cat the old cat saw the big big old big big old cat the big big big big big dog heard the old old dog the old old big dog saw the old old big big dog the dog saw the big old old big old big big cat the dog saw the old big old big big old big cat the old cat heard the big old old big old old cat the big dog saw the old old old old big old dog the big big big old old big cat saw the big cat the big big old big big old old dog heard the dog the big old big big old dog saw the old old cat the big old big old big old cat heard the big cat the big cat heard the old big old big old big dog the big old big big big old dog heard the big cat the old old big big old cat saw the big old dog the cat heard the old old old old big old old dog the old big old big old old big big big dog slept the big cat heard the old big big big big big cat the big old big old old cat saw the big big dog the big old big big old big big dog saw the cat the old big big big big old big dog saw the cat the old cat heard the big old big big big big dog the old big old big big cat heard the big big cat the big big big big old big big old old cat slept the big old cat saw the big old old big old cat the old old big old big old big cat saw the dog the big big big big big old big cat heard the dog the old old big dog saw the old big old old cat the old big old old old big big old big cat ate the old big old old cat saw the old old old dog the big big big old big dog heard the old old cat the dog heard the old big big old big big big cat the old old old big old cat heard the big big cat the big big big old old cat saw the big old cat the big old big big old old big cat heard the dog the big old big old big cat heard the big big dog the big big old big big old big big old dog ate the big old big big big big old big old dog ate the old big old big old dog heard the old big dog the big big big big old old cat heard the big cat the dog saw the big old old big big old big dog the big old big old old dog heard the old old cat the big big dog heard the old big old big big cat the big old old old cat heard the old big old dog the big old old old old old old dog heard the cat the old old cat heard the old old old big big cat the old old big dog saw the big big big big dog the old cat heard the big big big old old big cat the big dog saw the old old big big big old dog the big old big big old old old cat saw the dog the big big old old big old old big big cat slept the big big cat saw the big old old big old dog the big big big old cat saw the big big old dog the old big big dog saw the old big old old dog the old big old big dog saw the big big big dog the old old old big old old old big old cat slept the old old old big old big dog saw the big cat the big dog heard the big big big big old big cat the big old cat saw the big old big old old dog the big old big big dog heard the big big old dog the big big old big big old big old big dog ate the big big old cat heard the old big big big cat the big old big old old old big cat heard the cat the old dog heard the big big big big big old dog the big cat saw the big old old old big big dog the old big old old old dog heard the old big cat the big old cat saw the big big big big old cat the old old big old old cat saw the old old cat the big cat heard the big old big old old old dog the big old old old big old dog saw the old cat the big big dog heard the old big big old big dog the old big big big cat heard the old big big cat the old old old big big big cat saw the old cat the cat saw the big big big old old big old dog the old big old big big dog heard the big old cat the old old cat heard the old old big old big dog the big big old dog heard the big old big big cat the old old big big big big dog saw the big cat the big old dog heard the old old old big old cat the old old big old cat saw the big old old dog the old big old big dog heard the big big big dog the big old old old big big cat saw the big cat the old old cat heard the old big big big big cat the big old big old dog heard the big big old cat the old old old big old old big big old dog slept the big cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old old cat saw the big big old big old cat the big old big old big dog heard the big old dog the big old old old dog saw the old big old dog the big big cat saw the big big big big old dog the big big big old old cat heard the big big cat the old big big old old cat saw the old old dog the old old dog heard the big old big old big cat the big big old old big old dog saw the old dog the cat heard the old big big old big big big dog the old old old big old big old big big cat ate the old big dog heard the big big old old old dog the dog saw the big big big old big old big cat the big big old big old big old big big dog ate the old big big big big big dog saw the big dog the dog saw the old old old big old old old cat the big big dog saw the big old old big old cat the old big old old dog heard the big big big cat the big dog saw the big big old big big old cat the big big old dog heard the big big old big dog the old big cat saw the big big old big old dog the big big big old big old big old big cat slept the old big old old big dog heard the big big dog the big old dog heard the old old big old old dog the old dog heard the old big big big big big cat the cat saw the big big big big big big old dog the cat heard the big big old old big old big cat the old old big big old old big old old cat slept the big old old dog heard the old old big old cat the old old dog saw the old old big big old dog the big old dog saw the big old big old old cat the big big old old big big old dog saw the cat the big old dog heard the old big big big old cat the big old old cat saw the big old old old dog the old old cat saw the big big big old old dog the big old old big big big big dog saw the dog the old old old old old dog heard the big big dog the old big big big old big big old big dog ate the old cat saw the big old big old big big dog the big cat saw the big big big old old big cat the big old old big big dog heard the big big cat the cat saw the big old big old old big big cat the big big old big big big big big big cat slept the old dog saw the big big old old big old cat the old big big old cat heard the big old big cat the dog heard the old big old old old old big cat the big dog heard the old old big big big old dog the big big big old old dog heard the big old cat the big big dog saw the big old big old old dog the old old old old old old dog saw the old dog the old old old dog saw the old big big old dog the old big big old big big big old big dog ate the big old big big old old big big big dog ate the old cat saw the big old big big old old cat the big big dog saw the big big big big old cat the old old big big big old old old big dog slept the old big big old dog saw the big big big cat the big old old dog heard the old big old old dog the big big old old dog heard the old old old cat 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big cat saw the big dog the old old old old old cat saw the big old dog the dog saw the old big big big old big big cat the old old big old cat heard the big big big dog the big big cat saw the old big old old old dog the old big old old old big old dog saw the dog the old big old old big old big dog saw the cat the cat heard the old big old old old old big dog the old big big big big old old big big cat slept the big dog heard the big big old big big old cat the old big big old old old big old old dog ate the big big big big big big big dog heard the dog the cat heard the old big old big old big big cat the big big old big old old cat saw the big dog the big old big big big old cat saw the big cat the old big dog saw the big big big old old dog the big big old old old dog saw the old old dog the big old big old big dog saw the old old cat the big big big big big big big big old dog slept the cat saw the old old old old big big old dog the dog heard the big old old big big old big dog the big old old old dog heard the old big old dog the big old old big old big big big big dog ate the big old big big old big big dog heard the dog the big big dog heard the old old big big old dog the old big big old big big old dog saw the dog the big big old old old big big dog saw the dog the old big big big big cat heard the old big cat the big old big old big big big dog saw the cat the old dog heard the old old big old old big cat the old dog saw the old big old big old big cat the cat heard the big old old old old old old cat the big old old old old old old cat saw the dog the old old big big old old big dog heard the dog the dog saw the old big big big big old big dog the old cat heard the big big old big old old dog the old big old big cat heard the old old old cat the big big cat heard the old old old old old dog the old big big old big big cat heard the big dog the big old big old old dog saw the big old cat the old big big big big big dog heard the big dog the big big big big big old cat saw the big dog the big big big old big big big dog heard the cat the big big big old big dog saw the old old dog the big dog saw the big old big old big big dog the big old big big old big big big big dog slept the big big cat heard the old big old big old cat the cat saw the old old big old old old old cat the old old big old old big cat heard the big dog the big old big old cat heard the old old old dog the old big old big cat saw the old old big cat the old big old old old big old big big dog slept the old old old cat saw the old old big big cat the cat heard the old big old big big old big dog the old big big old big old big dog heard the cat the big old big old old big big dog heard the cat the cat heard the big old old big old big big dog the big big old cat saw the old big big big dog the big big dog heard the big old old old old cat the big old dog saw the old big old old big dog the big big old old old cat heard the old old cat the big big big big big old old dog saw the cat the old big cat heard the big big big old big cat the big old big old big old old cat saw the dog the old big big big old big old cat saw the cat the big old old big old old cat heard the old dog the old old big big big old cat heard the big cat the old old old old big big dog saw the big cat the big big dog saw the old big old old old cat the big dog saw the big old big big old old cat the old big old old old big old dog heard the dog the old old cat heard the big old old big big dog the old old big old old big dog heard the big cat the big big old old big old cat heard the old cat the big big cat heard the old big big old old dog the big cat heard the old old old old big old cat the big cat saw the big big old old big old cat the old big big big big dog heard the old old cat the old old old cat saw the old big old big dog the big big big dog heard the big old old big cat the big old old old old old cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big old old big old old big cat 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dog heard the big old old big old dog the big cat heard the old old old big old old dog the big big old big big old dog saw the big cat the old big big old old big big old big dog slept the big old old big big old old big big dog slept the old big old cat saw the big big big big dog the old old cat heard the big big big big big dog the big big big old old old cat saw the big cat the old old big old big cat heard the big big cat the big cat saw the big big old big old old dog the old big big old dog heard the big old big cat the big dog heard the big old old old old old cat the old old old old cat heard the old big old cat the big old big dog saw the big old big big dog the big old old old old old big old big dog ate the big old old old old old dog heard the big dog the old big big big cat saw the big old big dog the big old big cat heard the old big big big dog the cat saw the big big old old big big big cat the old old big old old dog heard the old big dog the old big big big old old 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old old dog saw the big dog the big old old old big old cat saw the big cat the big big old big cat heard the old big big cat the cat heard the old big old old big big old dog the big big old cat heard the old old old big dog the big big old cat heard the big old big big cat the dog saw the big big old old big old old cat the old old old big big old old dog saw the dog the old big old big big old cat saw the old dog the big old old big old big cat saw the old dog the old old big big dog saw the old big big dog the old big old big dog heard the old old old cat the old old old dog heard the old old big big dog the cat saw the old big old old old big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big old big dog the dog heard the big old big big old big big dog the old big old big big cat saw the old big dog the old dog heard the old old old big old old dog the big old old big old old big old old cat ate the old big big big big old dog saw the big dog the big big old old big old cat saw the big dog the old big dog saw the old old big old big cat the old dog heard the old old big big big old cat the cat heard the old big big old old old old cat the old old cat heard the old big old old big dog the big big big big big old old old old dog ate the big old big old dog heard the old old old dog the dog saw the big big old big big big big dog the big big big big old big dog saw the old cat the big cat saw the big old big old old old cat the big big old big cat heard the big old big dog the big big big dog heard the old old big old cat the big old big big big big cat saw the old dog the old old big big dog saw the big old old cat the cat saw the big old old old old big old cat the old big old big cat saw the big big old cat the old big big old old big big big old cat slept the dog saw the old old big old big big big cat the cat heard the old big big big old big big dog the big big old cat heard the big big old big dog the big old dog saw the old big big big old dog the big old big old dog saw the big old big cat the big big big big big dog heard the big big cat the dog saw the big big big big old old big cat the big dog saw the big big old old old old dog the old old old dog heard the big big big big dog the cat saw the old big old big big big big dog the cat heard the old old old old big big big cat the big old big big old dog heard the big big cat the big big big big big dog saw the old big cat the cat heard the big old big old old old old dog the old big big big big cat saw the big big dog the big big old old cat heard the big old big cat the old big big big dog saw the big old old dog the big old cat heard the big old big big big cat the old old big big big big big cat saw the dog the old big old old cat heard the big big old dog the cat heard the big old big big old big old cat the big old dog saw the big big old old old cat the big old old big dog heard the old old big cat the old old big old dog saw the old old big cat the big big big dog heard the old big old old dog the big big cat heard the big big old big old dog the big big big old dog saw the big old big dog the old old old big dog heard the old big old dog the old old old old big cat heard the old old cat the big big big dog heard the big big big old cat the cat saw the big old old big big big old cat the cat saw the old big big big old old big cat the old old old old big big dog heard the old dog the big dog saw the old old old big big big dog the old big old big old old old old big cat ate the old old old big big big old old old cat ate the big old old old old big old big old cat ate the old old old old old old big big big dog ate the big big big old big big big cat saw the cat the old old old old old old old dog saw the cat the old big old old old old cat saw the old cat the big old old cat heard the big big big old cat the old big big big big big big dog heard the cat the old big old old old cat saw the old big cat the dog saw the old big old old old old old dog the 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big dog the big old big big big big old dog heard the dog the big big old big big old big dog heard the dog the old big old dog heard the old big big old cat the old big dog heard the big big old big big cat the dog saw the old old old old old old big cat the old dog saw the old old big big big big dog the big dog saw the old big big big old big cat the old big cat saw the big old old big big dog the old big big old cat saw the big big big dog the old big old big big cat heard the big old dog the big old old big big dog saw the big big cat the big big old old big big cat heard the big dog the cat saw the big big big old big big big dog the big old old big old cat heard the old big cat the old old old big dog saw the big big old dog the big old dog heard the old old big big big cat the big old old cat saw the old old old big dog the old old cat saw the big old big old big dog the cat saw the old old old big old big old dog the dog heard the big big old old old big big dog the old big 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cat heard the big old cat the big old old big big old cat heard the big cat the big big old old dog saw the big big old cat the big dog heard the big big big big old old dog the big big big big old old big cat saw the cat the old cat saw the big old old big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big big old big cat the old cat heard the old old old big old old cat the old old old old old cat heard the big old cat the big big dog saw the big old big big big cat the big old old old old big dog heard the big cat the old big old old big old dog heard the big cat the old big old old big old dog saw the big dog the big old old old old big dog saw the big dog the big big big big old old dog heard the old cat the old big old big big big big big old cat slept the dog saw the big big big old old big old cat the big big old big big dog heard the old old cat the big big big big cat saw the old old big dog the old old big cat heard the old big big big cat the big old big cat saw the old old big 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old old big big old dog the big big big old big big big big big dog slept the big old old old dog heard the big big big dog the old old big big big old big big old dog ate the big big dog saw the old old old old big cat the big dog saw the big old old big old big cat the big dog saw the old big old big big old cat the old big cat saw the old big old old big dog the old old big old dog heard the old old old cat the old old big big old big big big old dog slept the cat saw the big old big big big big old dog the cat heard the big old old old big old big cat the old big old big cat heard the big old big cat the big big cat heard the old old big old big dog the dog heard the old big old big big old old dog the dog heard the big old old big old big old dog the old old big old big dog saw the old big cat the big big old big cat saw the old big old cat the big old old big old old cat saw the old dog the big big cat heard the old big big big big cat the old big old cat heard the big big old 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the old big old big old big old dog the old big old old old old old cat saw the cat the old big big dog heard the old big old old cat the dog saw the big big old big old old old cat the old old old big cat saw the old old old cat the big big old big old old old big old dog slept the big big old big cat saw the big old old dog the big big big big old big cat saw the big cat the big old old cat saw the old big big old dog the big cat heard the old old old big big big cat the old big big big big cat heard the old old dog the old dog heard the old old big old old old dog the big cat saw the big big old big big big cat the big big big cat heard the old old big old cat the big old old old cat saw the old old big cat the big big big big big cat saw the old old cat the big old cat heard the old old big big old cat the old old old big big old big old big cat slept the old old old cat heard the old big old old cat the big cat heard the big big big big old old cat the old big dog saw the old big 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the old old old old old dog the old old big old big big cat heard the big dog the old old big big big big dog heard the big dog the old old old old big old dog saw the old dog the old dog saw the old big big old old old dog the big cat saw the big big big old big big cat the big old big old big big big dog heard the cat the big big old big dog heard the old big old dog the big old cat heard the old big old big old cat the cat saw the old big big old big big big cat the big old big big cat saw the old old old dog the old old big old big old big dog heard the cat the big big old old big big dog heard the old dog the big old dog heard the big old old old old cat the old old old old big big cat saw the big dog the old big old cat saw the big big old big cat the old old cat heard the big big big old big cat the old cat saw the big old old big old old dog the old big big cat saw the old old big big cat the old big old old big old dog heard the old dog the old big old old big big old dog 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dog saw the old old old old old dog the big dog saw the big old old big old old dog the big old old old big big old big old dog slept the old big old big big old old old big dog slept the old old big big old big big old old dog slept the big big big big big big big cat saw the cat the old old old big old old old dog saw the cat the big old old dog saw the old old old old cat the old big old big old old cat saw the old cat the big big old old old old dog heard the big cat the big big dog saw the old big old big old cat the old big old big old cat saw the old big cat the big big big cat heard the old big big big cat the old big big old old dog heard the old big cat the old big old old cat heard the old big big dog the cat heard the old big big big old old big cat the cat heard the big old old big big big old cat the old old big big big old cat saw the big dog the old old big old big dog saw the old old dog the big old dog saw the old big big old old cat the big big big dog heard the old 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big cat the big big big old big old old big big dog slept the big old big big big big old old big dog slept the big big old big big old big old big dog slept the old big old big old old cat heard the big dog the old old old old old dog heard the old old dog the big old big old old old cat heard the old cat the old big big big old big dog saw the old dog the big old big big old old dog heard the old cat the big big old big old old big dog heard the cat the old big big big big old old dog heard the cat the big old big big old big old dog heard the cat the old cat saw the big old big old old old dog the old big old old old cat saw the big big cat the dog saw the old big old old old big old dog the old big old old big old old dog saw the dog the big big dog saw the big big old big old dog the big old big big cat heard the old old big cat the big old old big big dog heard the old old cat the cat saw the big old big old old old old cat the old old big big old old old dog heard the cat the 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old old cat the big big big big big big old big big cat slept the old big dog heard the big old old big big dog the big dog saw the old big old big old big dog the big big old big old old big cat saw the cat the old big big big big old old cat saw the cat the dog heard the big old old big old old old cat the old big big old big big big cat saw the dog the big cat heard the big old big big big big dog the dog saw the old old old old old big big cat the old big cat heard the old old big old old dog the old big big dog heard the old old old big cat the old big cat heard the old big big big old cat the old big big old old big old cat heard the cat the old old big old old old old old old cat ate the big old old big old cat heard the big big cat the big big old big cat saw the old old big dog the old old big old cat heard the big old old dog the big old old cat saw the old old big big dog the old old cat saw the big old big big big dog the big big old big old dog heard the old big dog the 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big big big cat the big big big old big old big dog heard the cat the cat saw the old big old old old old old dog the old old old dog heard the old old old old dog the dog heard the big old big big old old old dog the big big big old big big old cat saw the dog the old old dog heard the old big big old old dog the old cat saw the old big big old old big dog the old old dog saw the old big big old big cat the dog saw the old old big old old big big dog the old old big old old old cat heard the big dog the big big cat heard the big big big old big cat the big big big big dog heard the old big big cat the old old old old old big big cat heard the cat the cat saw the old big old big old big old cat the old old old dog heard the big old big old cat the old old old big dog heard the big old big cat the big old big old old old big dog heard the cat the big old big old dog saw the old old big dog the old big big old big cat heard the big old cat the old old old big big dog heard the old big 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dog saw the old old big big big old cat the big big old big old big old cat heard the dog the big old big big old old old cat saw the cat the big big cat saw the big old old big old cat the big old big old old dog heard the old big dog the big old big old old big big cat saw the dog the big big big old cat saw the big big old cat the old big big dog saw the old big old old cat the old big old big dog saw the big big big cat the cat heard the old old big big old old big cat the old dog heard the big big old big old old dog the old big old big old old old cat heard the dog the big old old old old old old old old dog slept the big old big big dog heard the big big old cat the old old big old cat saw the old big big dog the old old big old old old big old big dog ate the big cat heard the big old big old old old cat the old dog saw the old old big old big old cat the big big big old old big old big big dog slept the old old old big big old dog saw the old dog the big big old dog heard the 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old big big cat the old old cat heard the big big old old big dog the big big big cat saw the old big old old cat the old big old big old dog saw the big big dog the old cat saw the big old big old big old dog the big cat saw the big big big old old old cat the big old big big cat heard the old big big cat the big old old big big dog heard the big old cat the old old big cat saw the old old old big dog the cat saw the big old big old old big old cat the big old old big old big old cat saw the cat the old big big old cat heard the big old old cat the cat heard the big big old big big big big dog the old big old old big big big cat saw the dog the big old old old old old old cat heard the dog the big old dog saw the big big big big old dog the old old big cat saw the big old big big cat the dog heard the old big old old old old old cat the old old big old dog saw the big big big dog the big old big old old big old old old dog slept the old old big big dog heard the old old old cat the 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big old big old old old big old big dog slept the big big old big big big old big big cat ate the big cat heard the big big old big big old dog the old cat saw the old big old old old old cat the old big dog saw the old old old big big dog the big big dog saw the big old old old big cat the big dog saw the big big old big old big cat the big old old old big cat saw the old big cat the big big old old old old dog saw the big dog the big big old old big big old cat heard the cat the big old big old big old dog saw the big cat the big old big big old cat heard the big big cat the big big old dog saw the old big big big dog the dog heard the old old old old big big big dog the cat saw the big big big big big old big dog the big big old cat heard the big old big old cat the old big old big old big cat saw the big dog the big old old dog heard the old old old big cat the old old dog saw the old old big old big dog the old old old big old cat saw the big old cat the big old dog heard the old 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the old big old dog saw the big old old old cat the big cat heard the old big big old big big cat the old old old old cat heard the big big old cat the old big cat saw the old old big big big cat the big old big dog saw the big big big big dog the old cat heard the big old big old big big dog the big big big old big big big old old cat ate the big old cat heard the big big old big old cat the big old big old cat saw the old big old cat the old old big dog saw the old old old old cat the big big big dog saw the old big old old dog the big big old big dog saw the big big big dog the big dog heard the big old big big big big dog the big old big big big cat heard the old old dog the dog heard the old big big old old big big cat the old big big old old big old old old dog ate the big big big dog saw the big big big old cat the old old old big old big cat heard the old dog the big big big old dog heard the old old big dog the dog saw the big old old big old old big dog the big old big dog 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old cat the old dog heard the big big big old big old dog the old old old big dog saw the big old big dog the old old old big old big dog heard the old cat the big old cat saw the big big old big old cat the big old big old big big dog heard the old dog the old old old big old cat heard the old big dog the dog heard the big old big old old big big dog the old old big dog saw the big big old old cat the big big old old big big big dog heard the dog the old old dog heard the old old big big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big big big cat the old big big big old old big dog saw the dog the big old old big big big old dog saw the dog the old dog heard the old old old big big old cat the old big old big dog saw the big old old cat the old old big old big old dog heard the old dog the old old cat heard the old old old old big dog the big old big old old old old old big dog ate the dog saw the big big old old big big big dog the old old big old old big big big big cat slept the big big big big big big dog saw the big dog the old big old big dog heard the old big big dog the old old cat heard the old big old big big cat the big cat saw the big old old old old old cat the old old old old old old big dog heard the dog the dog heard the big old big old big old old cat the old big big dog saw the big big old old dog the old big old old big big dog heard the big dog the big big old big cat heard the big big big cat the big old dog saw the old old big big old dog the old old old old old big dog heard the big dog the dog saw the big big big old old old big cat the old big big old old old cat heard the old dog the old big old big big big big cat saw the dog the old big big big old old dog heard the old dog the old big big big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old big dog heard the big old old cat the cat saw the old big old old big big big dog the old old old dog heard the old big big big dog the big old old big big big dog heard the big cat the big dog saw the 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big cat the old big big old dog saw the big old big dog the old old old dog saw the big big big old dog the old big big big old big old cat heard the cat the big old big old big old old old old cat ate the big old old old big dog heard the old big cat the big big big old old old big old big cat slept the old big big big old dog saw the big big cat the old old big old cat heard the old big big dog the big old old dog heard the big big old old dog the old old old old big dog heard the big old dog the big cat heard the old big old big big old dog the big big big old big big old dog saw the dog the old old big cat heard the big big old old dog the big big big old old old big cat heard the dog the old big big old big big big old big cat ate the big old big big old old big big big cat ate the old big big old big big big cat saw the cat the big big old big old old big old old dog slept the cat saw the big old big big big old big dog the old big dog saw the big big old old old dog the cat saw the old old old old old big old dog the dog heard the big old old big old old big dog the old old big old big old big old big cat slept the big big old big cat saw the old old big cat the old old big old cat heard the big old old cat the big old old cat saw the old old big big cat the old old cat saw the big old big big big cat the big big old big old dog heard the old big cat the old big cat heard the old big big big big dog the old big old big old dog heard the big old dog the dog saw the big old old big big big old dog the dog saw the old big big big old old big dog the old cat heard the big big old old old old dog the old old big big old old old old big dog slept the old old old big big old big old old dog slept the old big dog heard the big old big old big dog the big old old old big big dog saw the big cat the old old old big big big big big big cat slept the old old big old old old old big big dog ate the old old old old big old big big old dog ate the big dog heard the big big old big old old dog the big big old big old old old cat heard the dog the old big dog heard the big big big big big cat the old big big big big big big big big dog slept the big dog heard the big big big big big old cat the old big cat heard the big big old old big cat the old big old big big big dog saw the old dog the old big old old old old big dog saw the dog the big old old cat saw the old big old big dog the old big big old old big cat saw the old dog the old old big old big old big dog saw the cat the dog heard the big big old old big big big dog the big big old old old old old old big cat ate the big big old old big big dog saw the big dog the old cat heard the old old old big big big dog the big big old dog heard the old old big old dog the big old old cat saw the big big big big cat the big old cat heard the old old big old big cat the big old big big old old cat saw the big dog the big old big old old old big old old cat slept the old big big cat heard the old old big old dog the old dog heard the big old old old big big cat the cat heard the big old old big old old old cat the old old cat heard the old old big big old dog the old big old big big old big big big cat ate the big old old big old big big big big cat ate the old old old big big dog saw the big big cat the big old big big cat saw the big old big cat the old old big dog heard the old old big big cat the big old big big old old old dog saw the cat the old old old cat saw the old old old big dog the old big big old big old big dog saw the dog the big old big old old big big dog saw the dog the dog heard the big big big old old old big cat the old old dog heard the big old big big old cat the old big big big dog heard the old old big dog the big big old cat saw the big big big big dog the big big dog heard the big big old old old cat the old old cat heard the big old old old old cat the dog saw the big big big old big big old cat the big old old old big big big big big cat ate the big big big big cat heard the big old big cat the big big cat saw the old old old big big cat the big dog heard the old big old big old big cat the old old big big cat saw the old old big cat the big big big big cat saw the big old big dog the big old big cat saw the old big big big dog the old dog heard the big old old big old big dog the old big big big old old big cat saw the cat the big old old big big big old cat saw the cat the big cat heard the old old old old old old dog the old big dog saw the big old big big big cat the old old old big old old big big big cat slept the old old big big big cat heard the old old cat the old dog heard the big old big big big big cat the cat heard the big big old old big big old cat the old big old cat saw the big old big big dog the old old cat heard the big big old big big dog the big big big cat saw the old big big old cat the big cat heard the old old big old big old cat the old old big big big big dog heard the old dog the old old big dog heard the big 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the cat the old dog heard the big big big big big big dog the old old big old old old cat saw the old cat the old old old old old big old big big cat slept the big old old old cat heard the big old old cat the old big old dog heard the old old big old cat the big old cat saw the big big big big big cat the old old big old old cat saw the old big cat the big big old big big big old old old cat ate the big cat heard the big old big old old big dog the big old old old big old dog saw the big cat the big big cat saw the big old big old old cat the old big old old big big big big old dog slept the old big big old old big old big big dog slept the old old old big big big cat saw the big cat the old big old big big dog heard the big big cat the big old dog heard the old old old big big cat the old old cat saw the big old old old big dog the old old big old cat saw the big old big dog the old big old big big old dog saw the old dog the big old old big old big dog saw the old dog the big old 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big big old dog the big big old big old cat heard the old big dog the old big old old old old cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big big old big old old big dog the cat saw the old big big big big old old dog the old big big big big dog saw the old old dog the old big big old big cat saw the big old cat the old cat heard the big big old big old big dog the big big big old big big old dog heard the dog the big old big old old dog saw the big big cat the big cat saw the old old big big old old cat the big big big old big dog saw the old big dog the big big cat heard the old big old big big cat the big old big old old old dog heard the old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old old dog the big big old old old old big dog heard the dog the big old old old dog heard the big old old cat the big old old big old old big cat saw the dog the old old big big big old old cat saw the dog the big old big old cat heard the old old big dog the big big old big big old cat heard the big dog the big big dog heard the big old old old big cat the old big big big old big big cat heard the cat the old big big big old dog saw the big old dog the big big old old old cat heard the old big cat the big big old old old big old big big cat ate the old big big old old big big big old cat ate the big old old old old old old old old cat slept the old big old