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Book Chapters
B. Gatos, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, G.
Retsinas, G. Sfikas, A. Giotis, F. Simistira Liwicki, V. Papavassiliou and V.
Katsouros, "OldDocPro: Old Greek Document Recognition", Chapter in
Handwritten Historical Document Analysis, Recognition, and Retrieval — State of
the Art and Future Trends (Series in Machine Perception and Artificial
Intelligence), pp. 157-174, 2020.
A. L. Kesidis and B. Gatos, "Providing Access to
Old Greek Documents Using Keyword Spotting Techniques", Chapter in Visual
Computing for Cultural Heritage (Springer Series on Cultural Computing book
series), pp 85-102, 2020.
N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos,
"Handwriting Segmentation", Chapter in Document Analysis And Text
Recognition: Benchmarking State-of-the-art Systems, World Scientific, volume
82, pp. 29-64, 2018.
G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos,
"Writer Identification", Chapter in Document Analysis And Text Recognition:
Benchmarking State-of-the-art Systems, World Scientific, volume 82, pp.
121-154, 2018.
B. Gatos, "Imaging Techniques in Document Analysis
Processes", Chapter in Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition
(David S. Doermann, Karl Tombre, eds.), Springer, pp.73–131, 2014.
I. Pratikakis, A. Bolovinou, B. Gatos and S. J.
Perantonis, "Semantics Extraction from Images, Chapter in Knowledge-Driven
Multimedia Information Extraction and Ontology Evolution - Bridging the Semantic
Gap (Georgios Paliouras, Constantine D. Spyropoulos, George Tsatsaronis,
eds.), Springer, volume 6050, pp. 50–88, 2011.
I. Pratikakis, I. Vanhamel, H, Sahli, B, Gatos and
S. Perantonis, "Content-based image retrieval: A region-driven approach",
Chapter in Recent advances in applied signals, systems and image processing
(Karras Dimitrios A., ed.), Springer, 2009.
I. Pratikakis, I. Vanhamel,H. Sahli, B. Gatos and
S. J. Perantonis, "Watershed-driven region-based image retrieval", Chapter in
Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years on, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 207–216,
G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B.
Gatos "Efficient Learning-Free Keyword Spotting", IEEE transactions on
pattern analysis and machine intelligence, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 1587-1600,
2019. Download
G. Muehlberger, L. Seaward, M. Terras, S. Ares
Oliveira, V. Bosch, M. Bryan, S. Colutto, H. Déjean, M. Diem, S.Fiel,B. Gatos,
A. Greinoecker, T. Grüning, G. Hackl, V. Haukkovaara, G. Heyer, L. Hirvonen, T.
Hodel, M. Jokinen, P. Kahle, M. Kallio, F. Kaplan, F. Kleber, R. Labahn, E.M.
Lang, S. Laube, G. Leifert, G. Louloudis, R. McNicholl,J.-L. Meunier, J.
Michael, E. Mühlbauer, N. Philipp, I. Pratikakis, J. Puigcerver Pérez, H. Putz,
G. Retsinas, V. Romero, R. Sablatnig, J. A. Sánchez, P. Schofield, G. Sfikas, C.
Sieber, N. Stamatopoulos, T. Strauß, T. Terbul, A. H. Toselli, B. Ulreich, M.
Villegas, E. Vidal, J. Walcher, M. Weidemann, H. Wurster and K. Zagoris,
"Transforming Scholarship in the Archives Through Handwritten Text Recognition:
Transkribus as a Case Study", Journal of Documentation, Vol. 75, No. 5,
pp. 954-976, 2019. Download
A. Giotis, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou, "A
survey of document image word spotting techniques", Pattern Recognition,
Vol. 68, pp. 310-332, 2017. Download
K. Zagoris, I. Pratikakis and B. Gatos,
"Unsupervised Word Spotting in Historical Handwritten Document Images Using
Document-Oriented Local Features", IEEE Trans. Image Processing, Vol. 26,
No. 8, pp. 4032-4041, 2017. Download
T. Konidaris, A. Kesidis and B. Gatos, "A
segmentation-free word spotting method for historical printed documents", Pattern
Analysis and Applications, Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 963-976,
2016. Download
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis "A
combined approach for the binarization of handwritten document images",
Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 35, pp. 3 - 15, 2014.
K. Zagoris, I. Pratikakis, A. Antonacopoulos, B.
Gatos and N. Papamarkos "Distinction between handwritten and machine-printed
text based on the bag of visual words model ", Pattern Recognition , Vol.
47, Issue 3, pp. 1051-1062, 2014. Download
A Papandreou, B Gatos, SJ Perantonis and I
Gerardis “Efficient skew detection of printed document images based on novel
combination of enhanced profiles”, International Journal on Document Analysis
and Recognition (IJDAR), Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 433-454, 2014.
A Papandreou and B. Gatos “Slant estimation and
core-region detection for handwritten Latin words”, Pattern Recognition
Letters, Vol. 35, pp. 16-22, 2014.
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "Performance Evaluation Methodology for Historical Document Image Binarization",
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 22, No. 2, pp 595 -609,
2013. Download
M. Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis,
“Detection of Artificial and Scene Text in Images and Video Frames”, Pattern
Analysis and Applications, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 431-446,
2013. Download
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, “Performance Evaluation Methodology for Document Image Dewarping Techniques”, IET
Image Processing, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 738-745, 2012.
B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis,
“ICDAR2009 handwriting segmentation contest”, International Journal on
Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), special issue on performance
evaluation, Vol.14, No. 1, pp. 25-33, 2011.
