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TRANSKRIBUS platform wins EU Horizon Impact Award 2020
The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications is proud to announce that the TRANSKRIBUS project of the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL - DIA) won a Horizon Impact Award 2020 in a special session during the European Research and Innovation Days (22 – 24 September 2020). Details


CIL - DIA co-organized the DAS 2016 workshop
Dr. B. Gatos from the Computational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL) of IIT, in cooperation with A. Antonacopoulos from the University of Salford, UK, organized the 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems at Santorini, Greece. Dates: Mon, 11/04/2016 - 14/04/2016, Santorini, Greece. Visit the workshop website


CIL - DIA co-organized ICFHR 2014 conference
Dr B. Gatos (CIL) co-chaired the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2014), which took place in the island of Crete. The ICFHR provides a forum for researchers in the areas of on-line and off-line handwriting recognition, pen-based interface systems, form processing, handwritten-based digital libraries, and web document access and retrieval. Visit the conference website


25 April 2012: Best PhD Thesis Prize was awarded to Nikolaos Stamatopoulos
IIT PhD student Dr. Nikolaos Stamatopoulos was awarded the "Best PhD Thesis of 2011 Award in the area of Informatics and Telematics" in a competition organised by the Information Technologies Institute (ITI) at CERTH. His PhD thesis, entitled "Optical Processing and Analysis of Historical Documents", was supervised by senior Researcher Basilis Gatos of IIT. This is the second consecutive year, a student from IIT gets the Best PhD Thesis Prize.


B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis received a distinction from Pattern Recognition Journal (Elsevier)
The publication titled "Adaptive Degraded Document Image Binarization" (Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, pp. 317-327, 2006), received a distinction from the Publishing Director of Elsevier B.V. as one of Pattern Recognition's top cited articles published between 2006 and 2010.

bulletComputational Intelligence Laboratory (CIL - DIA) at HELEXPO 2006. Photo



bulletNewspaper Article (Ethnos 6/11/2005) about CIL - DIA. Download


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 Last updated: 24-04-2021.