old old cat heard the big old dog the dog saw the big old big big big old big cat the big old old big old old cat heard the big dog the big big old old old big dog heard the big dog the big big big old old dog saw the big big dog the big old big big big old old dog heard the cat the big cat heard the big old big big big old dog the big old big old old old old old old cat ate the big big dog saw the old big old old big cat the big big old big big cat heard the big old cat the big dog saw the big old big big old big cat the big big old dog heard the old big big big dog the old big big big big big old old big cat slept the old big old old old old dog heard the big dog the big big big old big old old cat saw the cat the old big big dog heard the old old old old cat the old big big cat heard the old big big big dog the big old old old big old big cat heard the dog the cat heard the big old old big big old big cat the big big old old big old cat heard the big cat the big old old cat saw the old old big old dog the big big old big big old dog heard the big cat the big big old big old dog heard the old old dog the old dog saw the old big old old old old dog the old big big big big dog heard the old big cat the big big big big big old big big old dog ate the old old old cat heard the old old old old cat the cat saw the old old big big big old big cat the big old old big old old dog heard the big cat the old dog saw the old big big old big old cat the old big big dog heard the big old big big dog the old old big big old dog heard the old big cat the big old big big cat saw the old big old cat the old big old cat saw the old big old big cat the old old cat heard the big old big old big cat the old big dog heard the big big big big old dog the dog saw the old old old old big old old dog the big old big old old old big big big cat ate the big big old big old old big cat heard the dog the big old big big old big old cat heard the dog the big big old old big cat heard the big big dog the old old old cat heard the big old big big dog the old cat saw the big old old big big old cat the old big old big old old old big big dog slept the big big big big big old big old big dog ate the old old big big old old old cat heard the dog the big old dog heard the big old old big big dog the old big big dog heard the big big old old cat the big cat saw the big big old big old big dog the big big big cat heard the old old old old dog the big dog heard the old big old old big old cat the big old old cat saw the big big big old dog the big big big old big big old cat heard the cat the big cat heard the old old big big big big cat the big old cat heard the old old big old old dog the big big big big cat saw the old big old dog the old big big old old big big dog saw the cat the old dog heard the big old old old big old dog the old old big old old old old cat saw the cat the big old big dog heard the old old old big cat the big old cat heard the old big big big old cat the old old old big big dog saw the big old dog the big old big big cat saw the big old old dog the old old big dog heard the old old big old dog the old old old old old old big old big dog ate the big old dog heard the big old big old old cat the big big big dog saw the big old big big cat the big old old big old big big old old cat slept the big big old old old old big big old cat slept the old big big big old old old old big cat slept the old old big big dog heard the big big big cat the old old old cat saw the big old big old dog the old old big big big dog heard the big big dog the old old old big big big big big old cat ate the dog heard the big big big big old big old cat the old big big old old old old cat saw the dog the old cat heard the old big big old big old cat the old cat heard the big old big old old big cat the big big cat saw the old old old big old dog the big big old old big dog saw the big old cat the big dog heard the old big old big old old dog the big old dog heard the big big big big big dog the old old big big cat saw the old old old dog the big big big old cat heard the old big big dog the old old old old cat heard the big old big dog the big big big cat heard the big big old old dog the big dog heard the old big big big big old cat the big dog heard the big old big big old big cat the big old cat heard the big big old old big dog the old old old old big old big big old cat slept the old big dog saw the big old big big old dog the old dog heard the big old big big big old dog the big old old old old dog heard the big old dog the old big old old big old big big big cat ate the big old big dog heard the big big old big cat the big old cat saw the old big big big old cat the old old big old big dog heard the big big cat the old old big dog saw the big old old big cat the big big big dog saw the big big old big dog the big big big old old old big cat saw the dog the old big big old big old big big old dog slept the old old big big big big big old old dog slept the big dog saw the old old big old old old cat the old old big dog heard the big big big old dog the big big big old cat heard the big old old cat the old dog heard the old old old old big big cat the cat saw the big big old old old big old dog the dog heard the big big big big big old old dog the dog saw the old big big old big big big dog the old cat heard the old big big big old old dog the old old cat saw the old old old old old dog the big old big big dog heard the old old old cat the old dog heard the big big big old old old cat the old big old cat heard the old old big old cat the big big cat saw the old big big big old dog the big old old big old old dog saw the old dog the old big big dog saw the big old old big dog the cat heard the old big old old big big big dog the old old old old big big big dog saw the cat the big old dog saw the old old old big big dog the big big big big dog saw the big big big cat the big old cat saw the big big old old big dog the old big dog heard the old big old old old dog the big big big old big old old old big cat slept the old old old old old dog saw the big old cat the dog saw the big big old old big old big cat the cat heard the big big big big old big old dog the big old old big old big cat saw the big dog the old big old old big dog saw the old old dog the old big old big dog heard the old old big cat the big big dog saw the old old old big old cat the old dog heard the old old old big old big dog the old old old big big big cat heard the old dog the big dog saw the big old old big big old cat the big old old big big cat saw the old old dog the old big cat saw the old big old big old dog the big old big big big old dog saw the old dog the old dog heard the old old big big big big cat the cat heard the old big big old old old big cat the cat heard the big old old old big big old cat the big old old big old big old dog saw the cat the old big old big big old old dog saw the cat the big big old big old big cat saw the old cat the old big old old big big big dog saw the dog the big cat saw the old big old old old old dog the big old dog saw the old old big old old cat the big big cat heard the old old big big old dog the old big old cat heard the old big old old dog the old big old old old dog saw the big old dog the old old big old big dog saw the big old cat the big cat saw the big old big old old big cat the big cat saw the old big big old big old cat the old big big big big old old old old dog ate the old old old dog heard the old big old big cat the dog heard the big old big big big old big cat the big old big old cat heard the big big old dog the old dog saw the big old old old big old cat the old old old old big big cat heard the old cat the big big dog heard the big old big big old cat the big old dog saw the old big big big big dog the old old old big big big dog heard the old cat the big old old old big old old big old dog slept the big old old big old old old old big dog slept the old old old big big cat heard the old big dog the big old big big big big old dog saw the cat the big big old big big old big dog saw the cat the big old old cat heard the old old big big cat the old old dog saw the old old old old old cat the big big big big big big cat saw the old cat the big big dog saw the old old big old old dog the old old big big old big big big big cat slept the big old old old big old big cat saw the dog the old big old big old big big cat saw the cat the big big old old big old big old old dog ate the old big big old big dog saw the big old dog the big big dog saw the old big big big old cat the big old old old big big big dog heard the dog the old big big big dog saw the big old big dog the big old big big big cat saw the big old dog the old big old old cat heard the big big big dog the cat heard the big old big big old big big cat the cat heard the old big big big big old big cat the old old dog saw the old big old big big dog the big cat saw the old big big big old old dog the big dog heard the old old big old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old big old big dog the old big old big old big cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big old old old big old big dog the big old old dog saw the big big big big dog the old big dog saw the old old old old old dog the old old old old big cat heard the old big cat the big big big old big big cat heard the old dog the big big big big big big dog heard the old dog the old old old dog saw the old old old old cat the big old big big old cat heard the old old cat the big big old dog saw the old big old old dog the old big dog saw the old big old big old cat the old old old old big big dog heard the big dog the old dog saw the big old big big big old cat the big old old big cat heard the big big big cat the big old big old old big cat heard the old dog the big old old cat heard the old big old big dog the old big big big big old dog heard the old dog the big big old dog saw the big big big old cat the dog heard the old old old big big big old cat the old big big big big big old dog heard the dog the big big old big old big big dog heard the dog the big big big big big big old old big cat ate the old cat saw the old big big old old old dog the big old old cat heard the big big big big cat the old old dog saw the old big big old old cat the dog saw the old big old old old old big dog the big big dog saw the big big old old big dog the big big big big big big big old big cat slept the big big cat heard the big big big old old cat the big big big big dog heard the old big old cat the big old old old old cat saw the old old cat the old old big big old old dog heard the old dog the old old old dog saw the big old big big dog the old old big big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old big old old big dog heard the dog the big old big old old old dog saw the old cat the old old old big dog heard the big old old cat the old old big big cat heard the old old big dog the dog saw the old big old big old big big cat the big old big dog saw the old big big old cat the old cat heard the big old old old big old cat the old old old old dog heard the old big big cat the old old old big big dog heard the old old dog the big old big big big old cat heard the old cat the big old old dog heard the big old old big dog the old big old dog saw the old old old old dog the old old big big old big cat saw the old cat the big big big old big big dog heard the old cat the old big old big old cat heard the old big cat the old big dog heard the old old big big big cat the big cat heard the old big old old big big dog the big old 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old big dog ate the old big big old old big big old old dog ate the old big old big old old big dog saw the dog the big old old big old big cat heard the big cat the old big big big old big cat saw the old dog the old old big big big old big dog saw the cat the old old old old big dog heard the old old cat the big old big big big cat heard the big old dog the big cat heard the old big old big old old cat the old dog saw the old old old big old big cat the old big big big big old old big big dog slept the big big big old dog heard the old big big dog the big big old big big big dog saw the big dog the old cat saw the big big old big big old dog the dog saw the big old old big old big big dog the dog saw the old old big big big big old dog the old cat heard the big old old big old old dog the old old old old cat saw the old old old dog the big old big big old dog saw the old old dog the big old big old old cat saw the big old cat the big old big big big old dog heard the big dog the old cat heard the big old big big big old cat the old big old dog saw the big big old old dog the old big old dog heard the old big big big cat the cat saw the old old old old old old old cat the big cat heard the old big big big big big dog the cat heard the old old old big big big old dog the big big big old old big old dog saw the cat the big big dog heard the old old old old old cat the big old big big old big big dog saw the dog the old big big big big old big dog saw the dog the big old cat saw the big old old big old dog the big old big old big cat heard the big old cat the old big cat heard the old big big old big cat the big old big old cat saw the big big old dog the old old old big big old big big big dog slept the big big big old dog heard the big old old cat the dog saw the big old old big big old old cat the cat saw the old old old big old big big dog the dog heard the old big big old big big big dog the old old big dog saw the big big big old cat the big big big big old old big old big cat slept the big old big old big old dog heard the big cat the big old big old old dog heard the old old dog the big big dog heard the old big old big big dog the big big big old big old old old old cat ate the old big big big big big old cat heard the cat the old big old big dog saw the big big old cat the cat heard the old old big big old old old cat the big old old old old old old dog heard the dog the big big old cat saw the old old old big cat the old cat heard the big big big old old big dog the big big big big old old old big old dog slept the old old big old cat saw the old big old dog the old big old big old old big cat heard the cat the old old big big old big old cat heard the cat the old big old old big cat heard the big big cat the big cat saw the big old old old big old cat the big big old old dog saw the big big big cat the big big big old big old big cat heard the dog the big big big big old cat heard the big old cat the cat saw the old old old big big old old cat the dog heard the big big old old big old big cat the big dog heard the big big big big old big dog the old big big dog saw the big big big old dog the old old dog heard the big old old big big cat the old cat heard the old old old big old big cat the old old old old old cat heard the big big cat the big big old cat heard the old big big big dog the big old big old old old big cat heard the dog the big big dog heard the old big big old old cat the old big old old old dog heard the old big dog the big big big old old old cat heard the big cat the old big big cat heard the old old old old cat the big old cat saw the big big big big old dog the big big big big old old dog heard the big cat the old old cat heard the old old big old old cat the dog saw the big big big old old big big cat the big dog saw the old big big old old old dog the old old big big big old old big old dog slept the old big big old old big old old big dog slept the big big big old big old big big big cat ate the old big old big dog heard the big big old cat the old big old old dog saw the old big big cat the old old old big big big cat saw the old dog the old big old big big dog heard the big old dog the big big old old old big dog saw the big cat the big old dog heard the old old old big old dog the cat heard the old big big old big big old cat the old old old old dog saw the big old big cat the big big big cat saw the old old big big cat the old old cat saw the big big old big old dog the big big old big big old old cat heard the dog the big big big old old cat heard the big big dog the old old dog heard the big old big old big dog the big old old old big big old dog saw the cat the cat saw the old big big old old big big cat the big old big cat saw the old big old big cat the old big big big cat heard the big old old cat the old dog heard the old big old big old old cat the big old old big old old old cat heard the dog the old old dog heard the big big big big big cat the big big old dog heard the big big old old cat the dog saw the big big big old big old big dog the big big big old big big dog saw the big cat the old big old old big dog heard the big old cat the old big old old big old big old big dog ate the old big old cat saw the big old old big cat the old old cat heard the big big old old big cat the old cat saw the big old old old old old dog the old big old old dog saw the big old big dog the dog saw the big big big big big big big cat the big old old old big cat saw the big old dog the old big old big old dog saw the big big cat the old cat saw the big old big old big old cat the big big old old big old old cat heard the cat the old dog heard the old big big big big big dog the cat heard the big old big old big big old dog the big old big cat heard the old old old big cat the big old dog saw the big old big old old dog the old old big cat saw the old old old big cat the big big old old big big old dog saw the dog the big old dog heard the old big big big 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big old big old big old cat saw the cat the old big old old old big big big big cat slept the old old old old old big cat saw the old cat the old cat saw the big old big big old old dog the dog saw the old big old old big big old dog the old big big cat saw the big old big big cat the big old big big cat heard the big old big cat the old big big old dog saw the big big big dog the cat saw the big old big old big old old cat the old old big big cat heard the big big old dog the big old old old big dog heard the big big cat the big old big cat heard the big big old big cat the big old old dog heard the big big big old dog the old old big old old old old old old dog ate the big cat heard the big old old big big big dog the old cat saw the old old old old old big cat the big dog saw the old big old big big big cat the big old cat saw the old big old old old dog the big big big big big big old cat saw the cat the cat saw the big old big big big big big dog the old big big big old old old big old cat ate the old old old big big old old big big dog ate the old old old old old big old dog saw the dog the dog saw the old big big old old old old cat the old old old old big old big dog saw the cat the old big dog saw the big big old big old dog the old old big old big big cat saw the old cat the old old old big big big big dog heard the dog the old dog saw the big big big big big old dog the big old big big dog saw the old old big cat the old big big old old big dog saw the big dog the dog heard the big old old big old big big dog the old old big old cat heard the big big old cat the big old old big old old cat saw the big dog the old big big cat saw the big big old big dog the big big old big old dog heard the big big cat the big cat heard the big big old old old big cat the old dog saw the old big old old big big cat the cat heard the old big old old old old old cat the dog saw the old big big big old big big dog the old cat heard the big big old old big old dog the big 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big old big cat the old big cat heard the big big old big big cat the old old old big cat saw the old old big cat the dog saw the old big big big big old old cat the dog saw the big old big big old big old cat the old big big old big old old old big cat ate the old big big old big big cat heard the old cat the big old old cat saw the old big big big dog the old big big big big big dog heard the old cat the big old big big big old old dog saw the cat the old big big big big cat heard the old big dog the old dog saw the old big old big old big dog the big dog saw the big old big old big old cat the big big big big big cat saw the old big cat the big old cat heard the old old big big big cat the old old big old old big cat heard the old cat the old big old big cat heard the old old old dog the big cat heard the big big big big old big cat the big old big old old dog saw the big old dog the old big old big old big big dog heard the cat the old dog saw the old big big big big big cat the cat heard the big old old big old big old cat the big big old cat saw the old big big old cat the old old big big old cat heard the old big dog the big old dog saw the old big old old old cat the old cat heard the big big big big big old dog the big big cat heard the old big old big old dog the old big old cat heard the big old old old dog the big old big big cat saw the big big big cat the big old big old old big big dog heard the dog the old big big old big old big dog heard the dog the cat saw the old old big big old big old cat the cat saw the old big old big old old big cat the big big big big big old old dog saw the dog the big old big big big big cat heard the big dog the old big big big dog heard the old big big dog the old big big old big cat heard the old big cat the old big big big big old big cat saw the cat the big old big big old big big cat saw the cat the big big dog heard the big big old big old cat the old big old cat saw the old old big old cat the old old cat heard 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cat saw the dog the big old big big big big dog heard the big cat the big cat saw the big big old old big old dog the old old big big old old cat saw the old cat the old big big old dog heard the old big big cat the big big big dog heard the big old old big dog the old old big big old cat saw the old big cat the big old old big old old dog heard the old dog the cat saw the big old old big old old big dog the cat saw the old old big big big old old dog the dog heard the big big big old big old big dog the big old old big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old big big old old dog heard the dog the old old big old big old cat heard the big cat the old cat heard the old big old big old big dog the big old old big cat heard the old old big dog the old old old cat saw the big big big big dog the old old big big big old dog heard the big cat the big old big old old old cat saw the big cat the old old big big old dog heard the old old dog the old big old old big big old old big cat ate the old old big big old old big big old cat ate the big big old dog saw the big old old old dog the dog heard the big big big big big big big cat the dog heard the old old old big old old old dog the old dog heard the big big old old old big cat the old big old cat saw the old big old old dog the old old old big old old old dog heard the dog the old cat heard the old big big big big big cat the big big big big big big big cat heard the dog the old old cat heard the big old big old old dog the big big cat saw the old old big big big dog the big old big big big old big big old dog slept the big big old old big big old dog heard the cat the big old old old old big old big old dog slept the old old old big big big old old old dog slept the old big old big old old old old big dog slept the old old big big old old old dog saw the dog the big old big big old big big cat heard the dog the old big big big big old big cat heard the dog the big old big dog saw the old old old old dog the old big big big old old cat saw the old dog the big old old big dog saw the old big big dog the big big big big old big cat heard the big cat the old big big big old cat saw the old big dog the old big dog heard the old old old old big dog the big old big dog saw the big old big old cat the old big old old big old old dog heard the cat the cat heard the big big big old old big big dog the old old big big old old big cat heard the dog the big old big cat heard the old big big old cat the old old big cat saw the old big big old cat the old big big old dog heard the big old big dog the old big big big old old cat heard the big cat the big cat heard the old old big big big old dog the big big old big dog saw the old big old cat the old old old old cat heard the old big old dog the big big big old big big big cat heard the cat the big big cat saw the big old old old big cat the big old big big big big big old old dog ate the big big big big old old big old big dog ate the big big big old cat saw the big old big cat the cat saw the big big old old big big big dog the old old old old old old old big big dog slept the big old big big old old big dog saw the dog the big old big old old big big cat heard the cat the old big big old big old big cat heard the cat the big old big dog heard the big old big old cat the old old cat saw the old old big old big dog the old old old big big big old cat saw the dog the dog heard the old big old old big big old dog the old dog heard the big big big big old big cat the big big big dog saw the big old big old dog the big cat saw the old big old old big big cat the big old big big big dog heard the old big dog the old old big big dog heard the big big old dog the old old cat saw the old big big big big cat the old big old cat heard the old big big big cat the old old big old old old big cat heard the cat the old big cat saw the old old big old old cat the big old big dog saw the big big old old dog the old big big old cat saw the old old big cat the old big old dog heard the old old old big dog the cat saw the big big big old old old big cat the old big dog heard the old big big old big dog the old big old old old big old cat heard the dog the old old old big dog saw the old old old cat the big big big old old old old dog heard the dog the cat heard the big big big big big big big dog the big big old big dog saw the big old old dog the big old old big big big big cat saw the dog the dog heard the old big big old old old old cat the old old dog heard the old old old big old cat the big big old big big big old cat heard the cat the big big dog saw the old old big big big cat the old old big old old old old old big cat slept the big old old old dog saw the old old big cat the old big cat saw the old big big big big dog the big big cat saw the big big big old big cat the old old old big old old dog saw the big dog the old old big old dog heard the big big old cat the big old big dog heard the big big old old dog the old old big 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big big cat the old big old dog heard the big big old big dog the cat saw the big big big big big old big cat the dog heard the big old big old old old old dog the old big old big old big cat saw the big cat the big big old big cat heard the old big big dog the big big cat heard the big old big old big cat the old big big big old dog heard the big old dog the big big big big dog saw the big big old dog the old old old dog heard the old old big old cat the dog heard the big big old big old old big cat the dog heard the old big big big big old old cat the old old dog heard the old big big big old cat the old big big big big old dog saw the old cat the big old big big old big dog saw the old cat the old cat heard the old old big old old big cat the old big cat heard the big old big big old dog the big big old cat heard the big old big big dog the big old old big old dog saw the old big cat the dog saw the big big old old big old old dog the big big old old big old cat saw the old cat the 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big big old old old big big big cat slept the old old big big old big big old big cat slept the big old big big old dog saw the big big cat the cat heard the old old old old big big big dog the big big big big big dog saw the old big dog the old big old dog saw the big big big big cat the big big big old big cat saw the big big cat the big big big old dog saw the big old old cat the old big big old big big old cat saw the dog the big old big old big big big cat saw the cat the dog saw the big old old old big old big cat the cat heard the big big old big old old big dog the cat heard the big old big big old big old dog the big old dog saw the big big old old old dog the big old old big dog heard the old old big dog the old old big dog saw the old big big big cat the old big big old big old old old old dog ate the big big old old old old big old old dog ate the big big big old big dog heard the big big cat the old old old old big cat heard the old old dog the big big big big old dog saw the big big dog the big big big dog heard the big big big old dog the cat saw the big old old big big big old dog the cat saw the old big big big old old big dog the big old big old old dog heard the big big cat the big old old big cat heard the big big old dog the old big big old dog saw the old old old cat the old old old old cat saw the big old big dog the big big big big old big old big old cat ate the old big big big old old big big big dog ate the old old old old old old old dog saw the dog the old big old old old old cat saw the old dog the old dog heard the big big old big big old cat the old big old old old cat saw the old big dog the old big big old old old dog saw the big dog the big cat heard the big old old old old old cat the big old old old dog heard the old old big cat the old dog saw the old old old old big old cat the dog saw the old big old big old big old dog the big big dog heard the old old big old big cat the old old old old dog heard the old big old dog the old 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big big dog heard the cat the old big old big big old cat heard the old dog the old big dog heard the big old old old old cat the big cat saw the big old old big big big cat the old dog saw the old old old big old old dog the big old big old big big old big old dog slept the old old big big big big cat heard the big cat the big big big old old dog saw the old big cat the big cat heard the big old big big old old cat the old old old big old old cat heard the old dog the big old big old big old big dog saw the dog the old dog saw the old old big big big old cat the big big old dog heard the old big old big cat the old big cat saw the big old old big old cat the big old old big old old old big old dog ate the old big big old cat saw the big big old cat the big big old old big big cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big big big old big big old cat the big big old big big big dog heard the old cat the old big dog heard the big big old big big dog the big big old big big cat heard the old 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big big big old big old big cat ate the big big big old old old big big big cat ate the old old old big old dog saw the big old cat the old old big dog heard the big old big big dog the big big big old old big old dog heard the cat the big old dog heard the big big big old big cat the big big old big big old big cat heard the dog the big old big big big big old cat heard the dog the old big old big big dog saw the old old dog the big big big old cat heard the old old big cat the old big old old big cat saw the big old cat the big big old old big dog heard the old old cat the big big big old big big dog saw the old dog the old old big big big old old cat heard the dog the big old old big old old big cat heard the dog the big old old old big cat heard the big big dog the big big old old big dog saw the old big dog the big big old old dog heard the big old big dog the old dog heard the big old big big old old cat the big cat saw the old old old old big old cat the big old old old old dog 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big old big old cat heard the big big dog the big old old big big old big cat saw the dog the cat saw the big big old big old big big dog the cat saw the old big big big big big old dog the cat heard the big old old old old big big cat the cat heard the old big old old big old big cat the cat heard the old old big old big big old cat the old big big big big dog saw the big old dog the big old dog saw the old old old old big cat the big cat saw the old old old big old old dog the old cat heard the big big old big big big dog the old big old big cat heard the old big big cat the big big cat heard the old old old big big dog the big old old big big old old old old cat ate the dog heard the old big old big old big old dog the old big old old old big big old big cat slept the big cat saw the old old big big big old cat the cat heard the big big big big old old old cat the old big old cat heard the big old big big cat the old big big cat saw the big old big old dog the cat saw the old old big old old big big cat the big old old old dog heard the big big old cat the big old big old cat heard the old big big dog the old big old big big big big old big cat ate the old big big old big big old big big cat ate the old old big old old big dog saw the old dog the old big big big big old big big old dog slept the old big cat saw the old big old old old cat the old old old old old dog saw the old big dog the dog saw the big old big old big old big dog the old big big big old old old cat heard the cat the big big dog heard the big old old big big cat the big big old old old cat heard the big big cat the big old big cat heard the big big old old dog the cat saw the big big old big big old old cat the old cat saw the old old old old old old dog the dog saw the big old big big big big big cat the big big dog saw the old old old old big dog the big old big old old old big old old cat ate the big big cat heard the old old big old old cat the big old old dog saw the old old old big cat 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old old old big dog the old old old big old old old big big dog ate the big old old big cat saw the big old old dog the old old old cat heard the old old big old cat the big big old dog saw the old old old big dog the old big big big big old cat saw the big cat the cat saw the old old big big big big big cat the old big big old old big old old old cat slept the big cat heard the big big big old big old cat the old old big big old dog heard the big big cat the big big old dog saw the big old big big cat the big old big big big cat saw the old old cat the dog heard the old old old big old big big cat the old big old cat saw the old big big big cat the old old cat heard the big old big big big cat the old old dog saw the old big old old big cat the dog saw the old old old old big big old dog the big big dog saw the old big big old big dog the big big cat heard the big big old old big cat the old big old old old old old cat saw the dog the old old big old big old old cat saw the cat the 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cat the old dog heard the old big old old old big cat the cat saw the big big big old old old old dog the old big old big big dog heard the old old cat the big old dog heard the old old old old old cat the cat saw the big big big big old big old cat the old old cat heard the old big big old big cat the big old big old dog heard the big old old cat the old old dog saw the old old old big old cat the big dog saw the big big old old big big dog the big big big big big old cat heard the big dog the big big cat heard the big old old big old cat the big old old old old old dog saw the old cat the big old big old big dog heard the old old dog the big old old old big old old dog heard the dog the cat heard the big old big old old big big dog the big old dog saw the big old old old big dog the old big big big dog saw the big big big dog the big old big big old old cat heard the big dog the big old dog heard the old big old big big dog the old big old big big old big cat heard the cat the big 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dog heard the big big old big old old cat the big big old big old old old cat heard the cat the old old big old old big cat saw the big dog the cat heard the old big old big old old big cat the old big cat saw the big old big big big cat the big cat saw the old old big old old old dog the old cat heard the big big big old big big dog the cat saw the old old old old big old old dog the old old big old old big old dog saw the cat the old big old old old old big dog saw the cat the old big big old old big cat saw the old cat the big big dog heard the old old big old old dog the dog heard the big big old old big big big cat the big dog heard the big big big big big big dog the big big dog heard the old big big big old cat the old big old old old dog heard the big big dog the old big big cat heard the old old big old cat the old old cat heard the old old big big old cat the old old big old old cat saw the big old dog the old cat heard the big big big big old old cat the big dog saw the big 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the old big big big cat saw the big big cat the big big old old big old big big dog slept the big old big old big big old big dog slept the old big big dog saw the big old old cat the big big old old old big old big dog ate the big old old old big old cat saw the cat the old big old big big big old old dog ate the cat heard the big old big big old old cat the old old big old big big cat saw the dog the cat saw the old big big big old big cat the big old big cat saw the big big old cat the big old dog heard the old big old big cat the big old old big big cat heard the old cat the big old big big big dog heard the old cat the big old dog saw the old big old big cat the big old big big cat heard the old big dog the dog heard the big big big old big old dog the old old old old big cat heard the old cat the old old big old big dog heard the old cat the big big big big cat saw the big big dog the old old old old big big big big dog slept the big big big dog saw the big old old dog the old 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old old big big dog heard the big dog the old old old old old old dog saw the cat the big old old old old cat saw the old cat the old old old old cat heard the old big cat the big old old old cat saw the old big cat the old big old old big big old big cat slept the big big old old old dog saw the big cat the big big old dog saw the old old big dog the big big dog saw the old big big big cat the old old dog saw the big old big old dog the old old old old big dog heard the big dog the big big old old old cat heard the old dog the old big old big old cat saw the big dog the big big big old old dog heard the old dog the big big big old big old dog heard the dog the old old big big cat heard the big old cat the big old big dog heard the big old old cat the old old dog heard the old big big big dog the big big big cat heard the old old big dog the dog heard the old big old old old big dog the big old old dog heard the old big big cat the old old big big old big big old dog ate the big old big big dog heard the old old dog the old big big old old old big