B. Gatos, K. Ntirogiannis, I. Pratikakis, “DIBCO
2009: document image binarization contest”, International Journal on Document
Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), special issue on performance evaluation,
Vol.14, No. 1, pp. 35-44, 2011. Download
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S.J.
Perantonis, “Goal-oriented Rectification of Camera-Based Document Images”, IEEE
Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 910-920, 2011.
A. Kesidis, E. Galiotou, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis,
“A word spotting framework for historical machine-printed documents”,
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), vol.
14, no. 2, pp. 131-144, 2011. Download
Vamvakas, B. Gatos, S. J. Perantonis, "Handwritten character recognition through
two-stage foreground sub-sampling", Pattern Recognition, Vol.
43, Issue 8, pp. 2807-2816, 2010. Download
Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, "A two-stage scheme for text detection
in video images", Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 28 , Issue 9, pp.
1413-1426, 2010. Download
Nikolaou, M. Makridis, B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, N. Papamarkos, "Segmentation
of historical machine-printed documents using Adaptive Run Length Smoothing and
skeleton segmentation paths", Image and Vision Computing,
Vol. 28 , Issue 4, pp. 590-604, 2010.
Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos, S. J. Perantonis, "A method for combining complementary
techniques for document image segmentation", Pattern Recognition, Vol.
42, Issue 12, pp. 3158-3168, 2009.
Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, C. Halatsis, "Text line and word
segmentation of handwritten documents", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42,
Issue 12, pp. 3169-3183, 2009.
Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, C. Halatsis, "Text line detection in
handwritten documents", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 41, Issue 12, pp.
3758-3772, 2008. Download
Ntzios, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, T. Konidaris and S.J. Perantonis, "An Old Greek
Handwritten OCR System based on an Efficient Segmentation-free Approach", International Journal on Document Analysis and
Recognition (IJDAR), special issue on historical documents, Vol. 9,
No. 2-4, pp. 179-192, 2007. Download
Konidaris, B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, S. Theodoridis and S. J.
Perantonis, "Keyword-Guided Word Spotting in Historical Printed Documents Using
Synthetic Data and User feedback", International Journal on Document Analysis and
Recognition (IJDAR), special issue on historical documents, Vol. 9, No. 2-4,
pp. 167-177, 2007. Download
Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "Adaptive Degraded Document Image
Binarization", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 39, pp. 317-327, 2006.
Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, S. Petridis, T. Konidaris and S. J. Perantonis,
"An Efficient Segmentation-free Approach to Assist Old Greek Handwritten
Manuscript OCR ", Pattern Analysis and
Applications (PAA), Vol. 8, Num. 4, pp. 305-320, 2006.
Pratikakis, Ι. Vanhamel, Η., Sahli, B. Gatos and S. Perantonis,
"Unsupervised watershed-driven region-based image retrieval",
IEE Vision Image and Signal Processing, Special Issue on Knowledge-based
digital media processing, vol. 153, Issue 3, pp. 313-322, 2006.
Perantonis, B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, I. Vrettaros, A. Drigas, C.
Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis and D. Kalomirakis, "Digitization, Processing and
Recognition of Old Greek Manuscripts (The D- SCRIBE Project)", International
Journal Information Theories & Applications (IJ ITA), Vol. 11, No 3,
pp.232-240, 2004. Download
Perantonis, B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, I. Vrettaros, A.S. Drigas, C.
Emmanouilidis, A. Kesidis, D. Kalomirakis, "A System for Processing and
Recognition of Old Greek Manuscripts (The D-SCRIBE Project)", WSEAS
Transactions on Computers, Issue 6, Volume 3, pp. 2049-2057, 2004.
B. Gatos,
N. Papamarkos, I. Andreadis and S. J. Perantonis, "Fast Implementation of Morphological
Operations Using Image Block Decomposition", International Journal of Image and
Graphics (IJIG), Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 183-202, 2004. Download
B. Gatos, S.L.
Mantzaris, S.J. Perantonis and A. Tsigris, "Automatic page analysis for the
creation of a digital library from newspaper archives", International Journal on
Digital Libraries (IJODL), Vol. 3(1), pp. 77-84, 2000.
S. J. Perantonis, B.
Gatos and N. Papamarkos, "Block decomposition and segmentation for fast Hough
transform evaluation", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 32(5), pp. 811-824,
B. Gatos, N.
Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "A binary tree based OCR technique for machine
printed characters", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,
10, No. 4, pp. 403-412, 1997. Download
B. Gatos, N.
Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "Using curvature features in a multiclassifier OCR
system", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10, No. 2,
pp. 213-224, 1997. Download
B. Gatos, N.
Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "Skew detection and text line position determination
in digitized documents", Pattern Recognition, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 1505-1519,
1997. Download
B. Gatos, S. J.
Perantonis and N. Papamarkos, "Accelerated Hough transform using rectangular
image decomposition", Electronics Letters, Vol. 32, No. 8, pp. 730-732,
N. Papamarkos and B. Gatos, "A new approach
for multilevel threshold selection", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image
Processing - Graphical Models and Image Processing, Vol. 56, No. 5, pp. 357-370,
Sept. 1994. Download
G. Matidis, B. Gatos, A.L. Kesidis and P.
Kaddas, "Detecting Text on Historical Maps by Selecting Best Candidates
of Deep Neural Networks Output", 17th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), LNCS 14191, pp.
358-367, 2023.
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, P. Dimitrakopoulos,
B. Gatos and C. Nikou, "Shared-Operation Hypercomplex Networks for
Handwritten Text Recognition", 17th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), LNCS 14190, pp.
