dnd - Tk Drag and Drop Interface  


dnd bindtarget window
dnd bindtarget window type ?event?
dnd bindtarget window type event script ?priority?
dnd cleartarget window

dnd bindsource window
dnd bindsource window type
dnd bindsource window type script ?priority?
dnd clearsource window

dnd drag window ?-actions list ?-descriptions list?? ?-cursorwindow window? ?-callback script?



The dnd command provides a Tcl interface to native, platform specific drag and drop mechanism. Under unix the drag & drop protocol in use is the XDND protocol (also used by the QT toolkit, KDE & GNOME Desktops). Basic interaction (currently drops) with Motif applications is also provided. Under Windows, the OLE drag & drop interfaces are used. The Macindosh platform is not yet supported.

With the dnd command the user is able to register existing Tk widgets as drag sources or drop targets, that are able to send or receive data encoded in specific types. Also through this command drag and drop related information can be retrieved, regarding the drag and drop registered widgets.

The legal forms for the dnd command are:

dnd bindtarget window
This command will return a list of all the registered types that the specified window can accept during a drop operation. An empty list will be returned if the window is not yet registered as a drop target.
dnd bindtarget window type ?event?
This command will return a the binding script for the specified event. If event is not specified, it defaults to the <Drop> event. An empty string will be returned if the window is not yet registered as a drop target.
dnd bindtarget window type event script ?priority?
This command will register a binding script for the event specified by event and for the specified type. Valid events are any of the following events: <DragEnter>, <Drag>, <DragLeave>, <Ask> and <Drop>.

The events support modifiers as in Tk. You can use a combination of Shift, Alt, Meta, Control, Mod[1-5], Button[1-5] to bind specific scripts when these modifiers are used. As in Tk, the closest matching script will be executed. If there is no exact match, the following algorithm will be applied: find an event without key modifiers but with buttons modifiers, then find an event without buttons modifiers but with the key modifiers, then at last find an event without key modifiers and without buttons (i.e. a raw event as listed above).

The <DragEnter> event will be delivered when the mouse enters the window during a drag operartion. The <Drag> event will be delivered when the mouse moves inside the widget during a drag operartion and the <DragLeave> event will be delivered if the mouse pointer leaves the window during a drag operation. Finally, the <Drop> event will be delivered if a drop over the window occurs.

If there is already a binding script for the same event, this script is replaced by the new one. If the script is an empty string, then any previous binding script is deleted and the specified event is no longer reported to the specified window. The user can optionally specify a priority for this specific type (an integer value ranging from 1 to 100). Priorities have meaning only when more than one types are registered for the same event. During a drag operartion the specified event will be delivered by executing the binding script associated with the type that has the higher priority (or the lower integer value: priority 1 is the highest priority while 100 is the lowest available priority). If priority is ommited, it defaults to 50. If more than one types have the same priority, the actual type that will be used cannot be pre-determined.

dnd cleartarget window
This command will unregister a registered drop target. The window will stop to respond to drops and all binding scripts for all drop target related events will be removed. It is not an error to use this command on a window that has never been registered as a drop target.
dnd bindsource window
This command will return a list of all the registered types that the specified window can drop on drop targets during a drop operation. An empty list will be returned if the window is not yet registered as a drag source.
dnd bindsource window type
This command will return the binding script that will be used for collecting the data that will be dropped during a drop operartion onto the drop target. Each script is associated with a specific type, providing the ability to have different scripts for different types.
dnd bindsource window type script ?priority?
This command will register a binding script for the specified type. This binding script will be used during a drop operation, in order to provide the actual data that will be dropped to the drop target. As a result, this binding script must returns the data to be dropped and the returned data must be encoding in a proper format, according to the specified type.

If the script is an empty string, then the specified type will be removed from the type list of supported by the drag source types.

Finally, the user can arrange the types that the drag source supports according to priorities. Valid priorities are integers in the range [1,100], with 100 denoting the highest possible priority. If priority is ommited, it defaults to 50. If more than one types have the same priority, only one of them will be used for a drop action. In this case the actual type that will be used cannot be pre-determined.

dnd clearsource window
This command will unregister a registered drag source. Subsequent attempts to initiate drag operations from this window with the dnd drag command will fail. The binding script associated for retrieving the data will be removed. It is not an error to use this command on a window that has never been registered as a drag source.
dnd drag window ?-actions list ?-descriptions list?? ?-cursorwindow window? ?-callback script?
This command will initiate a drag operartion having as source a window registered as a drag source. It is an error to use this command with a window that has not been registered as a drag source.