big dog ate the old big old old big old big old dog slept the old old big old big big old old dog slept the dog saw the old old old old big big dog the big old old cat saw the big old big dog the old big big old dog saw the old big cat the big big cat heard the big old old big dog the dog heard the old big big old big big cat the big old old old old old dog saw the dog the old old old big old cat heard the big cat the big big old big old cat saw the old cat the old old big big old dog heard the big cat the old cat heard the old big big old big dog the old old big old dog heard the old old dog the big big old big cat saw the old big cat the dog saw the big big big old old old dog the big big old old old dog heard the old cat the old cat saw the big old old big big cat the big big big old old big old old cat ate the big big old old big old dog heard the cat the old old big big old big old big dog ate the big old big big old big cat heard the dog the old dog heard the big big big old big cat the old big big big big old cat heard the dog the big big old cat heard the old old big cat the dog saw the old old old big old old cat the big big big old dog saw the old big dog the big big old old cat saw the big big cat the big big old big old old dog saw the dog the old old big old old big cat heard the dog the big old old dog heard the big old big dog the old big old old big big cat saw the cat the big old big old old cat heard the big cat the old old old old dog heard the old old cat the dog heard the old big big big old big dog the dog saw the old old big big big big dog the big big old big old big old old cat ate the big cat saw the big old old big big dog the big big old cat saw the big big big dog the old big big cat heard the old big old cat the old big cat heard the old old old old dog the old big old big big old cat heard the cat the big old old big old big cat heard the cat the big old big old big big big old cat slept the old old big dog saw the big big old dog the old big cat heard the big old big old cat the old cat saw the big old big old big dog the old old big dog heard the big big old dog the big big big old old old cat saw the cat the old old old big old old old big cat slept the old old old old old big cat heard the cat the big big old old big big cat saw the dog the old cat saw the big big big big big cat the big old big old cat heard the big big dog the old old old big old dog saw the big cat the dog saw the old big big old old big cat the big big old big old old old big dog slept the old old big old big old big big dog ate the big cat saw the big old big old old cat the big cat heard the old old old big big dog the big big big old big old cat heard the cat the old old big old big dog saw the old dog the old big big cat heard the big old old dog the old old old dog heard the big big old cat the cat saw the big old old big old big cat the cat saw the old big old big big old cat the old big old cat heard the old big big dog the old old old dog saw the old big big dog the big old big big big old big big dog slept the old old old big dog heard the big old dog the big cat saw the big big big big big dog the big dog heard the big old old big big cat the big old old old cat heard the big big cat the big old big old big big old old cat ate the old big cat heard the big big old old dog the big big old old big old big old cat ate the big old old big old dog saw the big dog the old old old big old big old big dog slept the big cat heard the old old big old old cat the big old old dog saw the old big old cat the old big big big big dog saw the old dog the old old big big dog saw the old big dog the big dog saw the big old old big big cat the old big old cat heard the big old old cat the old old old big cat saw the big big cat the dog saw the big big old big big big cat the old big old old old big dog saw the dog the old old old dog saw the big old old cat the big old old big big big old old cat ate the old big big big old old big old cat ate the big big old old big old old big cat ate the big cat heard the old big big big big dog the big old big old dog heard the big old dog the cat heard the big big old old old old dog the old dog saw the big old big old big cat the big big big big big old old big cat slept the old old cat saw the big old old big dog the big old big big dog saw the old old cat the big dog heard the big old big old big dog the cat heard the big big big old big old cat the old old big old dog saw the big big dog the big dog heard the big big big big big cat the big old old big cat saw the big big dog the big old cat saw the big old old old cat the big old big big big big dog saw the cat the big old old dog saw the big old old dog the old old big big old old cat saw the cat the old old old big big big cat saw the dog the big old big old dog saw the big old cat the big dog saw the big old big old big dog the big old old old dog heard the big old cat the old big old big big old big big cat slept the big old old big old big big big cat slept the old big cat saw the old old old old cat the old old old old old old big old dog ate the big dog saw the big big big big big cat the cat heard the old old old big big big dog the old big big big dog saw the big big dog the big big big big big big old big dog slept the old big old dog saw the big big old cat the big big cat heard the old old big old dog the dog heard the big old old old big big cat the old cat heard the old old big big old dog the big old big old old old big big dog slept the cat heard the big big big big old old dog the big old big big old old cat saw the dog the old big dog heard the old old big big cat the old big cat saw the big old big big dog the big big big big dog saw the big old cat the old old old old old old old big dog ate the old cat saw the old big old old big cat the big big cat saw the old old old old dog the old dog heard the big old big big old cat the cat heard the old big old old old big cat the big big big dog heard the old old big dog the big big cat saw the big old big old cat the big big old dog saw the big big old dog the old old big big big old big old cat ate the old cat heard the big old old old old cat the old big old old big dog saw the old cat the old old old old dog saw the old big cat the old big cat saw the big big old old cat the dog heard the big old old big old big dog the dog heard the old big old big big old dog the cat saw the old old old old old old cat the big big big old old old old big cat slept the big cat saw the old big old old big dog the dog heard the big old big big big big cat the old big big big cat heard the old old cat the big big cat heard the big big big old dog the old big dog heard the old big old big dog the old cat heard the big big old big big dog the big big old dog heard the old old big cat the old big old big big cat heard the old dog the big old old big old old big big cat ate the old big old old big big big old cat ate the old big big big big dog heard the old dog the old big dog heard the big big big big cat the big old big big big big dog heard the dog the big big old old big dog saw the old dog the big old old old dog saw the old big dog the cat saw the old old big old big big dog the old big old big dog saw the old big cat the big big big big big big old old dog ate the big big cat saw the big big old old dog the cat heard the old big big big old big cat the big big old cat heard the big big old cat the old old big old big big dog heard the dog the old old old big old big big old cat slept the old big old old old old big big cat slept the dog saw the old big old old big old cat the dog saw the big old old old old big cat the old cat heard the big big big old old cat the old big big dog heard the old big old cat the old big big big big big old old dog slept the big big old big old big big old dog slept the old big old old big big old big cat ate the old big old old dog saw the big big cat the old big old big big dog heard the old cat the cat saw the old old big big old old cat the big old old big big big dog heard the cat the big big big old big cat heard the old dog the big big old big dog saw the old big dog the old big old big cat heard the old big dog the big old old old old old cat saw the cat the big dog heard the old big old old big cat the old old big old old big cat saw the dog the old old old cat heard the old old old dog the old old old old big big dog heard the cat the old old big cat saw the old old old cat the old old big big big cat heard the big cat the dog saw the old big old big old old dog the big big old old dog saw the big big dog the big dog saw the old big old old big cat the dog saw the big old big big old big cat the dog saw the old big big big big old cat the old big big dog heard the big old old dog the big old cat heard the old big old big cat the big big old old big cat heard the old cat 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big old old cat heard the old big cat the old old old big old old dog heard the dog the old big big old old big old old dog slept the old big big old old cat heard the big dog the dog heard the old old old old old old dog the old dog heard the old big old big big dog the old big dog saw the old old old big cat the big big old old big dog heard the big dog the old old big old big big cat heard the cat the old big big old big big big big cat slept the big big big big cat heard the big old cat the dog heard the old old big old big old cat the big big dog heard the old big big big dog the old big big old cat saw the old old cat the cat saw the big big old big old big dog the old old cat saw the big big big old dog the old big old big old big cat heard the dog the big big big cat saw the old big old dog the old big big old cat heard the big old cat the big big old big old cat heard the big cat the big big big big old dog heard the big cat the cat saw the big big big big big big cat the big 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old big big cat slept the old old old big old old cat heard the cat the dog heard the big big old old big big dog the big cat saw the old big big big old dog the old old big old old dog saw the old dog the big dog heard the old old old big old cat the big big old dog heard the big big old cat the old dog saw the old old old big big dog the big big big dog saw the big big big cat the big big old old big big big big dog ate the big big old big dog heard the big old dog the old cat saw the big big old old big dog the old old big old big cat saw the big dog the old big old old dog heard the big old dog the dog heard the big big old big old old cat the old old big big old big big big dog slept the big old big old old old cat heard the cat the big dog saw the old old old big old cat the dog saw the big old old big big old cat the old old big big cat saw the old old dog the big cat saw the big big old old old cat the old big big big old dog saw the old dog the old old big old big old dog saw the cat the big old big old big cat saw the old cat the old big big big old big big big dog ate the cat saw the old big old old old old dog the old old old dog heard the old old old dog the old dog saw the old old big old old cat the big big big old big dog saw the big cat the old old dog saw the old old big big dog the big dog heard the old old big old old dog the dog heard the big big big big big big dog the cat saw the big old big old old big cat the cat saw the old big big old big old cat the big old dog heard the old old big old cat the old big big big big cat saw the big dog the big old big old old old big old dog ate the big dog heard the old big big big old cat the old old big old cat saw the big old dog the big old dog saw the old old big old cat the old dog saw the old big big big big dog the big cat heard the old big old old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big big cat the big old big old big old dog saw the dog the old big big big big old dog saw the cat the big old big big old big dog saw the cat the big big big big big cat saw the old cat the big dog saw the old old big old old dog the dog saw the big big old old old big dog the old old old big old big cat saw the dog the old old dog saw the old big old old cat the old old big old dog heard the big big cat the big dog saw the old big big big old cat the dog saw the big big big old big big cat the big old old big old old big old dog ate the big big old old big old old big dog slept the old big big big old old big old dog slept the old big big big cat saw the big old dog the old dog saw the big big old old big cat the big old dog heard the old big old old dog the old old dog saw the big big big big dog the big dog heard the big big old old big dog the big big big big big old dog saw the dog the old old old cat saw the old big old cat the big old dog heard the big big big old cat the big old dog saw the old big old old dog the cat heard the old old old old old old cat the old big old old big 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the old big dog heard the big old old big dog the old old big old old big big old dog ate the big big old old big old dog saw the cat the old big big old big big dog saw the dog the old cat saw the big old old big old dog the old big old cat saw the big big old dog the old dog heard the big big big old old dog the big big old cat heard the old old old dog the big big old old big big dog heard the cat the old big big big big big cat heard the dog the big big big big big cat heard the big cat the big big old old cat saw the big old dog the cat heard the big big old old big big cat the old old old big old dog heard the old cat the old old old big big old dog heard the cat the big old big old old cat heard the old dog the big old big big old old old old cat ate the old big old old old old big big dog ate the old big big old big cat heard the big cat the big old cat saw the old old old big cat the cat saw the big old old old big old cat the big old old dog saw the big big big cat the big old big old big big old old cat slept the big big old old big old big old cat slept the old big old big big big cat heard the cat the big big old old old big old old cat ate the old cat saw the big big big big old dog the big old big old old dog heard the old cat the big old big old big old dog heard the cat the cat heard the big big old big old big dog the old old old big old dog saw the old dog the dog saw the old big big old old old dog the big old big cat heard the old old big cat the old big big big big old big big cat ate the big old big big old big big big cat ate the cat heard the big big big big big big cat the big old cat heard the big old old big cat the big old old old big dog saw the big cat the big big old big old old dog heard the dog the old old old big big cat saw the big dog the big old cat saw the big big old big cat the cat saw the big old old big old old dog the old dog saw the big old old big old cat the big big big old big big cat heard the cat the big big cat 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big old big big dog the old big big old dog heard the old big cat the cat saw the big big big old old big dog the old dog saw the big big big big old cat the big big cat saw the big big big big cat the old old big cat heard the old big big dog the old big big old old old big old cat ate the big old old old big big old old cat ate the old cat heard the big old big old big cat the big dog heard the big big big big old dog the big big big big old old cat heard the dog the old old cat heard the big old big big dog the big cat heard the big big old old old dog the cat saw the old old old big old big cat the old big big old old old cat heard the dog the big old old big old big old big cat slept the old big old big big old old big cat slept the big big dog heard the big big old old cat the big old big old big old cat saw the cat the big dog saw the big big big big old dog the old old big cat heard the big old old cat the old old big big old big old old cat ate the old old old cat heard the old big big cat the dog heard the big old old old big old dog the big old old big old old big old dog slept the old old cat heard the big big old old cat the big big old big old old cat heard the cat the old big dog heard the old old big old dog the dog saw the old big old big big big cat the old big old old old old cat heard the cat the old cat saw the old big old old old dog the big big big big big old cat saw the cat the old big big dog heard the big big big cat the cat heard the old big old old old old dog the old big old big old old old big cat ate the old big big big dog heard the big big dog the old big old big big big old big dog slept the old big big dog saw the old old big cat the cat heard the old big big old big old cat the cat heard the big old big old old big cat the big old big cat saw the old big big cat the old old old old old old big big dog slept the old old big old old cat saw the big dog the old old old old dog saw the old old dog the old old old cat heard the big old big dog the big big old big old old old old cat slept the old old big cat saw the big old big cat the old old big old old old dog saw the cat the big old big old old cat saw the old cat the old old big old big old big old cat ate the dog heard the big old big big big old dog the old old old old big big dog saw the dog the big old big old cat saw the old big cat the big big old dog heard the old old old dog the big big big old old dog saw the big cat the old big old big dog heard the big big cat the big big big dog saw the old old big dog the old big dog heard the big big big old dog the old big big big old cat saw the big dog the old big old big dog saw the old old dog the dog heard the old old old old big big cat the cat heard the old big big big old old dog the old old old big old big old old cat slept the big old big cat saw the big old big dog the dog saw the big old old old old old dog the old old cat saw the old big big big dog the old old old big big old big old cat ate the 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big old cat saw the big big cat the big big big big old old dog saw the dog the dog heard the old old old big old big dog the old old big big big cat heard the old dog the old big old old old big old big dog slept the old big big old big big cat saw the cat the big big old big big big old old dog ate the dog heard the old old big big big big cat the big dog saw the old big old old old dog the big old big cat heard the big big old cat the dog saw the big old big big old old dog the big old cat heard the old big old old dog the big big big cat saw the big big big dog the old old dog saw the big old old old cat the big old cat heard the big big big old cat the old old dog heard the old big old big cat the old cat saw the old old big big big cat the dog saw the old old old old old big cat the old old old big big cat heard the old cat the big big big old big big cat saw the dog the cat saw the big big old old big old dog the old old big big big dog heard the old cat the big old dog heard 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big cat the cat saw the old big old old big big cat the old old big big dog heard the old old dog the old old old old old big big big cat ate the big old big old cat heard the old big cat the big dog heard the old old big big big cat the old big cat heard the big old old big dog the big old old old big cat heard the big dog the old big dog saw the big big old old dog the big old big old big dog heard the big dog the old big big big big old old big dog ate the big old big big old big old big dog ate the big big old big old old big big dog ate the big big old big old dog heard the old cat the big big old big big old dog heard the cat the big cat heard the old old old old big cat the big old big big cat saw the big big dog the big old big dog saw the big old old dog the big old old big big old cat saw the cat the old big old old old dog heard the old cat the old old big big big big cat saw the dog the big old old old old big dog heard the cat the old big old old big old dog heard the cat 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heard the cat the dog saw the old big old big big old dog the dog saw the big old old big old big dog the old old dog saw the old old old big cat the old old big old old big old old cat ate the dog heard the big big big big old big cat the big dog saw the old big old big big cat the old big big dog heard the big big old dog the dog saw the big old big big big big cat the big old cat heard the old big big big cat the old big old old old big cat heard the cat the old old big old cat saw the old old cat the big big big big old old old old dog ate the old big big old old dog saw the old cat the old big big dog saw the old old old dog the big big big old cat heard the big big dog the cat heard the big old big old old old dog the old old old old old old old big dog slept the old dog saw the old big big old big cat the cat saw the old big big old old big dog the big old big cat saw the old big old dog the big old dog heard the old old old big dog the big dog heard the old big big old big dog 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big old old dog slept the big big old big big old big old dog slept the big old big dog heard the old old old dog the old cat heard the old big old old old cat the big big big old cat saw the big old dog the old old big big dog heard the big big cat the old big dog saw the old big old big dog the dog heard the old old big big big old dog the old big dog saw the big big big big cat the big big old old dog heard the big old cat the big big old big old big cat saw the dog the old old old old big old old big cat ate the big big dog saw the old big old old cat the big old big dog saw the big big big cat the old old big old big big old big dog slept the big old old old old big big big dog slept the old old old big big big big old dog slept the big big old old big big old old dog ate the old old dog heard the old big old old dog the old cat saw the old old big big old dog the old big old cat saw the old big big dog the old dog heard the big big old old big dog the big old old dog heard the old old old cat the dog saw the old old old old old old dog the old old dog heard the big big big old cat the dog heard the old big big old old old cat the cat heard the big old old big big big cat the big big dog saw the big big big big dog the dog saw the old old big old big old cat the big old big old old old old old cat slept the big big old cat saw the old big old cat the old big old old old cat saw the old dog the old big old old cat saw the old big dog the old big big big old big old old dog ate the big old big old big dog saw the big cat the old cat saw the big old old old old cat the old big old cat saw the big old old cat the old old big big big cat saw the big dog the big big old old old big old big cat slept the old big old big big big old old cat slept the big big old old cat saw the old old cat the old old old big cat heard the old old dog the old old big big big old dog saw the cat the big old big big big cat saw the old cat the old cat saw the big big old big big dog the big big old old old old big old dog slept the dog saw the old old big big old old dog the big big big big big dog saw the big cat the big cat saw the big old old old old dog the big big old cat saw the big old old dog the dog heard the big big old big big old cat the big old big old big big big big cat slept the big big big big big big dog heard the dog the old old big big cat saw the big old dog the big cat saw the big big old big old cat the cat saw the big old old old old big dog the old dog saw the old old big big old cat the old old old dog heard the old big old dog the cat saw the old big old old big old dog the old big big old big big dog heard the dog the big old big big big old dog saw the dog the old cat saw the big big big old old cat the old big big old big old big old dog ate the big dog heard the old old big big old dog the cat saw the big old big old big big cat the big cat heard the old old old old old dog the big big old big big big dog heard the cat the big cat 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cat saw the big cat the cat saw the big old big big old big dog the big big cat heard the old big old big cat the big old dog heard the old big big old dog the big dog heard the big big old big big dog the big dog saw the big old old old old cat the old old old big cat saw the old old cat the dog saw the big big old big old old cat the big old old old old dog saw the old dog the big old dog saw the old big big old dog the big old old big old cat heard the old cat the cat heard the old old old old big old cat the big old big big old dog heard the old cat the big cat heard the old big big old old dog the big old big big big old dog heard the cat the old old big old big big big old cat slept the big big big big big old big big cat ate the big big dog heard the big old old big cat the old old old old old cat heard the old cat the old old big old old dog heard the old cat the old old big old big old dog heard the cat the big old old old big cat saw the big dog the big dog saw the big big 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big old big big old big old big cat slept the big big old big old old big big cat slept the old dog heard the big big big big old dog the cat heard the old big big old old big dog the big big old cat heard the old big old dog the big big old old old old dog heard the cat the old big big big old old cat heard the dog the dog heard the big old big big old old cat the old cat heard the big big old old old dog the big big big old old old old big cat ate the old big big big big old old old cat ate the big big old big old old big old cat ate the big old big big old big old old cat ate the old big dog heard the big big old old cat the big old cat saw the old old big big cat the cat saw the old old big old old old dog the old old old big old big big big cat slept the old old cat saw the old big old big cat the old big old big old old cat heard the cat the big big old big old old old big cat ate the big old old big big dog saw the big cat the old big big old old cat saw the big cat the old big old old dog saw the old old cat the big big big big old old old old cat slept the cat heard the big big old big big big dog the old old old old big old old old dog ate the dog saw the old big big old big old dog the big old big cat heard the old big big cat the dog saw the big old big old old big dog the old big big big big big big big cat ate the big old cat heard the old old old big dog the old big old old big big dog saw the cat the big old cat saw the old big old big dog the big old cat heard the big old big big cat the big old big old big old big old cat ate the big old cat saw the big big big big cat the big big big old old old cat heard the cat the cat saw the big old old big big old dog the big big big old old cat saw the big dog the big big old old dog saw the old old dog the old big big old old old old big cat slept the old old big big old big old old cat slept the big big big cat saw the big old big cat the old big old dog heard the old old old dog the old big cat saw the old big big big cat the big big big old old old dog saw the cat the big big old old big big dog saw the dog the big old big old big old old big cat ate the big old old big big old big old cat ate the old big old old old old cat saw the dog the big old big cat heard the big old big dog the big big big big big big big big cat slept the cat saw the big big old old old old cat the big old cat heard the big big old big dog the big big big big dog heard the big big cat the old old cat heard the old old big old cat the old dog saw the big old big big old dog the big big cat saw the old big big big dog the old big big old old big big old cat ate the old big old big old big big old dog slept the cat saw the big big big old big big dog the big cat saw the old old big old big cat the big old big big big old cat saw the cat the big old old cat heard the big old big cat the old cat heard the big old big big big cat the old dog heard the old big old old old dog the old old big dog saw the old old 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the old big big big big big big old cat slept the old old big big old old dog saw the cat the big old big big old cat saw the old cat the old old old big big big dog saw the dog the old big big dog saw the old big big cat the big old old old old old old old cat ate the big old big big cat saw the old big cat the cat heard the big old big old big big cat the big big big big old dog saw the big cat the old big old old cat heard the old old dog the old old old old dog saw the big old dog the big old big big big cat heard the old cat the old old old cat heard the big big big dog the old old big cat saw the big big big cat the old old big old big cat heard the old cat the big big big big big old big old dog ate the big old big old cat saw the big big cat the big old big big old old dog saw the dog the big big old dog heard the old big old dog the big big big dog saw the old big big dog the old old big old big big cat saw the cat the old big old big old cat heard the old dog the old big old 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big big cat the big old old dog heard the big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big old big dog the big old old big dog heard the old big dog the dog heard the old big big big old big cat the old big big big big big big old dog ate the dog saw the old old big big big big cat the big cat saw the big old old big big cat the big big old cat saw the big big big cat the old old old old dog heard the old big dog the old old old big big old old old cat slept the old big cat heard the old old old old cat the cat heard the old old big old old old dog the old old big dog saw the big big old cat the old cat saw the big old big old big cat the big big old big big old old old dog slept the old old big dog heard the big big old cat the old big big cat heard the old big big dog the big big old old big big cat saw the cat the old old big big dog heard the big old dog the big old big old cat heard the big big cat the old big big big big big old big dog ate the old big cat heard the big old big big dog the old big dog saw the big big big old dog the big cat heard the old old old big big cat the big old big dog saw the big big old dog the big cat saw the big old big old big dog the old old big old big dog saw the old cat the old big big cat heard the big old old cat the old big old cat heard the old big big cat the old old old dog saw the old big big cat the old old old big dog heard the big old cat the big cat saw the big big big big big cat the old big cat heard the big big old old cat the big old old big old dog saw the big cat the cat heard the big old old big big old dog the old old old dog heard the big big big dog the cat saw the old big old big big big dog the big old old big big old old old dog ate the big old big old big dog saw the old dog the old big big big big dog saw the old cat the old old big big dog saw the old big cat the big cat heard the old old big old big dog the old big old old old big dog saw the cat the big old big old big big big big dog ate the big old old dog saw the old big big dog the big cat heard the old big big big big cat the big old big old dog heard the big old cat the cat heard the big big old old old old cat the old big old cat heard the big old big dog the old old cat saw the big old old big cat the old old old old old old old old cat slept the old old old dog saw the big old big dog the old big big old old big old old dog ate the big dog heard the big old big old big cat the old old big old dog saw the big big cat the big big big big big dog saw the old dog the big old big big dog saw the old big dog the big old old big cat saw the big big cat the big old old big big big big old cat slept the big old big old big big old big cat slept the big big old old old big dog saw the dog the big old old dog saw the big old old cat the cat heard the big big big old big big dog the old old old big big big cat saw the cat the big dog saw the big old big old big cat the big old cat saw the big old old big dog the cat heard the old old old big big big cat the big old big old dog saw the big big dog the old big big big dog saw the big big cat the cat saw the big old big old big old dog the big old old old dog heard the big big dog the big big cat heard the old old big old cat the big big big big old big big old cat ate the old cat heard the old old big big old cat the old big cat saw the old old old big dog the old old old old big big big big cat slept the cat heard the big big big big old old cat the big old big big old old cat saw the cat the big old old big big big cat saw the dog the old big cat saw the big old big big cat the old big old dog saw the big big big dog the big big old old big big big big dog slept the big big cat saw the old old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old old big cat the big big big big dog saw the big big dog the old big big big big cat heard the old dog the big big big big old big old big cat ate the big big old dog saw the big big old cat the old dog heard the big old big big big dog the old old old old big cat saw the old dog the old dog saw the big big old big old dog the big big big cat heard the big big old cat the big big cat saw the big old big big dog the old big old old big old big old dog ate the old old big old big big old old dog ate the dog heard the old big old big big old cat the dog heard the big old old big old big cat the big big cat heard the old big old old dog the old cat heard the big old old old big dog the old big old old big dog saw the big dog the big cat saw the old big old old big cat the big big cat heard the big big big old cat the old big dog heard the old big old big cat the old cat heard the big big old big big cat the old big cat saw the big big old big dog the cat saw the old old old old old big dog the old big old big big cat heard the old cat the big old old old old big big old cat slept the old old big old big big old old cat slept the big old big big big big dog heard the cat the big big old old big dog saw the old cat the big big dog heard the big old old old dog the old big big big cat heard the old big dog the big old old old dog saw the old big cat the cat saw the old old big old big big cat the old old old big old big dog saw the dog the big old old old old big old big dog ate the old big old big big cat saw the old dog the big big cat saw the big big old old cat the old old big cat heard the old old old dog the big big big old big big old old dog slept the old old big old big big dog heard the cat the old old cat heard the big old old old dog the big big big old big old big big cat ate the big big old cat heard the big big big dog the dog saw the old big old old big big dog the old big old big old big dog heard the dog the big big big old big cat heard the old cat the big big old big dog saw the old big cat the old cat heard the big big big old big dog the old big big dog heard the old big big dog the old big old big cat heard the old big cat the old big old old big big big old dog slept the old old big old old big cat saw the cat the old old old cat heard the old old old cat the old big old big big dog heard the big dog the cat saw the old old big big old big dog the dog saw the old big old big old old cat the big big old old dog saw the big big cat the old old big cat saw the old old big dog the big big big old old big dog heard the dog the old big big dog heard the big old old cat the old big old dog heard the old big big cat the old big big big dog heard the old old dog the big old big old old big cat saw the dog the old big big old big old cat saw the dog the old big big big old big cat saw the cat the big big big old cat heard the old big cat the old old big big old old dog heard the dog the big old big cat saw the old old old cat the dog saw the old big big big big big dog the old old cat saw the old old big old cat the big big old old big cat heard the big dog the big big old big old old old big cat slept the big big big old big dog heard the big dog the big big old old old big dog heard the cat the old big big big old big cat heard the dog the old old old big big dog saw the old cat the big old big big old old old old dog slept the big big big big old big cat saw the dog the old big old big dog heard the old old cat the big old big big big old big big cat slept the old dog heard the old old old old big dog the old old old big old old dog heard the cat the big old cat saw the old old big old dog the old big old dog heard the big old big dog the old old old big old big old big cat slept the old big big old old cat heard the big cat the dog heard the old old old old old old cat the old dog heard the old big old big big cat the old big big cat saw the old big big dog the big big old old big dog heard the big cat the big cat heard the big old old big big dog the big old big old old big old old cat ate the old big big old big old old old cat ate the big big old old old old big old cat ate the old old old big old old big big dog ate the old old cat saw the old big old old dog the big big old big old big old big dog slept the big big dog heard the old big big big cat the cat saw the big big old big old big cat the old old cat saw the big big big old cat the old big old big old big cat heard the cat the big big big cat saw the old big old cat the old big big old old cat saw the old dog the big big big big cat heard the big big dog the dog heard the old old big old big big dog the old big big old cat saw the old big dog the big big big old dog heard the old old cat the big old big cat heard the old big old dog the old big big cat saw the big old old cat the big old big old old old dog heard the cat the big cat heard the big old big old old cat the big big dog saw the old old old big cat the big old old big big old cat heard the dog the big old big big big big big big dog slept the old big big old cat heard the big big dog the old big old big big old old old cat ate the big old cat heard the big old big old dog the old old dog heard the old old old big dog the old cat saw the old old old big big dog the big big big old cat saw the old old cat the old old old big dog saw the big big cat the old old old old big old cat heard the dog the old dog heard the old big big old big dog the big old cat saw the big big big old dog the old big big old big big big big cat ate the old old dog heard the big old big big cat the dog heard the old old big big old old cat the big big big old old big cat heard the cat the big cat heard the big big big big big dog the big big old big cat heard the big big cat the big cat saw the old old old big old cat the big big big cat saw the big old old dog the big old old cat heard the old big old cat the old big cat saw the old big big old dog the old old big big old old cat heard the cat the old big old old cat heard the big big cat the old cat saw the old old big old old cat the old big old cat saw the old old big