200-216, 2023.
P. Kaddas, K. Palaiologos, B. Gatos, V.
Katsouros and K. Christopoulou, "A System for Processing and Recognition
of Greek Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Documents", 17th International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), LNCS
14190, pp. 366-376, 2023.
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas and B. Gatos,
"Document Binarization with Quaternionic Double Discriminator Generative
Adversarial Network", 17th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), International Workshop on Machine
Learning (4th edition), LNCS 14194, pp. 272-284, 2023.
P. Kaddas, B. Gatos, K. Palaiologos, K.
Christopoulou and K. Kritsis, "Text Line Detection and Recognition of
Greek Polytonic Documents", 17th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2023), International Workshop on Machine
Learning (4th edition), LNCS 14194, pp. 213-225, 2023.
P. Kaddas and B. Gatos, “Using Multi-Level
Segmentation Features for Document Image Classification”, 15th
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022), pp.
702-712, 2022. Download
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, A.Giotis, B. Gatos
and C. Nikou, "Keyword Spotting with Quaternionic ResNet: Application to
Spotting in Greek Manuscripts", 15th International Workshop on
Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022), pp. 382-396, 2022.
G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B.Gatos and C.
Nikou, “Best Practices for a Handwritten Text Recognition System”,
15th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022),
pp. 247-259, 2022. Download
G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B.Gatos and C.
Nikou, “On-the-Fly Deformations for Keyword Spotting”, 15th
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022), pp.
338-351, 2022. Download
B. Gatos, G. Sfikas, P. Kaddas and G.
Retsinas, “CULDILE: Cultural Dimensions of Deep Learning, A Document
Analysis System for Historical Documents”, 15th International
Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022), Short Paper
Booklet, pp. 12-15, 2022.
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas and B. Gatos,
"Exploring Uses of Normalizing Flows for Document Image Processing: Text
Super-resolution and Binarization", 15th International Workshop on
Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2022), Short Paper Booklet, pp.
16-19, 2022.
G. Sfikas, G.Retsinas, B. Gatos and C. Nikou, "Hypercomplex Generative
Adversarial Networks for Lightweight Semantic Labeling", 3rd
International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial
Intelligence (ICPRAI 2022), pp. 251-262, 2022.
M. Diem, F. Kleber, R. Sablatnig and B. Gatos, "cBAD: ICDAR2019
Competition on Baseline Detection", 15th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2019), pp. 1494-1498,
A.M. Sichani, P. Kaddas, G. Mikros and B. Gatos, "OCR
for Greek polytonic (multi accent) historical
printed documents: development, optimization and quality control",
3rd International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural
Heritage (DATeCH 2019), pp. 9-13, 2019.
G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Sfikas and B. Gatos,
"An Alternative Deep
Feature Approach to Line Level Keyword Spotting",
2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp.
12658-12666, 2019. Download
P. Kaddas and B. Gatos, "A Deep Convolutional
Encoder-Decoder Network for Page Segmentation of
Historical Handwritten Documents Into Text Zones",
16th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR 2018), pp.259-264, 2018.
G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos,
"Compact Deep Descriptors
for Keyword Spotting", 16th International
Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting
Recognition (ICFHR 2018), pp. 315-320, 2018.
G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos,
"Exploring critical
aspects of CNN-based keyword spotting. A PHOCNet study",
13th IAPR International Workshop on Document
Analysis Systems (DAS 2018), pp. 13-18,
2018. Download
I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, P. Kaddas and B. Gatos, "ICFHR 2018
Competition on Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2018)",
16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR 2018), pp. 489-493, 2018.Download
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas and B. Gatos, "A PHOC Decoder for Lexicon-Free
Handwritten Word Recognition", 14th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), pp. 513-518, 2017.
G. Retsinas, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis, G. Sfikas and B. Gatos,
"Nonlinear Manifold Embedding on Keyword Spotting Using t-SNE", 14th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2017), pp. 487-492, 2017. Download
I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, G. Barlas and B. Gatos, "ICDAR2017
Competition on Document Image Binarization (DIBCO 2017)", 14th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2017), pp. 1395-1403, 2017. Download
M. Diem, F. Kleber, S. Fiel, T. Grüning and B. Gatos, "cBAD: ICDAR2017
Competition on Baseline Detection", 14th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), pp. 1355-1360, 2017.
S. Fiel, F. Kleber, M. Diem, V. Christlein, G. Louloudis, S. Nikos and
B. Gatos, "ICDAR2017 Competition on Historical Document Writer
Identification (Historical-WI)", 14th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2017), pp. 1377-1382, 2017.
G. Sfikas, B. Gatos and C.Nikou, "SemiCCA: A New Semi-Supervised
Probabilistic CCA Model for Keyword Spotting", International
Conference on Image processing (ICIP 2017), Beijing, China,
pp. 1107-1111, 2017. Download
G. Retsinas, G. Sfikas, B. Gatos, "Transferable Deep Features for
Keyword Spotting", International Workshop on Computational
Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, held in conjunction with
the 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Kos,
Greece, 2 (2), 89, 2017. Download
B. Gatos, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and G. Sfikas, "Historical
Document Processing", ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
(DocEng'17) tutorial, pp. 1 - 2, 2017.
G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas and B. Gatos, "Zoning Aggregated Hypercolumns for
Keyword Spotting", 15th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR’16), pp. 283-288, 2016.
I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, B. Gatos, J. Puigcerver, A.H. Toselli and E.
