Hand-written digits and Pendigits data set

A data set (download) composed of 3854 images of dimension 20×20, extracted from the MNIST data base [1]. Every image of the data set is represented through a 400 dimensional vector, and corresponds to a handwritten digit in the range 5 to 9. A matlab script (download) with execution instructions.

A data set (download) composed of 10992 pen-based handwritten digits. Each digit is represented by a 16-dimensional vector corresponding to (x, y) coordinates. The original data set as well corresponding information can be downladed from UCI machine learning repository [2], additional information can be found in [3]. A matlab script (download) with execution instructions.

[1]: Link 1

[2]: Link 2

[3]: I. S. Dhillon, et, al, “Kernel kmeans,Spectral Clustering and Normalized Cuts”, KDD ’04 Proceedings of the 10th ACM SIGKDD, Pages 551-556