cat the big big old old dog heard the old big dog the big old old big dog saw the big big dog the old big old big big big big big cat ate the big old big old old old big big cat slept the old old big big big old big old cat slept the big big old old old big cat saw the cat the big big dog saw the big big old big cat the big big big dog heard the big big old cat the big big big big dog heard the big old dog the old old dog heard the big big old big dog the old cat saw the old big big big big dog the cat heard the old big old big big big dog the old big old big old big old old dog slept the dog saw the old old big old old big dog the old big big old dog heard the big old dog the big cat saw the old old big old old dog the big big old cat saw the old old big dog the dog heard the big big old old big big cat the big old old cat heard the big old old dog the old cat heard the big old big big old dog the big cat saw the old big big big old cat the old old big old old dog saw the old cat the old old big dog saw the old old old dog the old old big dog heard the old old old dog the old dog saw the old old old big big cat the cat saw the old old old big big old dog the old old big big old old big old cat ate the big old old old big old old big cat ate the big big old big dog heard the big old cat the old old big big big big big old dog slept the old big big old big old big big dog slept the big old big old old big big big dog slept the old cat saw the big big old old big cat the big dog heard the old old old big big dog the old old big old big cat saw the big cat the big big old dog heard the big big big dog the old big old old dog heard the big old cat the old old big big cat saw the old old cat the big old big old old dog saw the old dog the old big big big old dog saw the old cat the dog heard the big big old big old big dog the old big old old old big big old cat ate the cat saw the old big old old old old cat the old old old dog heard the old old old cat the big dog saw the old old old big big dog the dog saw the big old old big big big dog the big cat saw the big big old old big dog the old old dog saw the old old big big cat the big dog heard the old old big old old cat the dog heard the big big big big big big cat the old dog saw the old old big old big dog the big big big old old big old big cat slept the big big old big old big big old cat slept the old big big big big big old old cat slept the old old big old cat saw the big old cat the old big big dog saw the old big old dog the big old big big cat saw the old old dog the cat heard the big old big old big old dog the old old big old old old big old cat slept the cat saw the old big big old big big dog the old dog saw the old big big big big cat the big big big big old dog saw the old dog the big old dog heard the old old big big dog the old big old old old big old big cat ate the big old big old big old dog saw the cat the big dog heard the old big big big big dog the big dog saw the old old big old old cat the dog saw the big big old old old big cat the big big big old old old big old dog slept the old old old old big old cat saw the dog the old old old big old big cat saw the cat the old old big cat saw the big big old dog the big old dog saw the old old big big dog the big cat heard the old big old old big dog the big big big big big cat saw the big dog the old big old old old big big big cat slept the big old big old cat saw the big old dog the old big big big cat saw the big old cat the old old dog saw the old big old big dog the cat saw the old big big big old old cat the big dog saw the old big big big big dog the big old dog heard the old big old old cat the old old dog saw the big big big big cat the big dog heard the big big old old big cat the big big big big big old dog saw the cat the old old big old old big big old dog slept the old big old big big old cat saw the dog the big old old big old big cat saw the dog the old big big big big big dog heard the dog the big old dog saw the old big old old cat the big old big big cat heard the old old dog the old old old cat saw the old big big dog the big big big big cat saw the big old dog the big old dog heard the big big big big dog the old old big old cat heard the old old dog the old dog heard the old old big big old dog the cat heard the old old old old old big dog the big dog saw the big big old old big cat the dog saw the big big big big old big cat the big old dog saw the big big big big dog the old big old dog saw the old old old cat the cat heard the old old big old big big cat the old cat heard the old old old old old dog the big old old cat saw the old big old cat the old old old old old cat saw the old dog the old big old big big big dog heard the cat the old old old old cat saw the old big dog the big old big dog heard the old big old dog the big old old big cat heard the old old cat the old cat heard the old big old big old cat the old big old old old dog saw the big dog the old big dog saw the old big big big dog the old old old cat saw the big old old cat the old old big big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big big dog heard the old dog the old dog heard the big old old old old cat the old old old old cat heard the old old cat the big old old old cat saw the old old cat the big big old old old dog saw the old cat the big big old dog saw the old old old dog the big big dog saw the old big big old cat the old old old old big dog heard the old dog the old big old big old cat saw the old dog the old big cat heard the old big old big cat the old old dog heard the old big big old dog the old big old big cat saw the old big dog the big big big cat heard the old old old dog the dog heard the old big old old old old dog the big old old dog heard the old big old cat the old dog heard the big big old big big dog the big old big big big dog saw the big cat the big big big old big big dog heard the cat the cat heard the old old big big old big dog the dog saw the old old old old big old dog the big old old cat saw the big old old dog 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big big big old big big dog saw the dog the dog saw the old old big big big old dog the old big big old old old cat saw the dog the old old old big old dog heard the big dog the big cat saw the big old old big old dog the big big old cat saw the big big old dog the big big old old old old old old dog ate the big big big big old old dog heard the dog the old cat saw the big old big old old dog the big old big big old old big big dog ate the old big big old big big big old dog ate the old big big old old old dog heard the dog the cat saw the big old old old big big dog the big big big big old old big big cat slept the big old big old cat heard the big old dog the old cat saw the big big big big old cat the cat heard the big big old big old big cat the old old old big old dog saw the old cat the dog saw the old big big old old old cat the big cat heard the old old old big old dog the big old big old old dog heard the big dog the big big old big old old dog heard the cat the big big big big big old old old cat ate the old big big old big big old big dog ate the old big old big big big big old dog ate the old old old big big cat saw the big cat the cat saw the big old old big old old cat the old big old cat heard the old big old dog the old old big big old big big big cat slept the old big old old old old dog heard the cat the old old old dog saw the old big old dog the big cat saw the big big big big old dog the big dog heard the big old old big old cat the big old old old cat heard the big old cat the big old old big old dog saw the old dog the old dog saw the big old old big big dog the big old old old big old big big dog slept the cat saw the big old big big big big dog the big old old old old dog heard the big cat the big big cat heard the old big big big cat the old big old big big big old big dog ate the big old old big big cat saw the big dog the old old big big dog saw the old old dog the big dog saw the big old old big old cat the old old old big cat saw the big old cat the dog saw the big big old big big old cat the big big dog heard the old old old big dog the big cat heard the old big big big old dog the big big big big big big big big cat ate the big big old old big old cat heard the dog the old dog saw the big old big old old cat the big old old big big old dog saw the cat the big big cat saw the old big old big cat the old old cat saw the big old old old dog the old old big big big big dog saw the dog the big big dog heard the big old big big cat the big dog heard the big old big old old dog the cat saw the big big big old old big cat the old old big old dog saw the big old dog the old old big cat heard the old big big cat the old old cat heard the old old old big dog the big dog heard the big big big big old cat the big big old old big old old big cat slept the big old old big cat saw the big old dog the big big big big old old cat heard the cat the old old cat heard the big old big big cat the old dog saw the big big big big big dog the old old big big old old old old dog ate the big cat heard the big big old old old cat the big dog saw the big old big old old dog the old big big old old old cat heard the cat the big old big old big old old old dog slept the big old old old big big big big dog ate the cat heard the old old old big big old dog the big dog saw the big big big big old cat the old big big big dog saw the big old dog the dog heard the big old old old big old cat the big big dog heard the big big old big dog the old old old old big big old big cat slept the old big old old old big old old dog ate the old old big cat heard the big old big dog the old big cat saw the big old big old dog the old big big big old big big old dog slept the old cat saw the old big old old old cat the old old cat heard the big big old big dog the big big big old old big big old cat ate the old old big big old big big big dog ate the cat heard the old big old old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old old old dog the old big big big dog heard the big big cat the old old big old old cat saw the big cat the old old old old dog saw the old old cat the old old old cat heard the big old big cat the dog heard the big old old big old old dog the cat heard the old big big old big big dog the big big old big old big big old cat ate the old big big big big big old old cat ate the big cat saw the old big old old old dog the dog heard the big old big big big old cat the old old old old big big dog saw the cat the old big dog heard the old big old old dog the old cat heard the big big old big old dog the big big old dog heard the old old old cat the big big big dog saw the old old big cat the big old old old old big old old cat slept the old big old old big old old old cat slept the old big dog heard the big big big old cat the big old big old old cat saw the big dog the old big big big old cat saw the big cat the big old old old dog saw the old old dog the cat saw the old old big old big old dog the old big old big dog saw the old old cat the cat heard the old big big big old old cat the big old big cat saw the big old big cat the dog saw the big old old old old old cat the big big old big old big old big cat ate the old old cat saw the old big big big cat the big old big old old old dog saw the cat the big old old old big big dog saw the dog the old big old big big big dog saw the cat the old old old old old old cat saw the dog the old big old old dog saw the big old cat the old old old old big big old old dog ate the big big big big old cat saw the big dog the dog heard the big big big old old big dog the big big old big dog saw the old old dog the dog saw the big old big old big big dog the old big old big cat heard the old old dog the big old cat heard the old old big big dog the big dog heard the old big old old old cat the big old old big old old old big dog slept the big old cat saw the old big big big dog the old dog saw the old big old old big dog the big big big big old old dog saw the cat the dog heard the old old old big old big cat the old old big big big cat heard the old cat the big big old big big big dog saw the dog the old big old big old old cat saw the dog the big big old old dog saw the big old dog the big dog saw the old big old old old cat the dog saw the big old big big old old cat the big old cat heard the old big old old cat the big big big cat saw the big big big cat the old big old dog heard the old big old dog the big old old big big big big old cat ate the big big old old big old big big cat ate the big old big old big big old big cat ate the big big big old cat heard the old old dog the big old big cat heard the big big big dog the old old big big old big dog heard the dog the old old dog saw the big old old big dog the big big big old big big cat saw the cat the cat saw the big big old old big old cat the big old dog heard the big old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the old big cat the big old cat heard the big big big big dog the old old old big big cat heard the big dog the big old old big big big old big cat ate the big old dog saw the big old old old cat the old old big big big dog heard the big dog the big big big big old cat heard the old dog the big old big big big old old big cat slept the big big old old big big big old cat slept the big big old old cat heard the old old cat the big cat saw the old old big big big cat the big old old cat heard the big big big cat the old old old big old big dog heard the cat the old big big old old cat heard the old dog the old dog heard the old big old big old dog the old big dog saw the old old old old cat the big big old old big dog heard the old dog the old old big dog saw the old big big cat the old old big dog heard the old big big cat the big old big big old dog saw the big cat the big big dog heard the old big big old dog the big big old old old cat saw the big cat the cat saw the big big old big old old dog the old old old big big dog heard the big cat the big old big old big cat heard the big dog the old old old big big old big big cat slept the big big old big old cat heard the old cat the cat saw the big big big big big old cat the big big big big old dog heard the old cat the old big dog saw the big old big big dog the big big big big big old dog heard the cat the old old cat heard the old big big old dog the big old big big big big old big dog slept the big big dog saw the old old old old dog the old big big old old big dog saw the cat the old big old old old cat heard the old cat the old big big old old dog heard the old cat the old big big old big old dog heard the cat the big old big old old big dog heard the cat the big old old big big big cat heard the dog the old big big cat heard the old old big cat the big big dog saw the big old big old cat the old old big big dog heard the old old cat the old old old big dog saw the big old dog the old old big dog saw the big old big dog the old old old old big big cat heard the dog the old big cat heard the big old old big cat the old old dog heard the big old big old dog the old old big dog heard the big old big dog the big old old old big cat heard the big cat the old big dog saw the big big old old cat the cat heard the big old old old big big dog the big old old old old big old old cat ate the old big old old big old old old cat ate the big old big old big dog heard the big cat the big big old big cat heard the big old dog the big old big big cat saw the big big cat the old old old big big big big big dog slept the big big big old old big dog saw the dog the big old big dog saw the big old old cat the old big old old cat heard the big old dog the old old big big big big cat saw the cat the big big old big old dog heard the big dog the old old big big old big cat heard the cat the old big old cat saw the old old old dog the big big big big big big big old dog ate the big old old big old old big old cat slept the big old big old old old old big cat slept the old big old old old dog heard the big dog the cat heard the big old old big old old cat the big big dog saw the big big old old dog the cat saw the old big old big old big cat the old old old dog heard the big old big cat the old old old big dog heard the old big dog the old big old old big big big big cat ate the big old big big big big cat saw the dog the old big big dog saw the big big big dog the old big old big big big old big cat slept the dog heard the big big old old big old dog the big old old dog saw the old old big cat the cat heard the big old big big big big dog the big big big big big big old big dog ate the big old big big cat heard the big big cat the old old old old old old big big cat slept the old old old big old cat saw the big cat the old dog saw the old old old big old dog the big big big dog saw the big big old cat the old old big old cat heard the big big cat the big old big old old big old big dog slept the old old big big big big old old dog slept the old big old big big old big old dog slept the old cat saw the big big old old old dog the big old big old dog heard the old big dog the old old big old big cat saw the old dog the old cat heard the old old old big big cat the cat heard the big big big old old big cat the old big big old big dog saw the big dog the old old big old old old big old cat ate the big old old big old cat saw the big dog the old old old old old big big big dog slept the big big big old big dog saw the old cat the old old dog saw the old old big old dog the big old big old dog saw the old big cat the dog heard the big big big big big old dog the cat saw the big old big old old old cat the big old old big old old dog saw the cat the big old old old dog heard the old big cat the old old big big old big dog saw the dog the old big big big big cat saw the old dog the big big old dog saw the old big big cat the big big old big old big old old cat slept the old old old big old old big old cat ate the old dog saw the old big big big old dog the big big big cat heard the old big big cat the old big old dog saw the big old big cat the dog heard the old big old old big big cat the big big cat heard the old old old big dog the big old big big dog heard the big old cat the old cat heard the old old big old big dog the big old old cat saw the big big big cat the big big big old old old old old dog slept the dog saw the big big old old old old dog the big old old old old old cat heard the dog the big big cat heard the big old big big cat the big old big dog heard the big big big dog the old cat heard the old big big big big cat the old old big old dog heard the big old cat the big big big big dog saw the old big cat the dog saw the big big big old big old cat the old big old old old big old big cat slept the big old old old big big cat saw the cat the old dog heard the big old big old big cat the old old old big old old old big cat ate the old dog saw the big big old old old cat the big big cat saw the big old old big cat the big big old dog saw the big old big dog the old old dog saw the big big big old dog the big dog heard the big big old old old dog the big big big old dog saw the big big cat the big big big cat heard the big old big dog the dog heard the old big old big old big dog the big old old dog heard the big big big cat the dog saw the old old old big big big dog the big old old big dog heard the big big dog the big big cat heard the big big old big dog the dog heard the old big big big big big cat the big dog saw the big big old old old dog the dog saw the big big big big old old dog the old old old old dog heard the big big dog the old big cat heard the old old big old cat the cat heard the old old big old big old dog the old cat saw the big old big big big cat the big big old cat heard the big old big cat the dog saw the old big old old old big cat the old old big big big dog saw the old cat the old old old old old big dog saw the cat the old big old old big cat saw the old cat the old big big dog heard the old old big cat the big big old old big old big old dog ate the big cat saw the big old big big big dog the big old big old old big big old cat slept the old big big cat heard the big big old cat the old big cat heard the old big old old dog the big old big big big dog saw the old dog the old big old old big old dog saw the dog the big old old old old big dog saw the dog the old big old big old big dog saw the cat the big big old old big cat saw the old dog the old big cat heard the big big big old cat the dog heard the big old big old old old dog the old big big big old old big old dog ate the old old big big big big dog heard the cat the old big dog heard the big old old old dog the dog saw the old big big big old big cat the old old big big dog saw the big big cat the big cat heard the old old big big big dog the old old cat saw the old old old big dog the big big old big old big dog saw the dog the old big big big old old old big dog ate the cat heard the big big old old big old cat the old big old cat heard the big big big dog the old old cat saw the big old big big cat the old old old dog saw the big big big dog the big dog heard the big old big big big cat the old big big old big cat heard the old cat the big old cat saw the old old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old old big cat the big cat heard the big old old old big cat the big old big big dog saw the big big dog the big old old dog saw the big big old cat the big big big big old big dog heard the dog the big big big old old big cat saw the cat the big dog saw the big old big big big cat the big big big big old old old big cat slept the big big big big cat heard the old big cat the dog heard the old old big old old big cat the old old old old big dog saw the big dog the old big big old old big dog heard the dog the cat heard the big big old big old old dog the big old big cat heard the old old old cat the big big old big big cat heard the big dog the old old cat saw the big big old big dog the big big big cat saw the old old big dog the big big big big big dog heard the big dog the old big big old cat heard the old big cat the old big cat saw the old old big big dog the cat heard the big big big big big old cat the big old big old old old big big dog ate the old old big big big old big old dog ate the big old cat heard the big old old old cat the big old old old big dog saw the old cat the old cat saw the old old old old big cat the old big old old big cat heard the big dog the old big big old big dog heard the big dog the big big old big old big dog heard the cat the old old old big big cat saw the old dog the big big cat saw the old old big old cat the old old big big old big old big cat slept the old big old big big dog saw the big dog the big cat heard the big big big old big cat the big big big dog heard the old big big cat the old big old old old big dog heard the cat the big big big big old big old big dog slept the old big big big old cat heard the big cat the old big cat saw the old big old old cat the big big old big big dog heard the big cat the big big big old big old old old cat ate the big old old big old old big big dog ate the old old big big old old big old dog slept the big old old old big old old big dog slept the big big old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old old old dog heard the old dog the big cat saw the old old old old big dog the big old old big dog saw the old big cat the big old old old big old dog heard the dog the dog heard the big old old big big big cat the big big cat heard the old big big old dog the big old old cat heard the old old big dog the old big old old big dog heard the big cat the big cat saw the old big old big big cat the old big dog heard the old big big big cat the old big cat saw the big big big big dog the big big big big dog heard the old old cat the cat saw the old old old old big big dog the old big old big old big big big dog slept the old cat saw the old big big old big cat the big big cat saw the old big old old dog the big old big big old old dog heard the cat the big big old big big old old old cat ate the old big old old big big old big dog ate the big big old old big big cat heard the dog the big big dog heard the big old big old dog the old big big big cat heard the big big dog the cat heard the old big old big old big cat the big old old old dog saw the big big cat the big big big dog heard the big old big dog the old big big old dog heard the old old cat the cat saw the big big big old old old dog the big big cat saw the big big big old cat the old old big cat heard the old big old dog the old old big old old old dog heard the cat the old cat heard the big old big old old cat the old old old big big old cat heard the dog the old big big big old old old old cat slept the old old big old big old cat saw the dog the old old big big old big cat saw the cat the old old cat heard the big old big old dog the big big big big old big cat heard the cat the cat saw the old old old big old old cat the big cat saw the old big big old big dog the big dog heard the old old old old big cat the big big old big dog saw the big big cat the old big big old old big cat heard the cat the old cat heard the big big big big big dog the old big old big cat heard the big big cat the big big old dog heard the big old big cat the big big old big dog heard the old big dog the old old old cat heard the old big old cat the big big old big big big big big cat ate the old old big old old old old old dog ate the old big big big big old cat saw the dog the big old big big old big cat saw the dog the cat saw the old old big big big big dog the big old big old big old cat heard the dog the old big old old dog heard the old big dog the big dog saw the old old old old big cat the dog saw the old big old big big old cat the old old big cat saw the old big big dog the old old old old big old old old dog slept the old big big big big big big big cat slept the old big big dog heard the big big old cat the old big big big dog heard the big old dog the old old old big old old old old dog ate the big big big old cat heard the big big cat the old big big dog saw the old old old cat the cat heard the big old big old old old cat the big old big cat saw the old big old cat the cat saw the old big big old old big cat the old old big old old cat saw the old dog the big old dog heard the old old old big cat the big old old old big old cat heard the cat the big dog heard the old big big old big cat the old old big old cat saw the old big dog the big old big big old old big old cat ate the old big big old old dog saw the big dog the old old old cat heard the big old old dog the old old big cat saw the big old old cat the big old dog saw the old old old big cat the big old big old cat saw the old old cat the big big big old old dog saw the old cat the old big old big dog heard the big old cat the big big big dog saw the old old old dog the old dog heard the old old old big big dog the big dog saw the old big big old big cat the old big big big old cat saw the old dog the old big old dog heard the big big big dog the big old big big old old old big cat ate the dog heard the old old old old big old cat the old old old big old big big big dog ate the old big big big cat saw the old big dog the big old big cat saw the big old old dog the big big big old big cat saw the big cat the old old cat saw the old big big old dog the big big big big old big big old cat slept the big old old old big old big old cat slept the cat saw the big big old big big big cat the old old old cat saw the old old big cat the big big big big cat saw the old old cat the big old dog heard the big big old big cat the old dog heard the old old big old old cat the old big big old cat saw the big big dog the big big big old dog heard the big old cat the old big old big big big old old cat ate the big old dog saw the big big old big cat the big old old old old big cat saw the cat the old big old old big old cat saw the cat the old big big cat saw the big big old cat the big cat heard the big old big big old cat the big big dog saw the old old big big cat the old big big old old big big big cat slept the big old big dog heard the old old old cat the old old dog heard the old old big big dog the big big big old cat saw the big old cat the dog heard the old old old big old old dog the old dog heard the old big big big big dog the old big dog saw the old big old big cat the big old old cat saw the old old big dog the dog heard the old old big big big old cat the old cat heard the old big old old big dog the big old old old big big big old dog slept the big big old old big old cat saw the dog the big big old big old big cat saw the cat the big big big cat saw the big big old dog the old cat saw the old old big big old cat the old old dog heard the old big old old cat the big big old old dog heard the big big dog the old big old cat saw the old big big cat the old dog heard the big big old old big cat the big big dog saw the old big old big dog the dog saw the old old old old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the old old dog the big old old old big big big old cat ate the big big dog saw the big big big big cat the old old big big old dog saw the old cat the big old old dog heard the old old big dog the old big old old old cat saw the old cat the old old dog heard the big big big big dog the old big old old cat saw the old big cat the dog heard the old big big old old big dog the dog saw the old old big old big big dog the big cat saw the old old big big old dog the big big old cat saw the old big big dog the old old big big big cat saw the big cat the big old old cat heard the big big old dog the old old big dog saw the old big old dog the big old old old big big old big cat ate the old big big old old old big big cat ate the old cat saw the big old old old big dog the old big old cat saw the big old big dog the old old big dog heard the old big old dog the old old old big cat heard the old old cat the big old big big old dog saw the old dog the old big old old old old dog saw the dog the big big old old old cat saw the old dog the old cat saw the big big old big big cat the old old old big big dog heard the old dog the big big old old cat saw the old big dog the old old old big big old old big cat slept the dog saw the old old big big old old cat the big cat saw the big old old old old cat the big big old cat saw the big old old cat the big old big big big cat saw the big dog the big big old big big old old big dog slept the old old big big cat saw the big old cat the old old big big old big old big cat ate the old big big cat heard the old old old dog the dog heard the big big old big big big dog the old old old dog heard the old big old cat the cat saw the old big old old big old cat the cat saw the big old old old old big cat the old big big old big big dog heard the cat the big old big big big old dog saw the cat the big old big old cat heard the old old cat the big cat saw the big big old big big dog the big dog heard the old old big big old cat the old old old big big old cat saw the dog the old big cat heard the big old old old dog the big old old old big cat heard the old dog the old dog saw the old old big big big dog the big old big old big dog heard the old dog the big cat heard the old old old old old cat the old cat saw the big big big old big dog the old old old big big big old big dog slept the big old big big cat saw the big old dog the big dog saw the old old big big old cat the old big old cat heard the old old old cat the big old big big old cat heard the old cat the old old old dog saw the old old old cat the big cat saw the big big big old old cat the big cat heard the old big old big big dog the old dog saw the big old old old big cat the cat saw the old big old big old old dog the old old old dog heard the big old old dog the old old big old old cat heard the old cat the old old old old old dog saw the big dog the big old old old big dog heard the old cat the old old big old big old big big cat ate the old old dog saw the old big big big dog the big dog heard the big old old old big dog the big old old old cat heard the old big dog the cat saw the big old big big old big cat the cat saw the old big big big big old cat the big old dog heard the old big big old cat the big dog heard the big big old big big cat the big big big old big big big old dog ate the big old old old old dog saw the old cat the old big big big old old dog heard the dog the big old old dog saw the old old old dog the big old dog saw the old big big old cat the big old big big cat heard the big old dog the big cat heard the old big big old old cat the old old old big old cat saw the old dog the big dog saw the big old old old big dog the dog saw the big big old big old big dog the old old old big cat saw the old big dog the old old old big big old big big cat ate the old big old big old dog saw the big dog the old old big old cat heard the big old dog the big old old big old cat heard the big dog the cat heard the old old old old big big dog the big old old old big cat saw the big cat the big dog saw the big big old big big cat the big old big big old dog heard the big dog the dog saw the big big big big big big cat the old old big old dog saw the old old cat the big old old big big big big big cat slept the big big big old big big old big dog ate the old big old dog saw the old big old cat the old old old old old cat heard the big dog the old cat heard the old old old big old dog the big old old big cat saw the old old cat the big big old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big old old dog heard the big dog the cat heard the big big big old old old dog the old dog saw the big big big old big cat the old old old old cat saw the big big dog the big old old big cat heard the big old cat the old old big old big big dog saw the cat the big dog heard the big big big old big dog the big old big old big old big big dog slept the old old old cat saw the big big old cat the old old old old old big old big dog slept the old dog heard the big old old big old cat the cat heard the old old old big old old cat the old old old old cat heard the big old cat the big big old big big cat saw the big cat the big old big old dog saw the old old dog the old big big big dog saw the old old cat the big old old big old dog heard the big cat the big big old big big big old big dog ate the big old old old cat saw the big old cat the big old old old dog heard the old old dog the big big old dog saw the old big old dog the big dog saw the big big big old big dog the old old old old old dog heard the big cat the old big cat heard the old big big big cat the old big cat saw the big old old old cat the old big old big cat saw the big big dog the big big big cat heard the old big old dog the big old big old big big dog saw the dog the old big big big big big dog saw the cat the old big old dog saw the big old old dog the dog heard the old big old old big old dog the dog heard the big old old old old big dog the big big big old old old dog heard the cat the old old big old old old cat saw the dog the big big old big big old cat heard the dog the big old old cat saw the big big old dog the old big big old dog saw the big old cat the dog heard the big old big old big big cat the big big cat heard the big old big old dog the old big dog heard the old old old big dog the old cat heard the old big big big old dog the big big big old big old old big cat slept the big big old big big old big old cat slept the big big big big dog saw the old old dog the old big old old big old cat heard the dog the big old old old old big cat heard the dog the old old old old old old big old cat ate the big big old big cat saw the big old cat the old big dog heard the big old big big cat the old dog heard the big old big old old dog the big old big big old old old old dog ate the big big cat saw the big old old old dog the big big big big big big dog saw the dog the old dog heard the big big big big old cat the cat heard the old big big old old big cat the big big old cat heard the old big old cat the old big big big old old cat saw the dog the old big big big old old cat heard the cat the old big old old old old old old dog slept the big big big old dog saw the big old dog the old cat heard the big big old old old cat the old old old big big big big old cat slept the old old big old big big old big cat slept the big old old dog heard the big big old dog the dog heard the big old big big old big dog the dog heard the old big big big big old dog the big big old big big big big old dog slept the cat saw the old old big old old old cat the old old big old big old big old dog slept the old big dog heard the big big old big dog the old big big big big old big big dog ate the old cat saw the big old big big old dog the big big old cat heard the big old old dog the dog saw the old big old old old old dog the old big old old big big big big dog slept the cat heard the big big old big big big cat the old big big dog heard the old old old dog the dog saw the big old big old old big cat the dog saw the old big big old big old cat the big old cat heard the old old old big cat the old big old old dog saw the old big dog the big old cat saw the old big old big cat the big big big big big big old old cat ate the big big old old old old big old cat slept the old big big old big old old old cat slept the cat saw the big old old big big old cat the big big big old old cat saw the big cat the big big old old dog saw the old old cat the old big old dog heard the old old old cat the big big old old big big dog saw the cat the old big old old old old cat saw the cat the big old big cat heard the big old big cat the dog saw the old big big big old old dog the old old old old old big big old cat slept the old old big big dog saw the big old dog the old big big old old old big old dog ate the big old cat heard the big big old big cat the big big old old old big big old dog slept the big big dog heard the old old big big dog the old dog saw the big old big big old cat the cat saw the big big old old old big dog the big big cat saw the old big big big cat the old old cat saw the big old big old dog the big dog heard the big old big big old dog the cat saw the big big big old big big cat the big big old old old old cat saw the dog the old old cat heard the old old big big dog the old dog heard the old big old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old old old dog the big cat heard the big old old old old dog the old big big old old old old big dog ate the old big old big old old big old dog ate the old old old big old old big big dog slept the big big dog heard the old big old old cat the big cat heard the big big old big old cat the big dog saw the big old big big old dog the big big big big cat heard the old old dog the dog heard the old old big old old old dog the old big dog saw the big old old big cat the old old cat heard the old big old old cat the big big dog heard the big big big big dog the old big big old cat heard the old old dog the big old big dog saw the old old big cat the cat saw the big big big big old