Vidal, "ICFHR2016 Handwritten Keyword Spotting Competition (H-KWS
2016)", 15th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting
Recognition (ICFHR’16), pp. 613-618, 2016.
I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, G. Barlas and B. Gatos, "ICFHR2016
Handwritten Document Image Binarization Contest (H-DIBCO 2016)", 15th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR’16), pp. 619-623, 2016. Download
G. Sfikas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos, "Bayesian mixture
models on connected components for Newspaper article segmentation",
ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'16), pp. 143 - 146,
2016. Download
G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos, "Efficient
Document Image Segmentation Representation by Approximating Minimum-Link
Polygons", 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’16), pp. 293 - 298, 2016.
G. Louloudis, G. Sfikas, N. Stamatopoulos and B.
Gatos, "Word Segmentation Using the Student’s-t Distribution", 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’16), pp. 78 - 83, 2016.
V. Katsouros, V. Papavassiliou, F. Simistira and B. Gatos, "Recognition of Greek Polytonic on Historical Degraded
Texts Using HMMs", 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’16), pp. 346-351, 2016.
A. Papandreou, B. Gatos and K. Zagoris, "An Adaptive Zoning Technique
for Word Spotting Using Dynamic Time Warping", 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’16), pp. 387 - 392, 2016.
G. Retsinas, G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B.
Gatos, "Keyword Spotting in Handwritten Documents Using Projections of
Oriented Gradients", 12th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’16), pp. 411 - 416, 2016.
B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis, G. Sfikas, G. Retsinas, F.
Simistira, V. Papavassiliou and V. Katsouros, "GRPOLY-DB: An Old Greek
Polytonic Document Image Database", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 646 - 650, 2015.
A. Giotis, G. Sfikas, C. Nikou and B. Gatos, "Shape-based Word Spotting
in Handwritten Document Images", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 561 - 565, 2015.
G. Retsinas, B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos and G. Louloudis, "Isolated
Character Recognition using Projections of Oriented Gradients", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 336 - 340, 2015.
G. Sfikas, A. Giotis, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos, "Using Attributes for
Word Spotting and Recognition in Polytonic Greek Documents", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 686 - 690, 2015.
F. Simistira, A. Hassan, V. Papavassiliou, B. Gatos, V. Katsouros and M.
Liwicki, "Recognition of Historical Greek Polytonic Scripts Using LSTM
Networks", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 766 - 770, 2015.
N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos, "Goal-Oriented Performance
Evaluation Methodology for Page Segmentation Techniques", 13th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2015), pp. 281 - 285, 2015.
G. Retsinas, B. Gatos, A. Antonacopoulos, G. Louloudis and N.
Stamatopoulos, "Historical Typewritten Document Recognition Using
Minimal User Interaction", 3rd International Workshop on Historical
Document Imaging and Processing (HIP 2015), pp. 31 - 38, 2015.
Konstantinos Zagoris, Ioannis Pratikakis and Basilis Gatos, "A Framework
for Efficient Transcription of Historical Documents Using Keyword
Spotting", 3rd International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging
and Processing (HIP 2015), pp. 9 - 14, 2015.
B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and S. Perantonis “H-DocPro: a
document image processing platform for historical documents”, First
International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage
(DATECH’14), pp. 131-136, 2014.
A Papandreou, B Gatos, G Louloudis “An adaptive zoning technique for
efficient word retrieval using dynamic time warping”, First
International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage
(DATECH’14), pp. 147-152, 2014.
B. Gatos, G. Louloudis, T. Causer, K. Grint, V. Romero, J. A. Sánchez,
A. Toselli, E. Vidal “Ground-Truth Production in the Transcriptorium
Project”, 11th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS’14), pp. 237-241, 2014.
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis "ICFHR2014 Competition on
Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2014)", 14th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR’14), pp. 809-813, 2014.
I. Pratikakis, K. Zagoris, B. Gatos, G. Louloudis and N. Stamatopoulos "ICFHR
2014 Competition on Handwritten KeyWord Spotting (H-KWS 2014)", 14th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR’14), pp. 814-819, 2014.
K. Zagoris, I. Pratikakis and B. Gatos "Segmentation-based Historical
Handwritten Word Spotting using Document-Specific Local Features",
14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR’14), pp. 9-14, 2014.
N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos “A Novel Transcript Mapping
Technique for Handwritten Document Images”, 14th International
Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'14), pp.
41-46, 2014. Download
B. Gatos, G. Louloudis and N. Stamatopoulos “Segmentation of Historical
Handwritten Documents into Text Zones and Text Lines”, 14th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR'14), pp. 464-469, 2014.
I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos and K. Ntirogiannis, “ICDAR 2013 document image
binarization contest (DIBCO 2013)”, 12th International
Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2013), pp.
1471 - 1476, 2013. Download
A. Papandreou, B. Gatos, G. Louloudis and N. Stamatopoulos “ICDAR 2013
Document Image Skew Estimation Contest (DISEC 2013)”, 12th
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2013), pp. 1444 - 1448, 2013.
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos, G. Louloudis, U. Pal and A. Alaei, “ICDAR
2013 Handwriting Segmentation Contest“, 12th International Conference
on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2013), pp. 1402 - 1406,
2013. Download
A. Papandreou and B. Gatos, “A Coarse to Fine Skew Estimation Technique
for Handwritten Words”, 12th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2013), pp. 225 - 229, 2013.
G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos and A. Papandreou, "ICDAR 2013
Competition on Writer Identification Document Analysis and Recognition",
12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR
2013), pp. 1397 - 1401, 2013.
