ICDAR 2013
Document Image Skew Estimation Contest (DISEC'13)


The performance evaluation will be based on a well established technique for document skew estimation. More specifically, we will take into consideration the skew angle average error deviation, the number of correct estimations (accuracy of less than 0.1º) and the number of good estimations (accuracy of less than 0.2º). The participant is asked to provide a console application that calculates the skew for document images. For every document in the benchmarking dataset, the distance between the estimation of the provided executable and the groundtruth will be calculated and a ranked list will be produced. The evaluation will record the accuracy and the efficiency of the participant's methodology.

Site maintained by A. Papandreou, email: alexpap<at>iit<dot>demokritos<dot>gr
Last update: 10/01/2013