big dog the old old big cat heard the big big big dog the old old big big old cat saw the big cat the old cat saw the old old old old old dog the old old old big dog saw the old old cat the big big big big old old big big cat ate the old old dog heard the big old old old cat the old cat saw the old big old big old cat the old big old big old old old big cat slept the old old cat heard the big big big big dog the cat heard the big old old old old big cat the cat heard the old big old old big old cat the big cat heard the big big big old old dog the big big dog saw the big old old big dog the big big big dog heard the old big old dog the big big old big cat heard the old old cat the old old big old big old big old dog ate the old old old big big big dog saw the cat the old big big big old cat heard the old dog the big big old big big dog heard the old dog the old big old old cat heard the old old cat the old old old old dog saw the big old cat the old old big big old old old old dog slept the big old big big old cat saw the big dog the big old old big dog saw the old old dog the old old old cat heard the big big big cat the old old big big big old big big cat slept the dog heard the big old old big big old dog the old big old old big dog heard the old dog the big old old old big big dog heard the dog the big cat saw the old big old big old dog the big old big big big cat heard the big dog the big big big big big old big big dog slept the old big dog heard the old big big old dog the old old big old big old old big dog ate the big old big big old old dog saw the cat the big old old old old old big big dog ate the old old old big big old big old dog ate the big big old dog heard the old big old cat the big old old big big big dog saw the dog the big big big dog saw the old big big cat the old old old big old old cat saw the dog the old cat saw the old big big old old dog the old old big old big cat heard the big dog the old big old big old cat heard the old cat the cat heard the old big old big old old dog the big old old old dog saw the big old dog the old big old big dog saw the big old cat the old big big big old dog heard the old cat the old big big big big old dog heard the cat the big old big big old big dog heard the cat the dog heard the big big old old old old cat the cat heard the old big big big big old cat the cat heard the big old big big old big cat the big old big cat saw the big big big cat the dog saw the big old old old big old cat the old old big old old big dog heard the cat the old old old big big big cat heard the dog the old old big big big big big big dog slept the old old old big big old old big dog ate the big old old big big cat heard the big cat the big old big big big dog heard the big cat the old dog saw the old old old old old cat the big old big old big big cat saw the cat the big dog heard the old old old old old dog the dog heard the big big big old big big dog the old old old old big cat heard the big cat the big big old big dog saw the big old dog the big old big big big old big big cat ate the old big old big cat heard the big old dog the old old big old big dog heard the big cat the big big old dog heard the big old old dog the big big big old old cat heard the old cat the big old big big old old big old cat slept the big big big dog saw the big old big dog the big dog heard the old big old big old cat the old dog saw the old big old big big dog the old big big big old old old old cat ate the dog heard the old old old big big big cat the old big old big old dog heard the big dog the big dog saw the old old old old old dog the big old big old big big cat heard the dog the dog saw the big old old big old old dog the big big big big big big cat saw the cat the old old dog saw the old old old old cat the dog heard the big big big big old old cat the big big old big old big big big cat slept the big big old old big big big big cat ate the big dog saw the old big old big old cat the dog saw the big old big big big old cat the big old cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old old old cat saw the big cat the big big big old cat heard the big old dog the cat saw the old big big old old old dog the old dog saw the old big big old old cat the big big big old old old big big dog slept the big old dog heard the old old old old dog the old old dog saw the big old big big dog the big dog heard the old big big old old dog the big big big old old dog heard the big dog the big old old old big big cat heard the cat the big old dog heard the big old big old cat the old old big big cat heard the big big cat the big old dog saw the old old old old dog the big old big dog heard the big old big cat the old old big old old big dog saw the cat the old big big old big cat saw the old cat the big old big big dog heard the old big dog the big old dog saw the big old big old cat the big big old big old cat saw the big cat the big old big old old old big old cat ate the big big old old cat heard the big old cat the old old big old dog heard the old big dog the big dog saw the old big big old old dog the dog saw the big big big old old big dog the old old big old old big big big dog slept the old old dog saw the big big old old cat the old big dog saw the old old big old cat the big big old old old dog heard the big cat the big old big old old big dog saw the dog the old big big old big old dog saw the dog the big big big old big cat saw the old dog the old big big big old big dog saw the cat the dog saw the old old old big old big cat the big old old old big old old old cat slept the big old old big dog heard the old big cat the cat saw the big big old big big old dog the old old old cat saw the old old old dog the big old dog heard the big big old old dog the big old old big old old big old cat ate the old old big big big old old old cat ate the old old old old old big big big dog ate the old old old old dog heard the old big cat the big old dog saw the big big old old dog the cat heard the old old big old old old cat the big big dog saw the old old big old dog the big old old big old old cat heard the dog the old big big old old big old big cat slept the big big big big old big dog saw the dog the old big big cat heard the old big big cat the old big cat heard the old old old big dog the old old big big dog heard the big old cat the old big dog saw the old big old old dog the old old big dog saw the big big big dog the old big old old big big old old cat ate the big old old big old old old big cat ate the old old old old old old cat heard the dog the old big cat heard the big old big big cat the old old big dog heard the big big big dog the old big dog saw the big big big old cat the old big big old old old big old dog slept the big old old old big big old old dog slept the old old big big big big big big cat ate the big old big dog saw the big big old cat the big cat saw the big old big old big cat the old big old cat saw the old big old dog the old dog heard the big big old old old dog the old old big old big dog saw the big dog the old big big cat heard the big old big dog the cat heard the big old old big big old cat the big big dog saw the big big big old dog the cat saw the old big old big big big cat the old old old dog heard the big big big cat the old old old big dog heard the big big dog the old big cat heard the big big old big dog the old big old old cat saw the old old dog the big old big old big dog saw the old cat the big cat heard the old old big old big cat the big old old dog saw the old big big cat the old old big big big cat saw the old dog the old big big big big dog saw the big dog the old big old cat 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dog the old cat heard the old old big big big dog the cat heard the big big big big old big dog the dog saw the big big old old big old dog the big big big big dog saw the big big cat the old big big big big cat heard the old cat the old old old big old big old big cat ate the old dog saw the big old old old old dog the big big cat saw the old old old big dog the old dog heard the big old big big big cat the old old old old big cat saw the old cat the cat saw the big old big big old old dog the old dog saw the big big old big old cat the big big cat saw the big old big big cat the big big cat heard the old big old old cat the big big old dog saw the big big big dog the old cat heard the big old old old big cat the big dog heard the big big old big old dog the old big old old big dog saw the big cat the old big cat saw the big big old big cat the big big big cat heard the big big big dog the old big big big old big dog heard the dog the dog heard the old big old big big big dog the cat saw the old old old old old big cat the big big dog heard the big old old old cat the big big cat heard the big big big big dog the old big big big cat heard the old big cat the big old big big big old big old dog ate the old old old old big old dog saw the dog the big dog saw the big big old big old dog the old old old big old big dog saw the cat the big old old old big cat saw the old dog the old big old big big cat saw the old cat the dog saw the big big big big big old dog the old old big cat heard the old old old cat the old big big big old old big big cat slept the big old old big big big old big cat slept the old big old big big cat heard the big dog the old big big big big dog heard the big dog the big big old old big dog saw the big dog the old old cat heard the big old old old cat the old dog saw the big big big old old dog the big big cat saw the big big old big dog the big big old cat heard the big big big cat the dog saw the old big old old big big cat the big old old big big old big old dog slept the big old big old big old old big dog slept the old big old big old big dog heard the cat the big old big big big old old big dog ate the old cat heard the big big big old big cat the old big big dog heard the old big big cat the old big old big big old dog saw the dog the big old old big old big dog saw the dog the big big old big big cat saw the old dog the big old old big old dog heard the old dog the big old old big big old dog heard the dog the cat saw the old old big big old big cat the big big big old big cat heard the big dog the old big big big old big big big dog slept the old old old old old dog heard the old dog the old old old old big old dog heard the dog the old big cat heard the old big big old dog the old old old cat heard the old old big dog the old old old old big old big big dog slept the old old big cat saw the old old big cat the old big big big old big big old dog ate the big big old old big big old big dog ate the big big big old old big dog heard the cat the big big old big big big cat heard the dog the dog heard the big old big old big old dog the old big big big dog heard the old old cat the dog saw the old big old big old big dog the big old big old old big cat saw the cat the old big big old big old cat saw the cat the old old big big old old dog heard the cat the old big old old big big cat heard the dog the old big dog heard the big old big old dog the old big big dog heard the big old big dog the dog saw the old big big big big big cat the big big old old big cat heard the big cat the big big big old big dog heard the big cat the old big big big old big old big dog ate the cat heard the old big big old old old dog the big old big cat saw the old old big dog the old old cat saw the old old big big dog the old big big big old big cat heard the cat the big old old old old big old big cat slept the big big big old big old cat saw the dog the big big big big old big cat saw the cat the old dog heard the old old old old big cat the big old cat saw the old old big old cat the old big old dog heard the big old big cat the old old old big big dog saw the big dog the big old big big big old cat heard the dog the old big big cat saw the old big big cat the big cat heard the big old old big big cat the old old big old big old old old dog slept the old big old big dog heard the old big dog the old old cat saw the old big old old cat the old old big old big old cat heard the dog the dog heard the old old old old old big dog the big old old big big dog saw the old cat the big old old big old old old old dog ate the old big big old old cat saw the old cat the big big big big cat heard the big big cat the dog heard the old old big old big big cat the old big big old cat saw the old big cat the cat heard the big big old big big old dog the big old big cat heard the old big old cat the dog saw the big old big old old old dog the old old cat saw the big big big big dog the big old cat heard the old old old old dog the big big big cat saw the old big big dog the old big big old big old big big dog ate the big old big old old big big big dog ate the big old old big big old cat heard the cat the old big big old cat heard the big big cat the big old cat saw the old big old old dog the big big big old dog heard the old big dog the big old cat heard the big old big old cat the old cat saw the old old old big big cat the old old dog heard the old old old big cat the old dog heard the old big big old big cat the old old old old big old cat heard the cat the old big big cat saw the big old big dog the big cat heard the big old big old big dog the big old cat saw the big big big old cat the old big big old old old dog saw the dog the big big big old old cat saw the old dog the big cat heard the big big big big big cat the big big big old cat saw the old big dog the old old big big big big old big dog ate the big big big cat saw the big old old cat the old big cat saw the old big big old cat the dog heard the old old big big old big dog the big cat saw the old old old big big dog the big old big cat heard the big old old dog the big big old old dog heard the old big cat the big old old big dog saw the big big cat the big old old cat heard the old big big dog the big old cat heard the big big old old dog the old cat saw the old old big old big dog the big big old old old big old old dog slept the old old big big big old cat saw the dog the big big big big dog heard the big old cat the big big old old big big big big cat slept the old cat saw the old big big big big cat the old old dog heard the big big old big cat the big big cat saw the old big big old dog the big big old old old old cat heard the dog the cat heard the old big old big big big cat the big big big dog heard the big big big dog the dog saw the old old big old old big cat the old big big old dog heard the big old cat the cat saw the big big big old big old dog the big cat saw the old old big old old cat the big big old cat saw the old old big cat the big old old cat heard the big old old cat the old cat heard the big old big big old cat the old old big dog saw the old old old cat the old old big dog heard the old old old cat the cat saw the old old old big big old cat the big cat saw the old big big big big dog the old old big old old dog saw the big dog the big dog heard the old old old big big cat the old big old old old old big old dog ate the old big dog saw the big old old old dog the big big old dog heard the big big big cat the big big old big dog heard the big big dog the big old big old old dog saw the old cat the big old big dog saw the old old old dog the old big old old dog heard the big big dog the old old big big old cat saw the old dog the big dog saw the old old old big big cat the big big big old big big old old cat slept the dog saw the big old old big big big cat the old old big big cat saw the old big dog the big cat saw the big big old old big cat the old big big big old dog saw the big dog the big old big old big cat saw the big cat the cat heard the big old old old old old dog the old dog saw the old old big old big cat the cat saw the old big old old old big dog the old old old dog heard the old old big dog the old big big dog saw the old big old cat the big dog heard the old old big old big dog the big old big big cat saw the old old cat the cat heard the big old big old big old cat the cat saw the old big big old big big cat the big big big big old dog saw the old cat the big big big old old old big big cat ate the big old big big old big big old cat ate the big old dog heard the old old big big cat the big dog heard the old big big big big cat the old old big old cat saw the big big dog the old old old cat heard the big big old dog the old big old old big big big old cat slept the old old old old big old cat saw the cat the old old big cat saw the big big old cat the big old dog saw the old old big big cat the big cat heard the old big old old big cat the big big big big big old old big dog slept the big big big big big cat saw the big cat the big dog saw the old old big old big dog the big old big old cat saw the big old cat the old old dog saw the old big old big cat the big big big dog saw the old big old dog the big old big big old big old big cat ate the old big big big cat saw the big big dog the old big big dog saw the big old old dog the big old old old big old cat saw the dog the old big old big big old cat saw the cat the big old old big old big cat saw the cat the old big big big big big dog heard the cat the cat heard the big old big big old old dog the big old big cat saw the big big old dog the cat saw the old big big big old big dog the old old old old big old big old dog ate the big old big big cat heard the old old cat the big old dog heard the old big old big dog the old old big big big big old big dog slept the big old old big old big big big dog slept the big old old big big cat heard the old dog the old old old cat saw the old big big cat the big big big big cat saw the big old cat the big old big big big dog heard the old dog the big old dog heard the big big big big cat the old old big old cat heard the old old cat the big old dog saw the old big old big dog the old dog heard the old old big big old cat the cat heard the old old old old old big cat the old old old old big cat heard the old dog the big old dog saw the big big big big cat the old old big old big dog heard the old dog the old cat heard the old old old old old cat the big big old big big old cat saw the dog the old old old old cat saw the old big cat the big old big dog heard the old big old cat the old big old old old dog saw the big cat the old big old dog saw the old old big dog the dog heard the old old old big big old dog the old big dog saw the old big big big cat the big old old cat saw the old big big dog the big old big old big old big big cat ate the old old big big old cat heard the old cat the big old old big big dog heard the old cat the big old old big cat heard the old big dog the old cat heard the old big old big big dog the big big old dog saw the old old old cat the old old big old old old old big cat slept the old old old big old old big old cat slept the old old old old big dog heard the old cat the old dog heard the big old old old big dog the old old old old old old dog saw the dog the big old old old old cat saw the old dog the old old old old cat heard the old big dog the old big old big old cat saw the old cat the big old old old cat saw the old big dog the old big old big cat saw the old big cat the big big big cat heard the old old old cat the old big big big big old old old dog slept the big old big big old big old old dog slept the big big old old old dog saw the big dog the dog heard the old big old old old old cat the old dog heard the big big old big big cat the cat heard the old old big big old big cat the big big dog saw the old big big big dog the dog saw the old old old old big old cat the big old old cat saw the big old old cat the big old old big big old big big cat ate the big big cat heard the big old old old cat the old old big big cat heard the big old dog the big old big dog heard the big old old dog the old cat heard the old big big old old cat the big old old dog heard the old big big dog the old big old big old old old old cat ate the old big big old dog saw the old big dog the old old old big old cat heard the big dog the dog heard the old big big old big big dog the old big old old cat saw the big big cat the old big old big old old dog saw the dog the big big old big old cat saw the old dog the old old big big old dog heard the big dog the big big old big cat saw the old big dog the old old big old old big old big dog slept the old big old old old old big big dog slept the big big big old dog saw the old old cat the old cat saw the big old old big big dog the big big old old old dog heard the old dog the big big old old big old dog heard the dog the old big old cat saw the big big big dog the old old old big cat heard the big old cat the big old old dog heard the big old old cat the old dog heard the big big big old big dog the big big old cat heard the old old big dog the dog saw the old old old big old old dog the big old old big dog heard the old old dog the dog heard the old big big big old old cat the big big old old cat saw the big big dog the big big big old big big dog saw the cat the dog saw the old old big big big old cat the old big big old old old cat saw the cat the old old old big old dog heard the big cat the big cat saw the big old old big old cat the old big old old big big cat saw the dog the big old big old old cat heard the big dog the big big old cat saw the big big old cat the old old old old dog heard the old old dog the old big old big old big big big cat ate the big big big big old old dog heard the cat the old cat saw the big old big old old cat the old big old big old big old old cat slept the old big big cat heard the old big old dog the cat saw the big old old old big big cat the old big big old old old dog heard the cat the big old old big old big cat heard the dog the old big old big big old cat heard the dog the big old big old cat heard the big old cat the old big cat heard the big old big old dog the big big big old old old cat saw the dog the old big big old old old old old dog slept the old old old old old big cat heard the dog the big cat heard the old old old big old cat the big old old old old cat heard the big cat the old cat saw the big big big big big dog the big old big old old dog heard the big cat the old big big old big old big big cat slept the old old big big big big big old cat slept the big old big old old big big big cat slept the old old old big old dog saw the big dog the dog saw the old big big old old big dog the big cat saw the big old big old old dog the big old old old old old old big cat ate the old old old big big old old old cat ate the big big big big big big big old dog slept the old big old cat heard the old big old cat the old old old dog saw the old big old cat the big cat saw the big big big big old cat the big big big old big old cat heard the dog the big old old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big old big big big big cat ate the cat saw the big old old big old big dog the old dog saw the big old old big big cat the old old old dog heard the big big old dog the cat saw the old big old big big old dog the big dog heard the big old old big big dog the big old old old cat heard the big big dog the cat saw the big old big big big big cat the big big big big big old big big dog ate the big old old big big cat saw the big cat the old old big big dog saw the old old cat the big cat heard the old old big old old dog the big old old dog saw the old big old dog the big big dog heard the old old old big cat the big cat heard the old big big big old cat the old old old big big big big big cat ate the big big old old big old cat heard the cat the big dog saw the big old old big big dog the old big old cat heard the big old old dog the old old cat saw the big old old old cat the dog saw the big big old big big big dog the old old old big cat saw the big big dog the old old big big big big dog saw the cat the old old old dog saw the big old old dog the big big big old old old big old cat slept the big dog heard the big old big old old cat the old old big old dog saw the big old cat the old old cat heard the old old old big cat the old dog saw the big old big old big dog the big old big big dog saw the old old dog the big old old big cat saw the big old cat the old dog saw the big big big big big cat the big dog heard the big big big big big dog the big dog saw the big old big old old cat the big old cat saw the big old old old dog the big old big big big big dog saw the dog the old old big big old old cat saw the dog the cat heard the old old old big big old cat the big cat heard the big big old old big dog the big old big old dog saw the big old dog the old big big big dog saw the big old cat the big old old old dog heard the big old dog the big big big old old big big old dog slept the big big dog heard the big big old big cat the old big cat saw the old old old old dog the big big big old old old big old dog ate the big dog saw the big big big big big dog the old old big cat heard the big old big cat the old big cat saw the big old big old cat the old big old dog saw the big big old dog the dog heard the big old old old big big dog the old old cat heard the big big old big cat the old old old old old big big old cat ate the big big big dog heard the old old old cat the old big dog heard the old old big big dog the big big big big dog saw the big old dog the old old big big old old big big dog slept the old big big big big old old old dog ate the old cat saw the old big old old big dog the old dog heard the big old big big old dog the cat heard the old big old old old big dog the big big cat saw the big old big old dog the dog heard the big old old big old old cat the cat heard the old big big old big big cat the old cat heard the big old old old old dog the old big old old big dog saw the old dog the big cat saw the old big old old old cat the old old old old dog saw the old big dog the old big dog heard the old big old old cat the old cat heard the big big old big old cat the old big cat saw the big big old old dog the cat saw the old old old old old old dog the big big old big old old old big dog ate the big old big old old cat saw the big cat the old big big big cat heard the old old dog the dog heard the big old big big big big dog the big old old old dog saw the old old cat the cat saw the old old big old big old cat the big big old dog heard the old old big dog the old big big big old old old big cat slept the old big dog heard the big big big big dog the old big old big dog saw the old big dog the big old old old big big dog saw the cat the old old old old old old cat saw the cat the big big old cat heard the big big old dog the cat heard the old big big big old big dog the big old old big big old old old dog slept the dog saw the big old old old old big dog the dog saw the old big old old big old dog the big big big big old cat saw the big cat the dog heard the big big big old old big cat the big big old big dog saw the old old cat the old cat heard the big big big old old dog the dog saw the big old big old big big cat the old big big dog heard the old big old dog the old big old big cat heard the old old cat the big old cat heard the old old big big cat the old big old old dog saw the big big dog the big old cat saw the old big big big cat the old big old big big dog heard the old dog the cat saw the old old big big old old dog the big old old big big big dog heard the dog the big big old big big big dog saw the cat the big old old old old old cat saw the dog the big old big old big old old big dog ate the old big old big old old cat saw the cat the big dog heard the old big old old big dog the old old old old big old old big dog slept the old old old old big big dog heard the dog the big big old old dog saw the big old cat the old old big cat saw the old old old dog the old old big big big cat heard the big dog the old big old dog heard the old big old cat the big big big old cat heard the old old cat the big dog saw the old big old old big dog the dog saw the big old big big old big dog the big old big cat heard the big big big cat the dog saw the old big big big big old dog the old old big big old big dog heard the cat the big old cat heard the old big old big dog the big big old old big cat heard the old dog the old old dog saw the big old old big cat the big big big old big dog heard the old dog the big big old big old old cat saw the dog the big old cat heard the big big big big cat the old old old big big cat heard the big cat the cat saw the big big old old big big dog the old old big big big dog heard the big cat the big big big big old cat heard the old cat the big old dog heard the big old old big dog the old dog heard the old old old old old dog the old big old big old big big old dog ate the old big old dog heard the big old old dog the big old dog saw the big old old big dog the old big big old old cat heard the old cat the old dog heard the old big old big old cat the old big big cat saw the old big old dog the big big old old big dog heard the old cat the big cat heard the big old old big old dog the big old big big big big cat heard the dog the big big old old cat heard the old big dog the big old old old big old big big cat slept the big big dog heard the old big big old cat the cat saw the big big old big old old cat the old big dog saw the old old old big dog the old old big old big big cat heard the dog the big old big old big cat heard the big cat the big big big big cat heard the big old dog the dog heard the old old big old big old dog the old 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dog heard the big old big cat the cat heard the big old old old big big cat the big cat heard the big big big big old dog the big big dog saw the big old big big dog the big big old big cat heard the big old cat the old old big big dog heard the old big dog the big big big old old big dog saw the cat the old big old old cat heard the big old cat the big old big old big old old old cat slept the old big old old old big cat saw the dog the old big dog saw the big big old big dog the big big old big old dog heard the big cat the big big old old dog heard the old old dog the old big old cat saw the old old old cat the big old old big dog saw the big old dog the big old big dog saw the big old big dog the big old old old old old dog heard the dog the old old big old big big old big dog ate the old big old old old dog heard the big cat the big big dog saw the big big old old cat the old old old big dog heard the old big cat the old big big big old big big old cat slept the big big old old big big old big cat slept the old old dog heard the big big old old dog the old cat saw the old big big big old dog the old old old old big old big old cat slept the cat heard the old big old big big old dog the cat heard the big old old big old big dog the big old big big big big cat saw the cat the dog saw the old old big old old old dog the big big old old old big cat heard the dog the big big old cat saw the old old old dog the old big big dog saw the big big big cat the dog heard the big big old old big old cat the cat heard the big old big big big big cat the old old old big old old cat heard the dog the old dog saw the old old old big old cat the big old big big big big big big cat ate the old cat saw the big big old old old cat the big dog heard the old old old big old dog the big old big old dog heard the old big cat the old old big old big cat saw the old cat the big big old dog heard the big big old dog the big big big dog saw the big big big dog the old big big old big dog saw the big cat the big old old big old cat saw the big cat the dog heard the big big old big old old dog the big old big old old old cat heard the dog the big dog saw the old old old big old dog the big cat saw the big big old old old dog the old old dog saw the old old big old cat the dog heard the big big big big big old cat the old old big old big old dog saw the dog the old old big big old big dog saw the cat the old big big big big cat saw the old cat the old dog saw the old old big old old dog the big big big old big dog saw the big dog the cat saw the big old big old old big dog the cat saw the old big big old big old dog the big big cat heard the old old old big cat the big old dog heard the old old big old dog the old cat heard the old old big old big cat the big dog heard the old big big big old dog the old old old old old big old old dog ate the dog saw the big big old old old old cat the big old old old old old cat heard the cat the big old dog saw the old old big old dog the big old big dog heard the big big big cat the big cat heard the old big old old old dog the big old big big dog heard the big big dog the big old big big old big dog saw the dog the old big big big big old dog saw the dog the big big big big big cat saw the old dog the big old big old old big big old cat ate the old old dog saw the old big old old dog the old old big old dog heard the big big dog the big dog saw the old big big big old dog the dog saw the big big big old big big dog the big big old dog saw the big old big cat the old old dog saw the big big big old cat the big dog heard the big big old old old cat the old dog saw the big big old old big dog the big big big cat heard the big old big cat the dog heard the old big old big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big big big cat the big big old old old old big big cat ate the old big old big big old big old cat ate the old old big big big big old old cat ate the big old old big old big big old cat ate the big old old big old big old big dog slept the big old old big dog heard the big big cat the old old old cat saw the old big old dog the big big cat heard the big big old big cat the big old dog heard the big big big old dog the cat heard the old old old old old old dog the big dog saw the big big old old old cat the dog saw the big big big big old old cat the old old old old dog heard the big big cat the big old dog saw the big big big old dog the cat heard the old old big old big old cat the old old old old cat saw the old old dog the big old old big old big old big cat ate the old big cat heard the old old big big dog the old big old old old dog saw the old dog the old big dog saw the old big big old dog the old old big big big dog saw the big dog the old old old big old old old old cat slept the old big old old big cat saw the big dog the big cat saw the big old big big big cat the old big cat heard the old big old old cat the old big old big cat saw the old old dog the big big old big old old old old dog slept the big old big big big dog saw the old cat the old dog heard the big big old big old dog the cat heard the old old big big old old dog the big old big big big big old big cat slept the big big old big big old big big cat slept the big old old old old big dog saw the cat the old big old old big old dog saw the cat the big big old old big cat saw the old cat the dog heard the big old big old old old cat the old big big cat heard the big big big dog the old big dog heard the big old old old cat the old big cat heard the big big big big dog the big old big big big old big old dog slept the old big old old cat saw the big old dog the big old old old big old big big cat ate the big cat heard the old old big big big cat the old big old old old old old big dog slept the old old old big old big old old dog slept the old old cat saw the old old old big cat the big big old big old big dog saw the cat the old big old cat heard the big big big cat the old old old dog saw the big big big cat the big big old big big big big big dog slept the old old big old big old big big dog slept the big big big big big cat heard the big dog the cat heard the big big old old big big dog the old old old big old dog heard the old dog the big old big big dog saw the big big cat the old old old big big old dog heard the dog the big big big big old big big old dog ate the old big big old big cat heard the big dog the big old cat saw the old old old big dog the big big big big old big dog heard the cat the big old cat saw the big old big big cat the cat saw the big old old old big old dog the big old old dog saw the big big big dog the old old old old big dog saw the big cat the old big big old old big dog heard the cat the old big old big big big cat heard the dog the cat heard the big big old big old old cat the big big old big big cat heard the big cat the old old cat saw the big big old big cat the big big big cat saw the old old big cat the big big big big big dog heard the big cat the old big cat saw the old old big big cat the big big big big old big old big dog ate the big old old old old cat heard the old dog the old old big big big big old old cat slept the big old old big old big big old cat slept the old big old big big old big old cat slept the big big old old old old big big cat slept the big old big old old big old big cat slept the old big big old big old old big cat slept the big old big old old dog heard the old dog the big old big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old old big cat heard the big cat the big old big cat heard the old old big dog the old big big old big dog heard the big cat the old old old big big cat saw the old cat the cat heard the big big big big big big dog the big old cat heard the big old old big dog the big old old old big dog saw the big dog the old big old big big dog saw the big cat the big old big old old old big old dog slept the big old cat saw the big big old big dog the old dog saw the big old old big old dog the big big big old big big cat heard the dog the big big cat saw the old old big big dog the old old old old big old old old cat ate the old old old old old big big big cat slept the big cat saw the old old old old big cat the big old old old old dog heard the old cat the cat saw the big old big big big old dog the old old big big big old cat heard the dog the big big cat heard the old big big old cat the big old old cat heard the old old big cat the old cat heard the big old old big big cat the old old old big big old dog saw the dog the big old old big big cat saw the old dog the old big cat saw the old big old big dog the big big old old old big big big dog slept the old big big old big big old big dog slept the old big old big big big big old dog slept the big big old big big dog saw the big dog the old big cat saw the big big big big cat the big big dog heard the old old old old dog the cat saw the old old old old big big cat the big old big big big big big old dog ate the big big big old big old big big dog ate the big big cat saw the old big old old cat the big big old old big big cat heard the cat the big big big old old old old old cat slept the big big dog heard the big old big old cat the old big big big cat heard the big big cat the big big big dog heard the big old big cat the cat saw the big big big old old old cat the big big big big dog heard the old big dog the old old big cat heard the old big old cat the old old cat heard the old old old old dog the old old old big big old cat heard the cat the old old old old big big big big cat ate the old old big old big old cat saw the cat the old big big old dog heard the old big dog the