J.A. Sánchez, G. Mühlberger, B. Gatos, P. Schofield, K. Depuydt, R.M.
Davis and E. Vidal “TranScriptorium: a european project on handwritten
text recognition”, 2013 ACM symposium on Document engineering, pp
227-228, 2013. Download
G. Louloudis, B. Gatos and N. Stamatopoulos, “ICFHR2012 Competition on
Writer Identification - Challenge 1: Latin/Greek Documents”, 13th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR'12), pp. 825-830, Bari, Italy, September 2012.
I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos and K. Ntirogiannis, "ICFHR 2012 Competition on
Handwritten Document Image Binarization (H-DIBCO 2012)", 13th
International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR'12), pp. 813-818, Bari, Italy, September 2012.
K. Zagoris, I. Pratikakis, A. Antonacopoulos, B. Gatos and N. Papamarkos,
"Handwritten and Machine Printed Text Separation in Document Images using
the Bag of Visual Words Paradigm", 13th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'12), pp. 103-108, Bari, Italy,
September 2012. Download
G. Louloudis, A. L. Kesidis and B. Gatos, “Efficient word retrieval using
a multiple ranking combination scheme”, 10th International Workshop on
Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2012), pp. 379-383, Gold Coast, Australia,
March 2012. Download
A. Papandreou and B. Gatos, “Word Slant Estimation Using Non-Horizontal
Character Parts And Core-Region Information”, 10th International Workshop
on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2012), pp. 307-311, Gold Coast,
Australia, March 2012. Download
B. Gatos, G. Louloudis and N. Stamatopoulos, “Greek Polytonic OCR Based on
Efficient Character Class Number Reduction”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 1155 - 1159,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
B. Gatos, A. Kesidis and A. Papandreou, “Adaptive Zoning Features for
Character and Word Recognition”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 1160 - 1164,
Beijing, China, September 2011.
A. Kesidis and B. Gatos, “Efficient Cut-Off Threshold Estimation for Word
Spotting Applications”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 279 - 283,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
K. Ntirogiannis,
B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, “Binarization of Textual Content in Video
Frames”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 673 - 677,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
A. Papandreou and B. Gatos, “A Novel Skew Detection Technique Based on
Vertical Projections”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 384 - 388,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
S. Colutto and B. Gatos, “Efficient Word Recognition Using a
Pixel-Based Dissimilarity Measure”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 1110 - 1114,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
I. Pratikakis,
B. Gatos and K. Ntirogiannis, “ICDAR 2011 Document Image Binarization
Contest (DIBCO 2011)”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 1506 - 1510,
Beijing, China, September 2011. Download
G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos, “ICDAR 2011 Writer
Identification Contest”, 11th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2011), pp. 1475 - 1479,
Beijing, China, September 2011.
B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos and G. Louloudis, “ICFHR 2010 Handwriting
Segmentation Contest”, 12th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'10), pp. 737-742, Kolkata, India, November
2010. Download
I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos, K. Ntirogiannis, “H-DIBCO 2010 – Handwritten
Document Image Binarization Competition”, 12th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'10), pp. 727-732, Kolkata,
India, November 2010. Download
N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos, “Efficient Transcript Mapping
to Ease the Creation of Document Image Segmentation Ground Truth with
Text-Image Alignment”, 12th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'10), pp. 226-231, Kolkata, India, November
2010. Download
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos and T. Georgiou, “Page Frame Detection for
Double Page Document Images”, 9th International Workshop on Document
Analysis Systems (DAS'10), pp. 401-408, Boston, MA, USA, June 2010.
G. Vamvakas, N. Stamatopoulos, B Gatos and S.J. Perantonis, “Automatic
Unsupervised Parameter Selection for Character Segmentation”, 9th
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'10), pp. 409-415,
Boston, MA, USA, June 2010. Download
B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos and G. Louloudis, "ICDAR2009 Handwriting
Segmentation Contest", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 1393-1397,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
B. Gatos, K. Ntirogiannis and I. Pratikakis, "ICDAR 2009 Document Image
Binarization Contest (DIBCO 2009)", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 1375-1382,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "Segmentation-free Word Spotting in
Historical Printed Documents", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 271-275,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos and S. J. Perantonis, "A Novel Feature Extraction
and Classification Methodology for the Recognition of Historical
Documents", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 491-495,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
A. Nicolaou and B. Gatos, "Handwritten Text Line Segmentation by
Shredding Text into its Lines", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 626-630,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
G. Louloudis, N. Stamatopoulos and B. Gatos, "A Novel Two Stage
Evaluation Methodology for Word Segmentation Techniques", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 686-690,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "A Methodology for
Document Image Dewarping Techniques Performance Evaluation", 10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 956-960,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "A Modified Adaptive
Logical Level Binarization Technique for Historical Document Images",
10th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'09), pp. 1171-1175,
Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
N. Stamatopoulos, G. Louloudis and B. Gatos, "A comprehensive evaluation
methodology for noisy historical document recognition techniques",
3rd Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data
(AND'09), pp. 47-54, Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
A. Kesidis, E. Galiotou, B. Gatos, A. Lampropoulos, I. Pratikakis, I.
Manolessou and A. Ralli, "Accessing the content of Greek historical
documents", 3rd Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured
Text Data (AND'09), pp. 55-62, Barcelona, Spain, July 2009.