The user can also specify a Cursor window. A Cursor window is a toplevel window that will appear near the mouse cursor and will follow the cursor, as the mouse cursor moves during the drag operation. This window must exist when the dnd drag command will be executed. If a Cursor window is specified, the user can also register a callback through the -callback option. This callback will be called when the mouse pointer is moved and can be used in order to update the contents of the window. All available substitutions can also be used with this callback. For more information please refer to the BINDING SCRIPTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS section. One difference with the usual substitutions is that in this context, the %A substitution can also take as value the empty string, meaning that the cursor is over a window that cannot accept a drop action. It is advised that this particular callback should be as fast as possible, as it is called very frequently. That is also the reason why the position of the cursor window is managed by the dnd drag command. Also, dnd drag command ensures that the cursor window will always be visible (above all other windows).

Finally, the user can optionally specify a list of actions that will be associated with the current drag and drop operation. Valid actions are the following: copy, move, link and ask. It is up to the drop target to deside which action will be actually used for the drop operartion. It is also responsibility of the drop target to do the required actions implied by the drop action. For example, if the drop action during a file name drop is move, the window that accepts the drop is responsible for deleting the old file and create the new file at the dropped location.

If the ask action is included in the specified action list, then the description list must be also specified. The meaning of the ask action is that when the drop finally occurs, the widget that will accept the drop should display a window that will enable the user to select the action that desires from the available list. The ask action should not be listed and also a way to cancel the drop should provided to the user. The descriptions provided with the description list are the text that should be displayed for the corresponding individual action entries in the presented window. As a result, the description list must contain the same number of items as the action list and the its text elements must describe the corresponding actions specified by the -actions option. For example, a drop that offers all available actions should be defined as follows:

dnd drag .dragSource -actions {ask copy move link} \ 
  -descriptions {{Please Select Action:} {Copy} {Move} {Link}



In order to declare the format that the data that will encoded during a drag and drop operation, all drag and drop protocols use the notion of types. Unfortunately, each protocol defines its own, usually platform specific, types. The Tk toolkit, trying to maintain its portability among different platforms, offers some predefined types for some basic kinds of data, like text, filenames and images. These types are represented by their MIME types and are available under all platforms that Tk is available. Currently, the following predifined values are available:

This is the type understood by the majority of applications. With this type plain ASCII strings can be transfered. The system encoding will be used in order these strings to be mapped from the utf-8 encoding into ASCII and from ASCII into utf-8 strings used internally by tcl.
With this type utf-8 strings can be transfered. No conversion is performed before the string is transmitted or after it is received.
This type is able to handle a list of filenames. The system encoding will be used in order to convert these strings from/to utf-8 strings.

Besides the predefined types, the user is free to use the platform specific types. For example under windows the type "FILENAME" can be used in order to receive a single filename from the Explorer or the type "NetscapeURL" can be used in order to receive a bookmark drop from Netscape Navigator. Under Unix, the type "FILE_NAME" can be used in order to receive a filename from a Motif application. The dnd command will make no conversion to types other than the predefined ones. Instead it will place received data into tcl byte-arrays and extract data from tcl after it converts objects into byte-arrays. Also note that the script should make the proper arrangements in order to maintain portability under different platforms. Procceed with platform depended types only if you are absolutely sure that the data you want to excange is not supported by the predefined, platform independed, types.



Any script argument to dnd is a Tcl script, which will be executed in order for the given event to be delivered to the associated window. The script will be executed in the same interpreter that the dnd command was executed in order to specify the binding, and it will run at global level (only global variables will be accessible).

If script contains any % characters, then the script will not be executed directly. Instead, a new script will be generated by replacing each %, and the character following it, with information from the current event. The replacement depends on the character following the %, as defined in the list below. Some of the substitutions are only valid for certain types of events; if they are used for other types of events the value substituted is the empty string.