old old cat heard the big old big old cat the old dog saw the big big big big old dog the big big cat saw the big big big big dog the old cat heard the big old big old big dog the big old big big big big old big dog ate the big big old big big old big big dog ate the big cat saw the old big big old big cat the old big old old old old big old cat slept the old cat heard the big big big big big cat the cat saw the old old old big old big dog the big big old big dog heard the old big cat the big big big old old big old old dog slept the big big dog heard the big big old old dog the big old big old big old cat saw the dog the cat saw the old old big big big big cat the old big big big big old cat saw the cat the big old big big old big cat saw the cat the big old big old big old cat heard the cat the big big big old big big big big cat slept the old big old old dog heard the old big cat the old old big cat heard the big old old dog the old old old cat heard the old big big dog the old old big cat saw the old big big cat the old old cat heard the big big old old dog the big big old big old old cat heard the dog the old big big big dog heard the big old cat the dog saw the old big old big big big dog the old big old old old big big old dog slept the old old big big old old old big dog slept the old big old old old old cat heard the dog the big big big big big old cat saw the dog the old old big old old cat saw the old cat the old big big dog heard the big big big dog the old old big old cat saw the old big cat the old big big old old dog saw the big cat the old old old cat heard the big old old cat the old big big dog saw the old old big dog the cat heard the big old big old old big dog the cat heard the old big big old big old dog the big old big cat saw the old big big dog the big old big old old big old old dog ate the big big old old old old big old dog ate the old big big old big old old old dog ate the old old big cat saw the big old big dog the big big big dog saw the old old old cat the old dog heard the old old old big big cat the old old big old old old dog saw the dog the big old big old old cat saw the old dog the old big big big old cat saw the old cat the old big old dog heard the big big big cat the big old big old cat saw the old big dog the old big big big cat 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old cat the old dog heard the old big big big big cat the old big big cat saw the big big big dog the big cat heard the big old big big big dog the big old old cat saw the old old big cat the big big big big big old old big cat ate the old big old big big big big big dog ate the big old big dog heard the old old big dog the old cat heard the old big old old big cat the big big big old cat saw the big big dog the big big old old big old cat saw the cat the old big big old big big cat saw the dog the big big big cat saw the big big old cat the dog heard the old old big big big big dog the big old big big old big big big dog slept the big old big cat heard the big big old dog the big big old old dog heard the big big cat the big big dog saw the old big old big cat the old old dog saw the big old old old dog the old old big big cat heard the old old cat the big old cat heard the big big big old dog the old cat saw the old old big big big dog the old old dog heard the old big old big dog 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big old old old cat the old old big dog heard the big old old dog the big old old old big cat heard the old cat the cat heard the big old old old big old dog the old dog saw the old old big big big cat the old old old dog heard the old big big dog the cat saw the old big old old big big dog the big old big old big dog heard the old cat the old big big big big big big old cat ate the old cat saw the big big big old big cat the big old big old cat heard the old big dog the big dog heard the old old big big big dog the big old big big cat saw the big old cat the big big old big old dog heard the old dog the big big old big big old dog heard the dog the big cat heard the old old old old big dog the big old old big big old cat saw the dog the big cat heard the old big old big big cat the old big old old old dog heard the old dog the big old old old old big dog heard the dog the old big old old big old dog heard the dog the cat saw the old big old big old old cat the old old old dog heard 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big old cat the big old dog heard the old big big big dog the old old old big old cat saw the old cat the big dog saw the big old old old big cat the old old old big cat saw the old big cat the dog saw the big big old big old big cat the old old old big old big cat heard the dog the big old old old old dog saw the big dog the old big old big old dog saw the big cat the old old big old cat heard the big old cat the big old dog saw the old big big big dog the big old old big old cat heard the big cat the big cat heard the old big big old big dog the cat heard the old old old old big big cat the big old big big old dog heard the big cat the big old big old dog heard the old old dog the big old old big big old old old cat ate the old old old old big big old big dog ate the old old old old old cat heard the big cat the old cat heard the old old old big old cat the old old big old old dog heard the big cat the cat heard the big big big old old old cat the old big big old big dog saw the old dog the old old old old big big old old dog slept the old old big old dog saw the old big dog the old old old old cat saw the big big cat the old old old big old old dog saw the dog the big old old big old cat saw the old dog the big dog heard the big big big old big cat the big big big big big old cat heard the dog the old big old dog saw the old big big dog the big old old big cat saw the old big dog the big big old big old dog saw the big dog the old big big old big old cat heard the dog the big old big old old big cat heard the dog the big old old big cat heard the big big dog the big old big old dog saw the old old cat the old big big old old big old old cat ate the big big old dog saw the old big old cat the big dog saw the big big big old big cat the old old old old cat heard the big big dog the cat heard the old old old big old big dog the old big big big dog saw the old big dog the big old old old cat saw the big big dog the old big old big cat saw the big big cat the big big 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the big big old big cat the cat saw the old old big old old big dog the old big old old big old big old cat ate the old old big old big big old old cat ate the big old old big big old big big dog slept the old cat saw the big old big big old cat the big big old cat heard the big old old cat the dog saw the old big old old old old cat the big big big big big old old old dog ate the old big big dog heard the old old old cat the old big old old dog saw the old big cat the old old old big big big old old cat ate the old big old old big old old big cat ate the dog saw the old big big old big big dog the big cat saw the big old big big old dog the big big old big big old old big cat slept the cat saw the big old old big big big dog the big big old old dog saw the old big dog the dog saw the old big big big old old cat the big old big big big old old old dog slept the old big old dog heard the old old big dog the old old big big dog saw the big old cat the big cat heard the old old big big old dog the old old cat saw the old old old old dog the big big dog heard the old old big big cat the cat saw the big big old old old big cat the old big old cat heard the big big old dog the old old cat saw the big old big old cat the big big old big big big old big dog slept the old old old dog saw the big big old dog the big dog heard the big old big big old cat the big big old old old old cat saw the cat the old old old big big old big old dog slept the big old old old old old big big dog slept the old big big old old big cat saw the dog the old old cat heard the old old big big cat the old dog saw the big old big big big dog the old big big cat saw the old old old cat the big cat heard the big old old old old cat the big old big big dog saw the big old dog the old old old big big big dog heard the dog the old dog heard the old big old old big dog the big dog saw the big old big big old cat the big old cat saw the big old big old dog the big big big big cat heard the old old cat 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the big cat heard the big big big old old cat the big big dog saw the big old old big cat the big big big dog heard the old big old cat the old old old big dog saw the old big dog the big old big old big old big big cat slept the old big big big old cat heard the old cat the old old dog heard the big old old big dog the big big old big big dog heard the old cat the old old old old old big old big cat slept the cat heard the old big old old big big dog the big big old big cat heard the old big dog the big old big big old cat saw the big cat the big cat saw the old old old old old dog the big old old big dog saw the old old cat the dog heard the big old old big big old cat the big old old cat heard the old old old dog the old big old old big dog heard the old cat the old cat heard the big old old big old dog the big old old old big big dog heard the cat the big big old old old big old big dog slept the old old big big big big cat heard the dog the old big old old cat heard the old big dog the big cat saw the old big old big old cat the old old old old dog saw the big big dog the big old big big big cat heard the big cat the old old old old old old big old dog slept the old big dog heard the old big big old cat the old big cat saw the big big big old dog the cat saw the old old old old big old dog the big old old big big big dog saw the cat the old old old big old old cat saw the cat the old cat saw the old big big old old cat the old old big old big cat heard the big cat the old big big big cat heard the big old dog the cat heard the old big old big old old cat the big old old old dog saw the big old cat the big big big dog heard the big old old dog the big big old dog heard the old big big dog the old big old big old cat heard the big dog the old big old big dog saw the big big dog the old big big big old dog heard the big dog the big old big old big big big old dog ate the old old old big big big cat heard the cat the dog heard the big big old old old big dog the cat heard the old big big big big big dog the dog saw the big old old old big big dog the big old old big old old cat saw the dog the big cat saw the old big big old old dog the big dog heard the old old old old old cat the dog heard the big big big old big big cat the big big old big dog saw the big old cat the old cat heard the big big big big old dog the old big old big cat heard the big old cat the big big old dog heard the big old old cat the old dog saw the old old old old big dog the big big big dog saw the big old big cat the big big old big dog heard the old old dog the big old big old big big old big dog ate the big big old old big old big big dog ate the big old old big old old dog heard the dog the old dog saw the old big old big big cat the big big old big big big big old cat slept the old big old big old dog heard the big cat the big big big old old cat heard the big dog the old big old old dog heard the old old dog the big dog heard the old big old big big dog the big old big old big big cat heard the cat the big dog saw the old old old old old cat the dog saw the big old old big old old cat the old old old old old old dog heard the dog the old old big cat saw the old big old dog the big big old big old big cat heard the dog the big big big old cat heard the big old cat the old old dog saw the old old old big dog the big old old big big big old big dog ate the dog heard the big big big big old big dog the cat saw the old big big old old old cat the big dog saw the old big old big big dog the dog saw the big old big big big big dog the big old dog heard the old old old old cat the big old cat heard the old big big big dog the old big old old old big cat heard the dog the old old dog saw the big old big big cat the big dog heard the old big big old old cat the old old big old cat saw the old old dog the big big old old old cat heard the big cat the old big big old old dog saw the old dog the big big big old old dog heard the big cat the big old dog 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old old cat the big old dog heard the big big old old cat the old big big old big big old old cat slept the big old big big old old old big cat slept the big old dog saw the big big old old cat the big old old old old big old old dog ate the big big dog saw the old old big old cat the big old old big old old cat heard the cat the big big big old big old dog saw the dog the big big big big old big dog saw the cat the old big cat heard the old old old big cat the old old dog heard the old old big old dog the old big old big old big cat saw the dog the old dog heard the old big big big old dog the old big dog saw the old big old old cat the old old big big big old big big dog ate the cat heard the old old big old old big dog the big old old cat saw the old old old dog the old old big dog saw the big big big cat the old old old old old old cat heard the cat the old old big dog heard the big big big cat the old cat heard the old big old old old dog the old old old big old old big big cat slept the old old big big dog heard the big big dog the big big old big old old big big dog slept the old big big big big old old big dog slept the old big dog saw the big big big big dog the old big old cat saw the old big old cat the big big old old dog heard the big old dog the big big big old big old old big cat ate the big old big big big big old old cat ate the big big old big big old big old cat ate the old dog heard the big big old old old cat the big big dog saw the old big old old dog the big old big dog saw the big big big dog the old old big old big dog saw the big cat the old big big cat heard the big old big cat the big big dog saw the big big big old cat the big old old dog heard the old old old dog the old old old big dog heard the big big cat the old big cat heard the big big old big cat the old old dog heard the big big big old dog the old big old old cat saw the old old cat the dog heard the old big big old old old dog the old old old big old big big big dog slept the cat heard the big old old big big big dog the dog saw the old old big old big old dog the big big old cat saw the old big old dog the old old big big big cat saw the old cat the big old big old big dog saw the big dog the old big big big big dog saw the big cat the old old big big old old old old cat slept the old cat saw the big old old old old dog the old big old cat saw the big old old dog the old cat saw the big big old big old cat the big big big big old old old old dog slept the big old big old dog heard the big big cat the big big old old cat saw the old old dog the cat heard the big big old old old big cat the big big big big big old big big cat slept the old old big big big old dog saw the dog the big old big big big cat saw the old dog the old big old big old big old big cat slept the big big big big big dog saw the big dog the old old big old old old old big dog ate the old old old big old old big old dog ate the dog heard the big big old big big old dog the big old old dog saw the big old big cat the cat saw the big old old old old old cat the big cat saw the big big old big old dog the old old big big old big old old dog slept the old old big big big big big big cat slept the old dog saw the old old big big old dog the old cat saw the big big big old old dog the cat saw the big old big old big big dog the big big old old old old old old cat ate the old old old big old old old big dog ate the big big cat heard the old old big big cat the old cat heard the old old big big big cat the cat heard the big big big big old big cat the dog saw the big big old old big old cat the big big old big big big dog heard the dog the big old big big old old big big cat ate the big cat heard the old big old big old dog the old dog saw the big old old old old cat the big big cat saw the old old old big cat the old old old old old dog saw the old dog the old old dog saw the old big big old dog the big dog heard the big old old old old dog the big old old old cat heard the old old dog the cat saw the big old big big old old cat the old big big big big cat heard the big dog the big big old dog saw the big big big cat the big dog heard the big big old big old cat the old big old big big big big old cat ate the big big old old old big big big cat ate the old big big old big big old big cat ate the old old old old big cat saw the big dog the old dog saw the big big old big big dog the big big big cat heard the big big big cat the old big big big old big dog heard the cat the big big cat heard the old big old big dog the dog heard the old big old big big big cat the big big big old old old big big cat slept the old big big big big old big old cat slept the big dog saw the big old old old old dog the old old old big cat saw the old old dog the dog saw the big big old big old old dog the old big old big old dog saw the old dog the big big cat heard the big big big big cat the big old cat saw the old old big cat the old cat heard the big old old big dog the big big old big big cat heard the dog the old old old old dog heard the old cat the old old old big old dog heard the cat the cat saw the old big big big big dog the big cat heard the old big big old cat the old old cat heard the old old big cat the old big big old old big big dog slept the big dog heard the old old old old dog the old big old old dog saw the old cat the old big dog saw the old old old dog the big old old big big cat heard the cat the big dog heard the big old big old cat the big big dog heard the big old big cat the dog saw the old old old big big cat the big big big old old big big cat ate the cat saw the big big old old big cat the big big big dog heard the old big dog the old big old big cat saw the big cat the old big big cat saw the old old cat the big big big old dog saw the old cat the big big big old old old big cat slept the old dog saw the old old big big cat the big old big dog heard the old big cat the big dog heard the big big old old dog the big big big big cat saw the big cat the dog saw the old old big old big dog the old big old cat saw the big old cat the old big old big old cat heard the cat the old old old old old big big dog ate the big big dog saw the old big old dog the dog saw the old big big big big cat the big old big old old cat heard the dog the old old old big old cat saw the dog the old old big old big cat saw the cat the old big cat saw the big big old dog the big big big old big old big dog slept the big old old big old old old cat ate the old old old big old old big dog slept the big big big cat saw the big old cat the old dog saw the old big old big dog the old dog saw the big big big big cat the old big big big old big big cat ate the big old big big old cat saw the dog the old old cat saw the old big big dog the big old old big big big big cat ate the big old dog saw the old old old cat the old old old old cat saw the old dog the old old old cat saw the old big dog the big old old old dog saw the big dog the big dog saw the old big big big dog the old old cat saw the big old old cat the old cat heard the old old big old dog the big big old dog heard the big big dog the cat heard the big old big big big dog the big old big old cat saw the old dog the old big old old old big old cat ate the big old big cat saw the old big dog the old big dog heard the old old big dog the big big old dog saw the old old cat the old big cat heard the big big old dog the big old old dog heard the big big cat the big old old cat saw the big big dog the big big old big big dog saw the cat the old big old old old old big cat ate the old old big old old big old cat ate the cat saw the big old old big old cat the big old cat saw the big big old cat the old cat heard the big big big old dog the old old dog heard the old old big cat the old old big old old old big cat ate the old old cat heard the big big old cat the big big old old old cat saw the dog the big big big old big big old cat slept the old old old big old big old cat slept the cat saw the big old big old old dog the old big old big cat heard the old dog the cat saw the big big big big old cat the old old big old dog saw the old cat the old old big big cat saw the big cat the old old old big big big old dog slept the old old old big cat heard the old cat the old old dog saw the old big old dog the old big old big dog heard the old cat the old big old cat heard the old big dog the dog heard the old old big big big dog the dog saw the big old old big big dog the big old big old dog heard the old dog the big old big big old dog heard the dog the cat heard the old old old old big dog the old big big dog saw the old old dog the cat heard the old big old big big cat the old old big cat saw the big old cat the old old old old big dog heard the dog the old big big old cat heard the big dog the dog heard the big old old old big cat the old old old cat heard the old big cat the big big big old old big old dog ate the big old old big big old old cat slept the dog saw the big old big old old cat the old cat saw the big old old old dog the old big big big big dog saw the dog the old old old big dog heard the big dog the old big old dog saw the big old dog the old big big cat heard the big old cat the old dog heard the old big big big dog the dog saw the big big big big big dog the big big big old old old big dog ate the old old big old cat heard the big cat the old big big old dog heard the big cat the cat heard the old big big old big dog the old big old dog heard the old old dog the big old big big old old big dog slept the big big big dog saw the big old dog the dog heard the big big big old big cat the big big big big old cat heard the dog the big cat saw the big old big old dog the old big old old big cat heard the dog the old old big cat heard the big big dog the cat saw the old big old old old cat the old old old dog heard the old old cat the big big cat heard the old big old cat the big cat heard the old old old old dog the old big old old cat saw the big cat the old old old dog saw the old old cat the big old big big old cat heard the cat the old big big big old big old dog ate the old old big old old old old cat slept the big cat heard the big old big old cat the old big dog heard the big big old dog the old old old old big cat heard the cat the old old old big big dog saw the cat the big big big old cat saw the big cat the old big big big old old big dog ate the big old old big big big old dog ate the big old big dog saw the old old cat the big big cat heard the big old old dog the old old dog heard the big big old cat the old cat saw the old big big big cat the big old cat heard the old big big dog the old old big dog heard the big old dog the old old big old big old old dog slept the big old old old old old big dog slept the big old big big big dog saw the cat the old old old old old cat saw the dog the big cat heard the big big old old dog the old old big big big big big cat slept the big old old dog saw the big old cat the big old old big big old big dog ate the old big old big old big big dog slept the big old cat heard the big old old cat the dog saw the old big old old big dog the big old big old old cat saw the dog the old big old old old old old dog ate the old dog saw the big old old big dog the big old big big old big old cat slept the old big big big big old old cat slept the big big old big old old big cat slept the old old big old old old old dog ate the cat heard the old old big big old dog the big dog heard the old old big big cat the big dog saw the old old old old cat the old big old old big big big dog ate the old old old old big big big cat slept the old big dog saw the old big big cat the dog heard the big old big big old cat the big old big big big big old dog slept the big big old big big old big dog slept the cat heard the big old old old old cat the big dog saw the big old big big dog the big big old big big old old cat ate the old old big old big big big dog ate the big big old old big dog saw the cat the old old big dog saw the big old dog the big big big cat heard the old old cat the big dog heard the old big old big dog the cat heard the big big old big big dog the old big dog saw the big old big dog the big old big big cat heard the old dog the big big big big dog heard the old dog the big dog heard the big big big big cat the big dog saw the big big old old cat the big old big big big old old cat ate the old big old old big old old cat slept the big old old old old big old cat slept the old big old big big dog heard the dog the old big big big big cat saw the cat the big old cat saw the old old old dog the cat heard the big big big old old cat the big big dog heard the old big old cat the big old big big dog heard the old cat the big old big cat heard the old big dog the old old cat heard the old old old dog the old old old big big dog heard the cat the old big big old old old big dog slept the big old old old big big old dog slept the big big dog saw the big big big dog the old big big big cat heard the big cat the old old big old cat saw the big cat the big big dog heard the big old old dog the dog saw the old old old big old dog the big old dog heard the old big big dog the cat saw the big big old old old dog the old big old big cat saw the old dog the big big old big dog saw the big dog the big big old old old big big cat ate the old big big old big big old cat ate the dog heard the old old old old old cat the big old dog heard the big old old cat the old dog saw the old old big old dog the big old big dog heard the old old dog the old big big old big dog saw the dog the big big big big cat saw the old dog the old old big old old dog heard the dog the big big old old cat heard the big dog the big big old big big big old cat slept the dog heard the old big old big big dog the old big old big big cat heard the cat the old big big old big old big cat ate the big old big old old big big cat ate the dog saw the old big big big old dog the big old dog saw the big old big cat the big old big old big cat heard the dog the big big old cat heard the big old cat the old dog heard the old old old old cat the old cat heard the old big big big dog the dog heard the old big big old old cat the big old old old cat heard the big cat the dog saw the big big old old old cat the big big old old dog heard the big cat the old dog saw the big big big old dog the big big big big old big big dog slept the old big big dog heard the old big cat the old dog heard the big old big big dog the old big old big old big big cat ate the old big big old old cat heard the dog the big old old cat heard the big big dog the cat saw the big old big big big cat the old dog heard the big big old old cat the old big big big dog saw the old cat the old old big big old big big cat ate the old old old old big dog saw the cat the big old old big cat saw the old cat the old big big old old big old cat slept the old old big old old cat heard the cat the big old big old big big big cat slept the big old old big old dog saw the dog the big old big old big dog saw the cat the old big big old big big old dog slept the big big old old old big big dog slept the big old old dog heard the big old dog the old big big dog saw the big big cat the old old dog heard the old old old dog the old cat saw the old old old big dog the old cat saw the big old big big cat the old old old old old big old cat ate the old old dog saw the big big big dog the big big cat saw the old old big cat the big big big old big old old cat slept the old old old big old old old cat slept the old old old old old old big cat ate the old big old dog heard the big big cat the old old old big dog saw the big dog the old cat saw the big big old big dog the big cat saw the old old big big dog the cat saw the old old old old big cat the big big big big old big big dog ate the old old big big cat saw the old dog the old old old big big old old dog slept the big old big big dog saw the big dog the big cat saw the old big old old cat the big cat heard the old old big big cat the big old big big big dog heard the dog the cat heard the old big old big old dog the big cat saw the big big big big dog the dog heard the big old old old old dog the old old old cat heard the old old dog the cat saw the old big big old big cat the dog heard the big big old big old cat the big big cat heard the big big big cat the big cat heard the old big old big dog the old big old big old cat saw the dog the old big big old big cat saw the cat the big cat heard the big big big big cat the old old big old cat heard the old dog the old big big old dog heard the old dog the old big big big old dog heard the dog the big dog heard the big old old big dog the big big old old old old big dog ate the big old big old old big old dog ate the old big big old big old old dog ate the dog heard the big big big old old dog the big big big big old cat saw the dog the big big big big big cat heard the dog the old big cat saw the old big big dog the old old big old dog heard the old cat the old old big big old dog heard the cat the big big old big cat heard the big cat the big big dog saw the old old old cat the big old big old old old big dog ate the old big old old cat saw the old dog the old big old cat saw the old big dog the big big old old dog saw the big dog the big old big big big cat heard the cat the old big cat saw the big old old cat the old big old big old big old dog ate the big big big old cat saw the old dog the big big big cat saw the old big dog the old cat saw the old big big old dog the big old old old old dog heard the dog the old big old big old old big dog ate the old old cat saw the old old big cat the old old big big old big old dog ate the old big big big old cat heard the cat the old old big big big old big cat slept the big big old cat saw the big big dog the big old old big old cat saw the cat the big big cat saw the big big old cat the old big old big old old big dog slept the old old big big old big old dog slept the old old big big old old big dog ate the big dog saw the old big old big cat the old cat heard the old old old old cat the big big old dog heard the old big cat the old big cat heard the old big big dog the cat heard the big old big old big cat the cat saw the old old big big old cat the big big big old old old old cat ate the big old cat saw the old big big cat the old cat heard the big old big big dog the big old big big old old old cat slept the big big old old old cat heard the dog the old big big old dog saw the old cat the big old old old cat saw the old cat the old big cat heard the big old old cat the big old old cat saw the old big cat the old old cat heard the old big big cat the old cat heard the big big old old cat the old big big big cat saw the big cat the big dog heard the old old big old dog the old old old old big old big cat slept the old big dog saw the old big old dog the cat saw the big old old old big dog the old old old old old old old dog ate the big big big old big big big cat ate the big old cat saw the big old big dog the big old old old old cat heard the cat the big big dog heard the big big big cat the big old big big big old old dog slept the big old old old old dog saw the dog the big big big dog heard the big big dog the cat saw the big big old big big cat the old old old old old big old dog slept the old big big cat saw the big old cat the old old cat heard the big old big dog the big old big dog heard the big big cat the old old big big old cat saw the dog the old big big big old old old cat ate the old old old old big big big dog ate the big dog heard the big big big old dog the dog saw the old old big big big dog the cat saw the big big big old big dog the big old old old old old old cat slept the old old dog saw the old old old cat the big old old big big old old cat ate the dog heard the old old big old big cat the old big old big old big old cat slept the dog saw the big old old old big cat the old old old old dog saw the big dog the old dog saw the old big big big dog the old big big big big big big cat ate the big old old old big old old dog slept the old big big big cat heard the old dog the big old old big big big big cat slept the old old big old cat saw the old dog the old old big cat saw the old big dog the big old big old dog saw the big dog the old big old big big big old dog slept the old big old dog saw the old old cat the big old dog saw the old big old cat the old dog heard the old big old big cat the dog saw the big big big old big cat the old old big big cat heard the old cat the old big big big dog heard the old cat the old old old cat saw the big big dog the old big old big big dog saw the cat the old big big cat heard the old big dog the old old cat saw the big big old cat the big big big dog saw the old old cat the old big old old big big old cat ate the big big old big big old old cat slept the old old big old big dog heard the dog the big cat saw the big old old old cat the big old big cat saw the big big dog the big big big big big dog saw the cat the big old dog saw the big old old dog the old big old old old cat saw the dog the old big dog heard the old big big dog the old old big cat heard the old big cat the big big old dog saw the big old cat the old old big big dog heard the big dog the old big old old big old big cat ate the old old big old big big old cat ate the big old old old old big big cat ate the old old big old old big big cat slept the big old old old cat heard the old dog the big big old old dog heard the old dog the big big old big old dog heard the dog the old big dog heard the big old old cat the big big big old old cat saw the dog the big big cat heard the old old big dog the big big big big old old big dog slept the old old dog heard the old big big cat the old big big dog heard the old old dog the big cat heard the big old old big dog the old old big old big old big cat ate the big old old old dog heard the old cat the big old old big old dog heard the cat the old old big old big big big dog slept the old big big old big cat heard the dog the big old cat heard the old old big cat the old old big dog heard the old old cat the cat saw the big old big big old dog the old old dog heard the big old big dog the old big old old cat heard the big cat the old big big old old old old cat slept the big old old dog saw the old big dog the old old big old big cat heard the cat the old old old big old big big cat ate the big old big old big old big cat slept the old big old cat heard the big big dog the old big big old big old old dog slept the big big old old old old big dog slept the big old big old old big old dog slept the cat heard the old old old big big dog the big old old old old cat saw the cat the old big big big big big big cat slept the big big old big old cat heard the cat the old big big dog saw the big old dog the big big big old big big old dog ate the dog heard the big old old big big cat the old old old cat heard the big big cat the dog saw the big old big big old cat the old cat saw the big old big old dog the cat heard the old old big old old cat the big big cat saw the old old old dog the big big big old big old big dog ate the cat heard the old big big big big dog the old big old dog heard the big old dog the big dog saw the big old old big cat the big big big big old big old cat slept the dog heard the big old big old big dog the dog heard the big big big big big cat the old big big old cat saw the big cat the cat saw the old old old old old dog the old old big dog saw the old old cat the cat heard the big big old old big cat the old old old dog heard the big old cat the cat saw the old big old big old cat the old big old old big big big cat slept the old old big big big dog saw the cat the big big old big old big big dog ate the old big big big big big old dog ate the big cat heard the old old big old dog the big big big big big big old dog slept the old old old dog saw the big old cat the big big dog heard the old old big dog the old big big big big old big dog ate the big old big big old big big dog ate the old old big old old cat saw the dog the cat saw the old big big old old dog the big old big dog saw the big old cat the big big dog saw the big old big cat the big big cat heard the big big old dog the big big old old old big old cat slept the big cat heard the big big big old dog the dog saw the old old old old old cat the big old dog heard the old old big cat the old big big big big dog heard the dog the big old cat heard the big big old cat the dog saw the old big old big big dog the old dog saw the old old old old cat the big big old old big big old dog slept the big old old old old big old dog ate the old big old old big old old dog ate the old old big big big dog heard the cat the big big old big cat heard the old dog the dog heard the old big old old big cat the dog saw the old big big old old cat the old dog saw the big old big big dog the old big old old big dog saw the cat the big big old big cat saw the old cat the big old old old old old big dog ate the old old big old big old old dog ate the big old old big cat heard the old cat the old cat heard the old big old big cat the big big old big dog heard the old cat the big big old cat heard the old big dog the big big big big old big old cat ate the old dog saw the big big old old cat the big dog saw the old old big old cat the big big old big old dog saw the dog the big big big old big dog saw the cat the old dog heard the big old old big cat the old old cat saw the old old old dog the big old old old big dog heard the dog the big big big old cat heard the big dog the cat heard the big old old big old cat the big big big big old old big cat ate the old big big big big cat heard the cat the big old old cat heard the old big cat the old old big big old old old dog slept the big old old big dog heard the big dog the old old old big old big old dog ate the big big big cat heard the big old cat the big dog heard the old big big big dog the big dog saw the old big old old dog the old big dog saw the big big big dog the big dog saw the big big big old cat the big old big old cat heard the big cat the big big big old dog heard the big cat the big big old dog heard the old old dog the old big old old old dog heard the dog the old old old big old old big dog ate the cat heard the big old big old old dog the big old cat saw the old big old dog the cat heard the big big big big old cat the old big old big dog saw the big dog the big big old old big cat heard the dog the big old big cat heard the big big dog the big old old dog heard the old old cat the big big old old old old old cat ate the big old old cat saw the old old dog the old old cat heard the old big old dog the old old