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "Improved Document Image
Binarization by Using a Combination of Multiple Binarization Techniques
and Adapted Edge Information", 19th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'08),
ISBN: 978-1-4244-2175-6/08, Tampa,
Florida, USA, December 2008. Download
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "Efficient Binarization
of Historical and Degraded Document Images", 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'08),
pp. 447-454, Nara, Japan, September 2008.
N. Stamatopoulos,
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "A Two-Step Dewarping
of Camera Document Images", 8th
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'08), pp.
209-216, Nara,
Japan, September 2008. Download
K. Ntirogiannis,
B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "An Objective Evaluation Methodology for
Document Image Binarization Techniques", 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'08),
pp. 217-224, Nara, Japan, September 2008.
G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos, N. Stamatopoulos, and S.J.Perantonis, "A Complete
Optical Character Recognition Methodology for Historical Documents", 8th International Workshop on
Document Analysis Systems (DAS'08), pp. 525-532, Nara, Japan, September 2008.
M. Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos, and I. Pratikakis, "A Hybrid System for Text
Detection in Video Frames", 8th
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS'08), pp.
286-292, Nara,
Japan, September 2008. Download
T. Konidaris, B. Gatos, S. J. Perantonis and A. Kesidis, "Keyword
Matching in Historical Machine-Printed Documents Using Synthetic
Data,Word Portions and Dynamic TimeWarping", 8th International Workshop on Document Analysis
Systems (DAS'08), pp. 539-545, Nara, Japan, September 2008.
N. Stamatopoulos, B. Gatos and S. J. Perantonis, "A Method for Combining
Complementary Techniques for Document Image Segmentation", 11th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'08), pp. 235-240, Montreal, Canada, August 2008.
G. Louloudis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and C. Halatsis, "Line and Word
Segmentation of Handwritten Documents", 11th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
(ICFHR'08), pp. 247-252, Montreal, Canada, August 2008.
K. Ntirogiannis, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "An Objective Evaluation
Methodology for Handwritten Image Document Binarization Techniques", 11th International Conference on
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'08), pp. 586-591, Montreal, Canada,
August 2008. Download
G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos and S. J. Perantonis, "Hierarchical Classification
of Handwritten Characters based on Novel Structural Features", 11th International Conference on Frontiers in
Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR'08), pp. 535-539, Montreal, Canada, August 2008.
B. Gatos, A. Antonacopoulos and N. Stamatopoulos, "ICDAR2007 Handwriting
Segmentation Contest", 9th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'07), pp. 1284-1288, Curitiba, Brazil,
September 2007.
A. Antonacopoulos,
B. Gatos and D. Bridson, "ICDAR2007 Page Segmentation Competition",
9th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
(ICDAR'07), pp.
1279-1283, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007.
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and K. Ntirogiannis, "Segmentation Based
Recovery of Arbitrarily Warped Document Images",
9th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'07), pp.
989-993, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007.
M. Makridis, N. Nikolaou and B. Gatos, "An Efficient Word Segmentation
Technique for Historical and Degraded Machine-Printed Documents",
9th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'07), pp. 178-182, Curitiba, Brazil, September
G. Louloudis, B. Gatos and C. Halatsis, "Text Line Detection in
Unconstrained Handwritten Documents Using a Block-Based Hough Transform
9th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'07), pp. 599-603, Curitiba, Brazil, September
G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos, S. Petridis and N. Stamatopoulos, "An Efficient
Feature Extraction and Dimensionality Reduction Scheme for Isolated
Greek Handwritten Character Recognition",
9th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'07), pp.
1073-1077, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007.
N. Stamatopoulos,
B. Gatos and A. Kesidis, "Automatic Borders Detection of Camera Document
2nd International Workshop on Camera-Based Document
Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR'07), pp.
71-78, Curitiba, Brazil, September 2007.
G. Vamvakas, N. Stamatopoulos, B Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J.
Perantonis, "Greek Handwritten Character Recognition", 11th Panhellenic Conference on
Informatics (PCI 2007), pp. 343-352, Patras, Greece, May 2007.
M. Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis, "Text detection in video
frames", 11th
Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2007), pp. 361-370, Patras, Greece,
May 2007. Download
A. Kesidis and B. Gatos,
"A Robust Image Watermarking Technique Based on Spectrum Analysis and
Pseudorandom Sequences", 2nd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications (VISAPP 2007), pp. 121-126, Barcelona, Spain, March, 2007.
M. Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos and I. Pratikakis,
"Multiresolution Text Detection in Video Frames", 2nd International Conference on
Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2007), pp. 161-166, Barcelona,
Spain, March 2007. Download
M. Anthimopoulos, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, S. J. Perantonis,
"Detecting Text in Video Frames", The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal
Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2007),
ISBN: 978-0-88986-646-1, pp. 39-44, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2007.
B. Gatos and K. Ntirogiannis,
"Restoration of Arbitrarily Warped Document Images Based on Text Line and
Word Detection", The Fourth IASTED International Conference on Signal
Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications (SPPRA 2007),
ISBN: 978-0-88986-646-1, pp. 203-208, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2007.
G. Vamvakas, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, N. Stamatopoulos, A. Roniotis
and S.J. Perantonis, "Hybrid Off-Line OCR for Isolated Handwritten Greek
Characters", The Fourth IASTED
International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and
Applications (SPPRA 2007), ISBN: 978-0-88986-646-1, pp. 197-202, Innsbruck, Austria, February
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, A.L. Kesidis and S.J. Perantonis, "Efficient
Off-Line Cursive Handwritten Word Recognition", 10th International
Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR 2006),
pp. 121-125,
La Baule, France,
October 2006. Download
G. Louloudis, K. Halatsis, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, "A Block-Based Hough
Transform Mapping for Text Line Detection in Handwritten Documents",
10th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (IWFHR
2006), pp. 515-520, La Baule, France, October 2006.