Replaced with a single percent.
The current action of the drag and drop operation.
The action list supported by the drag source.
The mouse button that is pressed during a drag and drop operation. Note that always a single mouse button is reported as pressed, even if more than one mouse buttons are actually pressed.
The data that has been dropped. Under some platforms the data will be available before the drop has occured. The format of the data is the current type of the drop operation.
The list of descriptions, provided by the drag source. If not empty, it provides description text for the actions supported by the drag source.
The list of modifier keyboard keys that are pressed. Modifier keys are some special keys, like Shift, Control or Alt. Valid modifiers are "Shift", "Control", "Alt", "Meta", "Mod1", "Mod2", "Mod3", "Mod4" and "Mod5". It is useful for binding scripts of drop target events to examine this list of modifiers, as it is quite usuall to change the action according to the state of some modifier keys. An alternative is to use modifiers directly when defining an event into the bindtarget command.
The current type of the drag and drop operation.
The window that the event is delivered to.
The mouse pointer x coordinate, relative to the root window.
The mouse pointer x coordinate, relative to the window that receives the event.
The mouse pointer y coordinate, relative to the root window.
The mouse pointer y coordinate, relative to the window that receives the event.



There are four events that are associated with drop targets and a single event associated with drag sources. The four events that are delivered to drop targets are:

The binding script associated with this event will be executed when the mouse pointer during a drag operation enters the widget and at least one of the types supported by the drag source is supported as a drop target by the widget. The binding script is responsible for changing the appearence of the widget, according to whether the widget will accept the drop or not. If the widget will accept the drop, the return value of this script must be a value of the action list supported by the drag source (which can be obtained with %A), the current action (which can be obtained with %a), "private" or "default". If the widget will not accept the drop, then "none" must be returned. In the special case where the widget refuses the drop at the particular point that the mouse pointer is currently over but wants to be requested again when the mouse moves, the binding script must return a break code:

return -code break action

The main use of this feature is the ability to allow drops over specific items of a canvas widget.

The binding script associated with this event will be executed when the mouse pointer during a drag operation moves over the widget and at least one of the types supported by the drag source is supported as a drop target by the widget. The binding script is responsible for reporting if the widget will accept a drop at the specific location that the mouse pointer is currently over. If the widget is going to accept a drop, the return value must be the action that will be used for the drop. This action must be an action also supported by the drag source, whose list of supported actions canbe obtained by the %a substitution. If the widget wants to utilise an action not supported by the drag source, the action "private" must be returned. If you want to use the default action specified by the user, the action "default" must be returned. If the widget does not want a drop to occur over the specific coordinates that the mouse pointer is currently over, "none" should be returned. The <Drag> event will be reported to the widget again, when the mouse pointer moves.
The binding script associated with this event will be executed when the mouse pointer during a drag operation leaves the widget. The only responsibility of this script is to reset the visual appearence of the widget to its default state. This event will also be delivered if the mouse pointer is inside a widget that accepts drop during a drag operation and the whole drag nad drop operation is canceled (i.e. by pressing the Escape keyboard key).
The binding script associated with this event will be executed when the mouse button during a drag operation has been released (meaning a drop), over a widget that can accept a drop of the specific type and the "ask" action. This event is only delivered if the drop action is ask. The main responsibility of the script is to get the actions supported by the drag source and their descriptions (through %a and %d respectively) and to display a dialog where the user can select the actual action that will be used for the drop operartion. The return value of the script must be the selected by the user action or "none" if the user canceled the drop.

It is an error to return the action "ask". If a binding script is not registered for this event, then this functionality will be provided by the Tk core library.

The binding script associated with this event will be executed when the mouse button is release over a widget that can accept a drop of the specific type and action. In simple words, when a drop occurs over a widget that can accept the data. The binding script is responsible for reseting the visual appearence of the widget to its default state and to handle the dropped data. The dropped data can be obtained through the %D substitution directive.