old old old dog heard the cat the old big big big cat saw the old dog the big big big big dog saw the big dog the old old dog saw the big old big cat the big big dog heard the big big old dog the big old big old old old old cat ate the big old old old big cat heard the cat the cat saw the big big old big old dog the big big big old big big big cat slept the old old old old old old old dog slept the old old old big old big big cat slept the big big old old big big big cat ate the dog heard the old old old big old cat the big old dog heard the big big old cat the big old big dog heard the big old dog the big cat saw the old old old big cat the big old big old big big big cat ate the old big old old old cat heard the cat the old old old big big big big dog slept the big old dog saw the big big big cat the old big old big old old old cat ate the dog heard the old old big old old dog the old big old big old old old cat slept the dog saw the big old old old old dog the old dog heard the old old big old cat the dog heard the old big big big old cat the dog saw the big big old big old cat the old old old big cat saw the old cat the old old big big old old old cat ate the big old old big dog saw the big cat the cat heard the old big old old old cat the old big big dog heard the big big cat the big old old big big old big cat slept the big cat saw the big big old big cat the old big old big big big big cat ate the old old old big old dog saw the dog the old old big old big dog saw the cat the old big old big big old old dog slept the big old big big cat saw the old cat the big old old big old big old dog slept the old dog heard the old big old old dog the dog heard the big big old old big dog the dog saw the big big big old old dog the old dog heard the big big big old cat the old old big big big big big cat ate the big old big big old dog saw the dog the old big cat saw the old old big cat the old old big cat heard the old old dog the big big old big old cat saw the cat the old old big old old old big cat slept the old old dog heard the old big old dog the old cat saw the old old big big dog the big big old big big dog heard the dog the old old old old big big old cat ate the big big big big old old old dog ate the old old big big dog saw the big dog the big big cat saw the old big big cat the old old big old big old big dog slept the old cat saw the old big old old cat the big old cat heard the old old old dog the old old old old big old big cat ate the big old old big big dog heard the cat the big big big big cat heard the big cat the big big old old cat saw the old cat the old big old old cat heard the old dog the big big old cat saw the old big cat the old cat saw the big big big big dog the big big big big big big big dog ate the cat saw the old old old big big cat the big big cat saw the big old big dog the big big old old old dog saw the dog the old old old old cat heard the old cat the old big old old dog heard the old cat the old big old big old dog heard the cat the old big cat heard the old old big cat the big cat saw the old big big old cat the big old big old old old old dog slept the big old big big old big big cat slept the old big big big big old big cat slept the old cat heard the big old old big cat the big old big old old dog heard the dog the big big old big big cat heard the cat the cat saw the old old big old big dog the old big big big old cat saw the dog the dog heard the big old old big old dog the old big big big old big old dog slept the old old old cat heard the big old dog the cat saw the old big big big big cat the big big old old big big old dog ate the old old old old dog heard the big dog the big dog heard the old old old old cat the big cat heard the old big big big dog the old big dog saw the old old old cat the big old big big big big big dog slept the big big big dog heard the old big cat the old big old old dog saw the big dog the big dog heard the big old big big dog the big dog saw the big old old old dog the big big big big old old old cat slept the big big old old big old big dog ate the big old big old big big old dog ate the dog heard the big big big big old dog the big big big old old cat heard the dog the old big big old cat saw the old dog the cat heard the big big old old old dog the old big big cat saw the old big dog the big big big old dog saw the big dog the big dog heard the big big old old cat the big old big old big old big dog ate the big old old old old big big cat slept the old old big old big big old cat slept the old big old old big old big cat slept the dog saw the old old big old big cat the big big dog saw the old big old cat the old big old cat saw the big big dog the old big old old old big old dog slept the big old big old old cat heard the cat the old old old big old cat saw the cat the old big cat saw the big big old cat the old big old big big big old dog ate the old dog saw the old big old big cat the big old old old big big big dog slept the big big big cat saw the big big dog the big big dog saw the big old old dog the big old big big old cat saw the cat the old old big big big big old dog ate the old big old big big old big dog ate the big old old big old big big dog ate the big big old old old old old cat slept the old old cat saw the old big big cat the big old dog heard the old old old dog the old old old old cat saw the old cat the old old big big big old big dog ate the old old old cat saw the old big cat the big old old old dog saw the big cat the big old dog saw the old old big dog the big dog saw the old big big big cat the old cat heard the old old big old cat the big big old old big old old dog slept the big big old dog heard the big big cat the old old cat saw the big old big dog the big big old big big big big cat slept the big big big old big old old cat ate the old old old old old dog saw the dog the cat heard the big old big big big cat the big old big old cat saw the old cat the dog heard the old big old old old dog the big old big cat saw the old big cat the old big dog heard the old old big cat the old big cat heard the big big old cat the big big old dog saw the old big dog the old cat heard the old big old old dog the big old old cat saw the big big cat the big old big old old dog saw the dog the old cat heard the big big big old cat the old old old old big old old dog ate the cat saw the big old old big big dog the big old cat saw the big big big dog the old dog heard the big old old old dog the big big old big old big old cat ate the big big old old old cat saw the cat the big old old big big cat saw the dog the big old old cat heard the old old dog the old old cat heard the big big big dog the cat saw the big old big old old cat the old big old big cat heard the old cat the old big big old old big big cat slept the old big big big big old old cat ate the big big old big old old big cat ate the big old big big old big old cat ate the big old big old cat heard the old dog the big big big old dog heard the old dog the cat saw the big big big big big dog the big big big big old dog heard the dog the old old big old dog saw the big dog the old big old old big dog heard the dog the big old big big old old big cat ate the old old dog saw the old big old cat the old big old cat heard the old big cat the dog heard the old old big big big cat the old big big old big big big dog slept the dog saw the big old old big big cat the old old old big cat heard the big dog the old big old big dog heard the big dog the big old big old dog heard the old cat the big old big big old dog heard the cat the cat heard the old old old old big cat the old big big dog saw the old old cat the old old old old big dog heard the cat the old big big old cat heard the big cat the old old big cat saw the big big dog the old cat saw the big old old old cat the old big big big big dog saw the cat the old old dog saw the big old old dog the old old old big dog heard the big cat the big big big old big old big cat slept the old big old dog saw the big old cat the dog saw the big old big old big dog the old dog heard the old big big big cat the old old old big old old big cat slept the dog saw the big big big big big cat the big old old old old old old cat ate the big big big old old big old dog slept the old big big cat heard the big big dog the cat heard the old big big old big cat the old big old dog heard the old old cat the old big big old old cat saw the dog the old big big old old big big cat ate the big big big dog saw the big old cat the big big big big old cat heard the cat the big cat saw the old old old old dog the old old old big big old big dog slept the big cat saw the big old big old cat the big old dog saw the big big old dog the old big old old big cat heard the cat the old old big cat heard the big big cat the big old old old big big big cat ate the cat saw the old big old old big dog the old old old dog heard the old big dog the big cat heard the old old old old cat the old big dog heard the big big old cat the big big cat heard the old big big dog the big old old big dog saw the old dog the old big big dog heard the big old dog the old old old dog saw the old big dog the big cat saw the big big old old dog the big cat heard the big old big big dog the old old old big old old old cat ate the big old old big old old old dog slept the big big cat heard the big old old cat the big old cat heard the old big big cat the big old big dog saw the old big dog the old old big dog heard the big old cat the old old old old old cat saw the cat the big cat heard the big big old old cat the old old dog heard the big big big dog the big old old dog saw the big big dog the old old old big big big big cat ate the dog saw the old big old old big cat the big old big old old cat saw the cat the big old cat heard the big old big dog the old big cat saw the old old old dog the old dog saw the big old old big cat the old old old big big big old cat slept the cat heard the old old big big old cat the big big cat saw the old big old dog the big big old big old old old dog ate the big dog saw the old old old big dog the big big big big cat heard the old dog the big dog saw the big old big big cat the big big old cat saw the old old dog the dog heard the big old big big big dog the old old big big old big big dog slept the cat heard the big old old old big dog the big old big big old old old dog ate the cat saw the old old old big old dog the old old big dog saw the big old cat the big dog heard the old big old big cat the cat heard the big big old big big cat the old big dog saw the big old big cat the big old big big cat heard the old cat the big big big big dog heard the old cat the big big old big big big big dog ate the big big big cat heard the old big dog the old big cat heard the old old old dog the old big old big big dog heard the cat the big dog saw the big big old big dog the big old old old big cat saw the dog the big old big big old old big cat slept the big old cat saw the old old old cat the old cat heard the big old old old dog the big old big old big dog heard the dog the big old big big big big big dog ate the cat heard the big big big old big dog the old big big big old old old dog slept the big big dog heard the old big big dog the big old big cat heard the old big cat the cat saw the old big big big old dog the old old cat heard the old old old cat the big old big big dog heard the big dog the big big dog saw the big big big cat the big old big big big old big dog slept the big big dog heard the big old old cat the dog saw the old old old big old cat the old old old old old big big dog slept the big old dog heard the old big big cat the cat saw the big big old old old cat the big big big dog heard the old old dog the old big big old old big old dog ate the old big big old old dog heard the dog the old big old big cat saw the old cat the big big old big dog saw the big cat the big big big old big cat heard the dog the big old old old big big old dog ate the old big big old old old big dog ate the old dog saw the old old big old cat the big old big dog heard the old old cat the dog heard the old old old old big dog the old big old big old dog saw the dog the old big big old big dog saw the cat the big big big big cat saw the old cat the old old big old big old old cat slept the big old old old old old big cat slept the old old big old old dog heard the cat the dog saw the old old big old old dog the big old dog heard the big old big dog the big big old old cat heard the big cat the dog heard the old big old big big cat the dog saw the old big big big old cat the old big old old old old old dog slept the big old old old big old big dog ate the big old big old big cat heard the cat the old big old big old big big cat slept the big big big big old dog saw the dog the big big big big big big old cat ate the old cat heard the old big big big cat the old dog saw the old big old old dog the big big old cat heard the big big dog the big old old old big old big dog slept the old dog saw the big big big old cat the old dog heard the old old old big dog the old old old big old cat heard the dog the dog heard the old big big old big dog the dog saw the big big old old big dog the old dog heard the big old big big cat the big big big big big old big cat ate the old old cat saw the old big old dog the old big old big big big big dog slept the old big big old old cat heard the cat the big old old cat heard the big big cat the old old old big big big old dog ate the old old old cat saw the old old dog the big old old old dog saw the old dog the big dog saw the old big big old dog the old dog heard the big big old big dog the old big big big dog saw the big dog the old old old big big old big dog ate the big big old big big old big cat slept the big old big big big big old cat slept the big big old dog heard the big old dog the big old old big cat saw the big dog the cat heard the big old big big old dog the big old big cat saw the old old dog the old big dog heard the old old old dog the big big old big old big old dog slept the big old old big old dog saw the cat the big big old old big old old cat ate the big old old dog heard the big old cat the big old old cat saw the big old dog the old old dog heard the old old old cat the old cat saw the old old old big cat the big old big old big old old cat ate the old old dog saw the big big big cat the old big big old old old big cat slept the big old old old big big old cat slept the old old old big dog saw the big cat the old cat saw the big big old big cat the big cat saw the old old big big cat the old big old big big old old cat ate the big old old big old big old cat ate the big big big big big dog heard the dog the old old big big cat saw the old cat the big old big big dog saw the big cat the old big old cat heard the old old dog the dog heard the old old big big old dog the big old big old old big big dog slept the old big big old big old big dog slept the dog saw the big old old big old dog the big old old big old old big cat ate the old old big big big old old cat ate the cat heard the old old old old old dog the big old big big big dog heard the cat the old old big big old dog saw the dog the big cat saw the old big old big dog the cat heard the old big old big old cat the big cat saw the big big big big cat the old big big old cat heard the old dog the dog heard the big old old old old cat the old old old cat heard the old old cat the old old old big dog heard the old dog the big cat heard the old big old big cat the old dog heard the old big big old dog the old big old big old cat saw the cat the dog heard the big big old big big dog the dog saw the big big big big old dog the big big big old old old old dog slept the old old big old cat heard the old cat the old big big old dog heard the old cat the cat heard the old big big old old dog the old big big big old dog heard the cat the big big big big old big big cat slept the big dog heard the big old old big cat the big big big big old cat saw the cat the dog heard the big big big old old cat the big big big big big cat heard the cat the old big old old old big big cat ate the old big cat saw the old big big cat the old old big cat heard the big old dog the big big big big big big big dog slept the old old big old dog heard the big dog the old big old old cat saw the old cat the old big old cat saw the old big cat the big big old old dog saw the big cat the big big dog saw the old old big dog the old old big old old big big cat ate the big big old old old dog heard the dog the big big big big big old old dog ate the old big cat saw the big old big dog the old big old old old dog saw the dog the big big big old cat saw the old cat the big big big cat saw the old big cat the old big big old big big old cat slept the big big old old old big big cat slept the old cat saw the old big big old cat the big old cat heard the old big old dog the big old old old old dog heard the cat the big big old cat saw the big big cat the big big big old old dog saw the dog the dog saw the old big old old old dog the big big cat saw the big big big dog the big big old old big big big dog slept the big big old big big cat saw the dog the old big cat heard the old big big cat the old cat heard the old old old big dog the old cat heard the big old big big cat the old dog saw the big old old old dog the big big old old old cat heard the cat the cat saw the old old big big big dog the old old old big big old old cat slept the big big big old old big big dog ate the old big big old dog saw the big dog the big old old old cat saw the big dog the old big cat heard the big old big dog the big dog heard the old old big old cat the old big dog saw the old big old cat the cat saw the big old old old big cat the big old cat saw the big old big cat the old cat heard the big big old big dog the big old old old old dog saw the cat the big big big dog heard the big big cat the big dog saw the big old big old dog the old old big big old old big dog slept the old old cat heard the big old big cat the big dog heard the old big old old dog the cat heard the big big old big old dog the old big big cat saw the big big dog the old big dog saw the big old old dog the old old big big old cat saw the cat the big dog heard the big big big old cat the dog saw the old old big big big cat the cat saw the big big big old big cat the big old old big old old old dog ate the old big big big old big big dog ate the old old old old dog saw the big cat the old old dog saw the old old big dog the big old big cat heard the old old dog the old dog saw the old big big big cat the big big dog saw the big big old dog the big old old big big big big dog ate the old big big big cat heard the old cat the old old big old cat saw the old cat the old old big cat saw the old big cat the big old big old dog saw the big cat the old old old old old old big dog slept the big old dog heard the old big old dog the old big big old big dog heard the dog the big big old big dog saw the old dog the old big old dog saw the old big dog the old old old cat saw the big big cat the old old big old old dog saw the dog the old big big cat heard the old big cat the big old dog saw the old big big dog the old big old old old big old dog ate the old old big big cat heard the big dog the old big big big dog heard the big dog the old old cat saw the big big big dog the old old big old big dog heard the cat the big big old old cat heard the old dog the dog heard the old big old big old dog the big big big dog saw the old big dog the big old big cat saw the big big cat the old big old old old old big dog ate the big old dog saw the big old old cat the old old big old old big old dog ate the old big old old old cat saw the cat the old big dog heard the old big big cat the old old old big big cat saw the dog the old big old big old old big cat slept the old old big big old big old cat slept the big cat saw the big old old big dog the old old big big dog heard the big cat the big big old dog saw the big big dog the old cat heard the old big big old dog the big old old old cat heard the old cat the old old big old old old big dog ate the big big old old dog heard the old cat the big big old big old dog heard the cat the big big big old old cat saw the cat the big big cat heard the old old big cat the big old big big big cat saw the dog the old big big dog heard the old old cat the big big old big big big old cat ate the old old old big big cat heard the dog the big cat heard the big old old big cat the old dog heard the big old big old dog the old big dog heard the big old big dog the big old old big old big big dog slept the old old big big big big old dog slept the old big old big big old big dog slept the big old old cat heard the big old dog the old big big old big cat heard the cat the big big old big big old big cat ate the big old big big big big old cat ate the cat saw the big old big big old cat the big old old old dog heard the big dog the old old dog heard the big old big cat the old old big dog heard the old big dog the big old old dog saw the old big cat the big old big big big old old cat slept the big old big big big old big cat ate the old old old old old big old cat slept the big big old big old old old dog slept the old big old cat heard the big big cat the cat heard the old old old big big cat the old big big dog saw the big old cat the old big big old old old old cat ate the old old old old big big old dog slept the old cat saw the old old old old dog the old cat saw the big old big old cat the old old dog saw the big big old dog the big big old old big cat saw the dog the dog saw the big old big big big dog the big big cat saw the old old old cat the big old old old big old old cat ate the cat heard the old old big old big dog the cat heard the old big big big big cat the old big old dog heard the big old cat the big old old old big old old cat slept the old big big old big big big cat ate the old old old big dog saw the old dog the dog heard the big old big old big cat the old cat saw the big big old old dog the big cat saw the old old big old dog the cat saw the old old old old old cat the old big old big big big old cat slept the big old big big dog saw the old dog the old old big dog saw the old big dog the big old big old old old big dog slept the old old old dog heard the big big dog the cat saw the old big old big big dog the big cat heard the old old big old cat the old old old dog saw the big big dog the old big big big old big big dog slept the big cat saw the big big big old dog the big big dog heard the old old big cat the old old old big big old old cat ate the old old big old old cat saw the cat the cat saw the old big big old old cat the big big cat heard the big big old cat the big cat heard the old big old old dog the big old big dog saw the big big dog the big cat heard the big big big old cat the big big big big old old big cat slept the old big big big big dog heard the cat the big dog heard the big old old old dog the dog saw the old old old old big dog the dog saw the old big old big big cat the big old cat heard the big big big dog the old big cat saw the old big old dog the old old big old big big big cat slept the big big old big cat heard the old cat the big big big big big old big dog slept the old dog saw the old old old big dog the old big old old old big big dog slept the old dog saw the big old big big cat the old big old cat saw the old old dog the big big old old dog saw the old dog the dog saw the old big big old big dog the big big old old big dog heard the dog the big big old big cat saw the big dog the big big old cat heard the old big cat the old old old old old big big cat ate the big big big cat saw the old old dog the big old old big cat heard the big dog the big big old big dog heard the big dog the big big old big big old old dog ate the big big old old old old big cat slept the old big big old big old old cat slept the big old big old old big old cat slept the big big old big old dog saw the cat the old dog saw the big big old big dog the old old old old big cat saw the dog the big dog saw the old old big big dog the old old cat saw the old old old cat the big old old old big dog heard the cat the big big big old cat heard the big cat the big big old cat saw the big old dog the big old big big big old old dog ate the big old old big dog heard the big cat the cat heard the big old old big big dog the big old big old big cat saw the dog the big dog heard the old big big big cat the big dog saw the old big old old cat the big big old old big old big dog slept the big old big old big big old dog slept the old big dog saw the big big big cat the big big big cat heard the big big dog the big big old dog heard the old old cat the old big cat heard the old big old dog the old big old old old dog heard the cat the cat heard the big old big old old cat the old old big big old cat heard the dog the big dog saw the big big big big dog the big old cat saw the old big old cat the old cat heard the big old big old dog the old big old big dog saw the big cat the cat heard the big big big big big dog the big big old old big cat heard the cat the big old big cat heard the big big cat the big old old cat saw the old old cat the old old cat heard the old big old cat the old big big big cat saw the old cat the big old old dog heard the old big dog the big big big big big big old cat slept the big big big big dog saw the big cat the cat saw the big old old old old dog the big old cat saw the big old old dog the old big big old big big old dog ate the big big old old old big big dog ate the big big dog heard the big big old cat the big big big dog heard the big old dog the cat saw the big big old big old cat the old big big big old dog saw the dog the old old cat heard the big old old dog the big old big old old big big dog ate the old big big old big old big dog ate the big old big dog heard the big old cat the dog heard the old old old big big dog the dog saw the old old big big old dog the big old dog heard the big big big dog the cat saw the big big big old old dog the dog heard the old old big old old cat the dog saw the big old old old old cat the old old old old dog saw the old dog the old dog saw the old big big old dog the big big old old big big old cat slept the old big old big old big big dog ate the old dog heard the old old big big dog the dog heard the old big big big big dog the dog saw the big big old big big dog the old old old big cat saw the big dog the cat heard the old big old old big dog the old old big cat saw the old old dog the big old big old dog saw the old dog the old old old big old dog saw the cat the old old big big old big big dog ate the old dog heard the old big old old cat the dog heard the big big old old big cat the big big big old old big big dog slept the dog saw the big big big old old cat the big old big big cat saw the big dog the old old old cat saw the big old dog the old big big cat heard the old old dog the big big big old old big old cat ate the old dog heard the big big big big dog the big old big big old dog saw the cat the big old big cat saw the big old dog the old big dog heard the old big old dog the old old big cat heard the old old cat the big big big old old old big cat ate the old old big big old old old cat slept the old old big big dog heard the old dog the old old old old old big old dog ate the big big cat heard the old old old dog the old old dog heard the old big old cat the old cat saw the old old big big cat the big big old big big dog heard the cat the big cat heard the big old old old dog the old old old old old old big dog ate the old old big big big old old dog slept the big old old big old old big dog slept the old old big big dog saw the big cat the old big big big old big old cat ate the big old cat heard the old old old cat the old cat saw the old big old big dog the old old dog heard the big old old dog the old big old old cat heard the old cat the old cat saw the big big big big cat the big big old old cat saw the big dog the big old old big big big old cat ate the old big big big old old big cat ate the big old old dog saw the old old dog the big big big old old dog heard the dog the old old old old old old old cat slept the big big cat saw the big old big cat the big big old old old dog saw the cat the big old old big big dog saw the dog the old big old cat heard the big old dog the big old old big big old big cat ate the old old old old cat heard the big dog the cat heard the old old old big old dog the old big old old dog heard the big dog the big old big old old dog heard the cat the big cat saw the old big big big dog the old old old old big old old dog slept the cat saw the old old big old big cat the old big big big old cat saw the cat the dog heard the big old old big old cat the old old old big big big big cat slept the old old old cat heard the big old cat the old big old old old old old cat ate the old old old old dog heard the big cat the big cat heard the old big big big cat the big dog heard the old old old big dog the cat heard the old big big big old dog the old big old old dog saw the big cat the big old old big old cat heard the dog the old big dog saw the old old big dog the big dog heard the big old big big cat the big dog saw the big old old old cat the dog heard the big old big old old dog the old old big old old old old cat ate the dog heard the big big big big old cat the big big big old old cat heard the cat the old big old old big big big cat ate the old big big old cat saw the old cat the old big old big big old old cat slept the big old old big old big old cat slept the cat heard the big big old old old cat the old big big cat saw the old big cat the big big big old dog saw the big cat the big dog heard the big big old big dog the old old big old big big big cat ate the old big old cat saw the big big cat the old big big old old dog saw the dog the big big dog saw the old big big dog the big old old big big big old dog slept the old big big big old old big dog slept the big big dog heard the old old old dog the old big cat saw the big big big dog the big big big cat saw the big big cat the big big dog saw the big old old cat the old big old big big cat saw the dog the big old dog heard the old old old cat the big big big big big cat saw the dog the dog saw the old big old big old dog the big old dog saw the old old big cat the big big big old old old old dog ate the old old old old cat saw the big dog the old old big old big old big cat slept the old old cat saw the big old big cat the old cat heard the old old big big dog the old old old old old dog saw the cat the dog heard the old big old old old cat the old big old old old old big dog slept the old old big old old big old dog slept the old dog saw the big old big old dog the big old big old cat saw the big dog the big big big old big big big dog ate the big big old dog saw the old big cat the old cat heard the old big old old cat the big old big old old dog saw the cat the big big old cat heard the old old dog the old big cat heard the big big big dog the big old big old old old old cat slept the cat saw the big old old big big cat the big old cat saw the big big big cat the old dog heard the big old old old cat the old cat heard the big big big big dog the big big big old cat heard the old dog the big old old big big cat saw the cat the old big big big old old old dog ate the big old old cat heard the old old cat the old big big big old big old cat slept the old old cat heard the big big big cat the big old old big dog heard the old dog the big dog heard the old big big old dog the big old big old big old old dog slept the old big dog saw the big big old dog the cat saw the big old big old big dog the big old big big big big big cat slept the big old old big big old old dog ate the old big old big cat heard the big dog the big old big old cat heard the old cat the big big big old dog heard the old cat the cat saw the big big big big big cat the big big big big old dog heard the cat the old old big old dog saw the big cat the old big big big big big big dog ate the big big old big old big big dog slept the old big big big big big old dog slept the old big old old big dog heard the cat the old old big big big cat heard the dog the old big old big dog saw the old dog the old old old big cat heard the big cat the old old dog saw the old big big dog the old big old big dog heard the big cat the big old big cat heard the big old dog the big old big old dog heard the big dog the big big big big big old old cat slept the big big big big dog saw the old dog the old big big dog saw the old big dog the old old big cat saw the big big cat the big old old old big dog saw the dog the old big old old old big old cat slept the old old dog saw the big old old cat the dog saw the big old big old big cat the old cat saw the big old old big dog the old big old old big big old dog ate the old big old dog saw the big big dog the big old old old big big big cat slept the old big big cat heard the big big cat the old big big old old cat saw the cat the old old big big big cat saw the dog the old big old old big big old dog slept the old big old dog heard the old big dog the big cat saw the old old old old cat the big old old old old big big dog ate the old old big old big big old dog ate the old big old old big old big dog ate the big big big dog saw the big big dog the big old dog saw the big big old cat the big cat saw the big old big big dog the old old old dog heard the old big cat the cat saw the old big old old big cat the old old big old big old big dog ate the big big old old big old old cat slept the big big cat heard the old big big cat the big old old big dog saw the old cat the big cat heard the old old old big dog the big big big big old big big cat ate the old big big dog heard the big old cat the old old old dog saw the old big cat the big cat saw the big big old old cat the old old old old old cat heard the dog the big cat heard the big old big big cat the old big dog heard the big big big dog the big old big dog saw the old big cat the dog heard the big big old old old dog the big big big old old old big dog slept the big big cat heard the big old big dog the old old old big old big big dog ate the old old dog heard the big big big cat the old old big dog heard the big big dog the big cat heard the big big old big dog the big old old dog saw the big big cat the old big old old big cat saw the dog the big big old old old big old cat ate the big old cat heard the big old big cat the old big cat saw the old old old cat the old big big old big old old cat ate the big old big old old big old cat ate the big big old old old old big cat ate the big big big old big cat saw the dog the old cat saw the old old big old dog the big old big old old old big cat ate the old old big big dog saw the old dog the old big big old big big big cat slept the big big cat saw the old big old cat the cat heard the old old big big big dog the big dog saw the old old old big cat the big big big big cat heard the old cat the big big old cat saw the old old cat the dog heard the big old big big big cat the old big old big old big old cat ate the old cat saw the big big big old dog the cat heard the big old old old big cat the cat saw the old old old big old cat the big big cat saw the big old old dog the big big big old big dog heard the dog the old big old big old old big cat ate the big big big cat heard the old big cat the old old big dog saw the big big dog the big big big old old big old cat slept the old big cat heard the old old old cat the big old big big cat heard the big dog the big big big big dog heard the big dog the big old old old big cat saw the cat the big dog saw the big big old big cat the old cat heard the big old old old cat the big old big old big dog heard the cat the old old big big old old big cat ate the cat saw the old old big old old dog the big old cat saw the old old big dog the cat heard the big big big old big cat the old old old big big old big cat slept the big big dog heard the old big big cat the cat saw the old big big big old cat the big old big big dog heard the big cat the old old old old dog heard the old dog the old old old big old big old dog slept the old old old big old dog heard the dog the big cat heard the old big big old dog the old old cat heard the old old big dog the big big big dog heard the old old cat the old big old old dog saw the old dog the old big big old old dog heard the cat the big old old big big cat heard the dog the big dog heard the big old big old dog the big big dog heard the big old big dog the dog saw the old old old big big dog the cat saw the big big old old big dog the old big old big cat saw the big dog the big old old big old old old cat slept the big big big old big cat heard the cat the old big big cat saw the old old dog the old old old old old old old cat ate the big big big old dog saw the old dog the dog heard the old old old old big cat the old big old big old dog saw the cat the dog saw the old old big old old cat the big old dog heard the big old big cat the old dog saw the old old big big dog the big old big dog heard the old big dog the big big big big cat saw the big dog the old big old cat saw the big old dog the big big big big old big old dog ate the old big old big old cat heard the dog the dog saw the old big big big big dog the big old old big big old old dog slept the big big big big old dog saw the cat the old old big old big cat saw the dog the old old old old big big big cat ate the old dog saw the old big old old cat the big big old cat heard the big big cat the big big big big old old big dog ate the big big big cat saw the big old dog the old dog heard the old old old big cat the dog heard the old big big old big cat the old old old big old cat heard the cat the dog saw the big big old old big cat the old dog saw the big big big big dog the old old cat saw the old big old cat the old old old cat saw the old old cat the big old old old dog saw the old cat the big old dog saw the old old old dog the big dog saw the old big big old cat the old dog heard the big big old big cat the old big big big dog saw the big cat the big big old dog heard the big old cat the old old cat saw the big old old dog the big old old big cat saw the big cat the cat heard the big old big big old cat the big big old old old old old dog ate the old old big old old old old dog slept the big old big cat saw the old old cat the old big dog heard the old old old cat the old old big big old big big cat slept the big big old dog saw the old old dog the big old old cat saw the big old cat the big old big old old old old dog ate the big old old dog heard the big big dog the big big old big big dog saw the dog the big big old old big big big dog ate the cat saw the big old old big old dog the big old cat saw the big big old dog the old old big big big big big dog slept the old old dog heard the old old big dog the old big big big old old old cat slept the big old big old big big big dog ate the old old cat heard the big big old dog the old big old big old old old dog ate the big old big big big old big cat slept the old old old old old big