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S.J. Perantonis, "Hybrid Off-Line Cursive
Handwritten Word Recognition", 18th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR2006), pp. 998-1001, Hong Kong, August 2006.
D. Kosmopoulos, S. Petridis, I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos, S.
Perantonis, V. Karkaletsis, G. Paliouras, "Knowledge Acquisition from
Multimedia Content using an Evolution Framework, 3rd. IFIP Conference
on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations, pp.
557-565, Athens, Greece,
June 2006. Download
Β. Gatos, T. Konidaris, I. Pratikakis and S. Perantonis, "A holistic
methodology for keyword search in historical typewritten documents",
4th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS), vol. 3955, pp. 490-493, Irakleion, Greece, May
2006. Download
I. Pratikakis, B. Gatos
and Stelios C.A. Thomopoulos, "Scene categorisation using low-level visual
features", International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and
Applications (VISAPP06), pp. 155-160, Setubal, Portugal, Feb. 25-28,
2006. Download
D. Spyropoulos, G. Paliouras, V. Karkaletsis, D. Kosmopoulos, I.
Pratikakis, S. Perantonis, B. Gatos, "BOEMIE: Bootstrapping Ontology
Evolution with Multimedia Information Extraction",
European Workshop
on Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media Technologies,
419-420, London, UK, November 2005. Download
B. Gatos, T. Konidaris, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "A
Segmentation-free Approach for Keyword Search in Historical Typewritten
Documents", 8th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05), pp. 54-58, Seoul, Korea, August
K. Ntzios, B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, T. Konidaris and S. J. Perantonis, "An
Old Greek Handwritten OCR System",
8th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05), pp. 64-68, Seoul, Korea, August
A. Antonacopoulos, B. Gatos and D. Bridson, "ICDAR2005 Page Segmentation
Competition", 8th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'05), pp. 75-79, Seoul, Korea, August
Β. Gatos, Ι. Pratikakis and Perantonis S.J. "Text detection in
indoor/outdoor scene images", First International Workshop on Camera-based
Document Analysis and Recognition (CBDAR'05),
pp. 127-132, Seoul, Korea, August 2005. Download
B. Gatos, D. Danatsas, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "Automatic
Table Detection in Document Images", 3rd International Conference on
Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR'05), pp. 612-621, Path, UK, August
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S.J. Perantonis, "Towards text
recognition in natural scene images", 5th International Conference on
Automation and Technology (ICTA'05),
pp. 354-359, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2005. Download
I. Pratikakis, I. Vanhamel, H. Sahli, B. Gatos and S. Perantonis,
"Object-driven content-based image
12th International Workshop on Systems, Signals and
Image Processing (IWSSIP'05), pp. 189-193, INDERSCIENCE Publishers, ISBN
0-907776-20-5, 22-24 September, Chalkida, Greece, 2005.
I. Pratikakis, I. Vanhamel, H, Sahli, B, Gatos and S. Perantonis,
"Watershed-driven region-based image retrieval",
International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, pp. 207-216,
Paris, France, 2005.
C.D. Spyropoulos, G. Paliouras, V. Karkaletsis, D. Kosmopoulos, I.
Pratikakis, S. Perantonis, B. Gatos, "BOEMIE: bootstrapping ontology
evolution with multimedia information extraction", 2nd European
Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantics and Digital Media
Technology (EWIMT 2005) pp. 419-420, 2005.
I. Pratikakis, I. Vanhamel, H.
Sahli, Z. Efraimidis, B. Gatos and S. Perantonis, "Unsupervised
region-based image retrieval", European
Workshop on the Integration of Knowledge, Semantic and Digital Media
Technologies, pp. 39-46, London, UK, 2004.
B. Gatos, K. Ntzios, I. Pratikakis, S. Petridis, T. Konidaris and S. J. Perantonis,
segmentation-free recognition technique to assist old Greek handwritten
manuscript OCR", IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis systems (DAS'2004),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3163), pp. 63-74, Florence, Italy,
September 2004. Download
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "An adaptive binarisation technique for
low quality historical documents",
IAPR Workshop on Document Analysis
systems (DAS’2004), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (3163), pp. 102-113,
Florence, Italy, September 2004. Download
B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis and S. J. Perantonis, "Locating Text in historical collection
manuscripts", 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence (3025), pp. 476-485, Samos, Greece,
May 2004.
S. J. Perantonis, B. Gatos, V. Maragos, V. Karkaletsis and G. Petasis, "Text Area
Identification in Web Images",
3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (3025), pp. 82-92, Samos,
Greece, May 2004. Download
B. Gatos, N. Papamarkos and S. J. Perantonis, "Comparing Point and Block
Representation in Computer Vision and Image Processing Tasks", 3rd Hellenic
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 217-226, Samos, Greece,
S. J.
Perantonis, B. Gatos and V. Maragos, "A Novel Web Image Processing
Algorithm for Text Area Identification that Helps Commercial OCR Engines
to Improve Their Web Image Recognition Efficiency", Second
International Workshop on Web Document Analysis (WDA2003), pp. 61-64, Edinburgh,
Scotland, August 2003. Download
Antonacopoulos, B. Gatos and D. Karatzas, "ICDAR 2003 Page
Segmentation Competition", 7th International Conference on Document
Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'03), pp. 688-692, Edinburgh, Scotland, August
B. Gatos and N.
Papamarkos, "Applying Fast Segmentation Techniques at a Binary Image
Represented by a Set of Non-Overlapping Blocks", Sixth
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'01),
pp. 1147-1151, Seattle, USA, September 2001.