In order to register a data type that can be handled by a target window, the bindtarget option can be used. For example, to handle plain dropped text, the following command can be used:

dnd bindtarget .tgt text/plain <Drop> {puts "Drop-Action=%A, Data=%D"}

When a drop occurs from a source that supports the "text/plain" type, the script associated with the <Drop> event will be executed. In this case, if the dropped data was a sentence such as "The quick brown fox jumped over the moon", the command that will be executed is:

puts {Drop-Action=copy, Data="The quick brown fox jumped over the moon"}

You can specify anything as a data type. The recommended names that can be used as data types are the corresponding MIME types. Internally, the MIME types will be converted to the apropriate types understood by the operating system. For example, if the user requests the type text/plain, the dnd command passes the type "text/plain" to the X server under unix (the XDND protocol defines types by their mime type names). But under windows, the type CF_TEXT will be registered. CF_TEXT is a special type that represents all simple ASCII text that can be dragged and dropped. Creating a handler for CF_TEXT on a window will allow that window to handle text drags and drops from another OLE enabled application that also uses the standard CF_TEXT mechanism. The user can also request explicitly to use the type "CF_TEXT". But such an approach will not be portable.

Some common types the are currently supported by the current version of tkDND are "text/uri-list" for dragging and dropping files, "text/plain;charset=utf-8" for handling utf-8 text and "image/xpm" for transfering images. Please refer to the section "DRAG AND DROP TYPES" for more information. Some other Windows specific common types for dragging and dropping to and from web browsers are "UniformResourceLocator" and "Netscape Bookmark". The type "FileName" is used by Explorer to drag and drop a single file. (Note that this type will transfer a single file. Many files (or just one file) can be transfered with the predefined type "text/uri-list")

You can register more than a single type to be handled by a window. Just run the command again with a different data type. Here is another example for the same window:

dnd bindtarget .tgt TK_COLOR <Drop> {.tgt config -bg %D}

In this case, if a an object gets dropped on window .tgt, .tgt will ask the source if it supports either text/plain or TK_COLOR. If it does, it will run the script for the match. It is possible that more than one type would be matched between the source and target. For this case, you can use the priority option to specify the order in which you want the search for matches to occur. Priorities range from 1 to 100. 1 is the highest priority, 50 is the default priority, and 100 is the lowest priority. If two target data types have the same priority, it is undetermined which one will be checked for first. In the above example, if you want to check for the TK_COLOR datatype before text/plain, give a higher priority to the TK_COLOR datatype:

dnd bindtarget .tgt TK_COLOR <Drop> {.tgt config -bg %D} 1



For drag sources, the data types that can be provided by a window can be registered with the bindsource option. For example, in order to register a window as a drop source for ASCII text, the follwowing command can be used:

dnd bindsource .src text/plain {return "Some text"}

More than one datatype can be registered with a source window. To go along with our example, setup the window as a provider of data of type "TK_COLOR":

dnd bindsource .src TK_COLOR {return red}



Now that both the target window and the source window have been configured, one as a data source and the other as a drop area, we still need to do something to initiate the drag operation. If the application that is being dragged from is not part of Tk, we let it handle the drag & drop operation. If we want to drag something from the ".src" window to the ".tgt" window, we must initiate the drag and drop operation with the drag option. Here, we start the operation on a press of mouse button 1.

bind .src <1> {dnd drag %W}

Once button 1 is pressed on the ".src" window, the drag operation begins. When the button is released, a different button is pressed, or a modifier key is pressed during the operation, then a drop operation occurs. If the drop occurs over a window that has a type that matches the source window, then the script for the source window gets run first. If you do not want the source window to send data, it can do a:

return -code break

If the return value is not an error or a break code, the target window script for the matched datatype is then run. For the example above, the datatype that matched would be "TK_COLOR". First, the script registered for data type "TK_COLOR" on window ".src" would be executed. This is the "return red" statement. The string "red" will now substitute the "%D" token to the command for the datatype "TK_COLOR" on the target window .tgt. The command that will be executed will be:

In our simple example, the background color of the .tgt window will be changed to red on a drag and drop operation from the .src window to the .tgt window.



During drops from Motif applications, the only action that is allowed is the copy action.

If during a drag operation the mouse pointer is over a foreign window and the application that owns the window crashes, we may end with a BadWindow error, as it is very possible messages delivered to that window to exist in the message queue of the X Server.



dnd, drag and drop, shape, update




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Time: 19:27:04 GMT, July 13, 2000