big cat slept the cat saw the big big big big old dog the old old big old dog saw the old dog the big big big big big dog heard the cat the old big big big big old old dog slept the big big old big old old big dog slept the big old big big old big old dog slept the old old big big old old old dog ate the old big old cat heard the old old cat the dog heard the old old big big old cat the old old big big cat saw the big dog the dog saw the big old old big old cat the old old old big cat heard the old dog the old big old big big big big dog ate the old big old big dog heard the old dog the cat heard the old old old old old cat the old old big big old dog saw the cat the big cat saw the old big old big cat the old big big old cat heard the old cat the cat heard the old big old big big dog the old old big cat saw the big old dog the old old big big big big big dog ate the old big old old old old old cat slept the old old old big dog heard the old cat the dog heard the big old old old big dog the old old old cat heard the old big dog the dog saw the big old big old old dog the old dog heard the old big big old cat the dog heard the big big old big big cat the dog saw the big big big big old cat the big old old old big old big cat slept the old big big cat heard the big old dog the cat heard the old big big old old cat the big big big old big big old cat ate the old old big old cat heard the big dog the big old old old old big old dog slept the old big old old big old old dog slept the old big big old dog heard the big dog the old big old big big big big cat slept the big big big old big old big cat ate the old old big cat heard the big old cat the dog heard the big big big old big dog the old old old old big big old dog ate the old old big old dog heard the big cat the cat saw the old big old old old dog the old old old dog heard the old old dog the big big dog saw the old old big cat the big big cat heard the old big old dog the old big old old cat saw the big dog the big big old old old dog heard the cat the old old old dog saw the old old dog the big old big big old cat heard the dog the old old old old big old big dog ate the big cat heard the big old big old dog the old big cat saw the big old big cat the old old old old big cat heard the dog the big big old big old big old cat slept the old big old old old dog saw the cat the old old old big big dog saw the dog the big big old big old big big cat ate the old big big big big big old cat ate the big big big old cat saw the big dog the big old cat heard the old big old cat the big old big dog saw the old old dog the old cat saw the old big big big dog the old old dog heard the big big old dog the big big big old old dog saw the cat the old big big big big old big cat ate the big old big big old big big cat ate the big old big big big dog saw the dog the big big old big big big old dog slept the big old old dog saw the big old dog the dog saw the old big old old old cat the big big cat saw the big big big cat the big old cat heard the big old old dog the big big old big big cat saw the cat the old cat heard the old old old big cat the old dog saw the big old old old cat the cat saw the old old big big big cat the old big old old big old old cat ate the big old old old old big old cat ate the old big big old dog saw the big cat the big old old old cat saw the big cat the big old big old old big big cat slept the old big cat heard the big old big cat the old big big old big old big cat slept the old cat heard the big big old big cat the big dog heard the old old big big dog the big dog saw the old old old old dog the old big big old old big old dog slept the old big dog saw the old big big dog the old old big old big old old cat ate the big old old old old old big cat ate the big dog saw the big old big old cat the dog heard the big old big big old dog the cat heard the big old old old old dog the big old big old big big big dog slept the big dog heard the old big old old cat the cat heard the big big old big old cat the old big big cat saw the big big cat the big big old old big dog saw the dog the old big dog saw the big old old cat the big big big cat heard the old old dog the big big big old old old old cat slept the big dog heard the big big big big dog the big dog saw the big big old old dog the old old old big old big old cat ate the old big big big big cat saw the dog the cat heard the big big big old old dog the old old dog saw the old old big cat the big big dog heard the old big old dog the big old big cat heard the old old cat the big big big old big old old dog slept the big old big big dog heard the old dog the big big dog saw the big big old cat the old old old big old old big cat ate the old old old big old old old dog slept the big big big big big big big cat slept the old old old big big dog heard the dog the old big big big cat heard the big dog the big old dog heard the old big old cat the old old big old cat saw the big dog the old big big old big dog heard the cat the big big old big dog saw the old cat the old big old dog saw the old big cat the old old big old old dog saw the cat the big big big old big old old dog ate the big old dog saw the old big big cat the old old big big cat heard the big cat the old big big big dog heard the big cat the dog heard the old old old old old dog the old old cat saw the big big big cat the big old dog heard the big old old dog the big big old old cat heard the old cat the dog heard the old big old big old cat the big big big dog saw the old big cat the old old old big big cat saw the cat the old big old big big cat heard the dog the big cat saw the big old old big cat the big old dog saw the big old big dog the big big old old big big big cat slept the big big old dog saw the big big cat the old cat heard the old big big old cat the big big old big old big old dog ate the big big old cat heard the big old dog the big old big big big cat saw the cat the old dog heard the old old old old dog the dog heard the old big big old old dog the big old old old cat heard the big dog the dog saw the big big old old old dog the big big old old dog heard the big dog the old old old big big cat heard the cat the old dog heard the big old big old cat the old big dog heard the big old big cat the old big big dog heard the old big dog the old big big big big old old dog ate the big big old big old old big dog ate the big old big big old big old dog ate the big old old cat heard the big old cat the big old old old dog heard the big cat the big old big big old old big dog ate the old old big dog heard the old big cat the cat saw the big old big big big dog the old dog heard the big big old old dog the old big big big dog saw the old dog the old old old old big dog saw the dog the big old old big cat saw the old dog the old old big old old cat heard the dog the old old big big old old big cat slept the big old big old big dog saw the dog the old cat saw the old old old old cat the old big big dog saw the big big dog the old old big big big old big dog slept the big old old old old old old dog ate the old old dog saw the big big old cat the big big old old big cat saw the cat the dog saw the big old big big big cat the old cat saw the big old big big dog the old big big old old big big dog ate the cat heard the old old big old big cat the big big cat saw the old old big dog the old old old big dog saw the old cat the big big big big old old old cat ate the big old old old big big big dog ate the old big old dog heard the big big dog the old cat saw the big big old old cat the big cat saw the old old big old cat the old old old old old old big cat slept the big old big big old old old dog slept the big old big big dog saw the old cat the cat saw the old old old old big dog the old old big dog saw the old big cat the cat saw the old big old big big cat the old old old dog heard the big big cat the old old old big old old old dog ate the big big big big big big big cat ate the old old old old big old big dog slept the big cat saw the old big old old dog the big cat heard the old old big big dog the old old old dog saw the big big cat the big cat saw the big big big old cat the cat saw the old big big old big dog the big cat heard the old big old old cat the big old big dog saw the big big cat the dog heard the big big old big old dog the old old old big big big big dog ate the big big cat heard the big big big dog the old big big old big cat saw the dog the big dog heard the big old old old cat the big cat heard the big big big big dog the dog saw the old old old old big cat the big old old old old old old dog slept the old big old big big old big cat slept the old old big big big big old cat slept the big old old big old big big cat slept the big big old old big big old cat ate the big old cat heard the big big big cat the old big cat saw the old big old cat the old big old big old big old dog slept the old dog saw the old old old big cat the old old big old dog heard the old dog the old old big big old dog heard the dog the big big old old big old big cat ate the big old big old big big old cat ate the big big old big cat heard the big dog the old big old cat saw the old old cat the big big old old dog saw the old cat the big big dog saw the old old old dog the big old old big big big big dog slept the dog saw the old big big old big cat the big big old old big dog heard the cat the big old big big big cat heard the dog the old big cat saw the big old old dog the big big old big cat saw the big cat the big old big old big old big cat ate the big big old big old old old cat slept the big big big cat saw the old old cat the big old old big cat heard the big cat the big big old big dog heard the big cat the old old old old big cat saw the cat the old dog saw the big big old big cat the big dog saw the old old big big cat the old big old big big big old cat ate the old old old old big big old cat slept the big big old cat saw the big old cat the old old cat saw the old old big dog the big big old big big old old dog slept the old big big big old cat heard the dog the cat heard the big old old big big cat the big old old big old cat saw the dog the big old big old big cat saw the cat the big big cat saw the big big old dog the old big old big big old big cat ate the old old big big big big old cat ate the big old old big old big big cat ate the big big big cat heard the big big cat the big dog saw the old big old big dog the old big cat heard the old big old cat the old old big old old big big dog slept the old cat heard the old old old old dog the old old big big old cat heard the cat the big dog saw the big big big big cat the big big old dog heard the old big dog the old cat heard the big old big old cat the old old big big big old big cat ate the cat heard the big old big old big dog the cat saw the old old big big old dog the big old cat saw the old big big dog the cat heard the big big big big big cat the old big big old dog saw the old dog the big old old old cat saw the old dog the big old big old old old big cat slept the big old old dog heard the old big cat the old big cat heard the big old old dog the big old old cat saw the old big dog the old old cat heard the old big big dog the cat saw the big old old old old cat the big old cat saw the big old old cat the old cat heard the big big old old dog the old big big big cat saw the big dog the old big big old old old old dog slept the big big big dog heard the big old cat the old big big big old big big cat slept the big old old old old cat heard the dog the big big dog heard the big big big dog the old big big big old dog saw the cat the cat saw the big big old big big dog the old old cat heard the big old old cat the old old old old big old old cat ate the big old big old big old big dog slept the old big big cat saw the big old dog the dog heard the old old old big big cat the dog saw the old old big big old cat the big old dog heard the big big big cat the cat saw the big big big old old cat the big old big dog heard the big big dog the old big big big big big big dog slept the big big big big big big old dog ate the old old old old dog saw the old cat the old old dog saw the old old old dog the old dog saw the old big big old cat the big big big big big old big dog ate the dog heard the old old big old big dog the dog saw the big old old old big dog the old dog heard the old old big big cat the dog heard the old big big big big cat the big big big big big old big cat slept the old old old big cat saw the big cat the dog saw the big big old big big cat the old big old old old big big cat slept the cat heard the old big old old big cat the old old big cat saw the old old cat the big old big old dog saw the old cat the big big big big old big old dog slept the big old big big cat saw the big cat the old big old dog saw the old old dog the old old old cat saw the big old cat the old big big cat heard the old old cat the big old dog saw the old big old dog the old dog heard the old big old big dog the dog saw the big big big old big dog the old old big big cat heard the old dog the old big old old big big big dog slept the old big big big dog heard the old dog the old dog heard the big big big big cat the old big old big big dog saw the dog the old old cat saw the big big old dog the big big old old big old old dog ate the big big big dog saw the old old dog the big old big cat saw the big old cat the old big dog heard the old big old cat the big cat saw the big old old old dog the old old big big dog 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big big big old old big big cat slept the old big big old cat saw the big dog the old old big dog saw the old old dog the cat heard the big big old old big dog the cat saw the old big old big old dog the old old old dog heard the big old dog the big dog heard the big big old big cat the old big big old old dog saw the cat the old old big big big dog saw the dog the big big dog saw the old big big cat the big old big big old old old cat ate the old old old dog saw the big old dog the big big dog heard the old old old cat the old big cat saw the big big big cat the big big big old big big big dog slept the big big old big big big big cat ate the old old old big old big big dog slept the old big old big big cat saw the cat the big old big dog saw the big old dog the big big dog saw the big old big dog the big old big big big big big cat ate the dog saw the old old old old old dog the big old dog heard the old old big dog the big big big big big cat saw the cat the big old old big old old big cat slept the old old big big big old old cat slept the dog saw the old big old big old cat the old old old old cat saw the big cat the big old cat heard the big big old dog the old big old big old old old dog slept the old big big old old big old cat ate the old cat heard the old old big big cat the old dog saw the old old old old dog the old old big big big dog heard the dog the old dog saw the big old big old cat the big old big old cat saw the big cat the dog heard the old big old old big dog the big old old big big old big dog slept the dog saw the old big big old old dog the old big big old old old big cat ate the big old old old big big old cat ate the old big old old big dog saw the dog the big big old big cat saw the old dog the big big old cat heard the old old cat the old big cat heard the big big big cat the big old old big cat heard the old dog the old cat heard the old big old big dog the big big old big dog heard the old dog the old cat heard the big big big big cat 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big old big big cat the big old dog saw the big big big dog the big big old big big big old dog ate the big cat heard the old old old big cat the old dog heard the old old big old dog the dog heard the old big big big old dog the dog saw the big big old big old dog the old old old big cat saw the old dog the old old old old old cat heard the cat the old old big old old big old cat slept the old big old old old old big cat slept the old big dog heard the big big big cat the big old big big big big old dog ate the big big old big big old big dog ate the big old old big dog saw the big dog the cat heard the old big old old old dog the old big big dog heard the big big dog the big big big big old old old dog slept the big cat saw the big big old big dog the dog heard the big big old old old cat the old old big old big dog saw the dog the big old big big cat saw the old dog the big old big big big old big dog ate the big big cat heard the big old big cat the old old big dog heard the big big cat the old old big old big big old dog slept the old big old old big old big dog slept the big old old old old big big dog slept the big cat heard the big big old big cat the old dog heard the big big big old dog the old big old old big cat saw the cat the old big big old old old old dog ate the old big cat saw the old old big dog the big old big old big old old cat slept the big big old big old cat saw the dog the big big big old big cat saw the cat the old cat saw the old old big old cat the big big old old old old old dog slept the big old old old big old old dog ate the big big old big old big big cat slept the old big big big big big old cat slept the old big big old big big big dog ate the old old big big dog saw the old cat the cat heard the old old big big big cat the big big cat saw the old big big dog the old cat saw the old big old old dog the big big big big big old old cat ate the big old old big big dog heard the dog the big big old big big big big dog slept the old cat saw the big big big old cat the big big big big cat heard the big dog the big big old old cat saw the old dog the big big old cat saw the old big dog the big big cat saw the big old old cat the big big big old big dog heard the cat the cat saw the old old old big big dog the old old big dog saw the big big cat the big old big big cat heard the big cat the old old old big big old old dog ate the big big big big dog heard the big cat the old old old old cat heard the old dog the old big old old dog heard the old dog the old big old big old dog heard the dog the old big old old big big old cat slept the old big cat heard the old old big dog the big cat saw the old big big old dog the cat saw the old old big old old cat the big old old old old big cat ate the old big old old big old cat ate the old old big cat saw the old cat the old big old old old big cat ate the old old big old dog saw the dog the old big old big dog saw the cat the big cat saw the old old big cat the big big old big big old cat slept the old old old cat heard the old dog the big old old dog heard the old dog the big old big old dog heard the dog the cat saw the old old big big dog the big cat heard the old old big dog the cat heard the big old old big dog the old big big dog saw the big dog the cat saw the old big old old cat the old old old dog heard the old cat the old old big old dog heard the cat the old cat heard the old old big cat the cat saw the big big big big dog the old old big big old old cat slept the big big big old big old dog ate the big old big old cat heard the cat the big big big old cat saw the dog the big big big old old big dog ate the old big big old old big dog slept the big dog saw the old old old cat the big old old dog saw the big dog the big big old cat saw the old dog the big big cat saw the old big dog the big old old old old old dog ate the cat heard the old old big old dog the big old cat saw the big big dog the old old big old cat saw the cat the big cat saw the big big old cat the old old old old old big dog slept the old big old old old old dog ate the dog saw the old big old big cat the big dog heard the old old big dog the big old old big big big dog ate the big cat heard the big big old dog the old cat saw the old big big cat the cat heard the big big big old dog the old dog heard the old old big cat the old big old big big big dog ate the old old old cat saw the old cat the old old cat saw the old big cat the old cat heard the big big old cat the big old big old old big cat slept the old big big old big old cat slept the old cat saw the big old big dog the big old big cat heard the old dog the old old old old dog saw the dog the big old big big old big dog slept the old big big big big old dog slept the old old big cat heard the old cat the big old big dog heard the old cat the big old cat heard the old big dog the old old old big dog heard the dog the big big old cat heard the big dog the old old old old big old cat slept the old old cat heard the old big cat the big big old big big old cat ate the old old big dog heard the big dog the big big cat heard the big old cat the dog heard the old big big big dog the old big old cat heard the big cat the big big old dog heard the big cat the big old dog heard the old old dog the old big old dog saw the big dog the big big old big old big cat ate the old old old big big old dog slept the old dog saw the old big old cat the big old old big cat heard the dog the old big cat heard the big big dog the old old dog heard the old old cat the big big dog saw the old old cat the cat saw the big old old old cat the old big cat saw the big big dog the big big big big dog saw the cat the old dog saw the big old old dog the big old big old big big cat ate the big dog heard the big big old dog the old old old big cat heard the cat the big old dog saw the big old cat the big old big big big old cat slept the old big big old big big cat ate the big big old old cat saw the dog the old dog heard the big big old cat the old big dog heard the big old dog the big big big old big big dog slept the old old dog saw the old big dog the old old old old big old cat ate the old old old old cat saw the cat the old big old big big big cat slept the old old old old old big cat ate the big old old old big big dog slept the big cat saw the old old old dog the big big old big old old cat slept the dog saw the big old old big cat the big old big big dog heard the dog the old cat heard the old old old dog the old old big big dog heard the cat the big big big cat heard the big cat the big big old big old old dog ate the old big dog saw the big old cat the big dog saw the big old big cat the old big old old dog heard the dog the big old big big cat heard the cat the big old big old big old dog ate the dog heard the old old old old cat the cat heard the old big big big dog the old big big old big old dog ate the big old big old old big dog ate the big big dog heard the old big cat the big old big cat saw the old cat the dog heard the big old big big dog the old big big old old big dog ate the big big old old cat heard the dog the dog saw the old old big old cat the big old big old dog saw the dog the big big old big dog saw the cat the dog heard the big big old old cat the old big old old cat heard the cat the dog saw the old big old old dog the dog saw the big big big old cat the old old old old old old dog ate the old cat saw the old big old dog the old dog heard the old old old dog the old old cat saw the old old dog the old big big old old old cat slept the big big big old old old cat ate the old old old big big big dog ate the big big big dog saw the big dog the big old dog heard the big big cat the old big big big old old dog slept the big big big big big big cat ate the cat saw the old old old big cat the old dog saw the big big big cat the old old old old old old cat slept the old old cat heard the old old dog the old old big dog saw the big cat the cat saw the big big old big cat the big old old big big old cat ate the old big old cat heard the old dog the big big old dog heard the old dog the big big big old dog heard the dog the old old old big old old dog slept the old big big cat saw the old cat the old old big big big big cat slept the big old old big old big cat ate the old big old big big old cat ate the old big old dog heard the old cat the old big big old dog heard the cat the old big big old dog saw the dog the old big old big old big cat ate the big old big old cat saw the cat the big old big big old old cat slept the big big big old cat heard the cat the old old big old big big cat ate the big big big old old big dog slept the big cat saw the old big big cat the big old old cat saw the old cat the cat heard the old old old old cat the big old cat saw the old big cat the big cat heard the old big big dog the big cat saw the big old big dog the cat heard the big old big big dog the big old old old dog saw the dog the cat saw the old big big old cat the big cat heard the big old old cat the old cat heard the old big big cat the old big old big old big cat slept the cat heard the big big old old cat the old big old old big old dog slept the big old old old old big dog slept the old cat heard the big old big dog the big big big big big old dog ate the dog saw the big old old old dog the big big big big old big dog ate the big big big old big old cat slept the big big old dog saw the big dog the big dog saw the old big old cat the big big big cat heard the old dog the big big big big big old dog slept the big big cat saw the big big dog the dog heard the old big old big cat the big dog saw the big old old dog the old big big old cat saw the cat the old big big cat heard the old cat the big old old big old old dog ate the big big big dog heard the old cat the big big cat heard the old big dog the big old old old big old cat slept the old big old big old old dog ate the old big old big dog heard the dog the old 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big big big dog slept the big old old old old old cat slept the old old old dog saw the old dog the dog saw the old big big old dog the old big cat heard the old old dog the old old old big old old dog ate the old old big cat saw the big dog the old big cat saw the old old dog the big old old big old old dog slept the old old big old dog saw the cat the old dog heard the old big old dog the big old big big big big cat slept the old old cat saw the big old dog the big big big big old old cat ate the big old old cat heard the old dog the old old old cat heard the old cat the big old old dog heard the old cat the big old big old dog heard the cat the cat saw the old old big big cat the big cat heard the old old big cat the cat heard the big old old big cat the old big big dog saw the big cat the old old cat heard the big old dog the cat saw the old big old big dog the old old old dog heard the big dog the big big old old big big cat ate the cat saw the big big big big cat the big big old 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cat saw the big old big cat the cat heard the big old big big cat the big old old old dog saw the cat the old old big big dog saw the dog the old big big big old old cat slept the big old big old old old dog slept the big big old big big big cat ate the cat saw the old big big big dog the big cat heard the big old big dog the cat heard the big big old big dog the old cat heard the big old big cat the dog saw the big old old old cat the old old big big old old cat ate the old old old big old old cat slept the big big old dog saw the big cat the big dog saw the old big big dog the big big big cat heard the old cat the old big old old old big dog slept the big big cat saw the big big cat the big dog saw the big old old cat the big big old big dog heard the dog the big big cat heard the old big cat the old big big cat heard the big dog the big big big dog heard the big dog the big big big big cat saw the dog the old big old big dog heard the cat the old dog saw the old old big cat the big big big old old big cat slept the big dog heard the old big big cat the old old old old big big cat ate the old big big dog heard the big cat the cat heard the old big big old dog the old big old cat saw the big dog the big big dog heard the old old cat the big big big big old big dog slept the old old big big cat heard the dog the dog heard the big old big old dog the big dog heard the big old big dog the big old dog saw the old big cat the old big old old dog saw the cat the big big old big cat heard the cat the old cat saw the big big big cat the old dog heard the big old big cat the old big dog heard the old big dog the old old big big cat saw the cat the big old old old old big cat slept the old big old old big old cat slept the big old cat heard the big big cat the big big old big big old dog ate the big old old big old big dog slept the old big old big big old dog slept the big big old big old big dog ate the big big big dog saw the old dog the old old old big dog saw the dog the big old dog heard the big old cat the big big big big big old cat slept the big old big old big big dog ate the cat saw the old old old old cat the old old dog heard the big big dog the big big dog saw the big big dog the old dog saw the big big old cat the old big big old big big dog ate the cat saw the big old big big dog the old old big dog saw the old cat the cat saw the big big old old cat the big old old big big old cat slept the big big big big dog heard the cat the old big dog saw the old big cat the old old old old big old dog ate the big big old old big big dog slept the old old dog saw the big big cat the old old old old old big dog ate the big big big old big old cat ate the big big old big cat saw the dog the big big big old old big cat ate the big cat saw the old big old cat the dog saw the old old old big cat the old old big old old big dog slept the big old cat saw the old old cat the big cat heard the old big old dog the big old old old dog heard the cat the old 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saw the cat the big old big big cat heard the dog the old old old old old old dog slept the old old big old big big cat slept the cat heard the old big big old cat the big old big big big old cat ate the dog heard the old old old old dog the old big old cat saw the big cat the old old big big cat heard the cat the dog heard the big old big old cat the big dog heard the big old big cat the big big dog heard the old big dog the big old big cat saw the old dog the old big big big big old cat ate the old old big big big big dog slept the big old big big old big cat ate the big old big old old old cat slept the dog saw the old old big old dog the old big dog heard the old big cat the big big old big dog saw the dog the dog heard the big big old old dog the old big big big old big cat ate the old big old old cat heard the dog the big old big big old old dog slept the dog saw the big big big old dog the old old old big old old cat ate the big big big dog saw the old cat the old old old big 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big cat heard the big cat the dog saw the big old big big dog the old big big big cat heard the cat the big old old big dog saw the cat the big old big big big big dog slept the dog saw the big big old old cat the old old old old dog heard the dog the old cat saw the old old old dog the big dog saw the big big big dog the old old old old big big dog ate the big old dog heard the old big cat the big old big dog saw the big dog the big old old old cat heard the dog the big big big old big big cat ate the big big big cat saw the old dog the big big old old old big cat slept the dog heard the old old big old dog the old dog saw the big old big cat the old old old old cat heard the cat the big dog heard the big big big cat the big big dog heard the big big dog the big big old big old big dog slept the old big dog heard the big big cat the dog heard the big big big old dog the big old old old big old cat ate the old cat heard the old old cat the old big dog heard the old dog the big old cat heard the old cat the big old old old old cat slept the big cat heard the big old dog the big old dog heard the big dog the big big old big big cat ate the big old big old old dog slept the big big big big big cat slept the old old old big old cat ate the big dog saw the old old dog the big big big dog saw the dog the old dog saw the big old dog the old old old old big cat ate the old old big big big cat slept the old old cat saw the big cat the cat heard the big old big cat the big big cat heard the big dog the big big old big old dog ate the big old big dog heard the cat the dog saw the old big big cat the big big dog heard the big cat the big big old old big dog ate the dog saw the big old big dog the old big big cat heard the dog the big big big cat saw the cat the dog heard the big old big cat the big dog heard the old big dog the old old old old old dog ate the old big cat saw the old dog the old old big big big dog ate the old big old old old cat slept the big old big dog saw the dog the old big big old old dog slept the old dog heard the big big dog the big big dog saw the old cat the big old big big old cat ate the big old big old big cat ate the big dog saw the big big cat the old big old big big cat ate the big big big old big cat slept the big big old big old dog slept the big big old cat heard the dog the old big old cat saw the dog the big old big cat saw the cat the old old big old big cat slept the old old old big old dog slept the cat heard the old big old cat the cat saw the old big big dog the old old cat saw the old dog the old cat saw the old big dog the cat heard the big old old dog the cat saw the big old old cat the big old big old old dog ate the big old dog saw the old cat the big big cat saw the big cat the big old old big big cat slept the dog saw the old big old dog the big cat heard the old old cat the old big old big old dog ate the big big dog heard the old dog the big cat saw the big old cat the big old big big big dog slept the 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cat heard the old old dog the old old old old cat slept the old big old old dog slept the big big big big cat slept the big big old old dog ate the dog saw the old big cat the old old big big dog ate the cat heard the big big cat the cat saw the old old cat the dog heard the big old cat the big big old big cat slept the big old big old dog slept the old old dog heard the cat the dog saw the old old dog the big big dog saw the dog the old old big old cat ate the old old big big cat slept the old old old big cat ate the old big big big dog slept the old cat heard the old cat the big big cat saw the cat the cat heard the big old dog the old dog heard the big dog the old big dog saw the dog the big dog saw the old cat the old old old old dog ate the dog saw the big big cat the old big big big dog ate the big old old old dog slept the big cat heard the big dog the old big dog heard the cat the big dog heard the big cat the old big cat saw the cat the dog heard the old big dog the big old big big cat ate the old old old big cat slept the old dog saw the old cat the big cat saw the big cat the old big old big dog slept the cat saw the big old cat the old big big old cat slept the big old cat heard the dog the big old big old dog ate the big old old big dog ate the dog saw the big old dog the old cat saw the big cat the cat heard the old old cat the big dog heard the old dog the old big big old cat ate the old big old big cat ate the big cat saw the old dog the big old big big dog slept the old big old old cat slept the old big old old dog ate the big big cat heard the dog the big old cat saw the dog the old cat saw the old dog the cat saw the old big dog the dog heard the big big dog the big old old old cat ate the big big big big cat ate the dog saw the old old cat the big big dog saw the cat the big old old big dog slept the old old cat saw the dog the big big big old dog ate the big big old big dog ate the big old big old cat slept the big big big old dog slept the old cat heard the big dog the cat heard the big old cat the old dog heard the big cat the old big dog saw the cat the big dog saw the big dog the old big big big cat slept the big cat heard the big cat the dog heard the old big cat the old old cat heard the dog the big old old old cat slept the old dog saw the big dog the big big old old dog slept the cat saw the big big dog the big big old old cat ate the old dog heard the old dog the big old dog heard the dog the old old big big cat ate the big old cat heard the cat the old big old big cat slept the old old big old dog slept the dog saw the big old cat the big cat heard the old dog the big dog heard the old cat the cat heard the old big dog the old old big old dog ate the dog heard the old old dog the old old old big dog ate the old big cat heard the dog the big cat saw the old cat the big old dog saw the dog the big big dog heard the dog the big big cat heard the cat the old old old old dog slept the big old big big cat slept the big old cat saw the cat the big big big big dog slept the old cat saw the old cat the cat saw the old big cat the dog heard the big big cat the old old dog saw the dog the big old big big dog ate the dog saw the old big dog the old old old old cat ate the old old big cat slept the big old big dog slept the big big old cat slept the cat heard the big cat the cat saw the old cat the old dog saw the dog the old cat saw the cat the old dog heard the dog the old cat heard the cat the big old old cat slept the old big big cat ate the cat heard the old dog the dog heard the old cat the old big old dog ate the old old big dog ate the big dog heard the dog the big cat heard the cat the dog saw the big cat the big big big cat slept the old old old cat ate the big cat saw the dog the big big big cat ate the dog saw the old dog the big big old dog ate the big old big dog ate the big old big cat slept the old big old dog slept the cat saw the big dog the old dog saw the cat the old dog heard the cat the old old old dog slept the big old old cat ate the cat heard the old cat the dog heard the big dog the big dog heard the cat the big dog saw the dog the old big big dog slept the old big big dog ate the big cat saw the cat the dog saw the old cat the old old big dog slept the cat saw the big cat the old big old cat slept the big big old dog slept the old big old cat ate the old old big cat ate the old old old dog ate the big big big dog ate the cat heard the big dog the cat saw the old dog the dog heard the big cat the old old old cat slept the big old old dog slept the old cat saw the dog the old cat heard the dog the dog heard the old dog the big dog saw the cat the big big old cat ate the big old big cat ate the big cat heard the dog the big old old dog ate the old big big cat slept the dog saw the big dog the big big big dog slept the cat heard the dog the big big cat ate the big old dog ate the old big dog ate the old old cat ate the cat saw the dog the dog heard the dog the cat heard the cat the big old dog slept the old old dog slept the dog saw the dog the big big dog ate the cat saw the cat the big big dog slept the big old cat ate the old big cat ate the dog heard the cat the old old dog ate the old big dog slept the big old cat slept the old old cat slept the dog saw the cat the big big cat slept the old big cat slept the old dog slept the big cat ate the big dog slept the old dog ate the old cat slept the big cat slept the big dog ate the old cat ate the cat ate the dog slept the cat slept the dog ate