B. Gatos, S. L.
Mantzaris and A. Antonacopoulos, “First International Newspaper
Segmentation Contest”, Sixth International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR'01), pp. 1190-1194, Seattle, USA,
September 2001. Download
B. Gatos, S. L.
Mantzaris and N. Gouraros, “An Integrated System for Creating a Digital
Library from Newspaper Archives”, Digital Resources for the
Humanities (DRH2001) Conference, page 37, London, U.K., July 2001.
S. L. Mantzaris,
B. Gatos and N. Gouraros, "Creating a Digital Library from Newspaper
Archives", 2001 Symposium on Document Image Understanding
Technology, pp. 285-287, Columbia, Maryland, April 2001.
B. Gatos, N.
Papamarkos, I. Andreadis and S. J. Perantonis, “Applying Morphological
Transformations on a Block Represented binary Image”, Fourth
International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS2000), pp.
487-495, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2000. Download
B. Gatos and S.
L. Mantzaris, “A novel recursive algorithm for area location using
isothetic polygons”, 15th International Conference on Pattern
Recognition (ICPR2000), pp. 496-499, Barcelona, Spain, September 2000.
S. L. Mantzaris,
B. Gatos, N. Gouraros and P. Tzavelis, “Integrated Search Tools for
Newspaper Digital Libraries”, ACM Conference on Research and
Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2000), page 389, Athens,
Greece, July 2000. Download
B. Gatos, N.
Gouraros, S. L. Mantzaris and P. Tzavelis, "A Digital Library from
Newspaper Archives", demonstration at Digital Libraries 2000:The Fifth ACM
Conference on Digital Libraries (DL'00), San Antonio, Texas, June 2000.
S.L. Mantzaris,
B. Gatos, N. Gouraros and S. J. Perantonis, “Linking Article Parts for the
Creation of a Newspaper Digital Library”, Content-Based
Multimedia Information Access International Conference (RIAO2000), pp.
997-1005, Paris, France, April 2000. Download
B. Gatos, S. L.
Mantzaris, K. V. Chandrinos, A. Tsigris and S. J. Perantonis, "Integrated
Algorithms for Newspaper Page Decomposition and Article Tracking", Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition
(ICDAR'99), pp. 559-562, Bangalore, India, September 1999.
B. Gatos, N.
Gouraros, S. Mantzaris, S. Perantonis, A. Tsigris, P. Tzavelis and N.
Vassilas, “A new Method for Segmenting Newspaper Articles”, Second European Conference On Research and Advanced Technology for Digital
Libraries (ECDL’98), pp. 695-696, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September
1998. Download
S. Perantonis,
B. Gatos and N. Papamarkos, "Image segmentation and linear feature
identification using rectangular block decomposition", Third
IEEE Int. Conf. On Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 96, pp.
183-186, Rodos, Greece, 1996.
N. Papamarkos,
J. Tzortzakis and B. Gatos, "Determination of Run-Length smoothing values
for document segmentation”, Third IEEE Int. Conf. On
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 96, pp. 684-687, Rodos, Greece,
1996. Download
A. Benaki, B.
Gatos, E. Karamani, D. Karras, S. Perantonis, N. Basilas, H. Harou, S.
Varoufakis, "A sensor driven robot arm for playing chess", 5th Hellenic Conference on Informatics – Session: Artificial Intelligence
I, pp. 471-480, Athens, Greece, December 1995.
B. Gatos,
“Optical Character Recognition Techniques”, 5th Hellenic Conference on
Informatics – Session: Ph.D. Consortium I, Athens, Greece, December 1995.
B. Gatos and N.
Papamarkos, " On the development of an OCR system based on curvature
features", IEEE International Symposium on Industrial
Electronics (ISIE'95), pp. 205-210, Athens, July 10-14,1995
B. Gatos, N.
Papamarkos and C. Chamzas, "Skew detection of digitized documents using
cross-correlation", 5th International Conf. On Advances in
Communication & Control - Telecommunications/Signal Processing in the
Multimedia Era (COMCON 5), pp. 124-130, Rethymno, Greece, 1995.
A. Benaki, B.
Gatos, E. Karamani, D. Karras, S. Perantonis, N. Basilas and N. Gaitanis,
"A Robot Hand-Eye Coordination System for 3-D Object Recognition Using
Novel Neural Networks Trained with Multiview Moments", European Robotics and Intelligence Systems Conference (EURISCON '94), pp.
1692-1701, Malaga, Spain, 1994.
T. Tambourantzi
and B. Gatos, "A Topology-Preserving Harmony Theory Network for Optical
Character Recognition", 4th International Conference on
Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN '94) from the Springer Verlag LTD.
London, p. 977, Sorento, Italy, May 1994.
B. Gatos and N.
Papamarkos, " A novel method for character recognition", Proc. of the
International Conf. On Advances in Communication & Control -
Telecommunications/Signal Processing in the Multimedia Era (COMCON 4), pp.
493-503, Rodos, Greece, June 1993.
B. Gatos, D.
Karras and S. Perantonis, "Optical Character Recognition Using Novel
Feature Extraction & Neural Network Classification Techniques", Proc. of
the Workshop on Neural Network Application and Tools, IEEE Computer
Society Press, pp. 65-72, Liverpool, UK, September 1993.